lnd-client: Lightning Network Daemon (LND) client library for Haskell
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library lnd-client
[Index] [Quick Jump]
- LndClient
- LndClient.Class
- Data
- LndClient.Data.AddHodlInvoice
- LndClient.Data.AddInvoice
- LndClient.Data.Channel
- LndClient.Data.ChannelBackup
- LndClient.Data.ChannelPoint
- LndClient.Data.CloseChannel
- LndClient.Data.ClosedChannel
- LndClient.Data.ClosedChannels
- LndClient.Data.FinalizePsbt
- LndClient.Data.ForceClosedChannel
- LndClient.Data.FundPsbt
- LndClient.Data.FundingPsbtFinalize
- LndClient.Data.FundingPsbtVerify
- LndClient.Data.FundingShim
- LndClient.Data.FundingShimCancel
- LndClient.Data.FundingStateStep
- LndClient.Data.GetInfo
- LndClient.Data.HtlcEvent
- LndClient.Data.InitWallet
- LndClient.Data.Invoice
- LndClient.Data.Kind
- LndClient.Data.LeaseOutput
- LndClient.Data.ListChannels
- LndClient.Data.ListInvoices
- LndClient.Data.ListLeases
- LndClient.Data.ListUnspent
- LndClient.Data.LndEnv
- LndClient.Data.NewAddress
- LndClient.Data.Newtype
- LndClient.Data.OpenChannel
- LndClient.Data.OutPoint
- LndClient.Data.PayReq
- LndClient.Data.Payment
- LndClient.Data.Peer
- LndClient.Data.PendingChannel
- LndClient.Data.PendingChannels
- LndClient.Data.PendingOpenChannel
- LndClient.Data.PsbtShim
- LndClient.Data.PublishTransaction
- LndClient.Data.ReleaseOutput
- LndClient.Data.SendCoins
- LndClient.Data.SendPayment
- LndClient.Data.SignMessage
- LndClient.Data.SubscribeChannelEvents
- LndClient.Data.SubscribeInvoices
- LndClient.Data.TrackPayment
- LndClient.Data.Type
- LndClient.Data.UnlockWallet
- LndClient.Data.VerifyMessage
- LndClient.Data.WaitingCloseChannel
- LndClient.Data.WalletBalance
- LndClient.Import
- LndClient.Import.External
- LndClient.LndTest
- LndClient.Log
- LndClient.Orphan
- LndClient.QRCode
- LndClient.RPC.Generic
- LndClient.RPC.Katip
- LndClient.RPC.Silent
- LndClient.RPC.TH
- LndClient.Util
- LndClient.Watcher
- LndGrpc
- LndGrpc.Client
- Proto
- Autopilotrpc
- Proto.Autopilotrpc.Autopilot
- Proto.Autopilotrpc.Autopilot_Fields
- Chainrpc
- Proto.Chainrpc.Chainnotifier
- Proto.Chainrpc.Chainnotifier_Fields
- Invoicesrpc
- Proto.Invoicesrpc.Invoices
- Proto.Invoicesrpc.Invoices_Fields
- Proto.Lightning
- Proto.Lightning_Fields
- Lnclipb
- Proto.Lnclipb.Lncli
- Proto.Lnclipb.Lncli_Fields
- Lnrpc
- Proto.Lnrpc.Ln0
- Proto.Lnrpc.Ln0_Fields
- Proto.Lnrpc.Ln1
- Proto.Lnrpc.Ln1_Fields
- Routerrpc
- Proto.Routerrpc.Router
- Proto.Routerrpc.Router_Fields
- Signrpc
- Proto.Signrpc.Signer
- Proto.Signrpc.Signer_Fields
- Proto.Stateservice
- Proto.Stateservice_Fields
- Verrpc
- Proto.Verrpc.Verrpc
- Proto.Verrpc.Verrpc_Fields
- Walletrpc
- Proto.Walletrpc.Walletkit
- Proto.Walletrpc.Walletkit_Fields
- Proto.Walletunlocker
- Proto.Walletunlocker_Fields
- Watchtowerrpc
- Proto.Watchtowerrpc.Watchtower
- Proto.Watchtowerrpc.Watchtower_Fields
- Wtclientrpc
- Proto.Wtclientrpc.Wtclient
- Proto.Wtclientrpc.Wtclient_Fields
- Autopilotrpc
library lnd-client:lnd-client-tkit
Manual Flags
Name | Description | Default |
ghcid | Disabled |
Use -f <flag> to enable a flag, or -f -<flag> to disable that flag. More info
- lnd-client- [browse] (Cabal source package)
- Package description (as included in the package)
Maintainer's Corner
For package maintainers and hackage trustees
Versions [RSS] |, |
Change log | ChangeLog.md |
Dependencies | aeson (>=, async (>=2.2.2 && <2.3), base (>=4.7 && <5), base16-bytestring (>= && <1.1), base64-bytestring (>= && <1.3), bytestring (>= && <0.13), chronos (>=1.0.7 && <1.2), containers (>= && <0.6.6), cryptohash-sha256 (>= && <0.12), cryptonite (>=0.25 && <0.31), envparse (>=0.4.1 && <0.4.2), extra (>=1.6.18 && <1.8), generic-pretty-instances, GenericPretty, http2 (>=3.0.3), http2-client, http2-client-grpc (>=, http2-grpc-proto-lens (>=, http2-grpc-types (>=, JuicyPixels (>=3.3.3 && <3.4), katip (>= && <0.9), lnd-client, microlens (>=0.4.10), network-bitcoin (>=1.8.3), pem (>=0.2.4 && <0.3), persistent (>=, proto-lens (>=0.7.0), proto-lens-runtime (>=0.7.0), qrcode-core (>=0.9 && <0.10), qrcode-juicypixels (>=0.8.0 && <0.9), scientific (>= && <0.3.7), stm (>= && <2.5.1), template-haskell (>= && <2.19), text (>= && <2.1), time, tls, unbounded-delays (>= && <0.1.2), universum (>=1.5.0 && <1.8), unliftio (>=0.2.12), x509 (>=1.7.5 && <1.7.6), x509-store [details] |
License | BSD-3-Clause |
Copyright | 2022 Yolo <hello@coingaming.io> |
Author | 21it <21it@tuta.io>, Mikhail Prushinskiy <mprushinsky@gmail.com>, Artem Markov <drownbes@gmail.com> |
Maintainer | 21it <21it@tuta.io>, Mikhail Prushinskiy <mprushinsky@gmail.com>, Artem Markov <drownbes@gmail.com> |
Category | Lightning, Bitcoin, Finance, Network, Payments |
Home page | https://github.com/coingaming/lnd-client#readme |
Bug tracker | https://github.com/coingaming/lnd-client/issues |
Source repo | head: git clone https://github.com/coingaming/lnd-client |
Uploaded | by coingaming at 2022-07-22T13:39:54Z |
Distributions | |
Reverse Dependencies | 1 direct, 0 indirect [details] |
Executables | lnd-client-prof |
Downloads | 242 total (4 in the last 30 days) |
Rating | (no votes yet) [estimated by Bayesian average] |
Your Rating | |
Status | Docs uploaded by user Build status unknown [no reports yet] |