Safe Haskell | Safe |
Language | Haskell2010 |
- data Module = Module {
- modSourceName :: Maybe String
- modDataLayout :: DataLayout
- modTypes :: [TypeDecl]
- modNamedMd :: [NamedMd]
- modUnnamedMd :: [UnnamedMd]
- modGlobals :: [Global]
- modDeclares :: [Declare]
- modDefines :: [Define]
- modInlineAsm :: InlineAsm
- modAliases :: [GlobalAlias]
- emptyModule :: Module
- data NamedMd = NamedMd {}
- data UnnamedMd = UnnamedMd {}
- data GlobalAlias = GlobalAlias {}
- type DataLayout = [LayoutSpec]
- data LayoutSpec
- = BigEndian
- | LittleEndian
- | PointerSize !Int !Int !Int (Maybe Int)
- | IntegerSize !Int !Int (Maybe Int)
- | VectorSize !Int !Int (Maybe Int)
- | FloatSize !Int !Int (Maybe Int)
- | StackObjSize !Int !Int (Maybe Int)
- | AggregateSize !Int !Int (Maybe Int)
- | NativeIntSize [Int]
- | StackAlign !Int
- | Mangling Mangling
- data Mangling
- parseDataLayout :: MonadPlus m => String -> m DataLayout
- type InlineAsm = [String]
- newtype Ident = Ident String
- newtype Symbol = Symbol String
- data PrimType
- data FloatType
- type Type = Type' Ident
- data Type' ident
- updateAliases :: (a -> Type' b) -> Type' a -> Type' b
- isFloatingPoint :: PrimType -> Bool
- isAlias :: Type -> Bool
- isPrimTypeOf :: (PrimType -> Bool) -> Type -> Bool
- isLabel :: PrimType -> Bool
- isInteger :: PrimType -> Bool
- isVector :: Type -> Bool
- isVectorOf :: (Type -> Bool) -> Type -> Bool
- isArray :: Type -> Bool
- isPointer :: Type -> Bool
- data NullResult lab
- = HasNull (Value' lab)
- | ResolveNull Ident
- primTypeNull :: PrimType -> Value' lab
- floatTypeNull :: FloatType -> Value' lab
- typeNull :: Type -> NullResult lab
- elimFunTy :: MonadPlus m => Type -> m (Type, [Type], Bool)
- elimAlias :: MonadPlus m => Type -> m Ident
- elimPtrTo :: MonadPlus m => Type -> m Type
- elimVector :: MonadPlus m => Type -> m (Int32, Type)
- elimArray :: MonadPlus m => Type -> m (Int32, Type)
- elimFunPtr :: MonadPlus m => Type -> m (Type, [Type], Bool)
- elimPrimType :: MonadPlus m => Type -> m PrimType
- elimFloatType :: MonadPlus m => PrimType -> m FloatType
- elimSequentialType :: MonadPlus m => Type -> m Type
- data TypeDecl = TypeDecl {}
- data Global = Global {}
- addGlobal :: Global -> Module -> Module
- data GlobalAttrs = GlobalAttrs {
- gaLinkage :: Maybe Linkage
- gaConstant :: Bool
- emptyGlobalAttrs :: GlobalAttrs
- data Declare = Declare {
- decRetType :: Type
- decName :: Symbol
- decArgs :: [Type]
- decVarArgs :: Bool
- decAttrs :: [FunAttr]
- decFunType :: Declare -> Type
- data Define = Define {
- defLinkage :: Maybe Linkage
- defRetType :: Type
- defName :: Symbol
- defArgs :: [Typed Ident]
- defVarArgs :: Bool
- defAttrs :: [FunAttr]
- defSection :: Maybe String
- defGC :: Maybe GC
- defBody :: [BasicBlock]
- defMetadata :: FnMdAttachments
- defFunType :: Define -> Type
- addDefine :: Define -> Module -> Module
- data FunAttr
- = AlignStack Int
- | Alwaysinline
- | Builtin
- | Cold
- | Inlinehint
- | Jumptable
- | Minsize
- | Naked
- | Nobuiltin
- | Noduplicate
- | Noimplicitfloat
- | Noinline
- | Nonlazybind
- | Noredzone
- | Noreturn
- | Nounwind
- | Optnone
- | Optsize
- | Readnone
- | Readonly
- | ReturnsTwice
- | SanitizeAddress
- | SanitizeMemory
- | SanitizeThread
- | SSP
- | SSPreq
- | SSPstrong
- | UWTable
- data BlockLabel
- data BasicBlock' lab = BasicBlock {}
- type BasicBlock = BasicBlock' BlockLabel
- brTargets :: BasicBlock' lab -> [lab]
- data Linkage
- newtype GC = GC {}
- data Typed a = Typed {
- typedType :: Type
- typedValue :: a
- mapMTyped :: Monad m => (a -> m b) -> Typed a -> m (Typed b)
- data ArithOp
- isIArith :: ArithOp -> Bool
- isFArith :: ArithOp -> Bool
- data BitOp
- data ConvOp
- type Align = Int
- data Instr' lab
- = Ret (Typed (Value' lab))
- | RetVoid
- | Arith ArithOp (Typed (Value' lab)) (Value' lab)
- | Bit BitOp (Typed (Value' lab)) (Value' lab)
- | Conv ConvOp (Typed (Value' lab)) Type
- | Call Bool Type (Value' lab) [Typed (Value' lab)]
- | Alloca Type (Maybe (Typed (Value' lab))) (Maybe Int)
- | Load (Typed (Value' lab)) (Maybe Align)
- | Store (Typed (Value' lab)) (Typed (Value' lab)) (Maybe Align)
- | ICmp ICmpOp (Typed (Value' lab)) (Value' lab)
- | FCmp FCmpOp (Typed (Value' lab)) (Value' lab)
- | Phi Type [(Value' lab, lab)]
- | GEP Bool (Typed (Value' lab)) [Typed (Value' lab)]
- | Select (Typed (Value' lab)) (Typed (Value' lab)) (Value' lab)
- | ExtractValue (Typed (Value' lab)) [Int32]
- | InsertValue (Typed (Value' lab)) (Typed (Value' lab)) [Int32]
- | ExtractElt (Typed (Value' lab)) (Value' lab)
- | InsertElt (Typed (Value' lab)) (Typed (Value' lab)) (Value' lab)
- | ShuffleVector (Typed (Value' lab)) (Value' lab) (Typed (Value' lab))
- | Jump lab
- | Br (Typed (Value' lab)) lab lab
- | Invoke Type (Value' lab) [Typed (Value' lab)] lab lab
- | Comment String
- | Unreachable
- | Unwind
- | VaArg (Typed (Value' lab)) Type
- | IndirectBr (Typed (Value' lab)) [lab]
- | Switch (Typed (Value' lab)) lab [(Integer, lab)]
- | LandingPad Type (Typed (Value' lab)) Bool [Clause' lab]
- | Resume (Typed (Value' lab))
- type Instr = Instr' BlockLabel
- data Clause' lab
- type Clause = Clause' BlockLabel
- isTerminator :: Instr' lab -> Bool
- isComment :: Instr' lab -> Bool
- isPhi :: Instr' lab -> Bool
- data ICmpOp
- data FCmpOp
- data Value' lab
- = ValInteger Integer
- | ValBool Bool
- | ValFloat Float
- | ValDouble Double
- | ValIdent Ident
- | ValSymbol Symbol
- | ValNull
- | ValArray Type [Value' lab]
- | ValVector Type [Value' lab]
- | ValStruct [Typed (Value' lab)]
- | ValPackedStruct [Typed (Value' lab)]
- | ValString String
- | ValConstExpr (ConstExpr' lab)
- | ValUndef
- | ValLabel lab
- | ValZeroInit
- | ValAsm Bool Bool String String
- | ValMd (ValMd' lab)
- type Value = Value' BlockLabel
- data ValMd' lab
- = ValMdString String
- | ValMdValue (Typed (Value' lab))
- | ValMdRef Int
- | ValMdNode [Maybe (ValMd' lab)]
- | ValMdLoc (DebugLoc' lab)
- | ValMdDebugInfo (DebugInfo' lab)
- type ValMd = ValMd' BlockLabel
- type KindMd = String
- type FnMdAttachments = Map KindMd ValMd
- type GlobalMdAttachments = Map KindMd ValMd
- data DebugLoc' lab = DebugLoc {}
- type DebugLoc = DebugLoc' BlockLabel
- isConst :: Value' lab -> Bool
- elimValSymbol :: MonadPlus m => Value' lab -> m Symbol
- elimValInteger :: MonadPlus m => Value' lab -> m Integer
- data Stmt' lab
- type Stmt = Stmt' BlockLabel
- stmtInstr :: Stmt' lab -> Instr' lab
- stmtMetadata :: Stmt' lab -> [(String, ValMd' lab)]
- extendMetadata :: (String, ValMd' lab) -> Stmt' lab -> Stmt' lab
- data ConstExpr' lab
- = ConstGEP Bool (Maybe Type) [Typed (Value' lab)]
- | ConstConv ConvOp (Typed (Value' lab)) Type
- | ConstSelect (Typed (Value' lab)) (Typed (Value' lab)) (Typed (Value' lab))
- | ConstBlockAddr Symbol lab
- | ConstFCmp FCmpOp (Typed (Value' lab)) (Typed (Value' lab))
- | ConstICmp ICmpOp (Typed (Value' lab)) (Typed (Value' lab))
- | ConstArith ArithOp (Typed (Value' lab)) (Value' lab)
- | ConstBit BitOp (Typed (Value' lab)) (Value' lab)
- type ConstExpr = ConstExpr' BlockLabel
- data DebugInfo' lab
- = DebugInfoBasicType DIBasicType
- | DebugInfoCompileUnit (DICompileUnit' lab)
- | DebugInfoCompositeType (DICompositeType' lab)
- | DebugInfoDerivedType (DIDerivedType' lab)
- | DebugInfoEnumerator String !Int64
- | DebugInfoExpression DIExpression
- | DebugInfoFile DIFile
- | DebugInfoGlobalVariable (DIGlobalVariable' lab)
- | DebugInfoGlobalVariableExpression (DIGlobalVariableExpression' lab)
- | DebugInfoLexicalBlock (DILexicalBlock' lab)
- | DebugInfoLexicalBlockFile (DILexicalBlockFile' lab)
- | DebugInfoLocalVariable (DILocalVariable' lab)
- | DebugInfoSubprogram (DISubprogram' lab)
- | DebugInfoSubrange DISubrange
- | DebugInfoSubroutineType (DISubroutineType' lab)
- type DebugInfo = DebugInfo' BlockLabel
- type DwarfAttrEncoding = Word8
- type DwarfLang = Word16
- type DwarfTag = Word16
- type DwarfVirtuality = Word8
- type DIFlags = Word32
- type DIEmissionKind = Word8
- data DIBasicType = DIBasicType {}
- data DICompileUnit' lab = DICompileUnit {
- dicuLanguage :: DwarfLang
- dicuFile :: Maybe (ValMd' lab)
- dicuProducer :: Maybe String
- dicuIsOptimized :: Bool
- dicuFlags :: Maybe String
- dicuRuntimeVersion :: Word16
- dicuSplitDebugFilename :: Maybe FilePath
- dicuEmissionKind :: DIEmissionKind
- dicuEnums :: Maybe (ValMd' lab)
- dicuRetainedTypes :: Maybe (ValMd' lab)
- dicuSubprograms :: Maybe (ValMd' lab)
- dicuGlobals :: Maybe (ValMd' lab)
- dicuImports :: Maybe (ValMd' lab)
- dicuMacros :: Maybe (ValMd' lab)
- dicuDWOId :: Word64
- dicuSplitDebugInlining :: Bool
- type DICompileUnit = DICompileUnit' BlockLabel
- data DICompositeType' lab = DICompositeType {
- dictTag :: DwarfTag
- dictName :: Maybe String
- dictFile :: Maybe (ValMd' lab)
- dictLine :: Word32
- dictScope :: Maybe (ValMd' lab)
- dictBaseType :: Maybe (ValMd' lab)
- dictSize :: Word64
- dictAlign :: Word64
- dictOffset :: Word64
- dictFlags :: DIFlags
- dictElements :: Maybe (ValMd' lab)
- dictRuntimeLang :: DwarfLang
- dictVTableHolder :: Maybe (ValMd' lab)
- dictTemplateParams :: Maybe (ValMd' lab)
- dictIdentifier :: Maybe String
- type DICompositeType = DICompositeType' BlockLabel
- data DIDerivedType' lab = DIDerivedType {}
- type DIDerivedType = DIDerivedType' BlockLabel
- data DIExpression = DIExpression {
- dieElements :: [Word64]
- data DIFile = DIFile {}
- data DIGlobalVariable' lab = DIGlobalVariable {
- digvScope :: Maybe (ValMd' lab)
- digvName :: Maybe String
- digvLinkageName :: Maybe String
- digvFile :: Maybe (ValMd' lab)
- digvLine :: Word32
- digvType :: Maybe (ValMd' lab)
- digvIsLocal :: Bool
- digvIsDefinition :: Bool
- digvVariable :: Maybe (ValMd' lab)
- digvDeclaration :: Maybe (ValMd' lab)
- digvAlignment :: Maybe Word32
- type DIGlobalVariable = DIGlobalVariable' BlockLabel
- data DIGlobalVariableExpression' lab = DIGlobalVariableExpression {
- digveVariable :: Maybe (ValMd' lab)
- digveExpression :: Maybe (ValMd' lab)
- type DIGlobalVariableExpression = DIGlobalVariableExpression' BlockLabel
- data DILexicalBlock' lab = DILexicalBlock {}
- type DILexicalBlock = DILexicalBlock' BlockLabel
- data DILexicalBlockFile' lab = DILexicalBlockFile {
- dilbfScope :: ValMd' lab
- dilbfFile :: Maybe (ValMd' lab)
- dilbfDiscriminator :: Word32
- type DILexicalBlockFile = DILexicalBlockFile' BlockLabel
- data DILocalVariable' lab = DILocalVariable {}
- type DILocalVariable = DILocalVariable' BlockLabel
- data DISubprogram' lab = DISubprogram {
- dispScope :: Maybe (ValMd' lab)
- dispName :: Maybe String
- dispLinkageName :: Maybe String
- dispFile :: Maybe (ValMd' lab)
- dispLine :: Word32
- dispType :: Maybe (ValMd' lab)
- dispIsLocal :: Bool
- dispIsDefinition :: Bool
- dispScopeLine :: Word32
- dispContainingType :: Maybe (ValMd' lab)
- dispVirtuality :: DwarfVirtuality
- dispVirtualIndex :: Word32
- dispThisAdjustment :: Int64
- dispFlags :: DIFlags
- dispIsOptimized :: Bool
- dispTemplateParams :: Maybe (ValMd' lab)
- dispDeclaration :: Maybe (ValMd' lab)
- dispVariables :: Maybe (ValMd' lab)
- type DISubprogram = DISubprogram' BlockLabel
- data DISubrange = DISubrange {}
- data DISubroutineType' lab = DISubroutineType {
- distFlags :: DIFlags
- distTypeArray :: Maybe (ValMd' lab)
- type DISubroutineType = DISubroutineType' BlockLabel
- data IndexResult
- isInvalid :: IndexResult -> Bool
- resolveGepFull :: (Ident -> Maybe Type) -> Type -> [Typed (Value' lab)] -> Maybe Type
- resolveGep :: Type -> [Typed (Value' lab)] -> IndexResult
- resolveGepBody :: Type -> [Typed (Value' lab)] -> IndexResult
- isGepIndex :: Typed (Value' lab) -> Bool
- isGepStructIndex :: Typed (Value' lab) -> Maybe Integer
- resolveValueIndex :: Type -> [Int32] -> IndexResult
Module | |
emptyModule :: Module Source #
type DataLayout = [LayoutSpec] Source #
data LayoutSpec Source #
BigEndian | |
LittleEndian | |
PointerSize !Int !Int !Int (Maybe Int) | address space, size, abi, pref |
IntegerSize !Int !Int (Maybe Int) | size, abi, pref |
VectorSize !Int !Int (Maybe Int) | size, abi, pref |
FloatSize !Int !Int (Maybe Int) | size, abi, pref |
StackObjSize !Int !Int (Maybe Int) | size, abi, pref |
AggregateSize !Int !Int (Maybe Int) | size, abi, pref |
NativeIntSize [Int] | |
StackAlign !Int | size |
Mangling Mangling |
ElfMangling | |
MipsMangling | |
MachOMangling | |
WindowsCoffMangling |
parseDataLayout :: MonadPlus m => String -> m DataLayout Source #
Parse the data layout string.
Eq Ident Source # | |
Ord Ident Source # | |
Show Ident Source # | |
IsString Ident Source # | |
Generic Ident Source # | |
IsValue Ident Source # | |
DefineArgs Type (Typed Value -> BB ()) Source # | |
DefineArgs (Type, Type) (Typed Value -> Typed Value -> BB ()) Source # | |
DefineArgs as k => DefineArgs ((:>) Type as) (Typed Value -> k) Source # | |
DefineArgs (Type, Type, Type) (Typed Value -> Typed Value -> Typed Value -> BB ()) Source # | |
type Rep Ident Source # | |
PrimType PrimType | |
Alias ident | |
Array Int32 (Type' ident) | |
FunTy (Type' ident) [Type' ident] Bool | |
PtrTo (Type' ident) | |
Struct [Type' ident] | |
PackedStruct [Type' ident] | |
Vector Int32 (Type' ident) | |
Opaque |
Functor Type' Source # | |
DefineArgs Type (Typed Value -> BB ()) Source # | |
Eq ident => Eq (Type' ident) Source # | |
Ord ident => Ord (Type' ident) Source # | |
Show ident => Show (Type' ident) Source # | |
Generic (Type' ident) Source # | |
DefineArgs (Type, Type) (Typed Value -> Typed Value -> BB ()) Source # | |
DefineArgs as k => DefineArgs ((:>) Type as) (Typed Value -> k) Source # | |
DefineArgs (Type, Type, Type) (Typed Value -> Typed Value -> Typed Value -> BB ()) Source # | |
type Rep (Type' ident) Source # | |
updateAliases :: (a -> Type' b) -> Type' a -> Type' b Source #
Traverse a type, updating or removing aliases.
isFloatingPoint :: PrimType -> Bool Source #
data NullResult lab Source #
HasNull (Value' lab) | |
ResolveNull Ident |
primTypeNull :: PrimType -> Value' lab Source #
floatTypeNull :: FloatType -> Value' lab Source #
typeNull :: Type -> NullResult lab Source #
elimSequentialType :: MonadPlus m => Type -> m Type Source #
Eliminator for array, pointer and vector types.
Global | |
Fields |
data GlobalAttrs Source #
GlobalAttrs | |
decFunType :: Declare -> Type Source #
The function type of this declaration
Define | |
defFunType :: Define -> Type Source #
data BlockLabel Source #
Eq BlockLabel Source # | |
Ord BlockLabel Source # | |
Show BlockLabel Source # | |
IsString BlockLabel Source # | |
Generic BlockLabel Source # | |
IsValue Value Source # | |
DefineArgs Type (Typed Value -> BB ()) Source # | |
DefineArgs (Type, Type) (Typed Value -> Typed Value -> BB ()) Source # | |
DefineArgs as k => DefineArgs ((:>) Type as) (Typed Value -> k) Source # | |
DefineArgs (Type, Type, Type) (Typed Value -> Typed Value -> Typed Value -> BB ()) Source # | |
type Rep BlockLabel Source # | |
data BasicBlock' lab Source #
BasicBlock | |
Show lab => Show (BasicBlock' lab) Source # | |
Generic (BasicBlock' lab) Source # | |
type Rep (BasicBlock' lab) Source # | |
type BasicBlock = BasicBlock' BlockLabel Source #
brTargets :: BasicBlock' lab -> [lab] Source #
Symbol Linkage
Typed | |
Functor Typed Source # | |
Foldable Typed Source # | |
Traversable Typed Source # | |
DefineArgs Type (Typed Value -> BB ()) Source # | |
Show a => Show (Typed a) Source # | |
Generic (Typed a) Source # | |
IsValue a => IsValue (Typed a) Source # | |
DefineArgs (Type, Type) (Typed Value -> Typed Value -> BB ()) Source # | |
DefineArgs as k => DefineArgs ((:>) Type as) (Typed Value -> k) Source # | |
DefineArgs (Type, Type, Type) (Typed Value -> Typed Value -> Typed Value -> BB ()) Source # | |
type Rep (Typed a) Source # | |
Add Bool Bool |
FAdd | Floating point addition. |
Sub Bool Bool |
FSub | Floating point subtraction. |
Mul Bool Bool |
FMul | Floating point multiplication. |
UDiv Bool |
SDiv Bool |
FDiv | Floating point division. |
URem | Integral unsigned reminder resulting from unsigned division. Division by 0 is undefined. |
SRem |
FRem |
Binary bitwise operators.
Shl Bool Bool |
Lshr Bool |
The value of the second parameter must be strictly less than the number of bits in the first parameter, otherwise the result is undefined. |
Ashr Bool |
The value of the second parameter must be strictly less than the number of bits in the first parameter, otherwise the result is undefined. |
And | |
Or | |
Xor |
Conversions from one type to another.
Ret (Typed (Value' lab)) |
RetVoid |
Arith ArithOp (Typed (Value' lab)) (Value' lab) |
Bit BitOp (Typed (Value' lab)) (Value' lab) |
Conv ConvOp (Typed (Value' lab)) Type |
Call Bool Type (Value' lab) [Typed (Value' lab)] |
Alloca Type (Maybe (Typed (Value' lab))) (Maybe Int) |
Load (Typed (Value' lab)) (Maybe Align) |
Store (Typed (Value' lab)) (Typed (Value' lab)) (Maybe Align) |
ICmp ICmpOp (Typed (Value' lab)) (Value' lab) |
FCmp FCmpOp (Typed (Value' lab)) (Value' lab) |
Phi Type [(Value' lab, lab)] |
GEP Bool (Typed (Value' lab)) [Typed (Value' lab)] |
The types in path are the types of the index, not the fields. The indexes are in units of a fields (i.e., the first element in a struct is field 0, the next one is 1, etc., regardless of the size of the fields in bytes). |
Select (Typed (Value' lab)) (Typed (Value' lab)) (Value' lab) |
ExtractValue (Typed (Value' lab)) [Int32] |
InsertValue (Typed (Value' lab)) (Typed (Value' lab)) [Int32] |
ExtractElt (Typed (Value' lab)) (Value' lab) |
InsertElt (Typed (Value' lab)) (Typed (Value' lab)) (Value' lab) |
ShuffleVector (Typed (Value' lab)) (Value' lab) (Typed (Value' lab)) | |
Jump lab |
Br (Typed (Value' lab)) lab lab |
Invoke Type (Value' lab) [Typed (Value' lab)] lab lab | |
Comment String | Comment |
Unreachable | No defined sematics, we should not get to here. |
Unwind | |
VaArg (Typed (Value' lab)) Type | |
IndirectBr (Typed (Value' lab)) [lab] | |
Switch (Typed (Value' lab)) lab [(Integer, lab)] |
LandingPad Type (Typed (Value' lab)) Bool [Clause' lab] | |
Resume (Typed (Value' lab)) |
type Instr = Instr' BlockLabel Source #
type Clause = Clause' BlockLabel Source #
isTerminator :: Instr' lab -> Bool Source #
Integer comparison operators.
Floating-point comparison operators.
ValInteger Integer | |
ValBool Bool | |
ValFloat Float | |
ValDouble Double | |
ValIdent Ident | |
ValSymbol Symbol | |
ValNull | |
ValArray Type [Value' lab] | |
ValVector Type [Value' lab] | |
ValStruct [Typed (Value' lab)] | |
ValPackedStruct [Typed (Value' lab)] | |
ValString String | |
ValConstExpr (ConstExpr' lab) | |
ValUndef | |
ValLabel lab | |
ValZeroInit | |
ValAsm Bool Bool String String | |
ValMd (ValMd' lab) |
Functor Value' Source # | |
Generic1 Value' Source # | |
HasLabel Value' Source # | |
IsValue Value Source # | |
DefineArgs Type (Typed Value -> BB ()) Source # | |
Show lab => Show (Value' lab) Source # | |
Generic (Value' lab) Source # | |
DefineArgs (Type, Type) (Typed Value -> Typed Value -> BB ()) Source # | |
DefineArgs as k => DefineArgs ((:>) Type as) (Typed Value -> k) Source # | |
DefineArgs (Type, Type, Type) (Typed Value -> Typed Value -> Typed Value -> BB ()) Source # | |
type Rep1 Value' Source # | |
type Rep (Value' lab) Source # | |
type Value = Value' BlockLabel Source #
ValMdString String | |
ValMdValue (Typed (Value' lab)) | |
ValMdRef Int | |
ValMdNode [Maybe (ValMd' lab)] | |
ValMdLoc (DebugLoc' lab) | |
ValMdDebugInfo (DebugInfo' lab) |
type ValMd = ValMd' BlockLabel Source #
DebugLoc | |
type DebugLoc = DebugLoc' BlockLabel Source #
type Stmt = Stmt' BlockLabel Source #
data ConstExpr' lab Source #
ConstGEP Bool (Maybe Type) [Typed (Value' lab)] | Element type introduced in LLVM 3.7 |
ConstConv ConvOp (Typed (Value' lab)) Type | |
ConstSelect (Typed (Value' lab)) (Typed (Value' lab)) (Typed (Value' lab)) | |
ConstBlockAddr Symbol lab | |
ConstFCmp FCmpOp (Typed (Value' lab)) (Typed (Value' lab)) | |
ConstICmp ICmpOp (Typed (Value' lab)) (Typed (Value' lab)) | |
ConstArith ArithOp (Typed (Value' lab)) (Value' lab) | |
ConstBit BitOp (Typed (Value' lab)) (Value' lab) |
Functor ConstExpr' Source # | |
Generic1 ConstExpr' Source # | |
HasLabel ConstExpr' Source # | Clever instance that actually uses the block name |
Show lab => Show (ConstExpr' lab) Source # | |
Generic (ConstExpr' lab) Source # | |
type Rep1 ConstExpr' Source # | |
type Rep (ConstExpr' lab) Source # | |
type ConstExpr = ConstExpr' BlockLabel Source #
data DebugInfo' lab Source #
Functor DebugInfo' Source # | |
Generic1 DebugInfo' Source # | |
HasLabel DebugInfo' Source # | |
Show lab => Show (DebugInfo' lab) Source # | |
Generic (DebugInfo' lab) Source # | |
type Rep1 DebugInfo' Source # | |
type Rep (DebugInfo' lab) Source # | |
type DebugInfo = DebugInfo' BlockLabel Source #
type DwarfAttrEncoding = Word8 Source #
type DwarfVirtuality = Word8 Source #
type DIEmissionKind = Word8 Source #
data DIBasicType Source #
DIBasicType | |
data DICompileUnit' lab Source #
DICompileUnit | |
Functor DICompileUnit' Source # | |
Generic1 DICompileUnit' Source # | |
HasLabel DICompileUnit' Source # | |
Show lab => Show (DICompileUnit' lab) Source # | |
Generic (DICompileUnit' lab) Source # | |
type Rep1 DICompileUnit' Source # | |
type Rep (DICompileUnit' lab) Source # | |
type DICompileUnit = DICompileUnit' BlockLabel Source #
data DICompositeType' lab Source #
DICompositeType | |
Functor DICompositeType' Source # | |
Generic1 DICompositeType' Source # | |
HasLabel DICompositeType' Source # | |
Show lab => Show (DICompositeType' lab) Source # | |
Generic (DICompositeType' lab) Source # | |
type Rep1 DICompositeType' Source # | |
type Rep (DICompositeType' lab) Source # | |
data DIDerivedType' lab Source #
DIDerivedType | |
Functor DIDerivedType' Source # | |
Generic1 DIDerivedType' Source # | |
HasLabel DIDerivedType' Source # | |
Show lab => Show (DIDerivedType' lab) Source # | |
Generic (DIDerivedType' lab) Source # | |
type Rep1 DIDerivedType' Source # | |
type Rep (DIDerivedType' lab) Source # | |
type DIDerivedType = DIDerivedType' BlockLabel Source #
DIFile | |
Fields |
data DIGlobalVariable' lab Source #
DIGlobalVariable | |
Functor DIGlobalVariable' Source # | |
Generic1 DIGlobalVariable' Source # | |
HasLabel DIGlobalVariable' Source # | |
Show lab => Show (DIGlobalVariable' lab) Source # | |
Generic (DIGlobalVariable' lab) Source # | |
type Rep1 DIGlobalVariable' Source # | |
type Rep (DIGlobalVariable' lab) Source # | |
data DIGlobalVariableExpression' lab Source #
DIGlobalVariableExpression | |
data DILexicalBlock' lab Source #
DILexicalBlock | |
Functor DILexicalBlock' Source # | |
Generic1 DILexicalBlock' Source # | |
HasLabel DILexicalBlock' Source # | |
Show lab => Show (DILexicalBlock' lab) Source # | |
Generic (DILexicalBlock' lab) Source # | |
type Rep1 DILexicalBlock' Source # | |
type Rep (DILexicalBlock' lab) Source # | |
data DILexicalBlockFile' lab Source #
DILexicalBlockFile | |
Functor DILexicalBlockFile' Source # | |
Generic1 DILexicalBlockFile' Source # | |
HasLabel DILexicalBlockFile' Source # | |
Show lab => Show (DILexicalBlockFile' lab) Source # | |
Generic (DILexicalBlockFile' lab) Source # | |
type Rep1 DILexicalBlockFile' Source # | |
type Rep (DILexicalBlockFile' lab) Source # | |
data DILocalVariable' lab Source #
DILocalVariable | |
Functor DILocalVariable' Source # | |
Generic1 DILocalVariable' Source # | |
HasLabel DILocalVariable' Source # | |
Show lab => Show (DILocalVariable' lab) Source # | |
Generic (DILocalVariable' lab) Source # | |
type Rep1 DILocalVariable' Source # | |
type Rep (DILocalVariable' lab) Source # | |
data DISubprogram' lab Source #
DISubprogram | |
Functor DISubprogram' Source # | |
Generic1 DISubprogram' Source # | |
HasLabel DISubprogram' Source # | |
Show lab => Show (DISubprogram' lab) Source # | |
Generic (DISubprogram' lab) Source # | |
type Rep1 DISubprogram' Source # | |
type Rep (DISubprogram' lab) Source # | |
type DISubprogram = DISubprogram' BlockLabel Source #
data DISubrange Source #
DISubrange | |
data DISubroutineType' lab Source #
DISubroutineType | |
Functor DISubroutineType' Source # | |
Generic1 DISubroutineType' Source # | |
HasLabel DISubroutineType' Source # | |
Show lab => Show (DISubroutineType' lab) Source # | |
Generic (DISubroutineType' lab) Source # | |
type Rep1 DISubroutineType' Source # | |
type Rep (DISubroutineType' lab) Source # | |
data IndexResult Source #
isInvalid :: IndexResult -> Bool Source #
:: (Ident -> Maybe Type) | Type alias resolution |
-> Type | Pointer type |
-> [Typed (Value' lab)] | Path |
-> Maybe Type | Type of result |
Resolves the type of a GEP instruction. Type aliases are resolved
using the given function. An invalid use of GEP or one relying
on unknown type aliases will return Nothing
resolveGep :: Type -> [Typed (Value' lab)] -> IndexResult Source #
Resolve the type of a GEP instruction. Note that the type produced is the type of the result, not necessarily a pointer.
resolveGepBody :: Type -> [Typed (Value' lab)] -> IndexResult Source #
Resolve the type of a GEP instruction. This assumes that the input has already been processed as a pointer.
resolveValueIndex :: Type -> [Int32] -> IndexResult Source #