koji-tool: Koji CLI tool for querying tasks and installing builds

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koji-tool is a CLI interface to Koji with commands to query builds, tasks, install rpms, and track buildlog sizes.

Koji is the RPM-based buildsystem of Fedora Linux and CentOS.

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Maintainer's Corner

Package maintainers

For package maintainers and hackage trustees


Versions [RSS] 0.6, 0.6.1, 0.7, 0.8, 0.8.1, 0.8.2, 0.8.3, 0.8.4, 0.8.5, 0.8.6, 0.8.7, 0.9, 0.9.1, 0.9.2, 0.9.3, 0.9.4, 0.9.5, 1.0, 1.0.1, 1.1, 1.1.1, 1.2
Change log ChangeLog.md
Dependencies base (<5), directory, extra, filepath, format-numbers, Glob, http-common (<, http-conduit, http-directory (>=0.1.9), koji (>=0.0.2), pretty-simple, rpm-nvr (>=0.1.1), simple-cmd, simple-cmd-args, text, time, utf8-string, xdg-userdirs [details]
Tested with ghc ==8.4.4 || ==8.6.5 || ==8.8.4 || ==8.10.7 || ==9.0.2
License BSD-3-Clause
Copyright 2021-2022 Jens Petersen <petersen@redhat.com>
Author Jens Petersen <petersen@redhat.com>
Maintainer Jens Petersen <petersen@redhat.com>
Category Utility
Home page https://github.com/juhp/koji-tool
Bug tracker https://github.com/juhp/koji-tool/issues
Source repo head: git clone https://github.com/juhp/koji-tool.git
Uploaded by JensPetersen at 2022-03-02T17:32:55Z
Distributions Fedora:1.1.1, LTSHaskell:1.2, Stackage:1.2
Executables koji-tool
Downloads 1423 total (52 in the last 30 days)
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Status Docs not available [build log]
Last success reported on 2022-03-02 [all 1 reports]

Readme for koji-tool-0.8

[back to package description]


A CLI UI to the Koji buildsystem with commands to query builds and tasks, install rpms, and check buildlog sizes.

Koji is the RPM package buildsystem used by Fedora, CentOS, and some other projects.

By default Fedora Koji is used.

A few illustrative examples:

koji-tool tasks --mine --latest --state fail --tail: shows details of your last buildArch failure and the tail of the build.log.

koji-tool install systemd: will try to install or update to the newest rpm packages from koji.

koji-tool builds --package firefox -L -s complete: shows the last successful build with a url and other details.


$ koji-tool --help
Query and track Koji tasks, and install rpms from Koji.

Usage: koji-tool [--version] COMMAND
  see https://github.com/juhp/koji-tool#readme

Available options:
  -h,--help                Show this help text
  --version                Show version

Available commands:
  builds                   Query Koji builds (by default lists most recent
  tasks                    Query Koji tasks (by default lists most recent
                           buildArch tasks)
  install                  Install rpm packages directly from a Koji build task
  progress                 Track running Koji tasks by buildlog size
  buildlog-sizes           Show buildlog sizes for nvr patterns

koji-tool builds

Query Koji for builds.

Somewhat like koji list-builds --quiet ..., but it shows duration, and kojiweb urls. It uses date to parse a specified date string and can use an NVR glob pattern to select builds.


By default lists up to 10 Fedora Koji builds.

$ koji-tool builds --help
Usage: koji-tool builds [-H|--hub HUB] [(-u|--user USER) | (-M|--mine)]
                        [(-L|--latest) | (-l|--limit INT)] [-s|--state STATE]
                        [(-B|--before TIMESTAMP) | (-F|--from TIMESTAMP)]
                        [-t|--type TYPE] [-d|--details] [-D|--debug]
                        [(-b|--build BUILD) | (-p|--package PKG) | NVRPATTERN]
  Query Koji builds (by default lists most recent builds)

Available options:
  -H,--hub HUB             KojiHub shortname or url (HUB = fedora, stream,
                           rpmfusion, or URL) [default: fedora]
  -u,--user USER           Koji user
  -M,--mine                Your tasks (krb fasid)
  -L,--latest              Latest build
  -l,--limit INT           Maximum number of builds to show [default: 10]
  -s,--state STATE         Filter builds by state
  -B,--before TIMESTAMP    Builds completed before timedate [default: now]
  -F,--from TIMESTAMP      Builds completed after timedate
  -t,--type TYPE           Select builds by type: all,image,maven,module,rpm,win
  -d,--details             Show more details of builds
  -D,--debug               Pretty-print raw XML result
  -b,--build BUILD         Show build details
  -p,--package PKG         Builds of package
  -h,--help                Show this help text


$ koji-tool builds --from "last week" -s fail

lists your builds that failed in the last week.

List builds of a package:

$ koji-tool builds redhat-rpm-config*.fc37 --latest

redhat-rpm-config-214-1.fc37 BuildComplete
Start: Thu Feb 10 23:45:28 +08 2022
End:   Thu Feb 10 23:47:32 +08 2022
duration: 0h 2m 4s

koji-tool tasks

Query Koji for tasks.

Somewhat like koji list-tasks --quiet --all ..., but it shows duration, kojiweb urls and build.log size, and it uses date to parse a specified date string and can filter task results by package or nvr prefix.


By default it lists 10 most recent Fedora Koji buildArch tasks.

$ koji-tool tasks --help
Usage: koji-tool tasks [-H|--hub HUB] [(-u|--user USER) | (-M|--mine)]
                       [(-L|--latest) | (-l|--limit INT)] [-s|--state STATE]
                       [-a|--arch ARCH]
                       [(-B|--before TIMESTAMP) | (-F|--from TIMESTAMP)]
                       [-m|--method METHOD] [-d|--details] [-D|--debug]
                       [(-P|--only-package PKG) | (-N|--only-nvr PREFIX)]
                       [(-t|--task TASKID) | (-c|--children TASKID) |
                         (-b|--build BUILD) | (-p|--package PKG) | NVRPATTERN]
  Query Koji tasks (by default lists most recent buildArch tasks)

Available options:
  -H,--hub HUB             KojiHub shortname or url (HUB = fedora, stream,
                           rpmfusion, or URL) [default: fedora]
  -u,--user USER           Koji user
  -M,--mine                Your tasks (krb fasid)
  -L,--latest              Latest build or task
  -l,--limit INT           Maximum number of tasks to show [default: 10]
  -s,--state STATE         Filter tasks by state
  -a,--arch ARCH           Task arch
  -B,--before TIMESTAMP    Tasks completed before timedate [default: now]
  -F,--from TIMESTAMP      Tasks completed after timedate
  -m,--method METHOD       Select tasks by method (default 'buildArch'):
  -d,--details             Show more details of builds
  -D,--debug               Pretty-print raw XML result
  -P,--only-package PKG    Filter task results to specified package
  -N,--only-nvr PREFIX     Filter task results by NVR prefix
  -T,--tail                Fetch the tail of build.log
  -t,--task TASKID         Show task
  -c,--children TASKID     List child tasks of parent
  -b,--build BUILD         List child tasks of build
  -p,--package PKG         Build tasks of package
  -h,--help                Show this help text


$ koji-tool tasks -a aarch64 --from "last week" -s fail

lists your arm64 tasks that failed in the last week.

Show latest newRepo task:

$ koji-tool tasks --method newrepo --latest

module-perl-IO-Socket-SSL-2 newRepo TaskOpen
Start: Thu Mar  3 00:57:43 +08 2022
current duration: 0h 0m 16s

List package build tasks:

$ koji-tool tasks --package redhat-rpm-config --latest

redhat-rpm-config-214-1.eln114 noarch TaskClosed
https://koji.fedoraproject.org/koji/taskinfo?taskID=82667980 (parent: 82667916)
Start: Fri Feb 11 15:08:30 +08 2022
End:   Fri Feb 11 15:10:09 +08 2022
duration: 0h 1m 39s

koji-tool install

Download and install rpms from a Koji build or task.

By default it only downloads binaries of already-installed subpackages, but there are options to list and select or exclude specific subpackages.

Note this command is intended for development and testing purposes and should not be necessary/used normally on production systems, but it can be very helpful for quickly testing an specific package build or update.


$ koji-tool install podman

will download the latest build for your Fedora version, and try to install it. Use --disttag suffix to select a different Fedora version.

$ koji-tool install TASKID --exclude "*-devel"

will install all the non-devel subpackages from the task.

One can use --hub to specify a different Koji hub build service.

Selecting subpackages

By default only installed subpackages are downloaded and updated, but the following options change the behavior:

--package: select subpackages by name or glob pattern (this doesn't work currently for multiple builds/tasks)

--exclude: exclude subpackages by name or glob pattern

--all: install all subpackages

--ask: ask about each subpackage


$ koji-tool install --help
Usage: koji-tool install [-n|--dry-run] [-D|--debug] [-H|--hub HUB]
                         [-P|--packages-url URL] [-l|--list] [-L|--latest]
                         [(-a|--all) | (-A|--ask) | [-p|--package SUBPKG]
                           [-x|--exclude SUBPKG]] [-d|--disttag DISTTAG]
                         [(-R|--nvr) | (-V|--nv)] PKG|NVR|TASKID...
  Install rpm packages directly from a Koji build task

Available options:
  -n,--dry-run             Don't actually download anything
  -D,--debug               More detailed output
  -H,--hub HUB             KojiHub shortname or url (HUB = fedora, stream,
                           rpmfusion, or URL) [default: fedora]
  -P,--packages-url URL    KojiFiles packages url [default: Fedora]
  -l,--list                List builds
  -L,--latest              Latest build
  -a,--all                 all subpackages
  -A,--ask                 ask for each subpackge [default if not installed]
  -p,--package SUBPKG      Subpackage (glob) to install
  -x,--exclude SUBPKG      Subpackage (glob) not to install
  -d,--disttag DISTTAG     Use a different disttag [default: .fc35]
  -R,--nvr                 Give an N-V-R instead of package name
  -V,--nv                  Give an N-V instead of package name
  -h,--help                Show this help text

koji-tool progress

Shows the progress of active koji builds tasks by checking the size of their build.log files.

This is useful for monitoring the build progress of large packages that take a long time to complete for which some arch's may take considerably longer.


$ koji-tool progress --mine
$ koji-tool progress 81148584  # ← Koji taskid
23:19:19 vim-8.2.4068-1.fc36 (81148584)
aarch64    351kB [109,133 B/min]
armhfp     133kB [ 65,244 B/min]
ppc64le    493kB [141,598 B/min] TaskClosed
s390x      558kB [100,481 B/min] TaskClosed

The buildlog-sizes command is similar but runs once over nvr patterns.


Builds for fedora are available in copr.


cabal-rpm builddep && cabal install or stack install.


The query, install, progress, buildlog-sizes were originally separate programs and projects (koji-query, koji-install, koji-progress), and merged together into koji-install (after 0.5) and renamed to koji-tool. See the other original repos for their history.