lapack-0.5.2: Numerical Linear Algebra using LAPACK
Safe HaskellSafe-Inferred



Matrices that are assembled from smaller matrices.

We can nest block matrices, but we still not have appropriate type classes for their multiplications. E.g. a Square matrix with more than 2x2 blocks would have the top-level structure:

Quadratic   Block.Beside
Block.Above Block.Square

Thus we would need e.g. multiplication Beside times Above with Quadratic result and multiplication Beside times Square with Above result.


data family Matrix typ extraLower extraUpper lower upper meas vert horiz height width a Source #


Instances details
(MultiplySame typ, StaticIdentity typ, MultiplySameExtra typ xl, MultiplySameExtra typ xu, StaticIdentityExtra typ xl, StaticIdentityStrip typ lower, StaticIdentityExtra typ xu, StaticIdentityStrip typ upper, PowerStrip lower, PowerStrip upper, meas ~ Shape, vert ~ Small, horiz ~ Small, Static height, Eq height, height ~ width, Floating a) => Monoid (Matrix typ xl xu lower upper meas vert horiz height width a) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Numeric.LAPACK.Matrix.Type.Private


mempty :: Matrix typ xl xu lower upper meas vert horiz height width a #

mappend :: Matrix typ xl xu lower upper meas vert horiz height width a -> Matrix typ xl xu lower upper meas vert horiz height width a -> Matrix typ xl xu lower upper meas vert horiz height width a #

mconcat :: [Matrix typ xl xu lower upper meas vert horiz height width a] -> Matrix typ xl xu lower upper meas vert horiz height width a #

(MultiplySame typ, MultiplySameExtra typ xl, MultiplySameExtra typ xu, PowerStrip lower, PowerStrip upper, Measure meas, C vert, C horiz, C height, Eq height, height ~ width, Floating a) => Semigroup (Matrix typ xl xu lower upper meas vert horiz height width a) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Numeric.LAPACK.Matrix.Type.Private


(<>) :: Matrix typ xl xu lower upper meas vert horiz height width a -> Matrix typ xl xu lower upper meas vert horiz height width a -> Matrix typ xl xu lower upper meas vert horiz height width a #

sconcat :: NonEmpty (Matrix typ xl xu lower upper meas vert horiz height width a) -> Matrix typ xl xu lower upper meas vert horiz height width a #

stimes :: Integral b => b -> Matrix typ xl xu lower upper meas vert horiz height width a -> Matrix typ xl xu lower upper meas vert horiz height width a #

(Measure meas, C vert, C horiz, C height, C width, Storable a, Show height, Show width, Show a) => Show (Matrix (Array pack prop) xl xu lower upper meas vert horiz height width a) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Numeric.LAPACK.Matrix.Array.Private


showsPrec :: Int -> Matrix (Array pack prop) xl xu lower upper meas vert horiz height width a -> ShowS #

show :: Matrix (Array pack prop) xl xu lower upper meas vert horiz height width a -> String #

showList :: [Matrix (Array pack prop) xl xu lower upper meas vert horiz height width a] -> ShowS #

(Show (Matrix typ0 (Append0 xl) (Append0 xu) lower upper meas vert horiz (AppendSelectShape xl height sh0) (AppendSelectShape xu width sh0) a), Show (Matrix typ1 (Append1 xl) (Append1 xu) lower upper meas vert horiz (AppendSelectShape xl height sh1) (AppendSelectShape xu width sh1) a), C height, C width, Show height, Show width, Show a) => Show (Matrix (Append typ0 typ1 sh0 sh1) xl xu lower upper meas vert horiz height width a) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Numeric.LAPACK.Matrix.Block.Private


showsPrec :: Int -> Matrix (Append typ0 typ1 sh0 sh1) xl xu lower upper meas vert horiz height width a -> ShowS #

show :: Matrix (Append typ0 typ1 sh0 sh1) xl xu lower upper meas vert horiz height width a -> String #

showList :: [Matrix (Append typ0 typ1 sh0 sh1) xl xu lower upper meas vert horiz height width a] -> ShowS #

(Show (Quadratic typ0 (Diagonal0 xl) (Diagonal0 xu) lower upper (ShapeHead height) a), Show (Quadratic typ1 (Diagonal1 xl) (Diagonal1 xu) lower upper (ShapeTail height) a), C height, C width, Show height, Show width, Show a) => Show (Matrix (Diagonal typ0 typ1) xl xu lower upper meas vert horiz height width a) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Numeric.LAPACK.Matrix.Block.Private


showsPrec :: Int -> Matrix (Diagonal typ0 typ1) xl xu lower upper meas vert horiz height width a -> ShowS #

show :: Matrix (Diagonal typ0 typ1) xl xu lower upper meas vert horiz height width a -> String #

showList :: [Matrix (Diagonal typ0 typ1) xl xu lower upper meas vert horiz height width a] -> ShowS #

(Show (Quadratic typ00 (Square00 xl) (Square00 xu) Filled Filled (ShapeHead height) a), Show (Quadratic typ11 (Square11 xl) (Square11 xu) Filled Filled (ShapeTail height) a), Show (Matrix (SquareType xu) (Square01 xu) (Square10 xu) Filled Filled measOff vertOff horizOff (ShapeHead height) (ShapeTail width) a), Show (Matrix (SquareType xl) (Square10 xl) (Square01 xl) Filled Filled measOff horizOff vertOff (ShapeTail height) (ShapeHead width) a), C height, C width, Show height, Show width, Show a) => Show (Matrix (Square typ00 measOff vertOff horizOff typ11) xl xu lower upper meas vert horiz height width a) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Numeric.LAPACK.Matrix.Block.Private


showsPrec :: Int -> Matrix (Square typ00 measOff vertOff horizOff typ11) xl xu lower upper meas vert horiz height width a -> ShowS #

show :: Matrix (Square typ00 measOff vertOff horizOff typ11) xl xu lower upper meas vert horiz height width a -> String #

showList :: [Matrix (Square typ00 measOff vertOff horizOff typ11) xl xu lower upper meas vert horiz height width a] -> ShowS #

(Show (Quadratic typ0 (Symmetric0 xl) (Symmetric0 xu) lower upper (ShapeHead height) a), Show (Quadratic typ1 (Symmetric1 xl) (Symmetric1 xu) lower upper (ShapeTail height) a), Show (Matrix typOff xlOff xuOff Filled Filled Size Big Big (ShapeHead height) (ShapeTail height) a), C height, C width, Show height, Show width, Show a) => Show (Matrix (Symmetric typ0 typOff xlOff xuOff typ1) xl xu lower upper meas vert horiz height width a) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Numeric.LAPACK.Matrix.Block.Private


showsPrec :: Int -> Matrix (Symmetric typ0 typOff xlOff xuOff typ1) xl xu lower upper meas vert horiz height width a -> ShowS #

show :: Matrix (Symmetric typ0 typOff xlOff xuOff typ1) xl xu lower upper meas vert horiz height width a -> String #

showList :: [Matrix (Symmetric typ0 typOff xlOff xuOff typ1) xl xu lower upper meas vert horiz height width a] -> ShowS #

(Show (Quadratic typ0 (Triangular0 xl) (Triangular0 xu) lower upper (ShapeHead height) a), Show (Quadratic typ1 (Triangular1 xl) (Triangular1 xu) lower upper (ShapeTail height) a), Show (Matrix typOff (TriangularOff xl) (TriangularOff xu) Filled Filled Size Big Big (TriangularFstShape xl xu height) (TriangularSndShape xl xu height) a), C height, C width, Show height, Show width, Show a) => Show (Matrix (Triangular typ0 typOff typ1) xl xu lower upper meas vert horiz height width a) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Numeric.LAPACK.Matrix.Block.Private


showsPrec :: Int -> Matrix (Triangular typ0 typOff typ1) xl xu lower upper meas vert horiz height width a -> ShowS #

show :: Matrix (Triangular typ0 typOff typ1) xl xu lower upper meas vert horiz height width a -> String #

showList :: [Matrix (Triangular typ0 typOff typ1) xl xu lower upper meas vert horiz height width a] -> ShowS #

(C height, Show height) => Show (Matrix Permutation xl xu lower upper meas vert horiz height width a) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Numeric.LAPACK.Matrix.Type.Private


showsPrec :: Int -> Matrix Permutation xl xu lower upper meas vert horiz height width a -> ShowS #

show :: Matrix Permutation xl xu lower upper meas vert horiz height width a -> String #

showList :: [Matrix Permutation xl xu lower upper meas vert horiz height width a] -> ShowS #

(C height, Show height, Show a) => Show (Matrix Scale xl xu lower upper meas vert horiz height width a) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Numeric.LAPACK.Matrix.Type.Private


showsPrec :: Int -> Matrix Scale xl xu lower upper meas vert horiz height width a -> ShowS #

show :: Matrix Scale xl xu lower upper meas vert horiz height width a -> String #

showList :: [Matrix Scale xl xu lower upper meas vert horiz height width a] -> ShowS #

(NFData typ, Measure meas, C vert, C horiz, NFData height, NFData width, NFData a) => NFData (Matrix typ xl xu lower upper meas vert horiz height width a) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Numeric.LAPACK.Matrix.Type.Private


rnf :: Matrix typ xl xu lower upper meas vert horiz height width a -> () #

(C height, Eq height) => Eq (Matrix Permutation xl xu lower upper meas vert horiz height width a) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Numeric.LAPACK.Matrix.Type.Private


(==) :: Matrix Permutation xl xu lower upper meas vert horiz height width a -> Matrix Permutation xl xu lower upper meas vert horiz height width a -> Bool #

(/=) :: Matrix Permutation xl xu lower upper meas vert horiz height width a -> Matrix Permutation xl xu lower upper meas vert horiz height width a -> Bool #

(Format typ, FormatExtra typ xl, FormatExtra typ xu, Measure meas, C vert, C horiz, C height, C width, Floating a) => Display (Matrix typ xl xu lower upper meas vert horiz height width a) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Numeric.LAPACK.Matrix.Type.Private


display :: Matrix typ xl xu lower upper meas vert horiz height width a -> Graphic #

displayIO :: Matrix typ xl xu lower upper meas vert horiz height width a -> IO Graphic #

(Format typ, FormatExtra typ xl, FormatExtra typ xu, Measure meas, C vert, C horiz, C height, C width, Floating a) => Format (Matrix typ xl xu lower upper meas vert horiz height width a) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Numeric.LAPACK.Format


format :: Output out => Config -> Matrix typ xl xu lower upper meas vert horiz height width a -> out Source #

data Matrix Identity xl xu lower upper meas vert horiz height width a Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Numeric.LAPACK.Matrix.Type.Private

data Matrix Identity xl xu lower upper meas vert horiz height width a where
data Matrix Permutation xl xu lower upper meas vert horiz height width a Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Numeric.LAPACK.Matrix.Type.Private

data Matrix Permutation xl xu lower upper meas vert horiz height width a where
data Matrix Scale xl xu lower upper meas vert horiz height width a Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Numeric.LAPACK.Matrix.Type.Private

data Matrix Scale xl xu lower upper meas vert horiz height width a where
data Matrix (Inverse typ) extraLower extraUpper lowerf upperf meas vert horiz height width a Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Numeric.LAPACK.Matrix.Inverse

data Matrix (Inverse typ) extraLower extraUpper lowerf upperf meas vert horiz height width a where
  • Inverse :: forall typ xl xu upperf lowerf meas width height a. QuadraticMeas typ xl xu upperf lowerf meas width height a -> Matrix (Inverse typ) (xl, lowerf) (xu, upperf) lowerf upperf meas Small Small height width a
data Matrix (Product fuse) xl xu lower upper meas vert horiz height width a Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Numeric.LAPACK.Matrix.Type.Private

data Matrix (Product fuse) xl xu lower upper meas vert horiz height width a where
  • Product :: forall lowerA lowerB lower upperA upperB upper typA xlA xuA meas vert horiz height fuse a typB xlB xuB width. (MultipliedBands lowerA lowerB ~ lower, MultipliedBands lowerB lowerA ~ lower, MultipliedBands upperA upperB ~ upper, MultipliedBands upperB upperA ~ upper) => Matrix typA xlA xuA lowerA upperA meas vert horiz height fuse a -> Matrix typB xlB xuB lowerB upperB meas vert horiz fuse width a -> Matrix (Product fuse) (typA, xlA, xuA, lowerA, upperA) (typB, xuB, xlB, upperB, lowerB) lower upper meas vert horiz height width a
data Matrix (FillStrips typ) extraLower extraUpper lower upper meas vert horiz height width a Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Numeric.LAPACK.Matrix.Wrapper

data Matrix (FillStrips typ) extraLower extraUpper lower upper meas vert horiz height width a where
data Matrix (Array pack prop) xl xu lower upper meas vert horiz height width a Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Numeric.LAPACK.Matrix.Array.Private

data Matrix (Array pack prop) xl xu lower upper meas vert horiz height width a where
  • Array :: forall pack prop lower upper meas vert horiz height width a. OmniArray pack prop lower upper meas vert horiz height width a -> Matrix (Array pack prop) () () lower upper meas vert horiz height width a
data Matrix (Diagonal typ0 typ1) xl xu lower upper meas vert horiz height width a Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Numeric.LAPACK.Matrix.Block.Private

data Matrix (Diagonal typ0 typ1) xl xu lower upper meas vert horiz height width a where
data Matrix (MapExtent typ meas) extraLower extraUpper lower upper meas1 vert1 horiz1 height width a Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Numeric.LAPACK.Matrix.Wrapper

data Matrix (MapExtent typ meas) extraLower extraUpper lower upper meas1 vert1 horiz1 height width a where
  • MapExtent :: forall vert0 horiz0 meas meas1 vert1 horiz1 height width typ xl xu lower upper a. (C vert0, C horiz0) => Map meas vert0 horiz0 meas1 vert1 horiz1 height width -> Matrix typ xl xu lower upper meas vert0 horiz0 height width a -> Matrix (MapExtent typ meas) (xl, vert0) (xu, horiz0) lower upper meas1 vert1 horiz1 height width a
data Matrix (Triangular typ0 typOff typ1) xl xu lower upper meas vert horiz height width a Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Numeric.LAPACK.Matrix.Block.Private

data Matrix (Triangular typ0 typOff typ1) xl xu lower upper meas vert horiz height width a where
data Matrix (Append typ0 typ1 sh0 sh1) xl xu lower upper meas vert horiz height width a Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Numeric.LAPACK.Matrix.Block.Private

data Matrix (Append typ0 typ1 sh0 sh1) xl xu lower upper meas vert horiz height width a where
data Matrix (Square typ00 measOff vertOff horizOff typ11) xl xu lower upper meas vert horiz height width a Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Numeric.LAPACK.Matrix.Block.Private

data Matrix (Square typ00 measOff vertOff horizOff typ11) xl xu lower upper meas vert horiz height width a where
data Matrix (Symmetric typ0 typOff xlOff xuOff typ1) xl xu lower upper meas vert horiz height width a Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Numeric.LAPACK.Matrix.Block.Private

data Matrix (Symmetric typ0 typOff xlOff xuOff typ1) xl xu lower upper meas vert horiz height width a where

type Diagonal typ0 xl0 xu0 typ1 xl1 xu1 lower upper sh0 sh1 = Quadratic (Diagonal typ0 typ1) (xl0, xl1) (xu0, xu1) lower upper (sh0 ::+ sh1) Source #

type Above typ0 xl0 xu0 typ1 xl1 xu1 horiz height0 height1 width = Matrix (Append typ0 typ1 height0 height1) (xl0, xl1, False) (xu0, xu1, True) Filled Filled Size Big horiz (height0 ::+ height1) width Source #

type Beside typ0 xl0 xu0 typ1 xl1 xu1 vert height width0 width1 = Matrix (Append typ0 typ1 width0 width1) (xl0, xl1, True) (xu0, xu1, False) Filled Filled Size vert Big height (width0 ::+ width1) Source #

aboveFromFull :: (C height0, Eq height0, C height1, Eq height1, C width, Eq width, Floating a) => General (height0 ::+ height1) width a -> AboveGeneral height0 height1 width a Source #

besideFromFull :: (C height, Eq height, C width0, Eq width0, C width1, Eq width1, Floating a) => General height (width0 ::+ width1) a -> BesideGeneral height width0 width1 a Source #

type Square typ00 xl00 xu00 typ01 xl01 xu01 typ10 xl10 xu10 typ11 xl11 xu11 measOff vertOff horizOff sh0 sh1 = Quadratic (Square typ00 measOff vertOff horizOff typ11) (xl00, xl11, (typ10, xl10, xu10)) (xu00, xu11, (typ01, xu01, xl01)) Filled Filled (sh0 ::+ sh1) Source #

type LowerTriangular typ0 xl0 xu0 typOff xlOff xuOff typ1 xl1 xu1 upper sh0 sh1 = Quadratic (Triangular typ0 typOff typ1) (xl0, xlOff, xl1, True) (xu0, xuOff, xu1, False) Filled upper (sh0 ::+ sh1) Source #

type UpperTriangular typ0 xl0 xu0 typOff xlOff xuOff typ1 xl1 xu1 lower sh0 sh1 = Quadratic (Triangular typ0 typOff typ1) (xl0, xlOff, xl1, False) (xu0, xuOff, xu1, True) lower Filled (sh0 ::+ sh1) Source #

type Symmetric typ0 xl0 xu0 typOff xlOff xuOff typ1 xl1 xu1 sh0 sh1 = Quadratic (Symmetric typ0 typOff xlOff xuOff typ1) (xl0, xl1) (xu0, xu1) Filled Filled (sh0 ::+ sh1) Source #

squareFromSymmetric :: (Transpose typOff, TransposeExtra typOff xlOff, TransposeExtra typOff xuOff, Floating a) => Quadratic (Symmetric typ0 typOff xlOff xuOff typ1) (xl0, xl1) (xu0, xu1) lower upper sh a -> Quadratic (Square typ0 Size Big Big typ1) (xl0, xl1, (typOff, xuOff, xlOff)) (xu0, xu1, (typOff, xuOff, xlOff)) lower upper sh a Source #

schurComplement :: (Solve typ11, SolveExtra typ11 xl11, SolveExtra typ11 xu11, Floating a) => Quadratic (Square TypeFull measOff vertOff horizOff typ11) ((), xl11, (TypeFull, (), ())) ((), xu11, (TypeFull, (), ())) Filled Filled (sh0 ::+ sh1) a -> Square sh0 a Source #