{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wall #-}
{-# LANGUAGE Safe #-}

{- | 
Module      :  Physics.Learn.SimpleVec
Copyright   :  (c) Scott N. Walck 2012-2014
License     :  BSD3 (see LICENSE)
Maintainer  :  Scott N. Walck <walck@lvc.edu>
Stability   :  experimental

Basic operations on the vector type 'Vec', such as vector addition
and scalar multiplication.
This module is simple in the sense that the operations
on vectors all have simple, concrete types,
without the need for type classes.
This makes using and reasoning about vector operations
easier for a person just learning Haskell.

-- 2011 Apr 10
-- Placed the code common to SimpleVec and CarrotVec in CommonVec

-- 2011 Mar 19
-- Add support for sumV, so that the interface matches CarrotVec.hs

-- This uses the same internal data representation as SimpleVector,
-- but uses an interface to match Conal Elliott's operators for
-- vectors.  (A similar interface to CarrotVector and SimpleCarrotVector.)
-- The notation
-- zeroV, negateV, (^+^), (^-^)
-- is borrowed from Data.AdditiveGroup, and
-- (*^), (^*), (^/), (<.>), magnitude
-- is borrowed from Data.VectorSpace.
-- Cross product operator is my own.

module Physics.Learn.SimpleVec
    ( Vec
    , xComp
    , yComp
    , zComp
    , vec
    , (^+^)
    , (^-^)
    , (*^)
    , (^*)
    , (^/)
    , (<.>)
    , (><)
    , magnitude
    , zeroV
    , negateV
    , sumV
    , iHat
    , jHat
    , kHat

import Physics.Learn.CommonVec
    ( Vec(..)
    , vec
    , iHat
    , jHat
    , kHat
    , (><)

infixl 6 ^+^
infixl 6 ^-^
infixl 7 *^
infixl 7 ^*
infixl 7 ^/
infixl 7 <.>

-- | The zero vector.
zeroV :: Vec
zeroV = vec 0 0 0

-- | The additive inverse of a vector.
negateV :: Vec -> Vec
negateV (Vec ax ay az) = Vec (-ax) (-ay) (-az)

-- | Sum of a list of vectors.
sumV :: [Vec] -> Vec
sumV = foldr (^+^) zeroV

-- | Vector addition.
(^+^) :: Vec -> Vec -> Vec
Vec ax ay az ^+^ Vec bx by bz
    = Vec (ax+bx) (ay+by) (az+bz)

-- | Vector subtraction.
(^-^) :: Vec -> Vec -> Vec
Vec ax ay az ^-^ Vec bx by bz = Vec (ax-bx) (ay-by) (az-bz)

-- | Scalar multiplication, where the scalar is on the left
--   and the vector is on the right.
(*^) :: Double -> Vec -> Vec
c *^ Vec ax ay az = Vec (c*ax) (c*ay) (c*az)

-- | Scalar multiplication, where the scalar is on the right
--   and the vector is on the left.
(^*) :: Vec -> Double -> Vec
Vec ax ay az ^* c = Vec (c*ax) (c*ay) (c*az)

-- | Division of a vector by a scalar.
(^/) :: Vec -> Double -> Vec
Vec ax ay az ^/ c = Vec (ax/c) (ay/c) (az/c)

-- | Dot product of two vectors.
(<.>) :: Vec -> Vec -> Double
Vec ax ay az <.> Vec bx by bz = ax*bx + ay*by + az*bz

-- | Magnitude of a vector.
magnitude :: Vec -> Double
magnitude v = sqrt(v <.> v)