Packages tagged utility

68 packages have this tag.

[Merge tag] (trustees only)

Related tags: program (49), library (34), bsd3 (22), mit (18), gpl (14), agpl (4), combinators (4), deprecated (4), functions (4), data (3), text (3), parsing (2), apache (1), bsd2 (1), console (1), control (1), desktop (1), desktop-environment (1), development (1), ...

Rev Deps
Last U/L
Last Version
JYU-Utils50.02Some utility functions for JYU projects (library, mit, utility)2011-09-
Webrexp50.01Regexp-like engine to scrap web data (bsd3, library, program, utility)2013-05-281.1.2VincentBerthoux
alea170.01a diceware passphrase generator (mit, program, utility)2017-08-
autoexporter712.04Automatically re-export modules. (library, mit, program, utility)2025-02-
bento (deprecated)72.01🍱 Manage stateful components. (deprecated, library, mit, utility)2016-04-160.1.0fozworth
bisc130.00A small tool that clears cookies (and more). (gpl, program, utility)2022-01-
cold-widow71.50File transfer via QR Codes. (bsd3, library, program, utility)2016-10-310.1.2mihaigiurgeanu
debug-me100.01secure remote debugging (agpl, program, utility)2022-12-311.20221231JoeyHess
dl-fedora580.00Fedora image download tool (gpl, program, utility)2025-03-072.0JensPetersen
dnf-repo240.00A dnf wrapper with fine control of enabled repos (gpl, program, utility)2024-06-140.6.1JensPetersen
embla30.00execute actions periodically while avoiding drift (bsd3, library, utility)2019-05-030.1chessai
exceptionfree-readfile80.00An exception-free readFile for use with '+RTS -xc -RTS' projects (bsd3, library, utility)2020-01-
fcd30.01A faster way to navigate directories using the command line. (library, mit, program, utility)2014-10-
fedora-composes40.00Query Fedora composes (bsd3, program, utility)2024-09-090.2.1JensPetersen
fedora-img-dl (deprecated in favor of dl-fedora)70.00Fedora image download tool (deprecated, gpl, program, utility)2019-06-030.4JensPetersen
fedora-repoquery240.00Fedora release repos package query tool (gpl, program, utility)2024-09-080.7.1JensPetersen
findhttp40.00List http/html files (gpl, program, utility)2022-10-190.1.1JensPetersen
flow912.510Write more understandable Haskell. (combinators, functions, library, mit, utility)2025-02-
flow-er50.01More directional operators (combinators, functions, library, mit, utility)2016-06-131.0.3expede
git-annex9772.01manage files with git, without checking their contents into git (agpl, program, utility)2025-01-1510.20250115JoeyHess
git-repair372.01repairs a damaged git repository (agpl, program, utility)2023-08-141.20230814JoeyHess
github-backup370.01backs up everything github knows about a repository, to the repository (gpl, program, utility)2020-07-221.20200721JoeyHess
github-release800.00Upload files to GitHub releases. (library, mit, program, utility)2025-02-
gnome-desktop30.01Randomly set a picture as the GNOME desktop background (program, utility)2009-06-
gw20.00ghcWithPackages cmdline util (bsd3, program, utility)2019-05-120.1chessai
hascal150.01tiny calculator library and command-line program (console, library, math, parsing, program, tools, utility, utils)2017-02-273.0.1DagOdenhall, MekeorMelire
hashrename70.01Rename every file in a directory with his SHA1 hash. (gpl, program, utility)2018-01-300.1.1.0rnhmjoj
haskades50.01Utility to generate bindings for BlackBerry Cascades (program, utility)2014-10-020.2.1StephenWeber
hasql-url60.00Parse PostgreSQL connection URI into Hasql.Connection Settings (library, mit, utility)2023-12-
herbalizer80.01HAML to ERB translator (mit, program, utility)2013-04-180.4.9DanielChoi
hinduce-missingh80.07Utility functions (bsd3, library, utility)2012-01-
hsinstall332.00Install Haskell software (library, program, utility)2023-01-282.8DinoMorelli
hutton (deprecated)30.01A program for the button on Reddit. (deprecated, mit, program, utility)2015-04-191.0.0fozworth
inventory140.00Project statistics and definition analysis (bsd3, library, program, utility)2023-03-
keysafe160.01back up a secret key securely to the cloud (agpl, program, utility)2020-02-140.20200214JoeyHess
koji-install (deprecated in favor of koji-tool)120.00CLI tool for installing rpms directly from Fedora Koji (bsd3, deprecated, program, utility)2021-12-280.5JensPetersen
koji-tool370.00Koji CLI tool for querying tasks and installing builds (bsd3, program, utility)2024-07-271.2JensPetersen
lsfrom260.00List directory files starting from a specific name (bsd3, program, utility)2025-02-102.0JensPetersen
mbox-tools100.01A collection of tools to process mbox files (bsd3, email, program, utility)2011-10-
meta-misc50.01Utility library providing miscellaneous meta-programming utilities. (bsd3, data, generics, language, library, utility)2014-12-
monad-gen170.04A simple monad for generating fresh integers (library, mit, utility)2014-12-
mustache2hs80.01Utility to generate Haskell code from Mustache templates (program, utility)2013-09-230.3StephenWeber
native70.00Native library manager for Windows (bsd3, library, program, utility)2016-04-
not-in-base60.02Useful utility functions that only depend on base. (library, utility)2010-06-140.1.1OscarFinnsson
op60.00Common operators encouraging large-scale easy reading (apache, combinators, control, functions, library, utility)2019-12-
ostree-pin30.00Tool to update ostree deployment pin (gpl, program, utility)2023-10-300.1.1JensPetersen
overhang122.251Hang loose with your lambdas! (combinators, functions, library, mit, utility)2018-02-021.0.0jship
pagure-cli180.00A Pagure gitforge query tool (gpl, program, utility)2024-05-060.2.2JensPetersen
pinned-warnings230.00Preserve warnings in a GHCi session (bsd3, development, library, utility)2024-05-
pkgtreediff160.00RPM package tree diff tool (gpl, library, program, utility)2022-10-270.6.0JensPetersen
place-cursor-at70.00A utility for X11 that moves the mouse cursor using the keyboard (desktop, desktop-environment, gpl, gui, program, utility, x11)2021-03-201.0.1unclechu
propellor1512.01property-based host configuration management in haskell (bsd2, library, program, utility)2023-06-105.17JoeyHess
pub190.01Pipe stdin to a redis pub/sub channel (bsd3, program, utility)2017-05-293.0.0ParnellSpringmeyer
puffytools20.01A CLI assistant (bsd3, library, program, utility)2014-12-
rating-chgk-info60.00Client for API and CSV tables (documentation in Russian) (bsd3, library, program, utility)2019-07-
rosa180.01Query the namecoin blockchain (gpl, program, utility)2022-06-
rosso30.01General purpose utility library (bsd3, library, utility)2011-06-211.0RobertHenderson
route-generator120.01Utility to generate routes for use with yesod-routes (program, utility)2013-09-280.6.1StephenWeber
rpmostree-update40.00rpm-ostree update wrapper that caches change info (bsd3, program, utility)2023-04-100.1.2JensPetersen
servant-docs-simple160.00Generate endpoints overview for Servant API (library, mit, utility)2021-09-
skeleton20.01a tool to access the OSX keychain (mit, program, utility)2015-07-
skopedate30.00Check dates of container images (mit, program, utility)2023-08-110.1JensPetersen
storable-offset20.00Storable offsets for record fields (bsd3, ffi, library, utility)2022-05-
strings210.07Functions for working with strings, including Text, ByteString, etc. (library, mit, string, text, utility)2013-05-261.1JulianFleischer
svgsym50.00A tool to prune unused symbols from icon SVG files. (gpl, program, utility)2024-02-
sync-mht200.01Fast incremental file transfer using Merkle-Hash-Trees (library, mit, program, utility)2016-07-
tn100.01A simple daily journal program (data, library, program, text, utility)2016-05-
vflow-types30.00types for ingesting vflow data with aeson (bsd3, data, library, parsing, text, utility)2019-05-210.1chessai