{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE Trustworthy #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-unused-imports #-}

-- |
-- Module: LibSodium.Bindings.Utils
-- Description: Helpers exposed by the libsodium C library
-- Copyright: (C) Seth Livy 2022
-- License: BSD-3-Clause
-- Maintainer: The Haskell Cryptography Group
-- Stability: Stable
-- Portability: GHC only
-- These are bindings to some of libsodium's [utils.h](https://github.com/jedisct1/libsodium/blob/master/src/libsodium/include/sodium/utils.h).
-- Included are Hex and Base64 encoding/decoding functions along with a constant-time @memcmp@ for handling secret data.
module LibSodium.Bindings.Utils
  ( -- * Low-level binding
  , sodiumBin2Hex
  --  , sodiumHex2Bin
  , sodiumBin2Base64
  --  , sodiumBase642Bin

    -- * Constants
  , sodiumBase64VariantOriginal
  , sodiumBase64VariantOriginalNoPadding
  , sodiumBase64VariantURLSafe
  , sodiumBase64VariantURLSafeNoPadding

import Foreign (Ptr)
import Foreign.C (CChar (..), CInt (..), CSize (..), CUChar (..))
import Foreign.C.String

-- | Constant-time comparison function.
-- This function is not a lexicographic comparator and should be never
-- used for this purpose. It should only be used when comparing two pieces
-- of secret data, such as keys or authentication tags.
-- @since
foreign import capi "sodium.h sodium_memcmp"
    :: Ptr CUChar
    -- ^ First pointer to some secret data.
    -> Ptr CUChar
    -- ^ Second pointer to some secret data.
    -- Must be the same length as the first pointer.
    -> CSize
    -- ^ The length of bytes that pointed to by both previous arguments.
    -> IO CInt
    -- ^ 0 if successful, -1 on failure.

-- | Encode bytes to a hexidecimal string. Constant-time.
-- @since
foreign import capi "sodium.h sodium_bin2hex"
    :: CString
    -- ^ @hex@, The output buffer.
    -> CSize
    -- ^ @hex_len@, The maximum number of bytes this function is allowed to write
    -- to the output buffer. Must be at least @bin_len * 2 + 1@ bytes long.
    -> Ptr CUChar
    -- ^ @bin@, The input buffer.
    -> CSize
    -- ^ @bin_len@, The length of the input buffer.
    -> IO CString
    -- ^ The return string, terminated with a null byte.


Due to a deficiency in Haskell's C FFI regarding nested pointers,
this function and its Base64 counterpart have been commented out.

The C shim that GHC generates ignores the @const@ qualifier in the
type for @hex_end@, leading to multiple type errors.

There is a pull request in GHC to fix this that is to ship with GHC 9.6.


-- | Decode a hexadecimal string to bytes. Constant-time.
foreign import capi "sodium.h sodium_hex2bin"
    :: Ptr CUChar
    -- ^ @bin@, The output buffer.
    -> CSize
    -- ^ @bin_maxlen@, The maximum length of the output buffer.
    -> CString
    -- ^ @hex@, The input string.
    -> CSize
    -- ^ @hex_len@, The length of the input.
    -> CString
    -- ^ @ignore@, a string of characters for the parser to skip.
    -- For example, the string ": " allows colons and spaces in the input.
    -- These characters will ignored and will not be present in the output.
    -> Ptr CSize
    -- ^ @bin_len@, The length of the output buffer.
    -> Ptr CString
    -- ^ @hex_end@, A pointer to the end of the input string.
    -- If this isn't null, then it will be set to the first byte after the last
    -- valid parsed character.
    -> IO CInt
    -- ^ 0 if successful, -1 on failure. Common failures are if the string
    -- couldn't be fully parsed or if the parsed string is longer than the
    -- maximum amount of bytes allocated to store it.

-- | Encode bytes to a Base64 string. Constant-time.
foreign import capi "sodium.h sodium_bin2base64"
    :: CString
    -- ^ @b64@, The output buffer.
    -> CSize
    -- ^ @b64_maxlen@, The maximum length of the output buffer.
    -- Choosing a correct size is not straightforward and depends on
    -- the variant. The @sodium_base64_ENCODED_LEN(BIN_LEN, VARIANT)@
    -- macro computes the minimum amount of bytes needed to encode BIN_LEN
    -- bytes with a chosen VARIANT.
    -> Ptr CUChar
    -- ^ @bin@, The input buffer.
    -> CSize
    -- ^ @bin_len@, The length of the input buffer.
    -> CInt
    -- ^ @variant@, Which Base64 variant to use. None of the variants provide
    -- any encryption.
    -> IO CString
    -- ^ The returned Base64 string, terminated with a null byte.

foreign import capi "sodium.h sodium_base642bin"
    :: Ptr CUChar
    -- ^ @bin@, The output buffer.
    -> CSize
    -- ^ @bin_maxlen@, The maximum length of the output buffer.
    -> CString
    -- ^ @b64@, The input string.
    -> CSize
    -- ^ @b64_len@, The length of the input.
    -> CString
    -- ^ @ignore@, a string of characters for the parser to skip.
    -- For example, the string ": " allows colons and spaces in the input.
    -- These characters will ignored and will not be present in the output.
    -> Ptr CSize
    -- ^ @bin_len@, The length of the output buffer.
    -- This will always be at most @b64_len / 4 * 3@ bytes long.
    -> Ptr CString
    -- ^ @b64_end@, A pointer to the end of the input string.
    -- If this isn't null, then it will be set to the first byte after the last
    -- valid parsed character.
    -> CInt
    -- ^ @variant@, Which Base64 variant to use. None of the variants provide
    -- any encryption.
    -> IO CInt
    -- ^ 0 if successful, -1 on failure. Common failures are if the string
    -- couldn't be fully parsed or if the parsed string is longer than the
    -- maximum amount of bytes allocated to store it.

-- | The original variant of Base64 with padding. This ensures that the
-- length of the encoded data will always be a multiple of four bytes.
foreign import capi "sodium.h value sodium_base64_VARIANT_ORIGINAL"
  sodiumBase64VariantOriginal :: CInt

-- | The original variant of Base64. No variant offers any security advantages
-- over the other.
foreign import capi "sodium.h value sodium_base64_VARIANT_ORIGINAL_NO_PADDING"
  sodiumBase64VariantOriginalNoPadding :: CInt

-- | The URL-safe variant of Base64 with padding.
foreign import capi "sodium.h value sodium_base64_VARIANT_URLSAFE"
  sodiumBase64VariantURLSafe :: CInt

-- | The URL-safe variant of Base64. This is the same as the original variant,
-- except '+' and '/' are replaced with '-' and '_'.
foreign import capi "sodium.h value sodium_base64_VARIANT_URLSAFE_NO_PADDING"
  sodiumBase64VariantURLSafeNoPadding :: CInt