{-# Language TransformListComp, MonadComprehensions #-}
{- |
Module           : $Header$
Description      : This module interprets the DWARF information associated
                   with a function's argument and return types in order to
                   interpret field name references.
License          : BSD3
Stability        : provisional
Point-of-contact : emertens
module Text.LLVM.DebugUtils
  ( -- * Definition type analyzer
    Info(..), computeFunctionTypes, valMdToInfo
  , localVariableNameDeclarations

  -- * Metadata lookup
  , mkMdMap

  -- * Type structure dereference
  , derefInfo
  , fieldIndexByPosition
  , fieldIndexByName

  -- * Info hueristics
  , guessAliasInfo
  ) where

import           Control.Applicative    ((<|>))
import           Control.Monad          ((<=<))
import           Data.IntMap            (IntMap)
import qualified Data.IntMap as IntMap
import           Data.List              (elemIndex, tails, stripPrefix)
import           Data.Map               (Map)
import qualified Data.Map    as Map
import           Data.Maybe             (fromMaybe, listToMaybe, maybeToList, mapMaybe)
import           Data.Word              (Word16, Word64)
import           Text.LLVM.AST

dbgKind :: String
dbgKind = "dbg"

llvmDbgCuKey :: String
llvmDbgCuKey = "llvm.dbg.cu"

dwarfPointer, dwarfStruct, dwarfTypedef, dwarfUnion, dwarfBasetype,
  dwarfConst, dwarfArray :: Word16
dwarfPointer  = 0x0f
dwarfStruct   = 0x13
dwarfTypedef  = 0x16
dwarfArray    = 0x01
dwarfUnion    = 0x17
dwarfBasetype = 0x24
dwarfConst    = 0x26

type MdMap = IntMap ValMd

data Info
  = Pointer Info
  | Structure [(String,Word64,Info)] -- ^ Fields: name, bit-offset, info
  | Union     [(String,Info)]
  | ArrInfo Info
  | BaseType String
  | Unknown
  deriving Show

import Text.Show.Pretty
import Data.Foldable

test =
  do test' "/Users/emertens/Source/saw/saw-script\
     test' "/Users/emertens/Desktop/temp.bc"

test' fn =
  do Right bc <- parseBitCodeFromFile fn
     let mdMap = mkMdMap bc
     traverse_ (putStrLn . ppShow . analyzeDefine mdMap) (modDefines bc)

-- | Compute an 'IntMap' of the unnamed metadata in a module
mkMdMap :: Module -> IntMap ValMd
mkMdMap m = IntMap.fromList [ (umIndex md, umValues md) | md <- modUnnamedMd m ]


getDebugInfo :: MdMap -> ValMd -> Maybe DebugInfo
getDebugInfo mdMap (ValMdRef i)    = getDebugInfo mdMap =<< IntMap.lookup i mdMap
getDebugInfo _ (ValMdDebugInfo di) = Just di
getDebugInfo _ _                   = Nothing

getList :: MdMap -> ValMd -> Maybe [Maybe ValMd]
getList mdMap (ValMdRef i) = getList mdMap =<< IntMap.lookup i mdMap
getList _ (ValMdNode di)   = Just di
getList _ _                = Nothing


valMdToInfo :: MdMap -> ValMd -> Info
valMdToInfo mdMap val =
  maybe Unknown (debugInfoToInfo mdMap) (getDebugInfo mdMap val)

valMdToInfo' :: MdMap -> Maybe ValMd -> Info
valMdToInfo' = maybe Unknown . valMdToInfo

debugInfoToInfo :: MdMap -> DebugInfo -> Info
debugInfoToInfo mdMap (DebugInfoDerivedType dt)
  | didtTag dt == dwarfPointer  = Pointer (valMdToInfo' mdMap (didtBaseType dt))
  | didtTag dt == dwarfTypedef  =          valMdToInfo' mdMap (didtBaseType dt)
  | didtTag dt == dwarfConst    =          valMdToInfo' mdMap (didtBaseType dt)
debugInfoToInfo _     (DebugInfoBasicType bt)
  | dibtTag bt == dwarfBasetype = BaseType (dibtName bt)
debugInfoToInfo mdMap (DebugInfoCompositeType ct)
  | dictTag ct == dwarfStruct   = maybe Unknown Structure (getStructFields mdMap ct)
  | dictTag ct == dwarfUnion    = maybe Unknown Union     (getUnionFields mdMap ct)
  | dictTag ct == dwarfArray    = ArrInfo (valMdToInfo' mdMap (dictBaseType ct))
debugInfoToInfo _ _             = Unknown

getFieldDIs :: MdMap -> DICompositeType -> Maybe [DebugInfo]
getFieldDIs mdMap =
  traverse (getDebugInfo mdMap) <=< sequence <=< getList mdMap <=< dictElements

getStructFields :: MdMap -> DICompositeType -> Maybe [(String, Word64, Info)]
getStructFields mdMap = traverse (debugInfoToStructField mdMap) <=< getFieldDIs mdMap

debugInfoToStructField :: MdMap -> DebugInfo -> Maybe (String, Word64, Info)
debugInfoToStructField mdMap di =
  do DebugInfoDerivedType dt <- Just di
     fieldName               <- didtName dt
     Just (fieldName, didtOffset dt, valMdToInfo' mdMap (didtBaseType dt))

getUnionFields :: MdMap -> DICompositeType -> Maybe [(String, Info)]
getUnionFields mdMap = traverse (debugInfoToUnionField mdMap) <=< getFieldDIs mdMap

debugInfoToUnionField :: MdMap -> DebugInfo -> Maybe (String, Info)
debugInfoToUnionField mdMap di =
  do DebugInfoDerivedType dt <- Just di
     fieldName               <- didtName dt
     Just (fieldName, valMdToInfo' mdMap (didtBaseType dt))

-- | Compute the structures of a function's return and argument types
-- using DWARF information metadata of the LLVM module. Different
-- versions of LLVM make this information available via different
-- paths. This function attempts to support the variations.
computeFunctionTypes ::
  Module       {- ^ module to search                     -} ->
  Symbol       {- ^ function symbol                      -} ->
  Maybe [Info] {- ^ return and argument type information -}
computeFunctionTypes m sym =
  [ maybe (BaseType "void") (valMdToInfo mdMap) <$> types
     | let mdMap = mkMdMap m
     , sp <- findSubprogramViaDefine mdMap m sym
         <|> findSubprogramViaCu     mdMap m sym
     , DebugInfoSubroutineType st <- getDebugInfo mdMap =<< dispType sp
     , types                      <- getList mdMap      =<< distTypeArray st

-- | This method of computing argument type information works on at least LLVM 3.8
findSubprogramViaDefine ::
  IntMap ValMd       {- ^ unnamed metadata                             -} ->
  Module             {- ^ module to search                             -} ->
  Symbol             {- ^ function symbol to find                      -} ->
  Maybe DISubprogram {- ^ debug information related to function symbol -}
findSubprogramViaDefine mdMap m sym =
  [ sp
     | def                    <- modDefines m
     , defName def == sym
     , then listToMaybe ----- commits to a choice -----
     , dbgMd                  <- Map.lookup dbgKind (defMetadata def)
     , DebugInfoSubprogram sp <- getDebugInfo mdMap dbgMd

-- | This method of computing function debugging information works on LLVM 3.7
findSubprogramViaCu ::
  MdMap              {- ^ map of unnamed metadata                -} ->
  Module             {- ^ module to search                       -} ->
  Symbol             {- ^ function symbol to search for          -} ->
  Maybe DISubprogram {- ^ debugging information for given symbol -}
findSubprogramViaCu mdMap m (Symbol sym) = listToMaybe
  [ sp
    | md                      <- modNamedMd m
    , nmName md == llvmDbgCuKey
    , ref                     <- nmValues md
    , DebugInfoCompileUnit cu <- maybeToList  $ getDebugInfo mdMap $ ValMdRef ref
    , Just entry              <- fromMaybe [] $ getList mdMap =<< dicuSubprograms cu
    , DebugInfoSubprogram sp  <- maybeToList  $ getDebugInfo mdMap entry
    , dispName sp == Just sym


-- | If the argument describes a pointer, return the information for the
-- type that it points do. If the argument describes an array, return
-- information about the element type.
derefInfo ::
  Info {- ^ pointer type information                -} ->
  Info {- ^ type information of pointer's base type -}
derefInfo (Pointer x) = x
derefInfo (ArrInfo x) = x
derefInfo _           = Unknown

-- | If the argument describes a composite type, returns the type of the
-- field by zero-based index into the list of fields.
fieldIndexByPosition ::
  Int  {- ^ zero-based field index               -} ->
  Info {- ^ composite type information           -} ->
  Info {- ^ type information for specified field -}
fieldIndexByPosition i info =
  case info of
    Structure xs -> go [ x | (_,_,x) <- xs ]
    Union     xs -> go [ x | (_,x)   <- xs ]
    _            -> Unknown
    go xs = case drop i xs of
              []  -> Unknown
              x:_ -> x

-- | If the argument describes a composite type, return the first, zero-based
-- index of the field in that type that matches the given name.
fieldIndexByName ::
  String    {- ^ field name                                  -} ->
  Info      {- ^ composite type info                         -} ->
  Maybe Int {- ^ zero-based index of field matching the name -}
fieldIndexByName n info =
  case info of
    Structure xs -> go [ x | (x,_,_) <- xs ]
    Union     xs -> go [ x | (x,_)   <- xs ]
    _            -> Nothing
    go = elemIndex n


localVariableNameDeclarations ::
  IntMap ValMd    {- ^ unnamed metadata      -} ->
  Define          {- ^ function definition   -} ->
  Map Ident Ident {- ^ raw name, actual name -}
localVariableNameDeclarations mdMap def =
  case defBody def of
    blk1 : _ -> foldr aux Map.empty (tails (bbStmts blk1))
    _        -> Map.empty

    aux :: [Stmt] -> Map Ident Ident -> Map Ident Ident
    aux ( Effect (Store src dst _ _) _
        : Effect (Call _ _ (ValSymbol (Symbol what)) [var,md,_]) _
        : _) sofar
      | what == "llvm.dbg.declare"
      , Just dstIdent <- extractIdent dst
      , Just srcIdent <- extractIdent src
      , Just varIdent <- extractIdent var
      , dstIdent == varIdent
      , Just name <- extractLvName md
      = Map.insert name srcIdent sofar

    aux ( Effect (Call _ _ (ValSymbol (Symbol what)) [var,_,md,_]) _
        : _) sofar
      | what == "llvm.dbg.value"
      , Just key  <- extractIdent var
      , Just name <- extractLvName md
      = Map.insert name key sofar

    aux _ sofar = sofar

    extractIdent :: Typed Value -> Maybe Ident
    extractIdent (Typed _ (ValIdent i)) = Just i
    extractIdent _                      = Nothing

    extractLvName :: Typed Value -> Maybe Ident
    extractLvName mdArg =
      do ValMd md                    <- Just (typedValue mdArg)
         DebugInfoLocalVariable dilv <- getDebugInfo mdMap md
         Ident <$> dilvName dilv


-- | Search the metadata for debug info corresponding
-- to a given type alias. This is considered a heuristic
-- because there's no direct mapping between type aliases
-- and debug info. The debug information must be search
-- for a textual match.
guessAliasInfo ::
  IntMap ValMd    {- ^ unnamed metadata      -} ->
  Ident           {- ^ alias                 -} ->
guessAliasInfo mdMap (Ident name) =
     -- TODO: Support more categories than struct
  case stripPrefix "struct." name of
    Nothing  -> Unknown
    Just pfx -> guessStructInfo mdMap pfx

guessStructInfo ::
  IntMap ValMd    {- ^ unnamed metadata      -} ->
  String          {- ^ struct alias          -} ->
guessStructInfo mdMap name =
  case mapMaybe (go <=< getDebugInfo mdMap) (IntMap.elems mdMap) of
    []  -> Unknown
    x:_ -> x

    go di | DebugInfoDerivedType didt <- di
          , Just name == didtName didt
          = Just (debugInfoToInfo mdMap di)

    go di | DebugInfoCompositeType dict <- di
          , Just name == dictName dict
          = Just (debugInfoToInfo mdMap di)

    go _ = Nothing