Safe Haskell | Safe-Inferred |
Language | Haskell98 |
The CSV (comma-separated value) format is defined by RFC 4180, "Common Format and MIME Type for Comma-Separated Values (CSV) Files",
This lazy parser can report all CSV formatting errors, whilst also returning all the valid data, so the user can choose whether to continue, to show warnings, or to halt on error.
Valid fields retain information about their original location in the input, so a secondary parser from textual fields to typed values can give intelligent error messages.
In a valid CSV file, all rows must have the same number of columns. This parser will flag a row with the wrong number of columns as a error. (But the error type contains the actual data, so the user can recover it if desired.) Completely blank lines are also treated as errors, and again the user is free either to filter these out or convert them to a row of actual null fields.
- type CSVTable = [CSVRow]
- type CSVRow = [CSVField]
- data CSVField
- = CSVField {
- csvRowNum :: !Int
- csvColNum :: !Int
- csvTextStart :: !(Int, Int)
- csvTextEnd :: !(Int, Int)
- csvFieldContent :: !String
- csvFieldQuoted :: !Bool
- | CSVFieldError {
- csvRowNum :: !Int
- csvColNum :: !Int
- csvTextStart :: !(Int, Int)
- csvTextEnd :: !(Int, Int)
- csvFieldError :: !String
- = CSVField {
- data CSVError
- = IncorrectRow {
- csvRow :: !Int
- csvColsExpected :: !Int
- csvColsActual :: !Int
- csvFields :: [CSVField]
- | BlankLine {
- csvRow :: !Int
- csvColsExpected :: !Int
- csvColsActual :: !Int
- csvField :: CSVField
- | FieldError { }
- | DuplicateHeader {
- csvColsExpected :: !Int
- csvHeaderSerial :: !Int
- csvDuplicate :: !String
- | NoData
- = IncorrectRow {
- type CSVResult = [Either [CSVError] CSVRow]
- csvErrors :: CSVResult -> [CSVError]
- csvTable :: CSVResult -> CSVTable
- csvTableFull :: CSVResult -> CSVTable
- csvTableHeader :: CSVResult -> [String]
- parseCSV :: String -> CSVResult
- parseDSV :: Bool -> Char -> String -> CSVResult
- ppCSVError :: CSVError -> String
- ppCSVField :: CSVField -> String
- ppCSVTable :: CSVTable -> String
- ppDSVTable :: Bool -> Char -> CSVTable -> String
- fromCSVTable :: CSVTable -> [[String]]
- toCSVTable :: [[String]] -> ([CSVError], CSVTable)
- selectFields :: [String] -> CSVTable -> Either [String] CSVTable
- expectFields :: [String] -> CSVTable -> Either [String] CSVTable
- mkEmptyColumn :: String -> CSVTable
- joinCSV :: CSVTable -> CSVTable -> CSVTable
- mkCSVField :: Int -> Int -> String -> CSVField
CSV types
type CSVTable = [CSVRow] Source
A CSV table is a sequence of rows. All rows have the same number of fields.
A CSV field's content is stored with its logical row and column number, as well as its textual extent. This information is necessary if you want to generate good error messages in a secondary parsing stage, should you choose to convert the textual fields to typed data values.
CSVField | |
| |
CSVFieldError | |
CSV parsing
A structured error type for CSV formatting mistakes.
IncorrectRow | |
| |
BlankLine | |
| |
FieldError | |
DuplicateHeader | |
| |
NoData |
type CSVResult = [Either [CSVError] CSVRow] Source
The result of parsing a CSV input is a mixed collection of errors and valid rows. This way of representing things is crucial to the ability to parse lazily whilst still catching format errors.
csvTableFull :: CSVResult -> CSVTable Source
Extract the full table, including invalid rows, repaired with padding. and de-duplicated headers.
csvTableHeader :: CSVResult -> [String] Source
The header row of the CSV table, assuming it is non-empty.
parseCSV :: String -> CSVResult Source
A first-stage parser for CSV (comma-separated values) data. The individual fields remain as text, but errors in CSV formatting are reported. Errors (containing unrecognisable rows/fields) are interspersed with the valid rows/fields.
parseDSV :: Bool -> Char -> String -> CSVResult Source
Sometimes CSV is not comma-separated, but delimiter-separated values (DSV). The choice of delimiter is arbitrary, but semi-colon is common in locales where comma is used as a decimal point, and tab is also common. The Boolean argument is whether newlines should be accepted within quoted fields. The CSV RFC says newlines can occur in quotes, but other DSV formats might say otherwise. You can often get better error messages if newlines are disallowed.
ppCSVError :: CSVError -> String Source
Some pretty-printing for structured CSV errors.
ppCSVField :: CSVField -> String Source
Pretty-printing for CSV fields, shows positional information in addition to the textual content.
ppCSVTable :: CSVTable -> String Source
Turn a full CSV table back into text, as much like the original input as possible, e.g. preserving quoted/unquoted format of fields.
ppDSVTable :: Bool -> Char -> CSVTable -> String Source
Turn a full CSV table back into text, using the given delimiter character. Quoted/unquoted formatting of the original is preserved. The Boolean argument is to repair fields containing newlines, by replacing the nl with a space.
Conversion between standard and simple representations
fromCSVTable :: CSVTable -> [[String]] Source
Convert a CSV table to a simpler representation, by dropping all the original location information.
toCSVTable :: [[String]] -> ([CSVError], CSVTable) Source
Convert a simple list of lists into a CSVTable by the addition of logical locations. (Textual locations are not so useful.) Rows of varying lengths generate errors. Fields that need quotation marks are automatically marked as such.
Selection, validation, and algebra of CSV tables
selectFields :: [String] -> CSVTable -> Either [String] CSVTable Source
Select and/or re-arrange columns from a CSV table, based on names in the header row of the table. The original header row is re-arranged too. The result is either a list of column names that were not present, or the (possibly re-arranged) sub-table.
expectFields :: [String] -> CSVTable -> Either [String] CSVTable Source
Validate that the named columns of a table have exactly the names and ordering given in the argument.
mkEmptyColumn :: String -> CSVTable Source
A generator for a new CSV column, of arbitrary length. The result can be joined to an existing table if desired.