{-# LANGUAGE PatternGuards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
module Lambdabot.Plugin.Novelty.Quote (quotePlugin) where
import Lambdabot.Plugin
import Lambdabot.Util
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as P
import Data.Char
import Data.Fortune
import Data.List
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Data.Maybe
import Text.Regex.TDFA
type Key = P.ByteString
type Quotes = M.Map Key [P.ByteString]
type Quote = ModuleT Quotes LB
quotePlugin :: Module (M.Map P.ByteString [P.ByteString])
quotePlugin = newModule
{ moduleSerialize = Just mapListPackedSerial
, moduleDefState = return M.empty
, moduleInit = modifyMS (M.filter (not . null))
, moduleCmds = return
[ (command "quote")
{ help = say "quote <nick>: Quote <nick> or a random person if no nick is given"
, process = runQuote . strip isSpace
, (command "remember")
{ help = say "remember <nick> <quote>: Remember that <nick> said <quote>."
, process = runRemember . strip isSpace
, (command "forget")
{ help = say "forget nick quote. Delete a quote"
, process = runForget . strip isSpace
, (command "ghc")
{ help = say "ghc. Choice quotes from GHC."
, process = const (fortune ["ghc"])
, (command "fortune")
{ help = say "fortune. Provide a random fortune"
, process = const (fortune [])
, (command "yow")
{ help = say "yow. The zippy man."
, process = const (fortune ["zippy"])
, (command "arr")
{ help = say "arr. Talk to a pirate"
, process = const (fortune ["arr"])
, (command "yarr")
{ help = say "yarr. Talk to a scurvy pirate"
, process = const (fortune ["arr", "yarr"])
, (command "keal")
{ help = say "keal. Talk like Keal"
, process = const (fortune ["keal"])
, (command "b52s")
{ help = say "b52s. Anyone noticed the b52s sound a lot like zippy?"
, process = const (fortune ["b52s"])
, (command "pinky")
{ help = say "pinky. Pinky and the Brain"
, process = \s -> fortune $ if "pondering" `isInfixOf` s
then ["pinky-pondering"]
else ["pinky-pondering", "pinky"]
, (command "brain")
{ help = say "brain. Pinky and the Brain"
, process = const (fortune ["brain"])
, (command "palomer")
{ help = say "palomer. Sound a bit like palomer on a good day."
, process = const (fortune ["palomer"])
, (command "girl19")
{ help = say "girl19 wonders what \"discriminating hackers\" are."
, process = const (fortune ["girl19"])
, (command "v")
{ aliases = ["yhjulwwiefzojcbxybbruweejw"]
, help = getCmdName >>= \v -> case v of
"v" -> say "let v = show v in v"
_ -> say "V RETURNS!"
, process = const (fortune ["notoriousV"])
, (command "protontorpedo")
{ help = say "protontorpedo is silly"
, process = const (fortune ["protontorpedo"])
, (command "nixon")
{ help = say "Richard Nixon's finest."
, process = const (fortune ["nixon"])
, (command "farber")
{ help = say "Farberisms in the style of David Farber."
, process = const (fortune ["farber"])
fortune :: [FilePath] -> Cmd Quote ()
fortune xs = io (resolveFortuneFiles All xs >>= randomFortune) >>= say
runRemember :: String -> Cmd Quote ()
runRemember str
| null rest = say "Incorrect arguments to quote"
| otherwise = do
withMS $ \fm writer -> do
let ss = fromMaybe [] (M.lookup (P.pack nm) fm)
fm' = M.insert (P.pack nm) (P.pack q : ss) fm
writer fm'
say =<< randomSuccessMsg
(nm,rest) = break isSpace str
q = drop 1 rest
runForget :: String -> Cmd Quote ()
runForget str
| null rest = say "Incorrect arguments to quote"
| otherwise = do
ss <- withMS $ \fm writer -> do
let ss = fromMaybe [] (M.lookup (P.pack nm) fm)
fm' = case delete (P.pack q) ss of
[] -> M.delete (P.pack nm) fm
ss' -> M.insert (P.pack nm) ss' fm
writer fm'
return ss
say $ if P.pack q `elem` ss
then "Done."
else "No match."
(nm,rest) = break isSpace str
q = drop 1 rest
runQuote :: String -> Cmd Quote ()
runQuote str =
say =<< search (P.pack nm) (P.pack pat) =<< readMS
where (nm, p) = break isSpace str
pat = drop 1 p
search :: Key -> P.ByteString -> Quotes -> Cmd Quote String
search key pat db
| M.null db = return "No quotes yet."
| P.null key = do
(key', qs) <- random (M.toList db)
fmap (display key') (random qs)
| P.null pat, Just qs <- mquotes =
fmap (display key) (random qs)
| P.null pat = match' key allquotes
| Just qs <- mquotes = match' pat (zip (repeat key) qs)
| otherwise = do
r <- randomFailureMsg
return $ "No quotes for this person. " ++ r
mquotes = M.lookup key db
allquotes = concat [ zip (repeat who) qs | (who, qs) <- M.assocs db ]
match' p ss = do
re <- makeRegexOptsM defaultCompOpt {caseSensitive = False, newSyntax = True}
defaultExecOpt {captureGroups = False} p
let rs = filter (match re . snd) ss
if null rs
then do r <- randomFailureMsg
return $ "No quotes match. " ++ r
else do (who, saying) <- random rs
return $ P.unpack who ++ " says: " ++ P.unpack saying
display k msg = (if P.null k then " " else who ++ " says: ") ++ saying
where saying = P.unpack msg
who = P.unpack k