{-# LANGUAGE PatternGuards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE Trustworthy #-}
module Control.Lens.Internal.FieldTH
( LensRules(..)
, DefName(..)
, makeFieldOptics
, makeFieldOpticsForDec
) where
import Control.Lens.At
import Control.Lens.Fold
import Control.Lens.Internal.TH
import Control.Lens.Plated
import Control.Lens.Prism
import Control.Lens.Setter
import Control.Lens.Getter
import Control.Lens.Traversal
import Control.Lens.Tuple
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad
import Language.Haskell.TH.Lens
import Language.Haskell.TH
import Data.Foldable (toList)
import Data.Maybe (isJust,maybeToList)
import Data.List (nub, findIndices)
import Data.Either (partitionEithers)
import Data.Set.Lens
import Data.Map ( Map )
import Data.Set ( Set )
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.Traversable as T
import Prelude
makeFieldOptics :: LensRules -> Name -> DecsQ
makeFieldOptics rules tyName =
do info <- reify tyName
case info of
TyConI dec -> makeFieldOpticsForDec rules dec
_ -> fail "makeFieldOptics: Expected type constructor name"
makeFieldOpticsForDec :: LensRules -> Dec -> DecsQ
makeFieldOpticsForDec rules dec = case dec of
DataD _ tyName vars cons _ ->
makeFieldOpticsForDec' rules tyName (mkS tyName vars) cons
NewtypeD _ tyName vars con _ ->
makeFieldOpticsForDec' rules tyName (mkS tyName vars) [con]
DataInstD _ tyName args cons _ ->
makeFieldOpticsForDec' rules tyName (tyName `conAppsT` args) cons
NewtypeInstD _ tyName args con _ ->
makeFieldOpticsForDec' rules tyName (tyName `conAppsT` args) [con]
_ -> fail "makeFieldOptics: Expected data or newtype type-constructor"
mkS tyName vars = tyName `conAppsT` map VarT (toListOf typeVars vars)
makeFieldOpticsForDec' :: LensRules -> Name -> Type -> [Con] -> DecsQ
makeFieldOpticsForDec' rules tyName s cons =
do fieldCons <- traverse normalizeConstructor cons
let allFields = toListOf (folded . _2 . folded . _1 . folded) fieldCons
let defCons = over normFieldLabels (expandName allFields) fieldCons
allDefs = setOf (normFieldLabels . folded) defCons
perDef <- T.sequenceA (fromSet (buildScaffold rules s defCons) allDefs)
let defs = Map.toList perDef
case _classyLenses rules tyName of
Just (className, methodName) ->
makeClassyDriver rules className methodName s defs
Nothing -> do decss <- traverse (makeFieldOptic rules) defs
return (concat decss)
normFieldLabels :: Traversal [(Name,[(a,Type)])] [(Name,[(b,Type)])] a b
normFieldLabels = traverse . _2 . traverse . _1
expandName :: [Name] -> Maybe Name -> [DefName]
expandName allFields = concatMap (_fieldToDef rules tyName allFields) . maybeToList
normalizeConstructor ::
Con ->
Q (Name, [(Maybe Name, Type)])
normalizeConstructor (RecC n xs) =
return (n, [ (Just fieldName, ty) | (fieldName,_,ty) <- xs])
normalizeConstructor (NormalC n xs) =
return (n, [ (Nothing, ty) | (_,ty) <- xs])
normalizeConstructor (InfixC (_,ty1) n (_,ty2)) =
return (n, [ (Nothing, ty1), (Nothing, ty2) ])
normalizeConstructor (ForallC _ _ con) =
do con' <- normalizeConstructor con
return (set (_2 . mapped . _1) Nothing con')
data OpticType = GetterType | LensType | IsoType
buildScaffold ::
LensRules ->
Type ->
[(Name, [([DefName], Type)])] ->
DefName ->
Q (OpticType, OpticStab, [(Name, Int, [Int])])
buildScaffold rules s cons defName =
do (s',t,a,b) <- buildStab s (concatMap snd consForDef)
let defType
| Just (_,cx,a') <- preview _ForallT a =
let optic | lensCase = getterTypeName
| otherwise = foldTypeName
in OpticSa cx optic s' a'
| not (_allowUpdates rules) =
let optic | lensCase = getterTypeName
| otherwise = foldTypeName
in OpticSa [] optic s' a
| _simpleLenses rules || s' == t && a == b =
let optic | isoCase && _allowIsos rules = iso'TypeName
| lensCase = lens'TypeName
| otherwise = traversal'TypeName
in OpticSa [] optic s' a
| otherwise =
let optic | isoCase && _allowIsos rules = isoTypeName
| lensCase = lensTypeName
| otherwise = traversalTypeName
in OpticStab optic s' t a b
opticType | has _ForallT a = GetterType
| not (_allowUpdates rules) = GetterType
| isoCase = IsoType
| otherwise = LensType
return (opticType, defType, scaffolds)
consForDef :: [(Name, [Either Type Type])]
consForDef = over (mapped . _2 . mapped) categorize cons
scaffolds :: [(Name, Int, [Int])]
scaffolds = [ (n, length ts, rightIndices ts) | (n,ts) <- consForDef ]
rightIndices :: [Either Type Type] -> [Int]
rightIndices = findIndices (has _Right)
categorize :: ([DefName], Type) -> Either Type Type
categorize (defNames, t)
| defName `elem` defNames = Right t
| otherwise = Left t
lensCase :: Bool
lensCase = all (\x -> lengthOf (_2 . folded . _Right) x == 1) consForDef
isoCase :: Bool
isoCase = case scaffolds of
[(_,1,[0])] -> True
_ -> False
data OpticStab = OpticStab Name Type Type Type Type
| OpticSa Cxt Name Type Type
stabToType :: OpticStab -> Type
stabToType (OpticStab c s t a b) = quantifyType [] (c `conAppsT` [s,t,a,b])
stabToType (OpticSa cx c s a ) = quantifyType cx (c `conAppsT` [s,a])
stabToContext :: OpticStab -> Cxt
stabToContext OpticStab{} = []
stabToContext (OpticSa cx _ _ _) = cx
stabToOptic :: OpticStab -> Name
stabToOptic (OpticStab c _ _ _ _) = c
stabToOptic (OpticSa _ c _ _) = c
stabToS :: OpticStab -> Type
stabToS (OpticStab _ s _ _ _) = s
stabToS (OpticSa _ _ s _) = s
stabToA :: OpticStab -> Type
stabToA (OpticStab _ _ _ a _) = a
stabToA (OpticSa _ _ _ a) = a
buildStab :: Type -> [Either Type Type] -> Q (Type,Type,Type,Type)
buildStab s categorizedFields =
do (subA,a) <- unifyTypes targetFields
let s' = applyTypeSubst subA s
sub <- T.sequenceA (fromSet (newName . nameBase) unfixedTypeVars)
let (t,b) = over both (substTypeVars sub) (s',a)
return (s',t,a,b)
(fixedFields, targetFields) = partitionEithers categorizedFields
fixedTypeVars = setOf typeVars fixedFields
unfixedTypeVars = setOf typeVars s Set.\\ fixedTypeVars
makeFieldOptic ::
LensRules ->
(DefName, (OpticType, OpticStab, [(Name, Int, [Int])])) ->
makeFieldOptic rules (defName, (opticType, defType, cons)) =
do cls <- mkCls
T.sequenceA (cls ++ sig ++ def)
mkCls = case defName of
MethodName c n | _generateClasses rules ->
do classExists <- isJust <$> lookupTypeName (show c)
return (if classExists then [] else [makeFieldClass defType c n])
_ -> return []
sig = case defName of
_ | not (_generateSigs rules) -> []
TopName n -> [sigD n (return (stabToType defType))]
MethodName{} -> []
fun n = funD n clauses : inlinePragma n
def = case defName of
TopName n -> fun n
MethodName c n -> [makeFieldInstance defType c (fun n)]
clauses = makeFieldClauses rules opticType cons
makeClassyDriver ::
LensRules ->
Name ->
Name ->
Type ->
[(DefName, (OpticType, OpticStab, [(Name, Int, [Int])]))] ->
makeClassyDriver rules className methodName s defs = T.sequenceA (cls ++ inst)
cls | _generateClasses rules = [makeClassyClass className methodName s defs]
| otherwise = []
inst = [makeClassyInstance rules className methodName s defs]
makeClassyClass ::
Name ->
Name ->
Type ->
[(DefName, (OpticType, OpticStab, [(Name, Int, [Int])]))] ->
makeClassyClass className methodName s defs = do
let ss = map (stabToS . view (_2 . _2)) defs
(sub,s') <- unifyTypes (s : ss)
c <- newName "c"
let vars = toListOf typeVars s'
fd | null vars = []
| otherwise = [FunDep [c] vars]
classD (cxt[]) className (map PlainTV (c:vars)) fd
$ sigD methodName (return (lens'TypeName `conAppsT` [VarT c, s']))
: concat
[ [sigD defName (return ty)
,valD (varP defName) (normalB body) []
] ++
inlinePragma defName
| (TopName defName, (_, stab, _)) <- defs
, let body = appsE [varE composeValName, varE methodName, varE defName]
, let ty = quantifyType' (Set.fromList (c:vars))
(stabToContext stab)
$ stabToOptic stab `conAppsT`
[VarT c, applyTypeSubst sub (stabToA stab)]
makeClassyInstance ::
LensRules ->
Name ->
Name ->
Type ->
[(DefName, (OpticType, OpticStab, [(Name, Int, [Int])]))] ->
makeClassyInstance rules className methodName s defs = do
methodss <- traverse (makeFieldOptic rules') defs
instanceD (cxt[]) (return instanceHead)
$ valD (varP methodName) (normalB (varE idValName)) []
: map return (concat methodss)
instanceHead = className `conAppsT` (s : map VarT vars)
vars = toListOf typeVars s
rules' = rules { _generateSigs = False
, _generateClasses = False
makeFieldClass :: OpticStab -> Name -> Name -> DecQ
makeFieldClass defType className methodName =
classD (cxt []) className [PlainTV s, PlainTV a] [FunDep [s] [a]]
[sigD methodName (return methodType)]
methodType = quantifyType' (Set.fromList [s,a])
(stabToContext defType)
$ stabToOptic defType `conAppsT` [VarT s,VarT a]
s = mkName "s"
a = mkName "a"
makeFieldInstance :: OpticStab -> Name -> [DecQ] -> DecQ
makeFieldInstance defType className =
instanceD (cxt [])
(return (className `conAppsT` [stabToS defType, stabToA defType]))
makeFieldClauses :: LensRules -> OpticType -> [(Name, Int, [Int])] -> [ClauseQ]
makeFieldClauses rules opticType cons =
case opticType of
IsoType -> [ makeIsoClause conName | (conName, _, _) <- cons ]
GetterType -> [ makeGetterClause conName fieldCount fields
| (conName, fieldCount, fields) <- cons ]
LensType -> [ makeFieldOpticClause conName fieldCount fields irref
| (conName, fieldCount, fields) <- cons ]
irref = _lazyPatterns rules
&& length cons == 1
makePureClause :: Name -> Int -> ClauseQ
makePureClause conName fieldCount =
do xs <- replicateM fieldCount (newName "x")
clause [wildP, conP conName (map varP xs)]
(normalB (appE (varE pureValName) (appsE (conE conName : map varE xs))))
makeGetterClause :: Name -> Int -> [Int] -> ClauseQ
makeGetterClause conName fieldCount [] = makePureClause conName fieldCount
makeGetterClause conName fieldCount fields =
do f <- newName "f"
xs <- replicateM (length fields) (newName "x")
let pats (i:is) (y:ys)
| i `elem` fields = varP y : pats is ys
| otherwise = wildP : pats is (y:ys)
pats is _ = map (const wildP) is
fxs = [ appE (varE f) (varE x) | x <- xs ]
body = foldl (\a b -> appsE [varE apValName, a, b])
(appE (varE coerceValName) (head fxs))
(tail fxs)
clause [varP f, conP conName (pats [0..fieldCount - 1] xs)]
(normalB body)
makeFieldOpticClause :: Name -> Int -> [Int] -> Bool -> ClauseQ
makeFieldOpticClause conName fieldCount [] _ =
makePureClause conName fieldCount
makeFieldOpticClause conName fieldCount (field:fields) irref =
do f <- newName "f"
xs <- replicateM fieldCount (newName "x")
ys <- replicateM (1 + length fields) (newName "y")
let xs' = foldr (\(i,x) -> set (ix i) x) xs (zip (field:fields) ys)
mkFx i = appE (varE f) (varE (xs !! i))
body0 = appsE [ varE fmapValName
, lamE (map varP ys) (appsE (conE conName : map varE xs'))
, mkFx field
body = foldl (\a b -> appsE [varE apValName, a, mkFx b]) body0 fields
let wrap = if irref then tildeP else id
clause [varP f, wrap (conP conName (map varP xs))]
(normalB body)
makeIsoClause :: Name -> ClauseQ
makeIsoClause conName = clause [] (normalB (appsE [varE isoValName, destruct, construct])) []
destruct = do x <- newName "x"
lam1E (conP conName [varP x]) (varE x)
construct = conE conName
unifyTypes :: [Type] -> Q (Map Name Type, Type)
unifyTypes (x:xs) = foldM (uncurry unify1) (Map.empty, x) xs
unifyTypes [] = fail "unifyTypes: Bug: Unexpected empty list"
unify1 :: Map Name Type -> Type -> Type -> Q (Map Name Type, Type)
unify1 sub (VarT x) y
| Just r <- Map.lookup x sub = unify1 sub r y
unify1 sub x (VarT y)
| Just r <- Map.lookup y sub = unify1 sub x r
unify1 sub x y
| x == y = return (sub, x)
unify1 sub (AppT f1 x1) (AppT f2 x2) =
do (sub1, f) <- unify1 sub f1 f2
(sub2, x) <- unify1 sub1 x1 x2
return (sub2, AppT (applyTypeSubst sub2 f) x)
unify1 sub x (VarT y)
| elemOf typeVars y (applyTypeSubst sub x) =
fail "Failed to unify types: occurs check"
| otherwise = return (Map.insert y x sub, x)
unify1 sub (VarT x) y = unify1 sub y (VarT x)
unify1 sub (ForallT v1 [] t1) (ForallT v2 [] t2) =
do (sub1,t) <- unify1 sub t1 t2
v <- fmap nub (traverse (limitedSubst sub1) (v1++v2))
return (sub1, ForallT v [] t)
unify1 _ x y = fail ("Failed to unify types: " ++ show (x,y))
limitedSubst :: Map Name Type -> TyVarBndr -> Q TyVarBndr
limitedSubst sub (PlainTV n)
| Just r <- Map.lookup n sub =
case r of
VarT m -> limitedSubst sub (PlainTV m)
_ -> fail "Unable to unify exotic higher-rank type"
limitedSubst sub (KindedTV n k)
| Just r <- Map.lookup n sub =
case r of
VarT m -> limitedSubst sub (KindedTV m k)
_ -> fail "Unable to unify exotic higher-rank type"
limitedSubst _ tv = return tv
applyTypeSubst :: Map Name Type -> Type -> Type
applyTypeSubst sub = rewrite aux
aux (VarT n) = Map.lookup n sub
aux _ = Nothing
data LensRules = LensRules
{ _simpleLenses :: Bool
, _generateSigs :: Bool
, _generateClasses :: Bool
, _allowIsos :: Bool
, _allowUpdates :: Bool
, _lazyPatterns :: Bool
, _fieldToDef :: Name -> [Name] -> Name -> [DefName]
, _classyLenses :: Name -> Maybe (Name,Name)
data DefName
= TopName Name
| MethodName Name Name
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
quantifyType :: Cxt -> Type -> Type
quantifyType c t = ForallT vs c t
vs = map PlainTV (toList (setOf typeVars t))
quantifyType' :: Set Name -> Cxt -> Type -> Type
quantifyType' exclude c t = ForallT vs c t
vs = map PlainTV (toList (setOf typeVars t Set.\\ exclude))
inlinePragma :: Name -> [DecQ]
#if MIN_VERSION_template_haskell(2,8,0)
inlinePragma methodName = [pragInlD methodName (inlineSpecNoPhase Inline False)]
# else
inlinePragma methodName = [pragInlD methodName Inline FunLike AllPhases]
# endif
inlinePragma methodName = [pragInlD methodName (inlineSpecNoPhase True False)]
inlinePragma _ = []