{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}

module Krank.Types
  ( GithubKey (..),
    GitlabHost (..),
    GitlabKey (..),
    Violation (..),
    ViolationLevel (..),
    KrankConfig (..),
    SourcePos (..),
    Localized (..),
    MonadKrank (..),

import Control.Exception.Safe (MonadCatch)
import Data.Aeson (FromJSON)
import Data.ByteString
import Data.Map (Map)
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Network.HTTP.Req as Req

newtype GithubKey = GithubKey Text deriving (Show)

newtype GitlabKey = GitlabKey Text deriving (Show)

newtype GitlabHost = GitlabHost Text deriving (Show, Ord, Eq)

data ViolationLevel = Info | Warning | Error deriving (Show)

data SourcePos
  = SourcePos
      { file :: FilePath,
        lineNumber :: Int,
        colNumber :: Int
  deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)

-- | Represents a localized chunk of information
-- in a file
data Localized t
  = Localized
      { getLocation :: SourcePos,
        unLocalized :: t
  deriving (Show, Eq)

data Violation
  = Violation
      { -- | A textual representation of the checker. Most of the time that's
        -- the chunck of text parsed
        checker :: Text,
        -- | The 'ViolationLevel' associated with the result
        level :: ViolationLevel,
        -- | A message describing the error
        message :: Text,
        -- | The position in the input sources of the chunck
        location :: SourcePos
  deriving (Show)

data KrankConfig
  = KrankConfig
      { -- | The github oAuth token
        githubKey :: Maybe GithubKey,
        -- | The gitlab oAuth token
        gitlabKeys :: Map GitlabHost GitlabKey,
        -- | If 'True', all IO operations, such as HTTP requests, are ignored
        dryRun :: Bool,
        -- | Use color for formatting
        useColors :: Bool
  deriving (Show)

-- | This monad represents all the effect that Krank needs
class (Monad m, MonadCatch m) => MonadKrank m where
  -- | Run a REST requet
  krankRunRESTRequest :: FromJSON t => Req.Url 'Req.Https -> Req.Option 'Req.Https -> m t

  -- | Read the configuration
  krankAsks :: (KrankConfig -> b) -> m b

  -- * Concurrency

  -- | Apply a function on many item in a concurrent way
  krankMapConcurrently :: (a -> m b) -> [a] -> m [b]

  krankForConcurrently :: [a] -> (a -> m b) -> m [b]
  krankForConcurrently = flip krankMapConcurrently

  -- * IO Part

  -- | Read a file from filesystem
  krankReadFile :: FilePath -> m ByteString

  -- | Log an error (with trailing \n)
  krankPutStrLnStderr :: Text -> m ()

  -- | Log a message (without trailing \n)
  krankPutStr :: Text -> m ()