{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PatternSynonyms #-}

#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 820
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-unrecognised-pragmas #-}
-- |
-- Module      : Data.Massiv.Core.Index.Stride
-- Copyright   : (c) Alexey Kuleshevich 2018-2019
-- License     : BSD3
-- Maintainer  : Alexey Kuleshevich <lehins@yandex.ru>
-- Stability   : experimental
-- Portability : non-portable
module Data.Massiv.Core.Index.Stride
  ( Stride(SafeStride)
  , pattern Stride
  , unStride
  , oneStride
  , toLinearIndexStride
  , strideStart
  , strideSize
  ) where

import Control.DeepSeq
import Data.Massiv.Core.Index.Internal

-- | Stride provides a way to ignore elements of an array if an index is divisible by a
-- corresponding value in a stride. So, for a @Stride (i :. j)@ only elements with indices will be
-- kept around:
-- @
-- ( 0 :. 0) ( 0 :. j) ( 0 :. 2j) ( 0 :. 3j) ...
-- ( i :. 0) ( i :. j) ( i :. 2j) ( i :. 3j) ...
-- (2i :. 0) (2i :. j) (2i :. 2j) (2i :. 3j) ...
-- ...
-- @
-- Only positive strides make sense, so `Stride` pattern synonym constructor will prevent a user
-- from creating a stride with negative or zero values, thus promoting safety of the library.
-- ====__Examples:__
-- * Default and minimal stride of @`Stride` (`pureIndex` 1)@ will have no affect and all elements
--   will kept.
-- * If stride is @`Stride` 2@, then every 2nd element (i.e. with index 1, 3, 5, ..) will be skipped
--   and only elemnts with indices divisible by 2 will be kept around.
-- * In case of two dimensions, if what you want is to keep all rows divisible by 5, but keep every
--   column intact then you'd use @Stride (5 :. 1)@.

newtype Stride ix = SafeStride ix deriving (Eq, Ord, NFData)

-- | A safe bidirectional pattern synonym for `Stride` construction that will make sure stride
-- elements are always positive.
pattern Stride :: Index ix => ix -> Stride ix
pattern Stride ix <- SafeStride ix where
        Stride ix = SafeStride (liftIndex (max 1) ix)
{-# COMPLETE Stride #-}

instance Index ix => Show (Stride ix) where
  show (SafeStride ix) = "Stride (" ++ show ix ++ ")"

-- | Just a helper function for unwrapping `Stride`.
unStride :: Stride ix -> ix
unStride (SafeStride ix) = ix
{-# INLINE unStride #-}

-- | Adjust starting index according to the stride
strideStart :: Index ix => Stride ix -> ix -> ix
strideStart (SafeStride stride) ix =
    (liftIndex2 mod (liftIndex2 subtract (liftIndex2 mod ix stride) stride) stride)
{-# INLINE strideStart #-}

-- | Adjust size according to the stride.
strideSize :: Index ix => Stride ix -> Sz ix -> Sz ix
strideSize (SafeStride stride) (SafeSz sz) =
  SafeSz (liftIndex (+ 1) $ liftIndex2 div (liftIndex (subtract 1) sz) stride)
{-# INLINE strideSize #-}

-- | Compute an index with stride using the original size and index
toLinearIndexStride :: Index ix =>
  Stride ix -- ^ Stride
  -> Sz ix -- ^ Size
  -> ix -- ^ Index
  -> Int
toLinearIndexStride (SafeStride stride) sz ix = toLinearIndex sz (liftIndex2 div ix stride)
{-# INLINE toLinearIndexStride #-}

-- | A default stride of @1@, where all elements are kept
oneStride :: Index ix => Stride ix
oneStride = SafeStride (pureIndex 1)
{-# INLINE oneStride #-}