Safe Haskell | Safe-Inferred |
Language | Haskell2010 |
This module provides essential tools for doing non-linear things in linear code.
Critical Definition: Restricted
In a linear function f :: a %1-> b
, the argument a
be used in a linear way. Its use is restricted while
an argument in a non-linear function is unrestricted.
Hence, a linear function with an argument of Ur a
is short for
unrestricted) can use the a
in an unrestricted way. That is, we have
the following equivalence:
(Ur a %1-> b) ≌ (a -> b)
Consumable, Dupable, Moveable classes
Use these classes to perform some non-linear action on linearly bound values.
If a type is Consumable
, you can consume it in a linear function that
doesn't need that value to produce it's result:
fst :: Consumable b => (a,b) %1-> a fst (a,b) = withConsume (consume b) a where withConsume :: () %1-> a %1-> a withConsume () x = x
If a type is Dupable
, you can duplicate it as much as you like.
-- checkIndex ix size_of_array checkIndex :: Int %1-> Int %1-> Bool checkIndex ix size = withDuplicate (dup2 ix) size where withDuplicate :: (Int, Int) %1-> Int %1-> Bool withDuplicate (ix,ix') size = (0 <= ix) && (ix < size) (<) :: Int %1-> Int %1-> Bool (<) = ... (<=) :: Int %1-> Int %1-> Bool (<=) = ... (&&) :: Bool %1-> Bool %1-> Bool (&&) = ...
If a type is Moveable
, you can move it inside Ur
and use it in any non-linear way you would like.
diverge :: Int %1-> Bool diverge ix = fromMove (move ix) where fromMove :: Ur Int %1-> Bool fromMove (Ur 0) = True fromMove (Ur 1) = True fromMove (Ur x) = False
- data Ur a where
- unur :: Ur a %1 -> a
- lift :: (a -> b) -> Ur a %1 -> Ur b
- lift2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> Ur a %1 -> Ur b %1 -> Ur c
- newtype UrT m a = UrT (m (Ur a))
- runUrT :: UrT m a %1 -> m (Ur a)
- liftUrT :: (Movable a, Functor m) => m a %1 -> UrT m a
- evalUrT :: Functor m => UrT m a %1 -> m a
- class Consumable a where
- consume :: a %1 -> ()
- class Consumable a => Dupable a where
- dupR :: a %1 -> Replicator a
- dup2 :: a %1 -> (a, a)
- class Dupable a => Movable a where
- lseq :: Consumable a => a %1 -> b %1 -> b
- dup :: Dupable a => a %1 -> (a, a)
- dup3 :: Dupable a => a %1 -> (a, a, a)
- dup4 :: Dupable a => a %1 -> (a, a, a, a)
- dup5 :: Dupable a => a %1 -> (a, a, a, a, a)
- dup6 :: Dupable a => a %1 -> (a, a, a, a, a, a)
- dup7 :: Dupable a => a %1 -> (a, a, a, a, a, a, a)
- newtype AsMovable a = AsMovable a
- newtype MovableMonoid a = MovableMonoid a
Ur a
represents unrestricted values of type a
in a linear
context. The key idea is that because the contructor holds a
with a
regular arrow, a function that uses Ur a
linearly can use a
however it likes.
someLinear :: Ur a %1-> (a,a) someLinear (Ur a) = (a,a)
Get an a
out of an Ur a
. If you call this function on a
linearly bound Ur a
, then the a
you get out has to be used
linearly, for example:
restricted :: Ur a %1-> b restricted x = f (unur x) where -- f __must__ be linear f :: a %1-> b f x = ...
lift2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> Ur a %1 -> Ur b %1 -> Ur c Source #
Lifts a function to work on two linear Ur a
transforms linear control monads to non-linear monads.
UrT (
is a non-linear monad with linear state.State
s) a
liftUrT :: (Movable a, Functor m) => m a %1 -> UrT m a Source #
Lift a computation to the UrT
monad, provided that the type a
can be used unrestricted.
evalUrT :: Functor m => UrT m a %1 -> m a Source #
Extract the inner computation linearly, the inverse of liftUrT
evalUrT (liftUrT m) = m
Performing non-linear actions on linearly bound values
class Consumable a where Source #
class Consumable a => Dupable a where Source #
The laws of Dupable
are dual to those of Monoid
- 1.
first consume (dup2 a) ≃ a ≃ second consume (dup2 a)
neutrality) - 2.
first dup2 (dup2 a) ≃ (second dup2 (dup2 a))
where the (≃)
sign represents equality up to type isomorphism.
- 3.
dup2 = Replicator.elim (,) . dupR
(coherence betweendup2
) - 4.
consume = Replicator.elim () . dupR
(coherence betweenconsume
) - 5.
Replicator.extract . dupR = id
identity) - 6.
dupR . dupR = ( dupR) . dupR
(Laws 1-2 and 5-6 are equivalent)
Implementation of Dupable
for Movable
types should
be done with deriving via
Implementation of Dupable
for other types can be done with
deriving via
. Note that at present this mechanism
can have performance problems for recursive parameterized types.
Specifically, the methods will not specialize to underlying Generically
instances. See this GHC issue.
dupR :: a %1 -> Replicator a Source #
Creates a Replicator
for the given a
You usually want to define this method using Replicator
instance. For instance, here is an
implementation of
instance Dupable a => Dupable [a] where dupR [] = pure [] dupR (a : as) = (:) <$> dupR a <*> dupR as
dup2 :: a %1 -> (a, a) Source #
Creates two a
s from a
, in a linear fashion.Dupable
class Dupable a => Movable a where Source #
to represent a type which can be used many times even
when given linearly. Simple data types such as Movable
or []
are Movable
Though, bear in mind that this typically induces a deep copy of the value.
is the class of
coalgebras of the
comonad. That is
unur (move x) = x
move @(Ur a) (move @a x) = fmap (move @a) $ move @a x
Additionally, a Movable
instance must be compatible with its Dupable
parent instance. That is:
case move x of {Ur _ -> ()} = consume x
case move x of {Ur x -> (x, x)} = dup2 x
lseq :: Consumable a => a %1 -> b %1 -> b infixr 0 Source #
Consume the first argument and return the second argument.
This is like seq
but the first argument is restricted to be Consumable
dup4 :: Dupable a => a %1 -> (a, a, a, a) Source #
Creates 4 a
s from a
, in a linear fashion.Dupable
dup5 :: Dupable a => a %1 -> (a, a, a, a, a) Source #
Creates 5 a
s from a
, in a linear fashion.Dupable
dup6 :: Dupable a => a %1 -> (a, a, a, a, a, a) Source #
Creates 6 a
s from a
, in a linear fashion.Dupable
dup7 :: Dupable a => a %1 -> (a, a, a, a, a, a, a) Source #
Creates 7 a
s from a
, in a linear fashion.Dupable
Newtype that must be used with DerivingVia
to get efficient Dupable
and Consumable
implementations for Movable
AsMovable a |
newtype MovableMonoid a Source #
MovableMonoid a |
Monoid a => Monoid (MovableMonoid a) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Unrestricted.Linear.Internal.Instances Methods mempty :: MovableMonoid a # mappend :: MovableMonoid a -> MovableMonoid a -> MovableMonoid a # mconcat :: [MovableMonoid a] -> MovableMonoid a # | |
Semigroup a => Semigroup (MovableMonoid a) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Unrestricted.Linear.Internal.Instances Methods (<>) :: MovableMonoid a -> MovableMonoid a -> MovableMonoid a # sconcat :: NonEmpty (MovableMonoid a) -> MovableMonoid a # stimes :: Integral b => b -> MovableMonoid a -> MovableMonoid a # | |
(Movable a, Monoid a) => Monoid (MovableMonoid a) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Unrestricted.Linear.Internal.Instances Methods mempty :: MovableMonoid a Source # | |
(Movable a, Semigroup a) => Semigroup (MovableMonoid a) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Unrestricted.Linear.Internal.Instances Methods (<>) :: MovableMonoid a %1 -> MovableMonoid a %1 -> MovableMonoid a Source # |