module LaunchDarkly.Server.Events where

import           Data.Aeson                          (ToJSON, Value(..), toJSON, object)
import           Data.Text                           (Text)
import           GHC.Natural                         (Natural)
import           GHC.Generics                        (Generic)
import           Data.Generics.Product               (HasField', getField, field, setField)
import qualified Data.Text as                        T
import           Control.Concurrent.MVar             (MVar, putMVar, swapMVar, newEmptyMVar, newMVar, tryTakeMVar, modifyMVar_)
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as              HM
import           Data.HashMap.Strict                 (HashMap)
import           Data.Time.Clock.POSIX               (getPOSIXTime)
import           Control.Lens                        ((&), (%~))
import           Data.Maybe                          (fromMaybe)
import           Data.Cache.LRU                      (LRU, newLRU)
import           Control.Monad                       (when)
import qualified Data.Cache.LRU as                   LRU

import           LaunchDarkly.Server.Config.Internal (ConfigI, shouldSendEvents)
import           LaunchDarkly.Server.User.Internal   (UserI, userSerializeRedacted)
import           LaunchDarkly.Server.Details         (EvaluationReason(..))
import           LaunchDarkly.Server.Features        (Flag)

data EvalEvent = EvalEvent
    { key                  :: !Text
    , variation            :: !(Maybe Natural)
    , value                :: !Value
    , defaultValue         :: !(Maybe Value)
    , version              :: !(Maybe Natural)
    , prereqOf             :: !(Maybe Text)
    , reason               :: !EvaluationReason
    , trackEvents          :: !Bool
    , forceIncludeReason   :: !Bool
    , debug                :: !Bool
    , debugEventsUntilDate :: !(Maybe Natural)
    } deriving (Generic, Eq, Show)

data EventState = EventState
    { events     :: !(MVar [EventType])
    , flush      :: !(MVar ())
    , summary    :: !(MVar (HashMap Text (FlagSummaryContext (HashMap Text CounterContext))))
    , startDate  :: !(MVar Natural)
    , userKeyLRU :: !(MVar (LRU Text ()))
    } deriving (Generic)

makeEventState :: ConfigI -> IO EventState
makeEventState config = do
    events     <- newMVar []
    flush      <- newEmptyMVar
    summary    <- newMVar mempty
    startDate  <- newEmptyMVar
    userKeyLRU <- newMVar $ newLRU $ pure $ fromIntegral $ getField @"userKeyLRUCapacity" config
    pure EventState{..}

convertFeatures :: HashMap Text (FlagSummaryContext (HashMap Text CounterContext))
    -> HashMap Text (FlagSummaryContext [CounterContext])
convertFeatures summary = (flip summary $ \context -> context & field @"counters" %~ HM.elems

queueEvent :: ConfigI -> EventState -> EventType -> IO ()
queueEvent config state event = if not (shouldSendEvents config) then pure () else
    modifyMVar_ (getField @"events" state) $ \events ->
    if length events < fromIntegral (getField @"eventsCapacity" config) then pure (event : events) else pure events

unixMilliseconds :: IO Natural
unixMilliseconds = (round . (* 1000)) <$> getPOSIXTime

makeBaseEvent :: a -> IO (BaseEvent a)
makeBaseEvent child = unixMilliseconds >>= \now -> pure $ BaseEvent { creationDate = now, event = child }

processSummary :: ConfigI -> EventState -> IO ()
processSummary config state = tryTakeMVar (getField @"startDate" state) >>= \case
    Nothing          -> pure ()
    (Just startDate) -> do
        endDate  <- unixMilliseconds
        features <- convertFeatures <$> swapMVar (getField @"summary" state) mempty
        makeBaseEvent SummaryEvent {..} >>= queueEvent config state . EventTypeSummary

class EventKind a where
    eventKind :: a -> Text

data SummaryEvent = SummaryEvent
    { startDate :: !Natural
    , endDate   :: !Natural
    , features  :: !(HashMap Text (FlagSummaryContext [CounterContext]))
    } deriving (Generic, Show, ToJSON)

instance EventKind SummaryEvent where
    eventKind _ = "summary"

data FlagSummaryContext a = FlagSummaryContext
    { defaultValue :: Maybe Value
    , counters     :: a
    } deriving (Generic, Show)

instance ToJSON a => ToJSON (FlagSummaryContext a) where
    toJSON ctx = object $ filter ((/=) Null . snd)
        [ ("default",  toJSON $ getField @"defaultValue" ctx)
        , ("counters", toJSON $ getField @"counters"     ctx)

data CounterContext = CounterContext
    { count     :: !Natural
    , version   :: !(Maybe Natural)
    , variation :: !(Maybe Natural)
    , value     :: !Value
    , unknown   :: !Bool
    } deriving (Generic, Show, ToJSON)

data IdentifyEvent = IdentifyEvent
    { key  :: !(Maybe Text)
    , user :: !Value
    } deriving (Generic, ToJSON, Show)

instance EventKind IdentifyEvent where
    eventKind _ = "identify"

data IndexEvent = IndexEvent { user :: Value } deriving (Generic, ToJSON, Show)

instance EventKind IndexEvent where
    eventKind _ = "index"

data FeatureEvent = FeatureEvent
    { key          :: !Text
    , user         :: !(Maybe Value)
    , userKey      :: !(Maybe Text)
    , value        :: !Value
    , defaultValue :: !(Maybe Value)
    , version      :: !(Maybe Natural)
    , variation    :: !(Maybe Natural)
    , reason       :: !(Maybe EvaluationReason)
    } deriving (Generic, Show)

instance ToJSON FeatureEvent where
    toJSON event = object $ filter ((/=) Null . snd)
        [ ("key",       toJSON $ getField @"key"          event)
        , ("user",      toJSON $ getField @"user"         event)
        , ("userKey",   toJSON $ getField @"userKey"      event)
        , ("value",     toJSON $ getField @"value"        event)
        , ("default",   toJSON $ getField @"defaultValue" event)
        , ("version",   toJSON $ getField @"version"      event)
        , ("variation", toJSON $ getField @"variation"    event)
        , ("reason",    toJSON $ getField @"reason"       event)

instance EventKind FeatureEvent where
    eventKind _ = "feature"

newtype DebugEvent = DebugEvent FeatureEvent

instance EventKind DebugEvent where
    eventKind _ = "debug"

instance ToJSON DebugEvent where
    toJSON (DebugEvent x) = toJSON x

addUserToEvent :: (HasField' "user" r (Maybe Value), HasField' "userKey" r (Maybe Text)) => ConfigI -> UserI -> r -> r
addUserToEvent config user event = if getField @"inlineUsersInEvents" config
    then setField @"user" (pure $ userSerializeRedacted config user) event
    else setField @"userKey" (getField @"key" user) event

makeFeatureEvent :: ConfigI -> UserI -> Bool -> EvalEvent -> FeatureEvent
makeFeatureEvent config user includeReason event = addUserToEvent config user $ FeatureEvent
    { key          = getField @"key" event
    , user         = Nothing
    , userKey      = Nothing
    , value        = getField @"value" event
    , defaultValue = getField @"defaultValue" event
    , version      = getField @"version" event
    , variation    = getField @"variation" event
    , reason       = if includeReason || getField @"forceIncludeReason" event
        then pure $ getField @"reason" event else Nothing

data CustomEvent = CustomEvent
    { key         :: !Text
    , user        :: !(Maybe Value)
    , userKey     :: !(Maybe Text)
    , metricValue :: !(Maybe Double)
    , value       :: !(Maybe Value)
    } deriving (Generic, Show)

instance ToJSON CustomEvent where
    toJSON ctx = object $ filter ((/=) Null . snd)
        [ ("key",         toJSON $ getField @"key"         ctx)
        , ("user",        toJSON $ getField @"user"        ctx)
        , ("userKey",     toJSON $ getField @"userKey"     ctx)
        , ("metricValue", toJSON $ getField @"metricValue" ctx)
        , ("data",        toJSON $ getField @"value"       ctx)

instance EventKind CustomEvent where
    eventKind _ = "custom"

data BaseEvent event = BaseEvent
    { creationDate :: Natural
    , event        :: event
    } deriving (Generic, Show)

fromObject :: Value -> HashMap Text Value
fromObject x = case x of (Object o) -> o; _ -> error "expected object"

instance (EventKind sub, ToJSON sub) => ToJSON (BaseEvent sub) where
    toJSON event = Object $ HM.union (fromObject $ toJSON $ getField @"event" event) $ HM.fromList
        [ ("creationDate", toJSON $ getField @"creationDate" event)
        , ("kind",         String $ eventKind $ getField @"event" event)

data EventType =
      EventTypeIdentify !(BaseEvent IdentifyEvent)
    | EventTypeFeature  !(BaseEvent FeatureEvent)
    | EventTypeSummary  !(BaseEvent SummaryEvent)
    | EventTypeCustom   !(BaseEvent CustomEvent)
    | EventTypeIndex    !(BaseEvent IndexEvent)
    | EventTypeDebug    !(BaseEvent DebugEvent)

instance ToJSON EventType where
    toJSON event = case event of
        EventTypeIdentify x -> toJSON x
        EventTypeFeature  x -> toJSON x
        EventTypeSummary  x -> toJSON x
        EventTypeCustom   x -> toJSON x
        EventTypeIndex    x -> toJSON x
        EventTypeDebug    x -> toJSON x

newUnknownFlagEvent :: Text -> Value -> EvaluationReason -> EvalEvent
newUnknownFlagEvent key defaultValue reason = EvalEvent
    { key                  = key
    , variation            = Nothing
    , value                = defaultValue
    , defaultValue         = pure defaultValue
    , version              = Nothing
    , prereqOf             = Nothing
    , reason               = reason
    , trackEvents          = False
    , forceIncludeReason   = False
    , debug                = False
    , debugEventsUntilDate = Nothing

newSuccessfulEvalEvent :: Flag -> Maybe Natural -> Value -> Maybe Value -> EvaluationReason -> Maybe Text -> EvalEvent
newSuccessfulEvalEvent flag variation value defaultValue reason prereqOf = EvalEvent
    { key                  = getField @"key" flag
    , variation            = variation
    , value                = value
    , defaultValue         = defaultValue
    , version              = Just $ getField @"version" flag
    , prereqOf             = prereqOf
    , reason               = reason
    , trackEvents          = getField @"trackEvents" flag || shouldForceReason
    , forceIncludeReason   = shouldForceReason
    , debug                = False
    , debugEventsUntilDate = getField @"debugEventsUntilDate" flag


    shouldForceReason = case reason of
        EvaluationReasonFallthrough       -> getField @"trackEventsFallthrough" flag
        (EvaluationReasonRuleMatch idx _) -> getField @"trackEvents" (getField @"rules" flag !! fromIntegral idx)
        _                                 -> False

makeSummaryKey :: EvalEvent -> Text
makeSummaryKey event = T.intercalate "-"
    [ fromMaybe "" $ fmap (T.pack . show) $ getField @"version" event
    , fromMaybe "" $ fmap (T.pack . show) $ getField @"variation" event

summarizeEvent :: (HashMap Text (FlagSummaryContext (HashMap Text CounterContext)))
    -> EvalEvent -> Bool -> (HashMap Text (FlagSummaryContext (HashMap Text CounterContext)))
summarizeEvent context event unknown = result where
    key = makeSummaryKey event
    root = case HM.lookup (getField @"key" event) context of
        (Just x) -> x; Nothing  -> FlagSummaryContext (getField @"defaultValue" event) mempty
    leaf = case HM.lookup key (getField @"counters" root) of
        (Just x) -> x & field @"count" %~ (1 +)
        Nothing  -> CounterContext
            { count     = 1
            , version   = getField @"version" event
            , variation = getField @"variation" event
            , value     = getField @"value" event
            , unknown   = unknown
    result = flip (HM.insert $ getField @"key" event) context $
        root & field @"counters" %~ HM.insert key leaf

putIfEmptyMVar :: MVar a -> a -> IO ()
putIfEmptyMVar mvar value = tryTakeMVar mvar >>= \case Just x -> putMVar mvar x; Nothing -> putMVar mvar value;

runSummary :: Natural -> EventState -> EvalEvent -> Bool -> IO ()
runSummary now state event unknown = putIfEmptyMVar (getField @"startDate" state) now >>
    modifyMVar_ (getField @"summary" state) (\summary -> pure $ summarizeEvent summary event unknown)

processEvalEvent :: Natural -> ConfigI -> EventState -> UserI -> Bool -> Bool -> EvalEvent -> IO ()
processEvalEvent now config state user includeReason unknown event = do
    let featureEvent = makeFeatureEvent config user includeReason event
    when (getField @"trackEvents" event) $
        queueEvent config state $ EventTypeFeature $ BaseEvent now $ featureEvent
    when (now < fromMaybe 0 (getField @"debugEventsUntilDate" event)) $
        queueEvent config state $ EventTypeDebug $ BaseEvent now $ DebugEvent featureEvent
    runSummary now state event unknown
    maybeIndexUser now config user state

processEvalEvents :: ConfigI -> EventState -> UserI -> Bool -> [EvalEvent] -> Bool -> IO ()
processEvalEvents config state user includeReason events unknown = unixMilliseconds >>= \now ->
    mapM_ (processEvalEvent now config state user includeReason unknown) events

maybeIndexUser :: Natural -> ConfigI -> UserI -> EventState -> IO ()
maybeIndexUser now config user state = modifyMVar_ (getField @"userKeyLRU" state) $ \cache ->
    let key = fromMaybe "" $ getField @"key" user in case LRU.lookup key cache of
        (cache', Just _)  -> pure cache'
        (cache', Nothing) -> do
            queueEvent config state (EventTypeIndex $ BaseEvent now $ IndexEvent { user = userSerializeRedacted config user })
            pure $ LRU.insert key () cache'