{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ImplicitParams #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE Rank2Types #-}
module Text.LLVM.PP where
import Text.LLVM.AST
import Control.Applicative ((<|>))
import Data.Bits ( shiftR )
import Data.Char (isAlphaNum,isAscii,isDigit,isPrint,ord,toUpper)
import Data.List (intersperse)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Maybe (catMaybes,fromMaybe,isJust)
import Numeric (showHex)
import Text.PrettyPrint.HughesPJ
import Data.Int
import Prelude hiding ((<>))
type LLVM = ?config :: Config
data Config = Config { cfgLoadImplicitType :: Bool
, cfgGEPImplicitType :: Bool
, cfgUseDILocation :: Bool
withConfig :: Config -> (LLVM => a) -> a
withConfig cfg body = let ?config = cfg in body
ppLLVM, ppLLVM35, ppLLVM36, ppLLVM37, ppLLVM38 :: (LLVM => a) -> a
ppLLVM = ppLLVM38
ppLLVM35 = ppLLVM36
ppLLVM36 = withConfig Config { cfgLoadImplicitType = True
, cfgGEPImplicitType = True
, cfgUseDILocation = False
ppLLVM37 = withConfig Config { cfgLoadImplicitType = False
, cfgGEPImplicitType = False
, cfgUseDILocation = True
ppLLVM38 = withConfig Config { cfgLoadImplicitType = False
, cfgGEPImplicitType = False
, cfgUseDILocation = True
checkConfig :: LLVM => (Config -> Bool) -> Bool
checkConfig p = p ?config
ppModule :: LLVM => Module -> Doc
ppModule m = foldr ($+$) empty
$ ppSourceName (modSourceName m)
: ppDataLayout (modDataLayout m)
: ppInlineAsm (modInlineAsm m)
: concat [ map ppTypeDecl (modTypes m)
, map ppGlobal (modGlobals m)
, map ppGlobalAlias (modAliases m)
, map ppDeclare (modDeclares m)
, map ppDefine (modDefines m)
, map ppNamedMd (modNamedMd m)
, map ppUnnamedMd (modUnnamedMd m)
, map ppComdat (Map.toList (modComdat m))
ppSourceName :: Maybe String -> Doc
ppSourceName Nothing = empty
ppSourceName (Just sn) = "source_filename" <+> char '=' <+> doubleQuotes (text sn)
ppNamedMd :: NamedMd -> Doc
ppNamedMd nm =
sep [ ppMetadata (text (nmName nm)) <+> char '='
, ppMetadata (braces (commas (map (ppMetadata . int) (nmValues nm)))) ]
ppUnnamedMd :: LLVM => UnnamedMd -> Doc
ppUnnamedMd um =
sep [ ppMetadata (int (umIndex um)) <+> char '='
, distinct <+> ppValMd (umValues um) ]
distinct | umDistinct um = "distinct"
| otherwise = empty
ppGlobalAlias :: LLVM => GlobalAlias -> Doc
ppGlobalAlias g = ppSymbol (aliasName g) <+> char '=' <+> body
val = aliasTarget g
body = case val of
ValSymbol _sym -> ppType (aliasType g) <+> ppValue val
_ -> ppValue val
ppDataLayout :: DataLayout -> Doc
ppDataLayout [] = empty
ppDataLayout ls = "target" <+> "datalayout" <+> char '='
<+> doubleQuotes (hcat (intersperse (char '-') (map ppLayoutSpec ls)))
ppLayoutSpec :: LayoutSpec -> Doc
ppLayoutSpec ls =
case ls of
BigEndian -> char 'E'
LittleEndian -> char 'e'
PointerSize 0 sz abi pref -> char 'p' <> char ':' <> ppLayoutBody sz abi pref
PointerSize n sz abi pref -> char 'p' <> int n <> char ':'
<> ppLayoutBody sz abi pref
IntegerSize sz abi pref -> char 'i' <> ppLayoutBody sz abi pref
VectorSize sz abi pref -> char 'v' <> ppLayoutBody sz abi pref
FloatSize sz abi pref -> char 'f' <> ppLayoutBody sz abi pref
StackObjSize sz abi pref -> char 's' <> ppLayoutBody sz abi pref
AggregateSize sz abi pref -> char 'a' <> ppLayoutBody sz abi pref
NativeIntSize szs ->
char 'n' <> hcat (punctuate (char ':') (map int szs))
StackAlign a -> char 'S' <> int a
Mangling m -> char 'm' <> char ':' <> ppMangling m
ppLayoutBody :: Int -> Int -> Maybe Int -> Doc
ppLayoutBody size abi mb = int size <> char ':' <> int abi <> pref
pref = case mb of
Nothing -> empty
Just p -> char ':' <> int p
ppMangling :: Mangling -> Doc
ppMangling ElfMangling = char 'e'
ppMangling MipsMangling = char 'm'
ppMangling MachOMangling = char 'o'
ppMangling WindowsCoffMangling = char 'w'
ppInlineAsm :: InlineAsm -> Doc
ppInlineAsm = foldr ($+$) empty . map ppLine
ppLine l = "module asm" <+> doubleQuotes (text l)
ppIdent :: Ident -> Doc
ppIdent (Ident n)
| validIdentifier n = char '%' <> text n
| otherwise = char '%' <> ppStringLiteral n
validIdentifier :: String -> Bool
validIdentifier [] = False
validIdentifier s@(c0 : cs)
| isDigit c0 = all isDigit cs
| otherwise = all isIdentChar s
isIdentChar :: Char -> Bool
isIdentChar c = isAlphaNum c || c `elem` ("-$._" :: [Char])
ppSymbol :: Symbol -> Doc
ppSymbol (Symbol n)
| validIdentifier n = char '@' <> text n
| otherwise = char '@' <> ppStringLiteral n
ppPrimType :: PrimType -> Doc
ppPrimType Label = "label"
ppPrimType Void = "void"
ppPrimType (Integer i) = char 'i' <> integer (toInteger i)
ppPrimType (FloatType ft) = ppFloatType ft
ppPrimType X86mmx = "x86mmx"
ppPrimType Metadata = "metadata"
ppFloatType :: FloatType -> Doc
ppFloatType Half = "half"
ppFloatType Float = "float"
ppFloatType Double = "double"
ppFloatType Fp128 = "fp128"
ppFloatType X86_fp80 = "x86_fp80"
ppFloatType PPC_fp128 = "ppc_fp128"
ppType :: Type -> Doc
ppType (PrimType pt) = ppPrimType pt
ppType (Alias i) = ppIdent i
ppType (Array len ty) = brackets (integral len <+> char 'x' <+> ppType ty)
ppType (PtrTo ty) = ppType ty <> char '*'
ppType (Struct ts) = structBraces (commas (map ppType ts))
ppType (PackedStruct ts) = angles (structBraces (commas (map ppType ts)))
ppType (FunTy r as va) = ppType r <> ppArgList va (map ppType as)
ppType (Vector len pt) = angles (integral len <+> char 'x' <+> ppType pt)
ppType Opaque = "opaque"
ppTypeDecl :: TypeDecl -> Doc
ppTypeDecl td = ppIdent (typeName td) <+> char '='
<+> "type" <+> ppType (typeValue td)
ppGlobal :: LLVM => Global -> Doc
ppGlobal g = ppSymbol (globalSym g) <+> char '='
<+> ppTheGlobalAttrs (globalAttrs g)
<+> ppType (globalType g) <+> ppMaybe ppValue (globalValue g)
<> ppAlign (globalAlign g)
<> ppAttachedMetadata (Map.toList (globalMetadata g))
isStruct | Just (ValStruct {}) <- globalValue g = True
| otherwise = False
ppTheGlobalAttrs | isStruct = ppStructGlobalAttrs
| otherwise = ppGlobalAttrs
ppGlobalAttrs :: GlobalAttrs -> Doc
ppGlobalAttrs ga
| Just HiddenVisibility <- gaVisibility ga =
ppVisibility HiddenVisibility <+> constant
| otherwise = ppMaybe ppLinkage (gaLinkage ga) <+> ppMaybe ppVisibility (gaVisibility ga) <+> constant
constant | gaConstant ga = "constant"
| otherwise = "global"
ppStructGlobalAttrs :: GlobalAttrs -> Doc
ppStructGlobalAttrs ga
| Just External <- gaLinkage ga,
Just DefaultVisibility <- gaVisibility ga
= constant
| otherwise = ppGlobalAttrs ga
constant | gaConstant ga = "constant"
| otherwise = "global"
ppDeclare :: Declare -> Doc
ppDeclare d = "declare"
<+> ppType (decRetType d)
<+> ppSymbol (decName d)
<> ppArgList (decVarArgs d) (map ppType (decArgs d))
<+> hsep (ppFunAttr <$> decAttrs d)
<> maybe empty ((char ' ' <>) . ppComdatName) (decComdat d)
ppComdatName :: String -> Doc
ppComdatName s = "comdat" <> parens (char '$' <> text s)
ppComdat :: (String,SelectionKind) -> Doc
ppComdat (n,k) = ppComdatName n <+> char '=' <+> text "comdat" <+> ppSelectionKind k
ppSelectionKind :: SelectionKind -> Doc
ppSelectionKind k =
case k of
ComdatAny -> "any"
ComdatExactMatch -> "exactmatch"
ComdatLargest -> "largest"
ComdatNoDuplicates -> "noduplicates"
ComdatSameSize -> "samesize"
ppDefine :: LLVM => Define -> Doc
ppDefine d = "define"
<+> ppMaybe ppLinkage (defLinkage d)
<+> ppType (defRetType d)
<+> ppSymbol (defName d)
<> ppArgList (defVarArgs d) (map (ppTyped ppIdent) (defArgs d))
<+> hsep (ppFunAttr <$> defAttrs d)
<+> ppMaybe (\s -> "section" <+> doubleQuotes (text s)) (defSection d)
<+> ppMaybe (\gc -> "gc" <+> ppGC gc) (defGC d)
<+> ppMds (defMetadata d)
<+> char '{'
$+$ vcat (map ppBasicBlock (defBody d))
$+$ char '}'
ppMds mdm =
case Map.toList mdm of
[] -> empty
mds -> hsep [ "!" <> text k <+> ppValMd md | (k, md) <- mds ]
ppFunAttr :: FunAttr -> Doc
ppFunAttr a =
case a of
AlignStack w -> text "alignstack" <> parens (int w)
Alwaysinline -> text "alwaysinline"
Builtin -> text "builtin"
Cold -> text "cold"
Inlinehint -> text "inlinehint"
Jumptable -> text "jumptable"
Minsize -> text "minsize"
Naked -> text "naked"
Nobuiltin -> text "nobuiltin"
Noduplicate -> text "noduplicate"
Noimplicitfloat -> text "noimplicitfloat"
Noinline -> text "noinline"
Nonlazybind -> text "nonlazybind"
Noredzone -> text "noredzone"
Noreturn -> text "noreturn"
Nounwind -> text "nounwind"
Optnone -> text "optnone"
Optsize -> text "optsize"
Readnone -> text "readnone"
Readonly -> text "readonly"
ReturnsTwice -> text "returns_twice"
SanitizeAddress -> text "sanitize_address"
SanitizeMemory -> text "sanitize_memory"
SanitizeThread -> text "sanitize_thread"
SSP -> text "ssp"
SSPreq -> text "sspreq"
SSPstrong -> text "sspstrong"
UWTable -> text "uwtable"
ppLabelDef :: BlockLabel -> Doc
ppLabelDef (Named (Ident l)) = text l <> char ':'
ppLabelDef (Anon i) = char ';' <+> "<label>:" <+> int i
ppLabel :: BlockLabel -> Doc
ppLabel (Named l) = ppIdent l
ppLabel (Anon i) = char '%' <> int i
ppBasicBlock :: LLVM => BasicBlock -> Doc
ppBasicBlock bb = ppMaybe ppLabelDef (bbLabel bb)
$+$ nest 2 (vcat (map ppStmt (bbStmts bb)))
ppStmt :: LLVM => Stmt -> Doc
ppStmt stmt = case stmt of
Result var i mds -> ppIdent var <+> char '=' <+> ppInstr i
<> ppAttachedMetadata mds
Effect i mds -> ppInstr i <> ppAttachedMetadata mds
ppAttachedMetadata :: LLVM => [(String,ValMd)] -> Doc
ppAttachedMetadata mds
| null mds = empty
| otherwise = comma <+> commas (map step mds)
step (l,md) = ppMetadata (text l) <+> ppValMd md
ppLinkage :: Linkage -> Doc
ppLinkage linkage = case linkage of
Private -> "private"
LinkerPrivate -> "linker_private"
LinkerPrivateWeak -> "linker_private_weak"
LinkerPrivateWeakDefAuto -> "linker_private_weak_def_auto"
Internal -> "internal"
AvailableExternally -> "available_externally"
Linkonce -> "linkonce"
Weak -> "weak"
Common -> "common"
Appending -> "appending"
ExternWeak -> "extern_weak"
LinkonceODR -> "linkonce_ddr"
WeakODR -> "weak_odr"
External -> "external"
DLLImport -> "dllimport"
DLLExport -> "dllexport"
ppVisibility :: Visibility -> Doc
ppVisibility v = case v of
DefaultVisibility -> "default"
HiddenVisibility -> "hidden"
ProtectedVisibility -> "protected"
ppGC :: GC -> Doc
ppGC = doubleQuotes . text . getGC
ppTyped :: (a -> Doc) -> Typed a -> Doc
ppTyped fmt ty = ppType (typedType ty) <+> fmt (typedValue ty)
ppSignBits :: Bool -> Bool -> Doc
ppSignBits nuw nsw = opt nuw "nuw" <+> opt nsw "nsw"
ppExact :: Bool -> Doc
ppExact e = opt e "exact"
ppArithOp :: ArithOp -> Doc
ppArithOp (Add nuw nsw) = "add" <+> ppSignBits nuw nsw
ppArithOp FAdd = "fadd"
ppArithOp (Sub nuw nsw) = "sub" <+> ppSignBits nuw nsw
ppArithOp FSub = "fsub"
ppArithOp (Mul nuw nsw) = "mul" <+> ppSignBits nuw nsw
ppArithOp FMul = "fmul"
ppArithOp (UDiv e) = "udiv" <+> ppExact e
ppArithOp (SDiv e) = "sdiv" <+> ppExact e
ppArithOp FDiv = "fdiv"
ppArithOp URem = "urem"
ppArithOp SRem = "srem"
ppArithOp FRem = "frem"
ppBitOp :: BitOp -> Doc
ppBitOp (Shl nuw nsw) = "shl" <+> ppSignBits nuw nsw
ppBitOp (Lshr e) = "lshr" <+> ppExact e
ppBitOp (Ashr e) = "ashr" <+> ppExact e
ppBitOp And = "and"
ppBitOp Or = "or"
ppBitOp Xor = "xor"
ppConvOp :: ConvOp -> Doc
ppConvOp Trunc = "trunc"
ppConvOp ZExt = "zext"
ppConvOp SExt = "sext"
ppConvOp FpTrunc = "fptrunc"
ppConvOp FpExt = "fpext"
ppConvOp FpToUi = "fptoui"
ppConvOp FpToSi = "fptosi"
ppConvOp UiToFp = "uitofp"
ppConvOp SiToFp = "sitofp"
ppConvOp PtrToInt = "ptrtoint"
ppConvOp IntToPtr = "inttoptr"
ppConvOp BitCast = "bitcast"
ppAtomicOrdering :: AtomicOrdering -> Doc
ppAtomicOrdering Unordered = text "unordered"
ppAtomicOrdering Monotonic = text "monotonic"
ppAtomicOrdering Acquire = text "acquire"
ppAtomicOrdering Release = text "release"
ppAtomicOrdering AcqRel = text "acq_rel"
ppAtomicOrdering SeqCst = text "seq_cst"
ppAtomicOp :: AtomicRWOp -> Doc
ppAtomicOp AtomicXchg = "xchg"
ppAtomicOp AtomicAdd = "add"
ppAtomicOp AtomicSub = "sub"
ppAtomicOp AtomicAnd = "and"
ppAtomicOp AtomicNand = "nand"
ppAtomicOp AtomicOr = "or"
ppAtomicOp AtomicXor = "xor"
ppAtomicOp AtomicMax = "max"
ppAtomicOp AtomicMin = "min"
ppAtomicOp AtomicUMax = "umax"
ppAtomicOp AtomicUMin = "umin"
ppScope :: Maybe String -> Doc
ppScope Nothing = empty
ppScope (Just s) = "syncscope" <> parens (doubleQuotes (text s))
ppInstr :: LLVM => Instr -> Doc
ppInstr instr = case instr of
Ret tv -> "ret" <+> ppTyped ppValue tv
RetVoid -> "ret void"
Arith op l r -> ppArithOp op <+> ppTyped ppValue l
<> comma <+> ppValue r
Bit op l r -> ppBitOp op <+> ppTyped ppValue l
<> comma <+> ppValue r
Conv op a ty -> ppConvOp op <+> ppTyped ppValue a
<+> "to" <+> ppType ty
Call tc ty f args -> ppCall tc ty f args
Alloca ty len align -> ppAlloca ty len align
Load ptr mo ma -> ppLoad ptr mo ma
Store a ptr mo ma -> ppStore a ptr mo ma
Fence scope order -> "fence" <+> ppScope scope <+> ppAtomicOrdering order
CmpXchg w v p a n s o o' -> "cmpxchg" <+> opt w "weak"
<+> opt v "volatile"
<+> ppTyped ppValue p
<> comma <+> ppTyped ppValue a
<> comma <+> ppTyped ppValue n
<+> ppScope s
<+> ppAtomicOrdering o
<+> ppAtomicOrdering o'
AtomicRW v op p a s o -> "atomicrmw"
<+> opt v "volatile"
<+> ppAtomicOp op
<+> ppTyped ppValue p
<> comma <+> ppTyped ppValue a
<+> ppScope s
<+> ppAtomicOrdering o
ICmp op l r -> "icmp" <+> ppICmpOp op
<+> ppTyped ppValue l <> comma <+> ppValue r
FCmp op l r -> "fcmp" <+> ppFCmpOp op
<+> ppTyped ppValue l <> comma <+> ppValue r
Phi ty vls -> "phi" <+> ppType ty
<+> commas (map ppPhiArg vls)
Select c t f -> "select" <+> ppTyped ppValue c
<> comma <+> ppTyped ppValue t
<> comma <+> ppTyped ppValue (f <$ t)
ExtractValue v is -> "extractvalue" <+> ppTyped ppValue v
<> comma <+> (commas (map integral is))
InsertValue a v is -> "insertvalue" <+> ppTyped ppValue a
<> comma <+> ppTyped ppValue v
<> comma <+> commas (map integral is)
ShuffleVector a b m -> "shufflevector" <+> ppTyped ppValue a
<> comma <+> ppTyped ppValue (b <$ a)
<> comma <+> ppTyped ppValue m
GEP ib ptr ixs -> ppGEP ib ptr ixs
Comment str -> char ';' <+> text str
Jump i -> "br"
<+> ppTypedLabel i
Br c t f -> "br" <+> ppTyped ppValue c
<> comma <+> ppType (PrimType Label)
<+> ppLabel t
<> comma <+> ppType (PrimType Label)
<+> ppLabel f
Invoke ty f args to uw -> ppInvoke ty f args to uw
Unreachable -> "unreachable"
Unwind -> "unwind"
VaArg al t -> "va_arg" <+> ppTyped ppValue al
<> comma <+> ppType t
ExtractElt v i -> "extractelement"
<+> ppTyped ppValue v
<> comma <+> ppVectorIndex i
InsertElt v e i -> "insertelement"
<+> ppTyped ppValue v
<> comma <+> ppTyped ppValue e
<> comma <+> ppVectorIndex i
IndirectBr d ls -> "indirectbr"
<+> ppTyped ppValue d
<> comma <+> commas (map ppTypedLabel ls)
Switch c d ls -> "switch"
<+> ppTyped ppValue c
<> comma <+> ppTypedLabel d
<+> char '['
$$ nest 2 (vcat (map (ppSwitchEntry (typedType c)) ls))
$$ char ']'
LandingPad ty mfn c cs ->
case mfn of
Just fn -> "landingpad"
<+> ppType ty
<+> "personality"
<+> ppTyped ppValue fn
$$ nest 2 (ppClauses c cs)
Nothing -> "landingpad"
<+> ppType ty
$$ nest 2 (ppClauses c cs)
Resume tv -> "resume" <+> ppTyped ppValue tv
ppLoad :: LLVM => Typed (Value' BlockLabel) -> Maybe AtomicOrdering -> Maybe Align -> Doc
ppLoad ptr mo ma =
"load" <+> (if isAtomic then "atomic" else empty)
<+> (if isImplicit then empty else explicit)
<+> ppTyped ppValue ptr
<+> ordering
<> ppAlign ma
isAtomic = isJust mo
isImplicit = checkConfig cfgLoadImplicitType
ordering =
case mo of
Just ao -> ppAtomicOrdering ao
_ -> empty
explicit =
case typedType ptr of
PtrTo ty -> ppType ty <> comma
ty -> ppType ty <> comma
ppStore :: LLVM
=> Typed (Value' BlockLabel)
-> Typed (Value' BlockLabel)
-> Maybe AtomicOrdering
-> Maybe Align
-> Doc
ppStore ptr val mo ma =
"store" <+> (if isJust mo then "atomic" else empty)
<+> ppTyped ppValue ptr <> comma
<+> ppTyped ppValue val
<+> case mo of
Just ao -> ppAtomicOrdering ao
_ -> empty
<> ppAlign ma
ppClauses :: LLVM => Bool -> [Clause] -> Doc
ppClauses isCleanup cs = vcat (cleanup : map ppClause cs)
cleanup | isCleanup = "cleanup"
| otherwise = empty
ppClause :: LLVM => Clause -> Doc
ppClause c = case c of
Catch tv -> "catch" <+> ppTyped ppValue tv
Filter tv -> "filter" <+> ppTyped ppValue tv
ppTypedLabel :: BlockLabel -> Doc
ppTypedLabel i = ppType (PrimType Label) <+> ppLabel i
ppSwitchEntry :: Type -> (Integer,BlockLabel) -> Doc
ppSwitchEntry ty (i,l) = ppType ty <+> integer i <> comma <+> ppTypedLabel l
ppVectorIndex :: LLVM => Value -> Doc
ppVectorIndex i = ppType (PrimType (Integer 32)) <+> ppValue i
ppAlign :: Maybe Align -> Doc
ppAlign Nothing = empty
ppAlign (Just align) = comma <+> "align" <+> int align
ppAlloca :: LLVM => Type -> Maybe (Typed Value) -> Maybe Int -> Doc
ppAlloca ty mbLen mbAlign = "alloca" <+> ppType ty <> len <> align
len = fromMaybe empty $ do
l <- mbLen
return (comma <+> ppTyped ppValue l)
align = fromMaybe empty $ do
a <- mbAlign
return (comma <+> "align" <+> int a)
ppCall :: LLVM => Bool -> Type -> Value -> [Typed Value] -> Doc
ppCall tc ty f args
| tc = "tail" <+> body
| otherwise = body
body = "call" <+> ppCallSym ty f
<> parens (commas (map (ppTyped ppValue) args))
ppCallSym :: LLVM => Type -> Value -> Doc
ppCallSym (PtrTo (FunTy res args va)) val = ppType res <+> ppArgList va (map ppType args) <+> ppValue val
ppCallSym ty val = ppType ty <+> ppValue val
ppGEP :: LLVM => Bool -> Typed Value -> [Typed Value] -> Doc
ppGEP ib ptr ixs = "getelementptr" <+> inbounds
<+> (if isImplicit then empty else explicit)
<+> commas (map (ppTyped ppValue) (ptr:ixs))
isImplicit = checkConfig cfgGEPImplicitType
explicit =
case typedType ptr of
PtrTo ty -> ppType ty <> comma
ty -> ppType ty <> comma
inbounds | ib = "inbounds"
| otherwise = empty
ppInvoke :: LLVM => Type -> Value -> [Typed Value] -> BlockLabel -> BlockLabel -> Doc
ppInvoke ty f args to uw = body
body = "invoke" <+> ppType ty <+> ppValue f
<> parens (commas (map (ppTyped ppValue) args))
<+> "to" <+> ppType (PrimType Label) <+> ppLabel to
<+> "unwind" <+> ppType (PrimType Label) <+> ppLabel uw
ppPhiArg :: LLVM => (Value,BlockLabel) -> Doc
ppPhiArg (v,l) = char '[' <+> ppValue v <> comma <+> ppLabel l <+> char ']'
ppICmpOp :: ICmpOp -> Doc
ppICmpOp Ieq = "eq"
ppICmpOp Ine = "ne"
ppICmpOp Iugt = "ugt"
ppICmpOp Iuge = "uge"
ppICmpOp Iult = "ult"
ppICmpOp Iule = "ule"
ppICmpOp Isgt = "sgt"
ppICmpOp Isge = "sge"
ppICmpOp Islt = "slt"
ppICmpOp Isle = "sle"
ppFCmpOp :: FCmpOp -> Doc
ppFCmpOp Ffalse = "false"
ppFCmpOp Foeq = "oeq"
ppFCmpOp Fogt = "ogt"
ppFCmpOp Foge = "oge"
ppFCmpOp Folt = "olt"
ppFCmpOp Fole = "ole"
ppFCmpOp Fone = "one"
ppFCmpOp Ford = "ord"
ppFCmpOp Fueq = "ueq"
ppFCmpOp Fugt = "ugt"
ppFCmpOp Fuge = "uge"
ppFCmpOp Fult = "ult"
ppFCmpOp Fule = "ule"
ppFCmpOp Fune = "une"
ppFCmpOp Funo = "uno"
ppFCmpOp Ftrue = "true"
ppValue' :: LLVM => (i -> Doc) -> Value' i -> Doc
ppValue' pp val = case val of
ValInteger i -> integer i
ValBool b -> ppBool b
ValFloat i -> float i
ValDouble i -> double i
ValFP80 (FP80_LongDouble e s) ->
let pad n | n < 0x10 = shows (0::Int) . showHex n
| otherwise = showHex n
fld v i = pad $ v `shiftR` (i * 8)
in "0xK" <> text (foldr (fld e) (foldr (fld s) "" $ reverse [0..7::Int]) [1, 0])
ValIdent i -> ppIdent i
ValSymbol s -> ppSymbol s
ValNull -> "null"
ValArray ty es -> brackets
$ commas (map (ppTyped (ppValue' pp) . Typed ty) es)
ValVector ty es -> angles $ commas
$ map (ppTyped (ppValue' pp) . Typed ty) es
ValStruct fs -> structBraces (commas (map (ppTyped (ppValue' pp)) fs))
ValPackedStruct fs -> angles
$ structBraces (commas (map (ppTyped (ppValue' pp)) fs))
ValString s -> char 'c' <> ppStringLiteral (map (toEnum . fromIntegral) s)
ValConstExpr ce -> ppConstExpr' pp ce
ValUndef -> "undef"
ValLabel l -> pp l
ValZeroInit -> "zeroinitializer"
ValAsm s a i c -> ppAsm s a i c
ValMd m -> ppValMd' pp m
ppValue :: LLVM => Value -> Doc
ppValue = ppValue' ppLabel
ppValMd' :: LLVM => (i -> Doc) -> ValMd' i -> Doc
ppValMd' pp m = case m of
ValMdString str -> ppMetadata (ppStringLiteral str)
ValMdValue tv -> ppTyped (ppValue' pp) tv
ValMdRef i -> ppMetadata (int i)
ValMdNode vs -> ppMetadataNode' pp vs
ValMdLoc l -> ppDebugLoc' pp l
ValMdDebugInfo di -> ppDebugInfo' pp di
ppValMd :: LLVM => ValMd -> Doc
ppValMd = ppValMd' ppLabel
ppDebugLoc' :: LLVM => (i -> Doc) -> DebugLoc' i -> Doc
ppDebugLoc' pp dl = (if cfgUseDILocation ?config then "!DILocation"
else "!MDLocation")
<> parens (commas [ "line:" <+> integral (dlLine dl)
, "column:" <+> integral (dlCol dl)
, "scope:" <+> ppValMd' pp (dlScope dl)
] <> mbIA <> mbImplicit)
mbIA = case dlIA dl of
Just md -> comma <+> "inlinedAt:" <+> ppValMd' pp md
Nothing -> empty
mbImplicit = if dlImplicit dl then comma <+> "implicit" else empty
ppDebugLoc :: LLVM => DebugLoc -> Doc
ppDebugLoc = ppDebugLoc' ppLabel
ppTypedValMd :: LLVM => ValMd -> Doc
ppTypedValMd = ppTyped ppValMd . Typed (PrimType Metadata)
ppMetadata :: Doc -> Doc
ppMetadata body = char '!' <> body
ppMetadataNode' :: LLVM => (i -> Doc) -> [Maybe (ValMd' i)] -> Doc
ppMetadataNode' pp vs = ppMetadata (braces (commas (map arg vs)))
where arg = maybe ("null") (ppValMd' pp)
ppMetadataNode :: LLVM => [Maybe ValMd] -> Doc
ppMetadataNode = ppMetadataNode' ppLabel
ppStringLiteral :: String -> Doc
ppStringLiteral = doubleQuotes . text . concatMap escape
escape c | c == '"' || c == '\\' = '\\' : showHex (fromEnum c) ""
| isAscii c && isPrint c = [c]
| otherwise = '\\' : pad (ord c)
pad n | n < 0x10 = '0' : map toUpper (showHex n "")
| otherwise = map toUpper (showHex n "")
ppAsm :: Bool -> Bool -> String -> String -> Doc
ppAsm s a i c =
"asm" <+> sideeffect <+> alignstack
<+> ppStringLiteral i <> comma <+> ppStringLiteral c
sideeffect | s = "sideeffect"
| otherwise = empty
alignstack | a = "alignstack"
| otherwise = empty
ppConstExpr' :: LLVM => (i -> Doc) -> ConstExpr' i -> Doc
ppConstExpr' pp expr =
case expr of
ConstGEP inb _mix mp ixs ->
<+> opt inb "inbounds"
<+> parens (mcommas ((ppType <$> mp) : (map (pure . ppTyp') ixs)))
ConstConv op tv t -> ppConvOp op <+> parens (ppTyp' tv <+> "to" <+> ppType t)
ConstSelect c l r ->
"select" <+> parens (commas [ ppTyp' c, ppTyp' l , ppTyp' r])
ConstBlockAddr t l -> "blockaddress" <+> parens (ppSymbol t <> comma <+> pp l)
ConstFCmp op a b -> "fcmp" <+> ppFCmpOp op <+> ppTupleT a b
ConstICmp op a b -> "icmp" <+> ppICmpOp op <+> ppTupleT a b
ConstArith op a b -> ppArithOp op <+> ppTuple a b
ConstBit op a b -> ppBitOp op <+> ppTuple a b
where ppTuple a b = parens $ ppTyped ppVal' a <> comma <+> ppVal' b
ppTupleT a b = parens $ ppTyped ppVal' a <> comma <+> ppTyp' b
ppVal' = ppValue' pp
ppTyp' = ppTyped ppVal'
ppConstExpr :: LLVM => ConstExpr -> Doc
ppConstExpr = ppConstExpr' ppLabel
ppDebugInfo' :: LLVM => (i -> Doc) -> DebugInfo' i -> Doc
ppDebugInfo' pp di = case di of
DebugInfoBasicType bt -> ppDIBasicType bt
DebugInfoCompileUnit cu -> ppDICompileUnit' pp cu
DebugInfoCompositeType ct -> ppDICompositeType' pp ct
DebugInfoDerivedType dt -> ppDIDerivedType' pp dt
DebugInfoEnumerator nm v -> ppDIEnumerator nm v
DebugInfoExpression e -> ppDIExpression e
DebugInfoFile f -> ppDIFile f
DebugInfoGlobalVariable gv -> ppDIGlobalVariable' pp gv
DebugInfoGlobalVariableExpression gv -> ppDIGlobalVariableExpression' pp gv
DebugInfoLexicalBlock lb -> ppDILexicalBlock' pp lb
DebugInfoLexicalBlockFile lbf -> ppDILexicalBlockFile' pp lbf
DebugInfoLocalVariable lv -> ppDILocalVariable' pp lv
DebugInfoSubprogram sp -> ppDISubprogram' pp sp
DebugInfoSubrange sr -> ppDISubrange sr
DebugInfoSubroutineType st -> ppDISubroutineType' pp st
DebugInfoNameSpace ns -> ppDINameSpace' pp ns
DebugInfoTemplateTypeParameter dttp -> ppDITemplateTypeParameter' pp dttp
DebugInfoTemplateValueParameter dtvp -> ppDITemplateValueParameter' pp dtvp
DebugInfoImportedEntity diip -> ppDIImportedEntity' pp diip
DebugInfoLabel dil -> ppDILabel' pp dil
ppDebugInfo :: LLVM => DebugInfo -> Doc
ppDebugInfo = ppDebugInfo' ppLabel
ppDIImportedEntity' :: LLVM => (i -> Doc) -> DIImportedEntity' i -> Doc
ppDIImportedEntity' pp ie = "!DIImportedEntity"
<> parens (mcommas [ pure ("tag:" <+> integral (diieTag ie))
, (("scope:" <+>) . ppValMd' pp) <$> diieScope ie
, (("entity:" <+>) . ppValMd' pp) <$> diieEntity ie
, (("file:" <+>) . ppValMd' pp) <$> diieFile ie
, pure ("line:" <+> integral (diieLine ie))
, (("name:" <+>) . text) <$> diieName ie
ppDIImportedEntity :: LLVM => DIImportedEntity -> Doc
ppDIImportedEntity = ppDIImportedEntity' ppLabel
ppDILabel' :: LLVM => (i -> Doc) -> DILabel' i -> Doc
ppDILabel' pp ie = "!DILabel"
<> parens (mcommas [ (("scope:" <+>) . ppValMd' pp) <$> dilScope ie
, pure ("name:" <+> text (dilName ie))
, (("file:" <+>) . ppValMd' pp) <$> dilFile ie
, pure ("line:" <+> integral (dilLine ie))
ppDILabel :: LLVM => DILabel -> Doc
ppDILabel = ppDILabel' ppLabel
ppDINameSpace' :: LLVM => (i -> Doc) -> DINameSpace' i -> Doc
ppDINameSpace' pp ns = "!DINameSpace"
<> parens (mcommas [ ("name:" <+>) . text <$> (dinsName ns)
, pure ("scope:" <+> ppValMd' pp (dinsScope ns))
, pure ("file:" <+> ppValMd' pp (dinsFile ns))
, pure ("line:" <+> integral (dinsLine ns))
ppDINameSpace :: LLVM => DINameSpace -> Doc
ppDINameSpace = ppDINameSpace' ppLabel
ppDITemplateTypeParameter' :: LLVM => (i -> Doc) -> DITemplateTypeParameter' i -> Doc
ppDITemplateTypeParameter' pp tp = "!DITemplateTypeParameter"
<> parens (mcommas [ ("name:" <+>) . text <$> dittpName tp
, ("type:" <+>) . ppValMd' pp <$> dittpType tp
ppDITemplateTypeParameter :: LLVM => DITemplateTypeParameter -> Doc
ppDITemplateTypeParameter = ppDITemplateTypeParameter' ppLabel
ppDITemplateValueParameter' :: LLVM => (i -> Doc) -> DITemplateValueParameter' i -> Doc
ppDITemplateValueParameter' pp vp = "!DITemplateValueParameter"
<> parens (mcommas [ pure ("tag:" <+> integral (ditvpTag vp))
, ("name:" <+>) . text <$> ditvpName vp
, ("type:" <+>) . ppValMd' pp <$> ditvpType vp
, pure ("value:" <+> ppValMd' pp (ditvpValue vp))
ppDITemplateValueParameter :: LLVM => DITemplateValueParameter -> Doc
ppDITemplateValueParameter = ppDITemplateValueParameter' ppLabel
ppDIBasicType :: DIBasicType -> Doc
ppDIBasicType bt = "!DIBasicType"
<> parens (commas [ "tag:" <+> integral (dibtTag bt)
, "name:" <+> doubleQuotes (text (dibtName bt))
, "size:" <+> integral (dibtSize bt)
, "align:" <+> integral (dibtAlign bt)
, "encoding:" <+> integral (dibtEncoding bt)
] <> mbFlags)
mbFlags = case dibtFlags bt of
Just flags -> comma <+> "flags:" <+> integral flags
Nothing -> empty
ppDICompileUnit' :: LLVM => (i -> Doc) -> DICompileUnit' i -> Doc
ppDICompileUnit' pp cu = "!DICompileUnit"
<> parens (mcommas
[ pure ("language:" <+> integral (dicuLanguage cu))
, (("file:" <+>) . ppValMd' pp) <$> (dicuFile cu)
, (("producer:" <+>) . doubleQuotes . text)
<$> (dicuProducer cu)
, pure ("isOptimized:" <+> ppBool (dicuIsOptimized cu))
, pure ("flags:" <+> ppFlags (dicuFlags cu))
, pure ("runtimeVersion:" <+> integral (dicuRuntimeVersion cu))
, (("splitDebugFilename:" <+>) . doubleQuotes . text)
<$> (dicuSplitDebugFilename cu)
, pure ("emissionKind:" <+> integral (dicuEmissionKind cu))
, (("enums:" <+>) . ppValMd' pp) <$> (dicuEnums cu)
, (("retainedTypes:" <+>) . ppValMd' pp) <$> (dicuRetainedTypes cu)
, (("subprograms:" <+>) . ppValMd' pp) <$> (dicuSubprograms cu)
, (("globals:" <+>) . ppValMd' pp) <$> (dicuGlobals cu)
, (("imports:" <+>) . ppValMd' pp) <$> (dicuImports cu)
, (("macros:" <+>) . ppValMd' pp) <$> (dicuMacros cu)
, pure ("dwoId:" <+> integral (dicuDWOId cu))
ppDICompileUnit :: LLVM => DICompileUnit -> Doc
ppDICompileUnit = ppDICompileUnit' ppLabel
ppFlags :: Maybe String -> Doc
ppFlags mb = doubleQuotes (maybe empty text mb)
ppDICompositeType' :: LLVM => (i -> Doc) -> DICompositeType' i -> Doc
ppDICompositeType' pp ct = "!DICompositeType"
<> parens (mcommas
[ pure ("tag:" <+> integral (dictTag ct))
, (("name:" <+>) . doubleQuotes . text) <$> (dictName ct)
, (("file:" <+>) . ppValMd' pp) <$> (dictFile ct)
, pure ("line:" <+> integral (dictLine ct))
, (("baseType:" <+>) . ppValMd' pp) <$> (dictBaseType ct)
, pure ("size:" <+> integral (dictSize ct))
, pure ("align:" <+> integral (dictAlign ct))
, pure ("offset:" <+> integral (dictOffset ct))
, pure ("flags:" <+> integral (dictFlags ct))
, (("elements:" <+>) . ppValMd' pp) <$> (dictElements ct)
, pure ("runtimeLang:" <+> integral (dictRuntimeLang ct))
, (("vtableHolder:" <+>) . ppValMd' pp) <$> (dictVTableHolder ct)
, (("templateParams:" <+>) . ppValMd' pp) <$> (dictTemplateParams ct)
, (("identifier:" <+>) . doubleQuotes . text)
<$> (dictIdentifier ct)
, (("discriminator:" <+>) . ppValMd' pp) <$> (dictDiscriminator ct)
ppDICompositeType :: LLVM => DICompositeType -> Doc
ppDICompositeType = ppDICompositeType' ppLabel
ppDIDerivedType' :: LLVM => (i -> Doc) -> DIDerivedType' i -> Doc
ppDIDerivedType' pp dt = "!DIDerivedType"
<> parens (mcommas
[ pure ("tag:" <+> integral (didtTag dt))
, (("name:" <+>) . doubleQuotes . text) <$> (didtName dt)
, (("file:" <+>) . ppValMd' pp) <$> (didtFile dt)
, pure ("line:" <+> integral (didtLine dt))
, ("baseType:" <+>) <$> (ppValMd' pp <$> didtBaseType dt <|> Just "null")
, pure ("size:" <+> integral (didtSize dt))
, pure ("align:" <+> integral (didtAlign dt))
, pure ("offset:" <+> integral (didtOffset dt))
, pure ("flags:" <+> integral (didtFlags dt))
, (("extraData:" <+>) . ppValMd' pp) <$> (didtExtraData dt)
ppDIDerivedType :: LLVM => DIDerivedType -> Doc
ppDIDerivedType = ppDIDerivedType' ppLabel
ppDIEnumerator :: String -> Int64 -> Doc
ppDIEnumerator n v = "!DIEnumerator"
<> parens (commas [ "name:" <+> doubleQuotes (text n)
, "value:" <+> integral v
ppDIExpression :: DIExpression -> Doc
ppDIExpression e = "!DIExpression"
<> parens (commas (map integral (dieElements e)))
ppDIFile :: DIFile -> Doc
ppDIFile f = "!DIFile"
<> parens (commas [ "filename:" <+> doubleQuotes (text (difFilename f))
, "directory:" <+> doubleQuotes (text (difDirectory f))
ppDIGlobalVariable' :: LLVM => (i -> Doc) -> DIGlobalVariable' i -> Doc
ppDIGlobalVariable' pp gv = "!DIGlobalVariable"
<> parens (mcommas
[ (("scope:" <+>) . ppValMd' pp) <$> (digvScope gv)
, (("name:" <+>) . doubleQuotes . text) <$> (digvName gv)
, (("linkageName:" <+>) . doubleQuotes . text)
<$> (digvLinkageName gv)
, (("file:" <+>) . ppValMd' pp) <$> (digvFile gv)
, pure ("line:" <+> integral (digvLine gv))
, (("type:" <+>) . ppValMd' pp) <$> (digvType gv)
, pure ("isLocal:" <+> ppBool (digvIsLocal gv))
, pure ("isDefinition:" <+> ppBool (digvIsDefinition gv))
, (("variable:" <+>) . ppValMd' pp) <$> (digvVariable gv)
, (("declaration:" <+>) . ppValMd' pp) <$> (digvDeclaration gv)
, (("align:" <+>) . integral) <$> digvAlignment gv
ppDIGlobalVariable :: LLVM => DIGlobalVariable -> Doc
ppDIGlobalVariable = ppDIGlobalVariable' ppLabel
ppDIGlobalVariableExpression' :: LLVM => (i -> Doc) -> DIGlobalVariableExpression' i -> Doc
ppDIGlobalVariableExpression' pp gve = "!DIGlobalVariableExpression"
<> parens (mcommas
[ (("var:" <+>) . ppValMd' pp) <$> (digveVariable gve)
, (("expr:" <+>) . ppValMd' pp) <$> (digveExpression gve)
ppDIGlobalVariableExpression :: LLVM => DIGlobalVariableExpression -> Doc
ppDIGlobalVariableExpression = ppDIGlobalVariableExpression' ppLabel
ppDILexicalBlock' :: LLVM => (i -> Doc) -> DILexicalBlock' i -> Doc
ppDILexicalBlock' pp ct = "!DILexicalBlock"
<> parens (mcommas
[ (("scope:" <+>) . ppValMd' pp) <$> (dilbScope ct)
, (("file:" <+>) . ppValMd' pp) <$> (dilbFile ct)
, pure ("line:" <+> integral (dilbLine ct))
, pure ("column:" <+> integral (dilbColumn ct))
ppDILexicalBlock :: LLVM => DILexicalBlock -> Doc
ppDILexicalBlock = ppDILexicalBlock' ppLabel
ppDILexicalBlockFile' :: LLVM => (i -> Doc) -> DILexicalBlockFile' i -> Doc
ppDILexicalBlockFile' pp lbf = "!DILexicalBlockFile"
<> parens (mcommas
[ pure ("scope:" <+> ppValMd' pp (dilbfScope lbf))
, (("file:" <+>) . ppValMd' pp) <$> (dilbfFile lbf)
, pure ("discriminator:" <+> integral (dilbfDiscriminator lbf))
ppDILexicalBlockFile :: LLVM => DILexicalBlockFile -> Doc
ppDILexicalBlockFile = ppDILexicalBlockFile' ppLabel
ppDILocalVariable' :: LLVM => (i -> Doc) -> DILocalVariable' i -> Doc
ppDILocalVariable' pp lv = "!DILocalVariable"
<> parens (mcommas
[ (("scope:" <+>) . ppValMd' pp) <$> (dilvScope lv)
, (("name:" <+>) . doubleQuotes . text) <$> (dilvName lv)
, (("file:" <+>) . ppValMd' pp) <$> (dilvFile lv)
, pure ("line:" <+> integral (dilvLine lv))
, (("type:" <+>) . ppValMd' pp) <$> (dilvType lv)
, pure ("arg:" <+> integral (dilvArg lv))
, pure ("flags:" <+> integral (dilvFlags lv))
ppDILocalVariable :: LLVM => DILocalVariable -> Doc
ppDILocalVariable = ppDILocalVariable' ppLabel
ppDISubprogram' :: LLVM => (i -> Doc) -> DISubprogram' i -> Doc
ppDISubprogram' pp sp = "!DISubprogram"
<> parens (mcommas
[ (("scope:" <+>) . ppValMd' pp) <$> (dispScope sp)
, (("name:" <+>) . doubleQuotes . text) <$> (dispName sp)
, (("linkageName:" <+>) . doubleQuotes . text)
<$> (dispLinkageName sp)
, (("file:" <+>) . ppValMd' pp) <$> (dispFile sp)
, pure ("line:" <+> integral (dispLine sp))
, (("type:" <+>) . ppValMd' pp) <$> (dispType sp)
, pure ("isLocal:" <+> ppBool (dispIsLocal sp))
, pure ("isDefinition:" <+> ppBool (dispIsDefinition sp))
, pure ("scopeLine:" <+> integral (dispScopeLine sp))
, (("containingType:" <+>) . ppValMd' pp) <$> (dispContainingType sp)
, pure ("virtuality:" <+> integral (dispVirtuality sp))
, pure ("virtualIndex:" <+> integral (dispVirtualIndex sp))
, pure ("flags:" <+> integral (dispFlags sp))
, pure ("isOptimized:" <+> ppBool (dispIsOptimized sp))
, (("unit:" <+>) . ppValMd' pp) <$> (dispUnit sp)
, (("templateParams:" <+>) . ppValMd' pp) <$> (dispTemplateParams sp)
, (("declaration:" <+>) . ppValMd' pp) <$> (dispDeclaration sp)
, (("variables:" <+>) . ppValMd' pp) <$> (dispVariables sp)
, (("thrownTypes:" <+>) . ppValMd' pp) <$> (dispThrownTypes sp)
ppDISubprogram :: LLVM => DISubprogram -> Doc
ppDISubprogram = ppDISubprogram' ppLabel
ppDISubrange :: DISubrange -> Doc
ppDISubrange sr = "!DISubrange"
<> parens (commas [ "count:" <+> integral (disrCount sr)
, "lowerBound:" <+> integral (disrLowerBound sr)
ppDISubroutineType' :: LLVM => (i -> Doc) -> DISubroutineType' i -> Doc
ppDISubroutineType' pp st = "!DISubroutineType"
<> parens (commas
[ "flags:" <+> integral (distFlags st)
, "types:" <+> fromMaybe "null" (ppValMd' pp <$> (distTypeArray st))
ppDISubroutineType :: LLVM => DISubroutineType -> Doc
ppDISubroutineType = ppDISubroutineType' ppLabel
ppBool :: Bool -> Doc
ppBool b | b = "true"
| otherwise = "false"
ppArgList :: Bool -> [Doc] -> Doc
ppArgList True ds = parens (commas (ds ++ ["..."]))
ppArgList False ds = parens (commas ds)
integral :: Integral i => i -> Doc
integral = integer . fromIntegral
hex :: (Integral i, Show i) => i -> Doc
hex i = text (showHex i "0x")
opt :: Bool -> Doc -> Doc
opt True = id
opt False = const empty
commas :: [Doc] -> Doc
commas = fsep . punctuate comma
mcommas :: [Maybe Doc] -> Doc
mcommas = commas . catMaybes
angles :: Doc -> Doc
angles d = char '<' <> d <> char '>'
structBraces :: Doc -> Doc
structBraces body = char '{' <+> body <+> char '}'
ppMaybe :: (a -> Doc) -> Maybe a -> Doc
ppMaybe = maybe empty