module Lambdabot.Plugin.Reference.Dict.DictLookup ( simpleDictLookup, QueryConfig(..), LookupResult) where
import Data.List
import System.IO
import Control.Exception (SomeException, handle)
import Network.Socket
import Lambdabot.Util.Network
data QueryConfig = QC { host :: String, port :: Int }
type DictConnection = Handle
data DictCommand = Quit | Define DictName String
type DictName = String
type LookupResult = Either String String
simpleDictLookup :: QueryConfig -> DictName -> String -> IO LookupResult
simpleDictLookup config dictnm query =
handle (\e -> (return $ Left (show (e :: SomeException)))) $ do
conn <- openDictConnection config
result <- queryDict conn dictnm query
closeDictConnection conn
return result
openDictConnection :: QueryConfig -> IO DictConnection
openDictConnection config = do
hDictServer <- connectTo' (host config) (mkPortNumber $ port config)
hSetBuffering hDictServer LineBuffering
_ <- readResponseLine hDictServer
return hDictServer
mkPortNumber = fromIntegral
closeDictConnection :: DictConnection -> IO ()
closeDictConnection conn = do
sendCommand conn Quit
_ <- readResponseLine conn
hClose conn
queryDict :: DictConnection -> DictName -> String -> IO LookupResult
queryDict conn dictnm query = do
sendCommand conn (Define dictnm query)
response <- readResponseLine conn
case response of
'1':'5':_ -> readDefinition >>= return . formatDefinition
'5':'5':'2':_ -> return $ Right ("No match for \"" ++ query ++ "\".\n")
'5':_ -> return $ Left response
_ -> return $ Left ("Bogus response: " ++ response)
readDefinition = do
line <- readResponseLine conn
case line of
'2':'5':'0':_ -> return []
_ -> readDefinition >>= return . (line:)
formatDefinition = Right . unlines . concatMap formater
formater ('1':'5':'1':rest) = ["", "***" ++ rest]
formater "." = []
formater line = [line]
readResponseLine :: DictConnection -> IO String
readResponseLine conn = do
line <- hGetLine conn
return (filter (/='\r') line)
sendCommand :: DictConnection -> DictCommand -> IO ()
sendCommand conn cmd =
hSendLine conn $ case cmd of
Quit -> "QUIT"
Define db target -> join " " ["DEFINE", db, target]
join :: [a] -> [[a]] -> [a]
join = (concat.) . intersperse
hSendLine :: Handle -> String -> IO ()
hSendLine h line = hPutStr h (line ++ "\r\n")