{-# LANGUAGE PatternSynonyms #-}
module Lambdabot.Plugin.Haskell.UnMtl (unmtlPlugin) where
import Lambdabot.Plugin
import qualified Lambdabot.Plugin as Lmb (Module)
import Lambdabot.Util.Parser (prettyPrintInLine)
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad
import Language.Haskell.Exts.Simple as Hs hiding (tuple, var)
unmtlPlugin :: Lmb.Module ()
unmtlPlugin = newModule
{ moduleCmds = return
[ (command "unmtl")
{ help = say "unroll mtl monads"
, process = say . either ("err: " ++) prettyPrintInLine . mtlParser
data PMonad a = PMonad
{ pResult :: a
, pError :: Maybe String
, pFun :: Maybe (PType -> PType)
type PType = PMonad Type
instance Functor PMonad where
fmap = liftM
instance Applicative PMonad where
pure = return
(<*>) = ap
instance Monad PMonad where
return t = PMonad t Nothing Nothing
m >>= g = let x = g (pResult m)
in PMonad (pResult x) (pError m `mplus` pError x) Nothing
type P = PType
lift0 :: P -> Type -> P
lift1 :: (P -> P) -> Type -> P
lift2 :: (P -> P -> P) -> Type -> P
lift3 :: (P -> P -> P -> P) -> Type -> P
lift4 :: (P -> P -> P -> P -> P) -> Type -> P
lift5 :: (P -> P -> P -> P -> P -> P) -> Type -> P
lift0 f _ = f
lift1 f n = mkPfun n (lift0 . f)
lift2 f n = mkPfun n (lift1 . f)
lift3 f n = mkPfun n (lift2 . f)
lift4 f n = mkPfun n (lift3 . f)
lift5 f n = mkPfun n (lift4 . f)
mkPfun :: Type -> (PType -> Type -> PType) -> PType
mkPfun n cont = PMonad n (Just msg) (Just fun)
where fun p = cont p (TyApp n (pResult p))
msg = "`" ++ prettyPrintInLine n ++ "' is not applied to enough arguments" ++ full fun ['A'..'Z'] "/\\"
full p (x:xs) l = case p (con [x]) of
PMonad{pFun = Just p'} -> full p' xs l'
PMonad{pError = Just _} -> "."
PMonad{pResult = t } -> ", giving `" ++ init l' ++ ". " ++ prettyPrintInLine t ++ "'"
where l' = l ++ [x] ++ " "
full _ [] _ = error "UnMtl plugin error: ampty list"
infixr 5 -->
infixl 6 $$
(-->) :: PType -> PType -> PType
a --> b = liftM2 cu a b
cu :: Type -> Type -> Type
cu (TyTuple _ xs) y = foldr TyFun y xs
cu a b = TyFun a b
($$) :: PType -> PType -> PType
($$) PMonad{ pFun=Just f } x = f x
($$) f x = PMonad
{ pResult = TyApp (pResult f) (pResult x)
, pError = pError f `mplus`
if isFunction (pResult f) then Nothing else
Just $ "`" ++ prettyPrintInLine (pResult f) ++ "' is not a type function."
, pFun = Nothing
isFunction (TyFun _ _) = False
isFunction (TyTuple _ _) = False
isFunction _ = True
con, var :: String -> PType
con = return . TyCon . UnQual . Ident
var = return . TyVar . Ident
tuple :: [PType] -> PType
tuple = liftM (TyTuple Boxed . concatMap unpack) . sequence
unpack (TyTuple _ xs) = xs
unpack x = [x]
forall_ :: String -> (PType -> PType) -> PType
forall_ x f = var ("forall " ++ x ++ ".") $$ f (var x)
types :: [(String, Type -> PType)]
types =
[ ("Cont", lift2 $ \r a -> (a --> r) --> r)
, ("ContT", lift3 $ \r m a -> (a --> m $$ r) --> m $$ r)
, ("ErrorT", lift3 $ \e m a -> m $$ (con "Either" $$ e $$ a))
, ("Identity", lift1 $ \ a -> a)
, ("ListT", lift2 $ \ m a -> m $$ (return list_tycon $$ a))
, ("RWS", lift4 $ \r w s a -> r --> s --> tuple [a, s, w])
, ("RWST", lift5 $ \r w s m a -> r --> s --> m $$ tuple [a, s, w])
, ("Reader", lift2 $ \r a -> r --> a)
, ("ReaderT", lift3 $ \r m a -> r --> m $$ a)
, ("Writer", lift2 $ \ w a -> tuple [a, w])
, ("WriterT", lift3 $ \ w m a -> m $$ tuple [a, w])
, ("State", lift2 $ \ s a -> s --> tuple [a, s ])
, ("StateT", lift3 $ \ s m a -> s --> m $$ tuple [a, s ])
, ("MaybeT", lift2 $ \ m a -> m $$ (con "Maybe" $$ a))
, ("Rand", lift2 $ \g a -> g --> tuple [a, g])
, ("RandT", lift3 $ \g m a -> g --> m $$ tuple [a, g])
, ("NonDet", lift1 $ \ a -> forall_ "b" $ \b -> (a --> b --> b) --> b --> b)
, ("NonDetT", lift2 $ \ m a -> forall_ "b" $ \b -> (a --> m $$ b --> m $$ b) --> m $$ b --> m $$ b)
mtlParser :: String -> Either String Type
mtlParser input = do
hsMod <- liftE $ parseModule ("type X = " ++ input ++ "\n")
decls <- case hsMod of
(Hs.Module _ _ _ decls) -> return decls
_ -> Left "Not a module?"
hsType <- case decls of
(TypeDecl _ hsType:_) -> return hsType
_ -> Left "No parse?"
let result = mtlParser' hsType
case pError result of
Just e -> Left e
Nothing -> return (pResult result)
liftE (ParseOk a) = return a
liftE (ParseFailed _src str) = Left str
mtlParser' :: Type -> PType
mtlParser' t@(TyCon (UnQual (Ident v))) = case lookup v types of
Just pt -> pt t
Nothing -> return t
mtlParser' (TyApp a b) = mtlParser' a $$ mtlParser' b
mtlParser' (TyParen t) = mtlParser' t
mtlParser' t = return t