Copyright | (c) Rose 2019 |
License | BSD3 |
Maintainer | |
Stability | experimental |
Portability | POSIX |
Safe Haskell | Safe |
Language | Haskell2010 |
This module defines datatypes for the various aspects of the target hardware including registers and instructions.
- type Lazyboy a = RWS () [Instruction] Integer a
- execLazyboy :: Lazyboy a -> [Instruction]
- data Location
- data Condition
- data Register8
- data Register16
- data Label
- data Instruction
- = LDrr Register8 Register8
- | LDrn Register8 Word8
- | LDrHL Register8
- | LDHLr Register8
- | LDHLn Word8
- | LDArr Register16
- | LDrrA Register16
- | LDAnn Location
- | LDnnA Location
- | LDAIO Word8
- | LDIOA Word8
- | LDrrnn Register16 Location
- | PUSH Register16
- | POP Register16
- | JP Location
- | JPHL
- | JPif Condition Location
- | CALL Location
- | CALLif Condition Location
- | RET
- | RETif Condition
- | RETi
- | RST Word8
- | ADDAr Register8
- | ADDAn Word8
- | ADCAr Register8
- | ADCAn Word8
- | SUBAr Register8
- | SUBAn Word8
- | SBCAr Register8
- | SBCAn Word8
- | ANDr Register8
- | ANDn Word8
- | XORr Register8
- | XORn Word8
- | ORr Register8
- | ORn Word8
- | ORHL
- | CPr Register8
- | CPn Word8
- | CPHL
- | INCr Register8
- | DECr Register8
- | DAA
- | CPL
- | ADDHLrr Register16
- | INCrr Register16
- | DECrr Register16
- | ADDSPn Int8
- | LDHLSPn Int8
- | BITnr Word8 Register8
- | BITnHL Word8
- | SETnr Word8 Register8
- | SETnHL Word8
- | RESnr Word8 Register8
- | RESnHL Word8
- | RLCA
- | RLA
- | RRCA
- | RRA
- | RLC Register8
- | RL Register8
- | RLHL
- | RRC Register8
- | RR Register8
- | RRHL
- | SLA Register8
- | SWAP Register8
- | SRA Register8
- | SRL Register8
- | CCF
- | SCF
- | NOP
- | HALT
- | STOP
- | DI
- | EI
- | LABEL Label
- | INCLUDE FilePath
- | BYTES [Word8]
type Lazyboy a = RWS () [Instruction] Integer a Source #
A type alias that defines Lazyboy as a specialization of the RWS monad transformer stack. Reader goes unused, Writer is utilized for an output list of Instructions, and State is merely an integer which counts labels, thus naming them.
execLazyboy :: Lazyboy a -> [Instruction] Source #
Executes an action and returns a list of Instructions.
A type which represents an address or label.
A type representing Condition flags on the hardware.
Named 8-bit registers.
Eq Register8 Source # | |
Read Register8 Source # | |
Show Register8 Source # | |
PrintfArg Register8 Source # | |
Defined in Lazyboy.Target.ASM | |
Comparable Word8 Register8 Source # | An instance for comparing a Word8 and an 8-bit register (this is an alias). |
Comparable Register8 Word8 Source # | An instance for comparing an 8-bit register and a Word8. |
Comparable Register8 Register8 Source # | An instance for comparing two 8-bit registers. |
data Register16 Source #
Named 16-bit registers.
Eq Register16 Source # | |
Defined in Lazyboy.Types | |
Read Register16 Source # | |
Defined in Lazyboy.Types Methods readsPrec :: Int -> ReadS Register16 # readList :: ReadS [Register16] # readPrec :: ReadPrec Register16 # readListPrec :: ReadPrec [Register16] # | |
Show Register16 Source # | |
Defined in Lazyboy.Types Methods showsPrec :: Int -> Register16 -> ShowS # show :: Register16 -> String # showList :: [Register16] -> ShowS # | |
PrintfArg Register16 Source # | Instances of PrintfArg |
Defined in Lazyboy.Target.ASM |
A type which represents a label, which may be local or global in scope.
data Instruction Source #
Type-level representations of instructions and primitive special forms.
LDrr Register8 Register8 | Load the value in one Register8 into another. |
LDrn Register8 Word8 | Load the immediate Word8 into a Register8. |
LDrHL Register8 | Load the Word8 stored at the address in HL into a Register8. |
LDHLr Register8 | Load the Word8 stored in a Register8 into the address in HL. |
LDHLn Word8 | Load the immediate Word8 into the address in HL. |
LDArr Register16 | Load the value at the address contained in a Register16 into A. |
LDrrA Register16 | Load A into the address contained in a Register16. |
LDAnn Location | Load the Word8 stored in the Location into A. |
LDnnA Location | Load the Word8 stored in A into the Location. |
LDAIO Word8 | Read into A from IO port n (FF00 + Word8). |
LDIOA Word8 | Store the Word8 in A into IO port n (FF00 + Word8). |
LDAIOC | Read from IO port FF00+C into A. |
LDIOCA | Store the Word8 in A into IO port FF00+C. |
LDHLAI | Store value in register A into byte pointed by HL and post-increment HL. |
LDAHLI | Store value in address in HL in A and post-increment HL. |
LDHLAD | Store value in register A into byte pointed by HL and post-decrement HL. |
LDAHLD | Store value in address in HL in A and post-decrement HL. |
LDrrnn Register16 Location | Load a Location into a Register16. |
LDSPHL | Set the stack pointer (SP) to the value in HL. |
PUSH Register16 | Push Register16 onto the stack. |
POP Register16 | Pop Register16 from the stack. |
JP Location | Immediately and unconditionally jump to a Location. |
JPHL | Immediately and unconditionally jump to the value contained in HL. |
JPif Condition Location | Conditionally jump to a Location. |
CALL Location | Call a Location. |
CALLif Condition Location | Conditionally call a Location. |
RET | Return from a labelled block. |
RETif Condition | Conditionally return from a labelled block. |
RETi | Return and enable interrupts. |
RST Word8 | Call a restart vector. |
ADDAr Register8 | Add the value contained in a Register8 to A. |
ADDAn Word8 | Add a Word8 to the value contained in A. |
ADDHL | Add the value contained in the address stored in HL to A. |
ADCAr Register8 | Add the value in a Register8 + the carry flag to A. |
ADCAn Word8 | Add a Word8 + the carry flag to A. |
ADCHL | Add the value pointed to by HL + the carry flag to A. |
SUBAr Register8 | Subtract the value contained in a Register8 from A. |
SUBAn Word8 | Subtract a Word8 from A. |
SUBHL | Subtract from A the value contained at the address in HL. |
SBCAr Register8 | Subtract from A the value contained in a Register8 + the carry flag. |
SBCAn Word8 | Subtract from A a Word8 + the carry flag. |
SBCAHL | Subtract from A the value contained in the address in HL + the carry flag. |
ANDr Register8 | Assign to A the value contained in a Register8 & A itself. |
ANDn Word8 | Assign to A a Word8 & A itself. |
ANDHL | Assign to A itself & the value in the address in HL. |
XORr Register8 | Assign to A the value contained in a register ^ A itself |
XORn Word8 | Assign to A a Word8 ^ itself. |
XORHL | Assign to A itself ^ the value in the address in HL. |
ORr Register8 | Assign to A the value contained in a register | A itself. |
ORn Word8 | Assign to A a Word8 | itself. |
ORHL | Assign to A itself | the value in the address in HL |
CPr Register8 | Subtract from A the value in a Register8 and set flags accordingly, but don't store the result. |
CPn Word8 | Subtract from A a Word8 and set flags accordingly, but don't store the result. |
CPHL | Subtract from A the value in the address in HL, set flags, but don't store the result. |
INCr Register8 | Increment the value in a Register8. |
INCHL | Increment the value at the address in HL. |
DECr Register8 | Decrement the value in a Register8. |
DECHL | Decrement the value at the address in HL. |
DAA | Decimal-adjust register A. |
CPL | Complement accumulator (A = ~A). |
ADDHLrr Register16 | Add the value contained in a Register16 to HL. |
INCrr Register16 | Increment the value in a Register16. |
DECrr Register16 | Decrement the value in a Register16. |
ADDSPn Int8 | Add an Int8 to the stack pointer. |
LDHLSPn Int8 | Load into HL the stack pointer + an Int8. |
BITnr Word8 Register8 | Test bit n in a Register8, set the zero flag if not set. |
BITnHL Word8 | Test bit n in the Word8 pointed by HL, set the zero flag if not set. |
SETnr Word8 Register8 | Set bit n in a Register8. |
SETnHL Word8 | Set bit n in the Word8 pointed by HL. |
RESnr Word8 Register8 | Unset bit n in Register8. |
RESnHL Word8 | Unset bit n in the Word8 pointed by HL. |
RLCA | Rotate accumulator left. |
RLA | Rotate accumulator left through carry. |
RRCA | Rotate accumulator right. |
RRA | Rotate accumulator rit through carry. |
RLC Register8 | Rotate Register8 left. |
RLCHL | Rotate value contained at address in HL left. |
RL Register8 | Rotate Register8 left through carry. |
RLHL | Rotate value contained at address in HL left through carry. |
RRC Register8 | Rotate Register8 right. |
RRCHL | Rotate value contained at address in HL right. |
RR Register8 | Rotate Register8 right through carry. |
RRHL | Rotate value contained at address in HL right through carry. |
SLA Register8 | Shift Register8 left arithmetic. |
SLAHL | Shift left arithmetic (HL pointer). |
SWAP Register8 | Exchange low and high nibbles in Register8. |
SWAPHL | Exchange low and high nibbles in HL pointer. |
SRA Register8 | Shift Register8 right arithmetic. |
SRAHL | Shift right arithmetic in HL pointer. |
SRL Register8 | Shift Register8 right logical. |
SRLHL | Shift right logical in HL pointer. |
CCF | Complement carry flag. |
SCF | Set carry flag. |
NOP | No operation. |
HALT | Halt until interrupt. |
STOP | Standby mode. |
DI | Disable interrupts. |
EI | Enable interrupts. |
LABEL Label | Create a numbered label. |
INCLUDE FilePath | Include the file at FilePath. |
BYTES [Word8] | Define some bytes in the form of a Word8 list with a global label. |
Eq Instruction Source # | |
Defined in Lazyboy.Types | |
Show Instruction Source # | A custom Show instance which formats Instructions as assembly. |
Defined in Lazyboy.Target.ASM Methods showsPrec :: Int -> Instruction -> ShowS # show :: Instruction -> String # showList :: [Instruction] -> ShowS # |