{-# language ExistentialQuantification #-}
{-# language GADTs #-}
{-# language OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# language GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# language BangPatterns #-}
{-# language MagicHash #-}
module Language.Asn.Decoding
( ber
, sequence
, sequenceOf
, required
, optional
, defaulted
, utf8String
, integer
, integerRanged
, int32
, int
, word32
, word64
, null
, null'
, octetString
, octetStringWord8
, octetStringWord32
, objectIdentifier
, choice
, option
, tag
, mapFailable
) where
import Prelude hiding (sequence,null)
import Language.Asn.Types.Internal
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import Data.Bits (Bits(..))
import Control.Monad hiding (sequence)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe, listToMaybe)
import Data.Text (Text)
import Data.Word (Word8, Word32, Word64)
import Data.Int (Int32)
import Data.Functor.Identity (Identity(..))
import Text.Printf (printf)
import qualified GHC.Exts as E
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as TE
import qualified Data.List as List
import qualified Data.ByteString as ByteString
import qualified Data.ByteString.Unsafe as BSU
ber :: AsnDecoding a -> ByteString -> Either String a
ber d bs = requireNoLeftovers =<< decodeBerInternal d Nothing bs
sequence :: FieldDecoding a -> AsnDecoding a
sequence = AsnDecodingSequence
sequenceOf :: AsnDecoding a -> AsnDecoding [a]
sequenceOf = AsnDecodingSequenceOf id
required :: FieldName -> AsnDecoding a -> FieldDecoding a
required name d = FieldDecoding (liftAp (FieldDecodingRequired name d))
optional :: FieldName -> AsnDecoding a -> FieldDecoding (Maybe a)
optional name d = FieldDecoding (liftAp (FieldDecodingOptional name d id))
defaulted :: Show a => FieldName -> AsnDecoding a -> a -> FieldDecoding a
defaulted name d defVal = FieldDecoding (liftAp (FieldDecodingDefault name d defVal show))
choice :: [OptionDecoding a] -> AsnDecoding a
choice = AsnDecodingChoice
option :: OptionName -> AsnDecoding a -> OptionDecoding a
option = OptionDecoding
tag :: TagClass -> Int -> Explicitness -> AsnDecoding a -> AsnDecoding a
tag c n e = AsnDecodingRetag (TagAndExplicitness (Tag c n) e)
utf8String :: AsnDecoding Text
utf8String = AsnDecodingUniversal $ UniverseDecodingTextualString Utf8String id (Subtypes []) (Subtypes [])
octetString :: AsnDecoding ByteString
octetString = AsnDecodingUniversal $ UniverseDecodingOctetString id (Subtypes [])
octetStringWord32 :: AsnDecoding Word32
octetStringWord32 = mapFailable
( \bs -> if ByteString.length bs == 4
then Right $ (fromIntegral :: Word -> Word32)
$ unsafeShiftL 24 (fromIntegral (BSU.unsafeIndex bs 0))
+ unsafeShiftL 16 (fromIntegral (BSU.unsafeIndex bs 1))
+ unsafeShiftL 8 (fromIntegral (BSU.unsafeIndex bs 2))
+ fromIntegral (BSU.unsafeIndex bs 3)
else Left "octetStringWord32 expects the octet string to have exactly 4 bytes"
) octetString
octetStringWord8 :: AsnDecoding Word8
octetStringWord8 = mapFailable
( \bs -> if ByteString.length bs == 1
then Right (BSU.unsafeIndex bs 0)
else Left "octetStringWord8 expects the octet string to have exactly 1 byte"
) octetString
integer :: AsnDecoding Integer
integer = AsnDecodingUniversal (UniverseDecodingInteger id (Subtypes []))
int :: AsnDecoding Int
int = AsnDecodingUniversal (UniverseDecodingInteger fromIntegral (Subtypes []))
int32 :: AsnDecoding Int32
int32 = AsnDecodingUniversal (UniverseDecodingInteger fromIntegral (Subtypes []))
word32 :: AsnDecoding Word32
word32 = AsnDecodingUniversal (UniverseDecodingInteger fromIntegral (Subtypes []))
word64 :: AsnDecoding Word64
word64 = AsnDecodingUniversal (UniverseDecodingInteger fromIntegral (Subtypes []))
null :: AsnDecoding ()
null = AsnDecodingUniversal (UniverseDecodingNull ())
null' :: a -> AsnDecoding a
null' = AsnDecodingUniversal . UniverseDecodingNull
objectIdentifier :: AsnDecoding ObjectIdentifier
objectIdentifier = AsnDecodingUniversal (UniverseDecodingObjectIdentifier id (Subtypes []))
integerRanged :: Integer -> Integer -> AsnDecoding Integer
integerRanged lo hi = AsnDecodingUniversal
(UniverseDecodingInteger id (Subtypes [SubtypeValueRange lo hi]))
mapFailable :: (a -> Either String b) -> AsnDecoding a -> AsnDecoding b
mapFailable f d = AsnDecodingConversion d f
repeatUntilEmpty :: Monad m => (ByteString -> m (a,ByteString)) -> ByteString -> m [a]
repeatUntilEmpty f = go where
go bs1 = do
(a,bs2) <- f bs1
if ByteString.null bs2
then return [a]
else fmap (a:) (go bs2)
decodeBerInternal :: AsnDecoding a -> Maybe Tag -> ByteString -> Either String (a,ByteString)
decodeBerInternal x overrideTag bs1 = case x of
AsnDecodingUniversal u -> do
(bsContent,bsRemainder) <- takeTagAndLength Primitive (Tag Universal (universeDecodingTagNumber u))
a <- decodeUniversal u bsContent
return (a,bsRemainder)
AsnDecodingRetag (TagAndExplicitness newTag expl) nextDecoding -> case expl of
Implicit -> decodeBerInternal nextDecoding (Just $ fromMaybe newTag overrideTag) bs1
Explicit -> do
(bsContent,bsRemainder) <- takeTagAndLength Constructed newTag
a <- requireNoLeftovers =<< decodeBerInternal nextDecoding Nothing bsContent
return (a,bsRemainder)
AsnDecodingSequence (FieldDecoding fieldDecoding) -> do
(bsContent,bsRemainder) <- takeTagAndLength Constructed sequenceTag
a <- requireNoLeftovers =<< getDecodePart (runAp decodeField fieldDecoding) bsContent
return (a,bsRemainder)
AsnDecodingSequenceOf f nextDecoding -> do
(bsContent,bsRemainder) <- takeTagAndLength Constructed sequenceTag
cs <- repeatUntilEmpty (decodeBerInternal nextDecoding Nothing) bsContent
return (f cs,bsRemainder)
AsnDecodingConversion nextDecoding conv -> do
(b,bs2) <- decodeBerInternal nextDecoding overrideTag bs1
a <- conv b
return (a,bs2)
AsnDecodingChoice opts -> case ByteString.uncons bs1 of
Nothing -> Left "while trying to decode Choice tag, ran out of input"
Just (b,bs2) -> do
let possibilities = nextExpectedTags =<< map (\(OptionDecoding _ d) -> d) opts
theTagNumberPrefix = b .&. 31
(theTagNumber,_) <- decipherTagNumber theTagNumberPrefix bs2
let mmatched = listToMaybe $ List.filter
(\((Tag tc tn,cstn),_) -> b .&. 192 == tagClassBit tc && b .&. 32 == constructionBit cstn && tn == theTagNumber)
case mmatched of
Nothing -> Left $ concat
[ "while trying to decode Choice tag, the tag did not match any of the expected tags: found "
, show theTagNumber
, " but expected one of ["
, List.intercalate "," $ flip map possibilities $ \((Tag tc tn, cstn),_) -> concat
[ show tc
, " "
, show cstn
, " "
, show tn
, "]"
Just (_,Wrapper chosenDecoder conv2) -> do
(c,bs3) <- decodeBerInternal chosenDecoder Nothing bs1
r <- conv2 c
Right (r,bs3)
takeTagAndLength :: Construction -> Tag -> Either String (ByteString,ByteString)
takeTagAndLength construction t1 = do
let tagToUse = fromMaybe t1 overrideTag
bs2 <- expectTag construction tagToUse bs1
(len,bs3) <- takeLength bs2
splitOrFail len bs3
data Wrapper a = forall b. Wrapper (AsnDecoding b) (b -> Either String a)
idWrapper :: AsnDecoding a -> Wrapper a
idWrapper d = Wrapper d Right
nextExpectedTags :: AsnDecoding a -> [((Tag,Construction), Wrapper a)]
nextExpectedTags x = case x of
AsnDecodingUniversal u -> [((Tag Universal (universeDecodingTagNumber u), Primitive),idWrapper x)]
AsnDecodingSequenceOf _ _ -> [((sequenceTag, Constructed),idWrapper x)]
AsnDecodingSequence _ -> [((sequenceTag, Constructed),idWrapper x)]
AsnDecodingChoice opts -> join (map (\(OptionDecoding _ theDec) -> nextExpectedTags theDec) opts)
AsnDecodingRetag (TagAndExplicitness newTag expl) nextDecoding -> case expl of
Explicit -> [((newTag,Constructed),idWrapper x)]
Implicit -> map (\((_,c),Wrapper theDec theConv) -> ((newTag,c), Wrapper (AsnDecodingRetag (TagAndExplicitness newTag expl) theDec) theConv)) (nextExpectedTags nextDecoding)
AsnDecodingConversion nextDecoding conv ->
map (\((t,c),Wrapper theDec theConv) -> ((t,c),Wrapper theDec (theConv >=> conv))) (nextExpectedTags nextDecoding)
decodeField :: FieldDecodingPart a -> DecodePart a
decodeField x = case x of
FieldDecodingRequired _ d -> DecodePart (decodeBerInternal d Nothing)
FieldDecodingOptional _ d conv1 -> handlePossiblyMissingField d conv1
FieldDecodingDefault _ d a _ -> handlePossiblyMissingField d (fromMaybe a)
handlePossiblyMissingField :: AsnDecoding b -> (Maybe b -> a) -> DecodePart a
handlePossiblyMissingField d conv1 = DecodePart $ \bs1 -> case ByteString.uncons bs1 of
Nothing -> Right (conv1 Nothing, bs1)
Just (b,bs2) -> do
let possibilities = nextExpectedTags d
theTagNumberPrefix = b .&. 31
(theTagNumber,_) <- decipherTagNumber theTagNumberPrefix bs2
let mmatched = listToMaybe $ List.filter
(\((Tag tc tn,cstn),_) -> b .&. 192 == tagClassBit tc && b .&. 32 == constructionBit cstn && tn == theTagNumber) possibilities
case mmatched of
Nothing -> Right (conv1 Nothing, bs1)
Just (_,Wrapper chosenDecoder conv2) -> do
(c,bs3) <- decodeBerInternal chosenDecoder Nothing bs1
r <- conv2 c
Right (conv1 (Just r),bs3)
decipherTagNumber :: Word8 -> ByteString -> Either String (Int,ByteString)
decipherTagNumber w bs = do
let tn = w .&. 31
if tn < 31
then Right (fromIntegral tn,bs)
else error "decipherTagNumber: handle tags greater than 30"
requireNoLeftovers :: (a,ByteString) -> Either String a
requireNoLeftovers (a,bs) = if ByteString.null bs then Right a else Left "expected not to have leftovers, but there were leftovers"
expectTag :: Construction -> Tag -> ByteString -> Either String ByteString
expectTag construction (Tag tc tn) bs = case ByteString.uncons bs of
Nothing -> Left "expected a byte for the Tag but the ByteString was empty"
Just (b,bsNext) -> do
let expectedTagBits = tagClassBit tc
actualTagBits = b .&. 192
when (actualTagBits /= expectedTagBits)
$ Left $ "while parsing the tag, the tag class bits did not match: "
++ "found " ++ printf "%08b" actualTagBits ++ " but expected "
++ printf "%08b" expectedTagBits ++ " (" ++ show tc ++ ")"
when (b .&. 32 /= constructionBit construction) $ Left "while parsing the tag, the construction bit did not match"
if tn < 31
then do
when (b .&. 31 /= fromIntegral tn) $ Left "while parsing the tag, the tag number did not match what was expected"
Right bsNext
else error "expectTag: handle tag numbers higher than 30"
splitOrFail :: Int -> ByteString -> Either String (ByteString,ByteString)
splitOrFail i bs = if i > ByteString.length bs
then Left "tried to take a fixed number of bytes as specified by the encoding, but bytestring ended"
else Right (ByteString.splitAt i bs)
takeLength :: ByteString -> Either String (Int,ByteString)
takeLength bs1 = case ByteString.uncons bs1 of
Nothing -> Left "while trying to decode the length, expected an initial octet but the bytestring ended"
Just (b,bs2) -> if b < 128
then Right (fromIntegral b, bs2)
else let bytesToTake = fromIntegral (127 .&. b) in
if ByteString.length bs2 < bytesToTake
then Left "while decoding multi-byte length, ran out of bytes"
else let (bs3,bs4) = ByteString.splitAt bytesToTake bs2 in Right (parseLength bs3, bs4)
parseLength :: ByteString -> Int
parseLength = ByteString.foldl' (\i w8 -> i * 256 + fromIntegral w8) 0
parseInteger :: ByteString -> Integer
parseInteger = ByteString.foldl' (\i w8 -> i * 256 + fromIntegral w8) 0
decodeUniversal :: UniverseDecoding a -> ByteString -> Either String a
decodeUniversal x bs = case x of
UniverseDecodingInteger f _ -> Right (f (parseInteger bs))
UniverseDecodingTextualString _ f _ _ -> case TE.decodeUtf8' bs of
Left _ -> Left "while decoding string primitive, found that UTF8-encoding was not used"
Right t -> Right (f t)
UniverseDecodingObjectIdentifier f _ -> fmap f (stepOidAll bs)
UniverseDecodingOctetString f _ -> Right (f bs)
UniverseDecodingNull a -> Right a
stepOidAll :: ByteString -> Either String ObjectIdentifier
stepOidAll bs1 = case ByteString.uncons bs1 of
Nothing -> Left "while decoding OID, found no bytes, the OID should have at least one octet"
Just (b,bs2) ->
let (w1,w2) = quotRem b 40
Identity nums = repeatUntilEmpty (Identity . stepOid 0) bs2
in Right (ObjectIdentifier (E.fromList $ fromIntegral w1 : fromIntegral w2 : nums))
stepOid :: Word -> ByteString -> (Word,ByteString)
stepOid !i bs1 = case ByteString.uncons bs1 of
Nothing -> (i,bs1)
Just (w,bs2) ->
let !acc = i * 128 + fromIntegral (w .&. 127) in
if w .&. 128 == 128
then stepOid acc bs2
else (acc,bs2)
universeDecodingTagNumber :: UniverseDecoding a -> Int
universeDecodingTagNumber x = case x of
UniverseDecodingInteger _ _ -> 2
UniverseDecodingTextualString typ _ _ _ -> tagNumStringType typ
UniverseDecodingObjectIdentifier _ _ -> 6
UniverseDecodingOctetString _ _ -> 4
UniverseDecodingNull _ -> 5