lapack-0.3: Numerical Linear Algebra using LAPACK

Safe HaskellNone




data family Matrix typ a Source

type Full vert horiz height width = ArrayMatrix (Full vert horiz height width)Source

type General height width = ArrayMatrix (General height width)Source

type Tall height width = ArrayMatrix (Tall height width)Source

type Wide height width = ArrayMatrix (Wide height width)Source

type Triangular lo diag up sh = ArrayMatrix (Triangular lo diag up sh)Source

transpose :: (C vert, C horiz) => Full vert horiz height width a -> Full horiz vert width height aSource

adjoint :: (C vert, C horiz, C height, C width, Floating a) => Full vert horiz height width a -> Full horiz vert width height aSource

conjugate transpose

Problem: adjoint a <> a is always square, but how to convince the type checker to choose the Square type? Anser: Use Hermitian.toSquare $ Hermitian.gramian a instead.

class Box typ whereSource

Associated Types

type HeightOf typ Source

type WidthOf typ Source


height :: Matrix typ a -> HeightOf typSource

width :: Matrix typ a -> WidthOf typSource


Box (Permutation sh) 
Box (Scale sh) 
Box sh => Box (Array sh) 
Box typ => Box (Inverse typ) 
(C vert, C horiz) => Box (Hh vert horiz height width) 
(C vert, C horiz) => Box (LU vert horiz height width) 

indices :: (Box typ, HeightOf typ ~ height, Indexed height, WidthOf typ ~ width, Indexed width) => Matrix typ a -> [(Index height, Index width)]Source

reshape :: (C sh0, C sh1) => sh1 -> ArrayMatrix sh0 a -> ArrayMatrix sh1 aSource

mapShape :: (C sh0, C sh1) => (sh0 -> sh1) -> ArrayMatrix sh0 a -> ArrayMatrix sh1 aSource

caseTallWide :: (C vert, C horiz, C height, C width) => Full vert horiz height width a -> Either (Tall height width a) (Wide height width a)Source

Square matrices will be classified as Tall.

fromList :: (C height, C width, Storable a) => height -> width -> [a] -> General height width aSource

mapExtent :: (C vertA, C horizA) => (C vertB, C horizB) => Map vertA horizA vertB horizB height width -> Full vertA horizA height width a -> Full vertB horizB height width aSource

fromFull :: (C vert, C horiz) => Full vert horiz height width a -> General height width aSource

asGeneral :: General height width a -> General height width aSource

asTall :: Tall height width a -> Tall height width aSource

asWide :: Wide height width a -> Wide height width aSource

tallFromGeneral :: (C height, C width, Storable a) => General height width a -> Tall height width aSource

wideFromGeneral :: (C height, C width, Storable a) => General height width a -> Wide height width aSource

generalizeTall :: (C vert, C horiz) => Full vert Small height width a -> Full vert horiz height width aSource

generalizeWide :: (C vert, C horiz) => Full Small horiz height width a -> Full vert horiz height width aSource

mapHeight :: (C heightA, C heightB, GeneralTallWide vert horiz, GeneralTallWide horiz vert) => (heightA -> heightB) -> Full vert horiz heightA width a -> Full vert horiz heightB width aSource

The number of rows must be maintained by the height mapping function.

mapWidth :: (C widthA, C widthB, GeneralTallWide vert horiz, GeneralTallWide horiz vert) => (widthA -> widthB) -> Full vert horiz height widthA a -> Full vert horiz height widthB aSource

The number of columns must be maintained by the width mapping function.

identity :: (C sh, Floating a) => sh -> General sh sh aSource

diagonal :: (C sh, Floating a) => Vector sh a -> General sh sh aSource

fromRowsNonEmpty :: (C width, Eq width, Storable a) => T [] (Vector width a) -> General ShapeInt width aSource

fromRowArray :: (C height, C width, Eq width, Storable a) => width -> Array height (Vector width a) -> General height width aSource

fromRows :: (C width, Eq width, Storable a) => width -> [Vector width a] -> General ShapeInt width aSource

fromRowsNonEmptyContainer :: (f ~ T g, C g, C width, Eq width, Storable a) => f (Vector width a) -> General (Shape f) width aSource

fromRowContainer :: (C f, C width, Eq width, Storable a) => width -> f (Vector width a) -> General (Shape f) width aSource

fromColumnsNonEmpty :: (C height, Eq height, Storable a) => T [] (Vector height a) -> General height ShapeInt aSource

fromColumnArray :: (C height, Eq height, C width, Storable a) => height -> Array width (Vector height a) -> General height width aSource

fromColumns :: (C height, Eq height, Storable a) => height -> [Vector height a] -> General height ShapeInt aSource

fromColumnsNonEmptyContainer :: (f ~ T g, C g, C height, Eq height, Storable a) => f (Vector height a) -> General height (Shape f) aSource

fromColumnContainer :: (C f, C height, Eq height, Storable a) => height -> f (Vector height a) -> General height (Shape f) aSource

singleRow :: Order -> Vector width a -> General () width aSource

singleColumn :: Order -> Vector height a -> General height () aSource

flattenRow :: General () width a -> Vector width aSource

flattenColumn :: General height () a -> Vector height aSource

liftRow :: Order -> (Vector height0 a -> Vector height1 b) -> General () height0 a -> General () height1 bSource

liftColumn :: Order -> (Vector height0 a -> Vector height1 b) -> General height0 () a -> General height1 () bSource

unliftRow :: Order -> (General () height0 a -> General () height1 b) -> Vector height0 a -> Vector height1 bSource

unliftColumn :: Order -> (General height0 () a -> General height1 () b) -> Vector height0 a -> Vector height1 bSource

toRows :: (C vert, C horiz, C height, C width, Floating a) => Full vert horiz height width a -> [Vector width a]Source

toColumns :: (C vert, C horiz, C height, C width, Floating a) => Full vert horiz height width a -> [Vector height a]Source

toRowArray :: (C vert, C horiz, C height, C width, Floating a) => Full vert horiz height width a -> Array height (Vector width a)Source

toColumnArray :: (C vert, C horiz, C height, C width, Floating a) => Full vert horiz height width a -> Array width (Vector height a)Source

toRowContainer :: (C vert, C horiz, C f, C width, Floating a) => Full vert horiz (Shape f) width a -> f (Vector width a)Source

toColumnContainer :: (C vert, C horiz, C height, C f, Floating a) => Full vert horiz height (Shape f) a -> f (Vector height a)Source

takeRow :: (C vert, C horiz, Indexed height, C width, Index height ~ ix, Floating a) => Full vert horiz height width a -> ix -> Vector width aSource

takeColumn :: (C vert, C horiz, C height, Indexed width, Index width ~ ix, Floating a) => Full vert horiz height width a -> ix -> Vector height aSource

takeRows :: (C vert, C width, Floating a) => Int -> Full vert Big ShapeInt width a -> Full vert Big ShapeInt width aSource

takeColumns :: (C horiz, C height, Floating a) => Int -> Full Big horiz height ShapeInt a -> Full Big horiz height ShapeInt aSource

takeEqually :: (C vert, C horiz, Floating a) => Int -> Full vert horiz ShapeInt ShapeInt a -> Full vert horiz ShapeInt ShapeInt aSource

Take a left-top aligned square or as much as possible of it. The advantange of this function is that it maintains the matrix size relation, e.g. Square remains Square, Tall remains Tall.

dropRows :: (C vert, C width, Floating a) => Int -> Full vert Big ShapeInt width a -> Full vert Big ShapeInt width aSource

dropColumns :: (C horiz, C height, Floating a) => Int -> Full Big horiz height ShapeInt a -> Full Big horiz height ShapeInt aSource

dropEqually :: (C vert, C horiz, Floating a) => Int -> Full vert horiz ShapeInt ShapeInt a -> Full vert horiz ShapeInt ShapeInt aSource

Drop the same number of top-most rows and left-most columns. The advantange of this function is that it maintains the matrix size relation, e.g. Square remains Square, Tall remains Tall.

takeTop :: (C vert, C height0, C height1, C width, Floating a) => Full vert Big (height0 :+: height1) width a -> Full vert Big height0 width aSource

takeBottom :: (C vert, C height0, C height1, C width, Floating a) => Full vert Big (height0 :+: height1) width a -> Full vert Big height1 width aSource

takeLeft :: (C vert, C height, C width0, C width1, Floating a) => Full Big vert height (width0 :+: width1) a -> Full Big vert height width0 aSource

takeRight :: (C vert, C height, C width0, C width1, Floating a) => Full Big vert height (width0 :+: width1) a -> Full Big vert height width1 aSource

takeRowArray :: (Indexed height, C width, C sh, Floating a) => Array sh (Index height) -> General height width a -> General sh width aSource

The function is optimized for blocks of consecutive rows. For scattered rows in column major order the function has quite ugly memory access patterns.

takeColumnArray :: (C height, Indexed width, C sh, Floating a) => Array sh (Index width) -> General height width a -> General height sh aSource

swapRows :: (C vert, C horiz, Indexed height, C width, Floating a) => Index height -> Index height -> Full vert horiz height width a -> Full vert horiz height width aSource

swapColumns :: (C vert, C horiz, C height, Indexed width, Floating a) => Index width -> Index width -> Full vert horiz height width a -> Full vert horiz height width aSource

reverseRows :: (C vert, C horiz, C width, Floating a) => Full vert horiz ShapeInt width a -> Full vert horiz ShapeInt width aSource

reverseColumns :: (C vert, C horiz, C height, Floating a) => Full vert horiz height ShapeInt a -> Full vert horiz height ShapeInt aSource

fromRowMajor :: (C height, C width, Floating a) => Array (height, width) a -> General height width aSource

toRowMajor :: (C vert, C horiz, C height, C width, Floating a) => Full vert horiz height width a -> Array (height, width) aSource

forceOrder :: (ShapeOrder shape, Floating a) => Order -> ArrayMatrix shape a -> ArrayMatrix shape aSource

adaptOrder :: (ShapeOrder shape, Floating a) => ArrayMatrix shape a -> ArrayMatrix shape a -> ArrayMatrix shape aSource

adaptOrder x y contains the data of y with the layout of x.

leftBias :: OrderBiasSource

Use the element order of the first operand.

rightBias :: OrderBiasSource

Use the element order of the second operand.

contiguousBias :: OrderBiasSource

Choose element order such that, if possible, one part can be copied as one block. For above this means that RowMajor is chosen whenever at least one operand is RowMajor and ColumnMajor is chosen when both operands are ColumnMajor.

(|||) :: (C vertA, C vertB, C vertC, Append vertA vertB ~ vertC, C height, Eq height, C widthA, C widthB, Floating a) => Full vertA Big height widthA a -> Full vertB Big height widthB a -> Full vertC Big height (widthA :+: widthB) aSource

beside :: (C vertA, C vertB, C vertC, C height, Eq height, C widthA, C widthB, Floating a) => OrderBias -> AppendMode vertA vertB vertC height widthA widthB -> Full vertA Big height widthA a -> Full vertB Big height widthB a -> Full vertC Big height (widthA :+: widthB) aSource

(===) :: (C horizA, C horizB, C horizC, Append horizA horizB ~ horizC, C width, Eq width, C heightA, C heightB, Floating a) => Full Big horizA heightA width a -> Full Big horizB heightB width a -> Full Big horizC (heightA :+: heightB) width aSource

above :: (C horizA, C horizB, C horizC, C width, Eq width, C heightA, C heightB, Floating a) => OrderBias -> AppendMode horizA horizB horizC width heightA heightB -> Full Big horizA heightA width a -> Full Big horizB heightB width a -> Full Big horizC (heightA :+: heightB) width aSource

(|*-) :: (C height, Eq height, C width, Eq width, Floating a) => Vector height a -> Vector width a -> General height width aSource

tensorProduct :: (C height, Eq height, C width, Eq width, Floating a) => Order -> Vector height a -> Vector width a -> General height width aSource

 tensorProduct order x y = singleColumn order x #*# singleRow order y

outer :: (C height, Eq height, C width, Eq width, Floating a) => Order -> Vector height a -> Vector width a -> General height width aSource

 outer order x y = tensorProduct order x (Vector.conjugate y)

kronecker :: (C vert, C horiz, C heightA, C widthA, C heightB, C widthB, Floating a) => Full vert horiz heightA widthA a -> Full vert horiz heightB widthB a -> Full vert horiz (heightA, heightB) (widthA, widthB) aSource

sumRank1 :: (C height, Eq height, C width, Eq width, Floating a) => (height, width) -> [(a, (Vector height a, Vector width a))] -> General height width aSource

map :: (C vert, C horiz, C height, C width, Storable a, Storable b) => (a -> b) -> Full vert horiz height width a -> Full vert horiz height width bSource

class Complex typ whereSource


conjugate :: Floating a => Matrix typ a -> Matrix typ aSource

fromReal :: Floating a => Matrix typ (RealOf a) -> Matrix typ aSource

toComplex :: Floating a => Matrix typ a -> Matrix typ (ComplexOf a)Source


C shape => Complex (Permutation shape) 
C shape => Complex (Scale shape) 
Complex sh => Complex (Array sh) 
Complex typ => Complex (Inverse typ) 

class SquareShape typ whereSource


toSquare :: (HeightOf typ ~ sh, Floating a) => Matrix typ a -> Square sh aSource

takeDiagonal :: (HeightOf typ ~ sh, Floating a) => Matrix typ a -> Vector sh aSource


C sh => SquareShape (Permutation sh) 
C sh => SquareShape (Scale sh) 
SquareShape sh => SquareShape (Array sh) 

identityFrom :: (SquareShape shape, ShapeOrder shape, Floating a) => ArrayMatrix shape a -> ArrayMatrix shape aSource

identityFromHeight :: (ShapeOrder shape, Box shape, HeightOf shape ~ HeightOf typ, SquareShape typ, Floating a) => ArrayMatrix shape a -> Matrix typ aSource

identityFromWidth :: (ShapeOrder shape, Box shape, WidthOf shape ~ HeightOf typ, SquareShape typ, Floating a) => ArrayMatrix shape a -> Matrix typ aSource

trace :: (SquareShape typ, HeightOf typ ~ sh, C sh, Floating a) => Matrix typ a -> aSource

type family RealOf x Source

rowSums :: (C vert, C horiz, C height, C width, Floating a) => Full vert horiz height width a -> Vector height aSource

columnSums :: (C vert, C horiz, C height, C width, Floating a) => Full vert horiz height width a -> Vector width aSource

rowArgAbsMaximums :: (C vert, C horiz, C height, InvIndexed width, Index width ~ ix, Storable ix, Floating a) => Full vert horiz height width a -> (Vector height ix, Vector height a)Source

columnArgAbsMaximums :: (C vert, C horiz, InvIndexed height, C width, Index height ~ ix, Storable ix, Floating a) => Full vert horiz height width a -> (Vector width ix, Vector width a)Source

scaleRows :: (C vert, C horiz, C height, Eq height, C width, Floating a) => Vector height a -> Full vert horiz height width a -> Full vert horiz height width aSource

scaleColumns :: (C vert, C horiz, C height, C width, Eq width, Floating a) => Vector width a -> Full vert horiz height width a -> Full vert horiz height width aSource

scaleRowsReal :: (C vert, C horiz, C height, Eq height, C width, Floating a) => Vector height (RealOf a) -> Full vert horiz height width a -> Full vert horiz height width aSource

scaleColumnsReal :: (C vert, C horiz, C height, C width, Eq width, Floating a) => Vector width (RealOf a) -> Full vert horiz height width a -> Full vert horiz height width aSource

(\*#) :: (C vert, C horiz, C height, Eq height, C width, Floating a) => Vector height a -> Full vert horiz height width a -> Full vert horiz height width aSource

(#*\) :: (C vert, C horiz, C height, C width, Eq width, Floating a) => Full vert horiz height width a -> Vector width a -> Full vert horiz height width aSource

(\\#) :: (C vert, C horiz, C height, Eq height, C width, Floating a) => Vector height a -> Full vert horiz height width a -> Full vert horiz height width aSource

(#/\) :: (C vert, C horiz, C height, C width, Eq width, Floating a) => Full vert horiz height width a -> Vector width a -> Full vert horiz height width aSource

multiply :: (C vert, C horiz, C height, C fuse, Eq fuse, C width, Floating a) => Full vert horiz height fuse a -> Full vert horiz fuse width a -> Full vert horiz height width aSource

multiplyVector :: (C vert, C horiz, C height, C width, Eq width, Floating a) => Full vert horiz height width a -> Vector width a -> Vector height aSource

zero :: (Homogeneous shape, Floating a) => shape -> ArrayMatrix shape aSource

negate :: (Homogeneous shape, Floating a) => ArrayMatrix shape a -> ArrayMatrix shape aSource

scale :: (Scale shape, Floating a) => a -> ArrayMatrix shape a -> ArrayMatrix shape aSource

scaleReal :: (Homogeneous shape, Floating a) => RealOf a -> ArrayMatrix shape a -> ArrayMatrix shape aSource

scaleRealReal :: (Homogeneous shape, Real a) => a -> ArrayMatrix shape a -> ArrayMatrix shape aSource

(.*#) :: (Scale shape, Floating a) => a -> ArrayMatrix shape a -> ArrayMatrix shape aSource

add :: (Additive shape, Floating a) => ArrayMatrix shape a -> ArrayMatrix shape a -> ArrayMatrix shape aSource

sub :: (Additive shape, Floating a) => ArrayMatrix shape a -> ArrayMatrix shape a -> ArrayMatrix shape aSource

(#+#) :: (Additive shape, Floating a) => ArrayMatrix shape a -> ArrayMatrix shape a -> ArrayMatrix shape aSource

(#-#) :: (Additive shape, Floating a) => ArrayMatrix shape a -> ArrayMatrix shape a -> ArrayMatrix shape aSource

class (Box typA, Box typB) => Multiply typA typB Source


(C shapeA, Eq shapeA, ~ * shapeA shapeB, C shapeB) => Multiply (Permutation shapeA) (Permutation shapeB) 
(C shapeA, Eq shapeA, ~ * shapeA (HeightOf shapeB), Box shapeB, Scale shapeB) => Multiply (Scale shapeA) (Array shapeB) 
(C shapeA, Eq shapeA, ~ * shapeA shapeB, C shapeB) => Multiply (Scale shapeA) (Scale shapeB) 
(Box shapeA, Scale shapeA, ~ * (WidthOf shapeA) shapeB, C shapeB, Eq shapeB) => Multiply (Array shapeA) (Scale shapeB) 
(Box shapeA, Box shapeB, Multiply shapeA shapeB) => Multiply (Array shapeA) (Array shapeB) 

(#*#) :: (Multiply typA typB, Floating a) => Matrix typA a -> Matrix typB a -> Matrix (Multiplied typA typB) aSource

class Box typ => MultiplyVector typ Source


C shape => MultiplyVector (Permutation shape) 
C shape => MultiplyVector (Scale shape) 
MultiplyVector shape => MultiplyVector (Array shape) 
Solve typ => MultiplyVector (Inverse typ) 
(C vert, C horiz, C height, Eq height, C width, Eq width) => MultiplyVector (Hh vert horiz height width) 
(C vert, C horiz, C height, Eq height, C width, Eq width) => MultiplyVector (LU vert horiz height width) 

(#*|) :: (MultiplyVector typ, WidthOf typ ~ width, Eq width, Floating a) => Matrix typ a -> Vector width a -> Vector (HeightOf typ) aSource

(-*#) :: (MultiplyVector typ, HeightOf typ ~ height, Eq height, Floating a) => Vector height a -> Matrix typ a -> Vector (WidthOf typ) aSource

class (Box typ, HeightOf typ ~ WidthOf typ) => MultiplySquare typ Source


C shape => MultiplySquare (Permutation shape) 
C shape => MultiplySquare (Scale shape) 
MultiplySquare shape => MultiplySquare (Array shape) 
Solve typ => MultiplySquare (Inverse typ) 
(~ * vert Small, ~ * horiz Small, C height, ~ * height width) => MultiplySquare (Hh vert horiz height width) 
(~ * vert Small, ~ * horiz Small, C height, ~ * height width) => MultiplySquare (LU vert horiz height width) 

multiplySquare :: (MultiplySquare typ, HeightOf typ ~ height, Eq height, C width, C horiz, C vert, Floating a) => Transposition -> Matrix typ a -> Full vert horiz height width a -> Full vert horiz height width aSource

class (Box typ, HeightOf typ ~ WidthOf typ) => Power typ whereSource


square :: Floating a => Matrix typ a -> Matrix typ aSource

power :: Floating a => Int -> Matrix typ a -> Matrix typ aSource


C shape => Power (Permutation shape) 
C shape => Power (Scale shape) 
Power shape => Power (Array shape) 
Power typ => Power (Inverse typ) 

(##*#) :: (MultiplySquare typ, WidthOf typ ~ width, Eq width, C height, C horiz, C vert, Floating a) => Full vert horiz height width a -> Matrix typ a -> Full vert horiz height width aSource

(#*##) :: (MultiplySquare typ, HeightOf typ ~ height, Eq height, C width, C horiz, C vert, Floating a) => Matrix typ a -> Full vert horiz height width a -> Full vert horiz height width aSource

class Box typ => Indexed typ whereSource


(#!) :: Floating a => Matrix typ a -> (Index (HeightOf typ), Index (WidthOf typ)) -> aSource


Indexed size => Indexed (Permutation size) 
Indexed size => Indexed (Scale size) 
Indexed sh => Indexed (Array sh) 

class (Box typ, HeightOf typ ~ WidthOf typ) => Determinant typ whereSource


determinant :: Floating a => Matrix typ a -> aSource


C shape => Determinant (Permutation shape) 
(C shape, Eq shape) => Determinant (Scale shape) 
Determinant shape => Determinant (Array shape) 
Determinant typ => Determinant (Inverse typ) 
(~ * vert Small, ~ * horiz Small, C height, ~ * height width) => Determinant (Hh vert horiz height width) 
(~ * vert Small, ~ * horiz Small, C height, ~ * height width) => Determinant (LU vert horiz height width) 

class (Box typ, HeightOf typ ~ WidthOf typ) => Solve typ whereSource


solve :: (HeightOf typ ~ height, Eq height, C width, C horiz, C vert, Floating a) => Transposition -> Matrix typ a -> Full vert horiz height width a -> Full vert horiz height width aSource

solveRight :: (HeightOf typ ~ height, Eq height, C width, C horiz, C vert, Floating a) => Matrix typ a -> Full vert horiz height width a -> Full vert horiz height width aSource

solveLeft :: (WidthOf typ ~ width, Eq width, C height, C horiz, C vert, Floating a) => Full vert horiz height width a -> Matrix typ a -> Full vert horiz height width aSource


C shape => Solve (Permutation shape) 
(C shape, Eq shape) => Solve (Scale shape) 
Solve shape => Solve (Array shape) 
MultiplySquare typ => Solve (Inverse typ) 
(~ * vert Small, ~ * horiz Small, C height, ~ * height width) => Solve (Hh vert horiz height width) 
(~ * vert Small, ~ * horiz Small, C height, ~ * height width) => Solve (LU vert horiz height width) 

(##/#) :: (Solve typ, WidthOf typ ~ width, Eq width, C height, C horiz, C vert, Floating a) => Full vert horiz height width a -> Matrix typ a -> Full vert horiz height width aSource

(#\##) :: (Solve typ, HeightOf typ ~ height, Eq height, C width, C horiz, C vert, Floating a) => Matrix typ a -> Full vert horiz height width a -> Full vert horiz height width aSource

solveVector :: (Solve typ, HeightOf typ ~ height, Eq height, Floating a) => Transposition -> Matrix typ a -> Vector height a -> Vector height aSource

(-/#) :: (Solve typ, HeightOf typ ~ height, Eq height, Floating a) => Vector height a -> Matrix typ a -> Vector height aSource

(#\|) :: (Solve typ, HeightOf typ ~ height, Eq height, Floating a) => Matrix typ a -> Vector height a -> Vector height aSource

class (Solve typ, Power typ) => Inverse typ whereSource


inverse :: Floating a => Matrix typ a -> Matrix typ aSource


C shape => Inverse (Permutation shape) 
(C shape, Eq shape) => Inverse (Scale shape) 
Inverse shape => Inverse (Array shape) 
(Inverse typ, MultiplySquare typ) => Inverse (Inverse typ)