module Numeric.Limp.Solve.Simplex.StandardForm
import Numeric.Limp.Rep
import Numeric.Limp.Canon.Constraint
import Numeric.Limp.Canon.Linear
import qualified Numeric.Limp.Canon.Program as C
import qualified Data.Map as M
import qualified Data.Set as S
type StandardRow z r c
= (StandardLinear z r c, R c)
data Standard z r c
= Standard
{ _objective :: StandardRow z r c
, _constraints :: M.Map (StandardVar z r) (StandardRow z r c)
, _substs :: StandardSubst z r c
deriving instance (Show z, Show r, Show (R c)) => Show (Standard z r c)
type StandardSubst z r c
= M.Map (Either z r) (StandardRow z r c)
type StandardLinear z r c
= M.Map (StandardVar z r) (R c)
data StandardVar z r
= SV (Either z r)
| SVS Int
| SVLower (Either z r)
| SVPos (Either z r)
| SVNeg (Either z r)
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
:: (Ord z, Ord r, Rep c)
=> [(StandardLinear z r c, R c)] -> (StandardLinear z r c, R c)
addLinears []
= (M.empty, 0)
addLinears ((lin,co):rs)
= let (lin',co') = addLinears rs
in (M.unionWith (+) lin lin', co + co')
:: (Ord z, Ord r, Rep c)
=> StandardSubst z r c -> (StandardLinear z r c, R c) -> (StandardLinear z r c, R c)
substLinear sub (lin, co)
= let (lin', co') = addLinears
$ map subby
$ M.toList lin
in (lin', co + co')
subby (var, coeff)
= case var of
SV s
| Just (vs,cnst) <- M.lookup s sub
-> ( (*coeff) vs, -cnst * coeff)
-> (M.fromList [(var, coeff)], 0)
standard :: (Ord z, Ord r, Rep c)
=> C.Program z r c
-> Standard z r c
standard p
= Standard
{ _objective = objective
, _constraints = constraints
, _substs = substs }
fv = C.varsOfProgram p
bs = C._bounds p
= substLinear substs
( negate
$ standardOfLinear $ C._objective p
, 0)
= M.fromList
$ zipWith (\c s -> (s, substLinear substs $ c s))
( constrs ++ bounds )
( map SVS [1..] )
= M.fromList
$ concatMap substOf
$ S.toList fv
negPos v
= [(v, (M.fromList [(SVPos v, 1), (SVNeg v, -1)], 0))]
substOf v
= case M.lookup v bs of
-> negPos v
Just (Nothing, Nothing)
-> negPos v
Just (Just 0, _)
-> []
Just (Just n, _)
-> [(v, (M.fromList [(SVLower v, 1)], n)) ]
-> []
= concatMap linearOfBound
$ M.toList
$ C._bounds p
linearOfBound (v,binds)
= case binds of
(_, Just n)
-> [\s -> (M.fromList [(SV v, 1), (s, 1)], n)]
-> []
Constraint cs = C._constraints p
= concatMap linearOfConstraint cs
linearOfConstraint (C1 lo lin up)
= let lin' = standardOfLinear lin
in case (lo,up) of
-> []
(Just lo', Nothing)
-> [ lt lo' lin' ]
(Nothing, Just up')
-> [ gt up' lin' ]
(Just lo', Just up')
-> [ lt lo' lin'
, gt up' lin' ]
lt lo lin s
= ( M.union ( negate lin) (M.fromList [(s,1)])
, negate lo )
gt up lin s
= ( M.union lin (M.fromList [(s, 1)])
, up )
standardOfLinear (Linear lin)
= M.mapKeysMonotonic SV lin
lookupRow :: (Ord z, Ord r, Rep c)
=> StandardRow z r c
-> StandardVar z r
-> R c
lookupRow (r,_) v
= case M.lookup v r of
Nothing -> 0
Just vv -> vv
:: StandardRow z r c
-> R c
objOfRow = snd