Module      : Language.Rust.Pretty.Literals
Description : Parsing literals
Copyright   : (c) Alec Theriault, 2017-2018
License     : BSD-style
Maintainer  : alec.theriault@gmail.com
Stability   : experimental
Portability : portable

Functions for pretty printing literals.
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}

module Language.Rust.Pretty.Literals (
) where

import Language.Rust.Syntax.AST
import Language.Rust.Pretty.Util

import Data.Text.Prettyprint.Doc ( hcat, annotate, (<>), Doc, pretty, group, hardline, flatAlt )

import Data.Char                 ( intToDigit, ord, chr )
import Data.Word                 ( Word8 )

-- | Print a literal (@print_literal@)
printLit :: Lit a -> Doc a
printLit lit = noIndent $ case lit of
    Str     str Cooked  s x -> annotate x (hcat [ "\"", group (foldMap (escapeChar True) str), "\"", suf s ])
    Str     str (Raw m) s x -> annotate x (hcat [ "r", pad m, "\"", string hardline str, "\"", pad m, suf s ])
    ByteStr str Cooked  s x -> annotate x (hcat [ "b\"", group (foldMap (escapeByte True) str), "\"", suf s ])
    ByteStr str (Raw m) s x -> annotate x (hcat [ "br", pad m, "\"", string hardline (map byte2Char str), "\"", pad m, suf s ])
    Char c s x              -> annotate x (hcat [ "'",  escapeChar False c, "'", suf s ])
    Byte b s x              -> annotate x (hcat [ "b'", escapeByte False b, "'", suf s ])
    Int b i s x             -> annotate x (hcat [ printIntLit i b, suf s ])
    Float d s x             -> annotate x (hcat [ pretty d,  suf s ])
    Bool True s x           -> annotate x (hcat [ "true",  suf s ])
    Bool False s x          -> annotate x (hcat [ "false", suf s ])
  pad :: Int -> Doc a
  pad m = pretty (replicate m '#')

  suf :: Suffix -> Doc a
  suf = printLitSuffix 

-- | Print literal suffix
printLitSuffix :: Suffix -> Doc a
printLitSuffix Unsuffixed = mempty
printLitSuffix Is = "isize"
printLitSuffix I8 = "i8"
printLitSuffix I16 = "i16"
printLitSuffix I32 = "i32"
printLitSuffix I64 = "i64"
printLitSuffix I128 = "i128"
printLitSuffix Us = "usize"
printLitSuffix U8 = "u8"
printLitSuffix U16 = "u16"
printLitSuffix U32 = "u32"
printLitSuffix U64 = "u64"
printLitSuffix U128 = "u128"
printLitSuffix F32 = "f32"
printLitSuffix F64 = "f64"

-- | Print an integer literal
printIntLit :: Integer -> IntRep -> Doc a
printIntLit i r | i < 0     = "-" <> baseRep r <> toNBase (abs i) (baseVal r)
                | i == 0    =        baseRep r <> "0"
                | otherwise =        baseRep r <> toNBase (abs i) (baseVal r)
  baseRep :: IntRep -> Doc a
  baseRep Bin = "0b"
  baseRep Oct = "0o"
  baseRep Dec = mempty
  baseRep Hex = "0x"

  baseVal :: IntRep -> Integer
  baseVal Bin = 2
  baseVal Oct = 8
  baseVal Dec = 10
  baseVal Hex = 16

  toDigit :: Integer -> Char
  toDigit l = "0123456789ABCDEF" !! fromIntegral l

  toNBase :: Integer -> Integer -> Doc a
  l `toNBase` b | l < b = pretty (toDigit l)
                | otherwise = let ~(d,e) = l `quotRem` b in toNBase d b <> pretty (toDigit e)

-- | Extend a byte into a unicode character
byte2Char :: Word8 -> Char
byte2Char = chr . fromIntegral 
-- | Constrain a unicode character to a byte
-- This assumes the character is in the right range already
char2Byte :: Char -> Word8
char2Byte = fromIntegral . ord

-- | Escape a byte. Based on @std::ascii::escape_default@.
-- If the first argument is true, newlines may become a literal newline characters if the string is
-- too long.
escapeByte :: Bool -> Word8 -> Doc a
escapeByte nl w8 = case byte2Char w8 of
  '\t' -> "\\t" 
  '\r' -> "\\r"
  '\\' -> "\\\\" 
  '\'' -> "\\'"
  '"'  -> "\\\""
  '\n'| nl        -> flatAlt hardline "\\n"
      | otherwise -> "\\n"
  c | 0x20 <= w8 && w8 <= 0x7e -> pretty c
  _ -> "\\x" <> padHex 2 w8

-- | Escape a unicode character. Based on @std::ascii::escape_default@.
-- If the first argument is true, newlines may become a literal newline characters if the string is
-- too long.
escapeChar :: Bool -> Char -> Doc a
escapeChar nl c | c <= '\x7f'   = escapeByte nl (char2Byte c)
                | c <= '\xffff' = "\\u{" <> padHex 4 (ord c) <> "}"
                | otherwise     = "\\u{" <> padHex 6 (ord c) <> "}"
-- | Convert a number to its padded hexadecimal form
padHex :: Integral a => Int -> a -> Doc b
padHex i 0 = pretty (replicate i '0')
padHex i m = let (m',r) = m `divMod` 0x10
             in padHex (i-1) m' <> pretty (intToDigit (fromIntegral r))