{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns, ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# OPTIONS_HADDOCK hide #-}
module Numeric.SpecFunctions.Internal
( module Numeric.SpecFunctions.Internal
, Compat.log1p
, Compat.expm1
) where
import Control.Applicative
import Data.Bits ((.&.), (.|.), shiftR)
import Data.Int (Int64)
import Data.Word (Word)
import Data.Default.Class
import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed as U
import Data.Vector.Unboxed ((!))
import Text.Printf
import Numeric.Polynomial.Chebyshev (chebyshevBroucke)
import Numeric.Polynomial (evaluatePolynomial, evaluatePolynomialL, evaluateEvenPolynomialL
import Numeric.RootFinding (Root(..), newtonRaphson, NewtonParam(..), Tolerance(..))
import Numeric.Series
import Numeric.MathFunctions.Constants
import Numeric.SpecFunctions.Compat (log1p)
import qualified Numeric.SpecFunctions.Compat as Compat
erf :: Double -> Double
erf = Compat.erf
{-# INLINE erf #-}
erfc :: Double -> Double
erfc = Compat.erfc
{-# INLINE erfc #-}
invErf :: Double
-> Double
invErf p
| p == 1 = m_pos_inf
| p == -1 = m_neg_inf
| p < 1 && p > -1 = if p > 0 then r else -r
| otherwise = error "invErf: p must in [-1,1] range"
pp = abs p
r = step $ step $ guessInvErfc $ 1 - pp
step x = invErfcHalleyStep (pp - erf x) x
invErfc :: Double
-> Double
invErfc p
| p == 2 = m_neg_inf
| p == 0 = m_pos_inf
| p >0 && p < 2 = if p <= 1 then r else -r
| otherwise = modErr $ "invErfc: p must be in [0,2] got " ++ show p
pp | p <= 1 = p
| otherwise = 2 - p
r = step $ step $ guessInvErfc pp
step x = invErfcHalleyStep (erfc x - pp) x
guessInvErfc :: Double -> Double
guessInvErfc p
= -0.70711 * ((2.30753 + t * 0.27061) / (1 + t * (0.99229 + t * 0.04481)) - t)
t = sqrt $ -2 * log( 0.5 * p)
invErfcHalleyStep :: Double -> Double -> Double
invErfcHalleyStep err x
= x + err / (1.12837916709551257 * exp(-x * x) - x * err)
data L = L {-# UNPACK #-} !Double {-# UNPACK #-} !Double
logGamma :: Double -> Double
logGamma z
| z <= 0 = m_pos_inf
| z < m_sqrt_eps = log (1/z - m_eulerMascheroni)
| z < 0.5 = lgamma1_15 z (z - 1) - log z
| z < 1 = lgamma15_2 z (z - 1) - log z
| z <= 1.5 = lgamma1_15 (z - 1) (z - 2)
| z < 2 = lgamma15_2 (z - 1) (z - 2)
| z < 15 = lgammaSmall z
| otherwise = lanczosApprox z
logGammaL :: Double -> Double
logGammaL = logGamma
{-# DEPRECATED logGammaL "Use logGamma instead" #-}
lgamma1_15 :: Double -> Double -> Double
lgamma1_15 zm1 zm2
= r * y + r * ( evaluatePolynomial zm1 tableLogGamma_1_15P
/ evaluatePolynomial zm1 tableLogGamma_1_15Q
r = zm1 * zm2
y = 0.52815341949462890625
tableLogGamma_1_15P,tableLogGamma_1_15Q :: U.Vector Double
tableLogGamma_1_15P = U.fromList
[ 0.490622454069039543534e-1
, -0.969117530159521214579e-1
, -0.414983358359495381969e0
, -0.406567124211938417342e0
, -0.158413586390692192217e0
, -0.240149820648571559892e-1
, -0.100346687696279557415e-2
{-# NOINLINE tableLogGamma_1_15P #-}
tableLogGamma_1_15Q = U.fromList
[ 1
, 0.302349829846463038743e1
, 0.348739585360723852576e1
, 0.191415588274426679201e1
, 0.507137738614363510846e0
, 0.577039722690451849648e-1
, 0.195768102601107189171e-2
{-# NOINLINE tableLogGamma_1_15Q #-}
lgamma15_2 :: Double -> Double -> Double
lgamma15_2 zm1 zm2
= r * y + r * ( evaluatePolynomial (-zm2) tableLogGamma_15_2P
/ evaluatePolynomial (-zm2) tableLogGamma_15_2Q
r = zm1 * zm2
y = 0.452017307281494140625
tableLogGamma_15_2P,tableLogGamma_15_2Q :: U.Vector Double
tableLogGamma_15_2P = U.fromList
[ -0.292329721830270012337e-1
, 0.144216267757192309184e0
, -0.142440390738631274135e0
, 0.542809694055053558157e-1
, -0.850535976868336437746e-2
, 0.431171342679297331241e-3
{-# NOINLINE tableLogGamma_15_2P #-}
tableLogGamma_15_2Q = U.fromList
[ 1
, -0.150169356054485044494e1
, 0.846973248876495016101e0
, -0.220095151814995745555e0
, 0.25582797155975869989e-1
, -0.100666795539143372762e-2
, -0.827193521891290553639e-6
{-# NOINLINE tableLogGamma_15_2Q #-}
lgamma2_3 :: Double -> Double
lgamma2_3 z
= r * y + r * ( evaluatePolynomial zm2 tableLogGamma_2_3P
/ evaluatePolynomial zm2 tableLogGamma_2_3Q
r = zm2 * (z + 1)
zm2 = z - 2
y = 0.158963680267333984375e0
tableLogGamma_2_3P,tableLogGamma_2_3Q :: U.Vector Double
tableLogGamma_2_3P = U.fromList
[ -0.180355685678449379109e-1
, 0.25126649619989678683e-1
, 0.494103151567532234274e-1
, 0.172491608709613993966e-1
, -0.259453563205438108893e-3
, -0.541009869215204396339e-3
, -0.324588649825948492091e-4
{-# NOINLINE tableLogGamma_2_3P #-}
tableLogGamma_2_3Q = U.fromList
[ 1
, 0.196202987197795200688e1
, 0.148019669424231326694e1
, 0.541391432071720958364e0
, 0.988504251128010129477e-1
, 0.82130967464889339326e-2
, 0.224936291922115757597e-3
, -0.223352763208617092964e-6
{-# NOINLINE tableLogGamma_2_3Q #-}
lgammaSmall :: Double -> Double
lgammaSmall = go 0
go acc z | z < 3 = acc + lgamma2_3 z
| otherwise = go (acc + log zm1) zm1
zm1 = z - 1
lanczosApprox :: Double -> Double
lanczosApprox z
= (log (z + g - 0.5) - 1) * (z - 0.5)
+ log (evalRatio tableLanczos z)
g = 6.024680040776729583740234375
tableLanczos :: U.Vector (Double,Double)
{-# NOINLINE tableLanczos #-}
tableLanczos = U.fromList
[ (56906521.91347156388090791033559122686859 , 0)
, (103794043.1163445451906271053616070238554 , 39916800)
, (86363131.28813859145546927288977868422342 , 120543840)
, (43338889.32467613834773723740590533316085 , 150917976)
, (14605578.08768506808414169982791359218571 , 105258076)
, (3481712.15498064590882071018964774556468 , 45995730)
, (601859.6171681098786670226533699352302507 , 13339535)
, (75999.29304014542649875303443598909137092 , 2637558)
, (6955.999602515376140356310115515198987526 , 357423)
, (449.9445569063168119446858607650988409623 , 32670)
, (19.51992788247617482847860966235652136208 , 1925)
, (0.5098416655656676188125178644804694509993 , 66)
, (0.006061842346248906525783753964555936883222 , 1)
evalRatio :: U.Vector (Double,Double) -> Double -> Double
evalRatio coef x
| x > 1 = fini $ U.foldl' stepL (L 0 0) coef
| otherwise = fini $ U.foldr' stepR (L 0 0) coef
fini (L num den) = num / den
stepR (a,b) (L num den) = L (num * x + a) (den * x + b)
stepL (L num den) (a,b) = L (num * rx + a) (den * rx + b)
rx = recip x
logGammaCorrection :: Double -> Double
logGammaCorrection x
| x < 10 = m_NaN
| x < big = chebyshevBroucke (t * t * 2 - 1) coeffs / x
| otherwise = 1 / (x * 12)
big = 94906265.62425156
t = 10 / x
coeffs = U.fromList [
incompleteGamma :: Double
-> Double
-> Double
incompleteGamma a x
| a <= 0 || x < 0 = error
$ "incompleteGamma: Domain error z=" ++ show a ++ " x=" ++ show x
| x == 0 = 0
| x == m_pos_inf = 1
| x < sqrt m_epsilon && a > 1
= x**a / a / exp (logGamma a) * (1 - a*x / (a + 1))
| x < 0.5 = case () of
_| (-0.4)/log x < a -> taylorSeriesP
| otherwise -> taylorSeriesComplQ
| x < 1.1 = case () of
_| 0.75*x < a -> taylorSeriesP
| otherwise -> taylorSeriesComplQ
| a > 20 && useTemme = uniformExpansion
| x - (1 / (3 * x)) < a = taylorSeriesP
| otherwise = contFraction
mu = (x - a) / a
useTemme = (a > 200 && 20/a > mu*mu)
|| (abs mu < 0.4)
= sumPowerSeries x (scanSequence (/) 1 $ enumSequenceFrom (a+1))
* exp (log x * a - x - logGamma (a+1))
= sumPowerSeries (-x) (scanSequence (/) 1 (enumSequenceFrom 1) / enumSequenceFrom a)
* x**a / exp(logGamma a)
contFraction = 1 - ( exp ( log x * a - x - logGamma a )
/ evalContFractionB frac
frac = (\k -> (k*(a-k), x - a + 2*k + 1)) <$> enumSequenceFrom 0
uniformExpansion =
fm :: U.Vector Double
fm = U.fromList [ 1.00000000000000000000e+00
, 8.33333333333333287074e-02
, 1.15740740740740734316e-03
, 3.52733686067019369930e-04
, 3.91926317852243766954e-05
, 8.29671134095308545622e-07
, 6.70785354340149841119e-09
, 1.02618097842403069078e-08
, 9.14769958223679020897e-10
, 2.43619480206674150369e-11
, 1.10043920319561347525e-13
, 3.37176326240098513631e-13
y = - log1pmx mu
eta = sqrt (2 * y) * signum mu
loop !_ !_ u 0 = u
loop bm1 bm0 u i = let t = (fm ! i) + (fromIntegral i + 1)*bm1 / a
u' = eta * u + t
in loop bm0 t u' (i-1)
s_a = let n = U.length fm
in loop (fm ! (n-1)) (fm ! (n-2)) 0 (n-3)
/ exp (logGammaCorrection a)
in 1/2 * erfc(-eta*sqrt(a/2)) - exp(-(a*y)) / sqrt (2*pi*a) * s_a
invIncompleteGamma :: Double
-> Double
-> Double
invIncompleteGamma a p
| a <= 0 =
modErr $ printf "invIncompleteGamma: a must be positive. a=%g p=%g" a p
| p < 0 || p > 1 =
modErr $ printf "invIncompleteGamma: p must be in [0,1] range. a=%g p=%g" a p
| p == 0 = 0
| p == 1 = 1 / 0
| otherwise = loop 0 guess
loop :: Int -> Double -> Double
loop i x
| i >= 12 = x'
| isInfinite f' = 0
| abs dx < eps * x' = x'
| otherwise = loop (i + 1) x'
f = incompleteGamma a x - p
f' | a > 1 = afac * exp( -(x - a1) + a1 * (log x - lna1))
| otherwise = exp( -x + a1 * log x - gln)
u = f / f'
corr = u * (a1 / x - 1)
dx = u / (1 - 0.5 * min 1.0 corr)
x' | x < dx = 0.5 * x
| otherwise = x - dx
| a > 1 =
let t = sqrt $ -2 * log(if p < 0.5 then p else 1 - p)
x1 = (2.30753 + t * 0.27061) / (1 + t * (0.99229 + t * 0.04481)) - t
x2 = if p < 0.5 then -x1 else x1
in max 1e-3 (a * (1 - 1/(9*a) - x2 / (3 * sqrt a)) ** 3)
| otherwise =
let t = 1 - a * (0.253 + a*0.12)
in if p < t
then (p / t) ** (1 / a)
else 1 - log( 1 - (p-t) / (1-t))
a1 = a - 1
lna1 = log a1
afac = exp( a1 * (lna1 - 1) - gln )
gln = logGamma a
eps = 1e-8
:: Double
-> Double
-> Double
logBeta a b
| p < 0 = m_NaN
| p == 0 = m_pos_inf
| p >= 10 = allStirling
| q >= 10 = twoStirling
| otherwise = logGamma p + (logGamma q - logGamma pq)
p = min a b
q = max a b
ppq = p / pq
pq = p + q
= log q * (-0.5)
+ m_ln_sqrt_2_pi
+ logGammaCorrection p
+ (logGammaCorrection q - logGammaCorrection pq)
+ (p - 0.5) * log ppq
+ q * log1p(-ppq)
= logGamma p
+ (logGammaCorrection q - logGammaCorrection pq)
+ p
- p * log pq
+ (q - 0.5) * log1p(-ppq)
incompleteBeta :: Double
-> Double
-> Double
-> Double
incompleteBeta p q = incompleteBeta_ (logBeta p q) p q
incompleteBeta_ :: Double
-> Double
-> Double
-> Double
-> Double
incompleteBeta_ beta p q x
| p <= 0 || q <= 0 =
modErr $ printf "incompleteBeta_: p <= 0 || q <= 0. p=%g q=%g x=%g" p q x
| x < 0 || x > 1 || isNaN x =
modErr $ printf "incompleteBeta_: x out of [0,1] range. p=%g q=%g x=%g" p q x
| x == 0 || x == 1 = x
| p >= (p+q) * x = incompleteBetaWorker beta p q x
| otherwise = 1 - incompleteBetaWorker beta q p (1 - x)
incompleteBetaApprox :: Double -> Double -> Double -> Double -> Double
incompleteBetaApprox beta p q x
| ans > 0 = 1 - ans
| otherwise = -ans
p1 = p - 1
q1 = q - 1
mu = p / (p + q)
lnmu = log mu
lnmuc = log1p (-mu)
xu = max 0 $ min (mu - 10*t) (x - 5*t)
t = sqrt $ p*q / ( (p+q) * (p+q) * (p + q + 1) )
go y w = let t = x + (xu - x) * y
in w * exp( p1 * (log t - lnmu) + q1 * (log(1-t) - lnmuc) )
s = U.sum $ U.zipWith go coefY coefW
ans = s * (xu - x) * exp( p1 * lnmu + q1 * lnmuc - beta )
incompleteBetaWorker :: Double -> Double -> Double -> Double -> Double
incompleteBetaWorker beta p q x
| p > 3000 && q > 3000 = incompleteBetaApprox beta p q x
| otherwise = loop (p+q) (truncate $ q + cx * (p+q)) 1 1 1
eps = 1e-15
cx = 1 - x
| beta < m_min_log || prod < m_tiny = exp( p * log x + (q - 1) * log cx - beta)
| otherwise = prod / exp beta
prod = x**p * cx**(q - 1)
loop !psq (ns :: Int) ai term betain
| done = betain' * factor / p
| otherwise = loop psq' (ns - 1) (ai + 1) term' betain'
term' = term * fact / (p + ai)
betain' = betain + term'
fact | ns > 0 = (q - ai) * x/cx
| ns == 0 = (q - ai) * x
| otherwise = psq * x
done = db <= eps && db <= eps*betain' where db = abs term'
psq' = if ns < 0 then psq + 1 else psq
invIncompleteBeta :: Double
-> Double
-> Double
-> Double
invIncompleteBeta p q a
| p <= 0 || q <= 0 =
modErr $ printf "invIncompleteBeta p <= 0 || q <= 0. p=%g q=%g a=%g" p q a
| a < 0 || a > 1 =
modErr $ printf "invIncompleteBeta x must be in [0,1]. p=%g q=%g a=%g" p q a
| a == 0 || a == 1 = a
| otherwise = invIncompleteBetaWorker (logBeta p q) p q a
invIncompleteBetaWorker :: Double -> Double -> Double -> Double -> Double
invIncompleteBetaWorker beta a b p = loop (0::Int) (invIncBetaGuess beta a b p)
a1 = a - 1
b1 = b - 1
loop !i !x
| x == 0 || x == 1 = x
| isInfinite f' = x
| i >= 10 = x
| abs dx <= 16 * m_epsilon * x = x'
| otherwise = loop (i+1) x'
f = incompleteBeta_ beta a b x - p
f' = exp $ a1 * log x + b1 * log1p (-x) - beta
u = f / f'
corr | d > 1 = 1
| d < -1 = -1
| isNaN d = 0
| otherwise = d
d = u * (a1 / x - b1 / (1 - x))
dx = u / (1 - 0.5 * corr)
x' | z < 0 = x / 2
| z > 1 = (x + 1) / 2
| otherwise = z
where z = x - dx
invIncBetaGuess :: Double -> Double -> Double -> Double -> Double
invIncBetaGuess beta a b p
| a < 1 && b < 1 =
let x_infl = (1 - a) / (2 - a - b)
p_infl = incompleteBeta a b x_infl
x | p < p_infl = let xg = (a * p * exp beta) ** (1/a) in xg / (1+xg)
| otherwise = let xg = (b * (1-p) * exp beta) ** (1/b) in 1 - xg/(1+xg)
in x
| a+b <= 6 && a>1 && b>1 =
let x_infl = (a - 1) / (a + b - 2)
p_infl = incompleteBeta a b x_infl
x | p < p_infl = exp ((log(p * a) + beta) / a)
| otherwise = 1 - exp((log((1-p) * b) + beta) / b)
in x
| b < 5 && a <= 1 =
let x | p**(1/a) < 0.5 = (p * a * exp beta) ** (1/a)
| otherwise = 1 - (1 - p ** (b * exp beta))**(1/b)
in x
| a+b > 5 && a/b > 4 =
eta0 = invIncompleteGamma b (1-p) / a
mu = b / a
w = sqrt(1 + mu)
w_2 = w * w
w_3 = w_2 * w
w_4 = w_2 * w_2
w_5 = w_3 * w_2
w_6 = w_3 * w_3
w_7 = w_4 * w_3
w_8 = w_4 * w_4
w_9 = w_5 * w_4
w_10 = w_5 * w_5
d = eta0 - mu
d_2 = d * d
d_3 = d_2 * d
d_4 = d_2 * d_2
w1 = w + 1
w1_2 = w1 * w1
w1_3 = w1 * w1_2
w1_4 = w1_2 * w1_2
e1 = (w + 2) * (w - 1) / (3 * w)
+ (w_3 + 9 * w_2 + 21 * w + 5) * d
/ (36 * w_2 * w1)
- (w_4 - 13 * w_3 + 69 * w_2 + 167 * w + 46) * d_2
/ (1620 * w1_2 * w_3)
- (7 * w_5 + 21 * w_4 + 70 * w_3 + 26 * w_2 - 93 * w - 31) * d_3
/ (6480 * w1_3 * w_4)
- (75 * w_6 + 202 * w_5 + 188 * w_4 - 888 * w_3 - 1345 * w_2 + 118 * w + 138) * d_4
/ (272160 * w1_4 * w_5)
e2 = (28 * w_4 + 131 * w_3 + 402 * w_2 + 581 * w + 208) * (w - 1)
/ (1620 * w1 * w_3)
- (35 * w_6 - 154 * w_5 - 623 * w_4 - 1636 * w_3 - 3983 * w_2 - 3514 * w - 925) * d
/ (12960 * w1_2 * w_4)
- ( 2132 * w_7 + 7915 * w_6 + 16821 * w_5 + 35066 * w_4 + 87490 * w_3
+ 141183 * w_2 + 95993 * w + 21640
) * d_2
/ (816480 * w_5 * w1_3)
- ( 11053 * w_8 + 53308 * w_7 + 117010 * w_6 + 163924 * w_5 + 116188 * w_4
- 258428 * w_3 - 677042 * w_2 - 481940 * w - 105497
) * d_3
/ (14696640 * w1_4 * w_6)
e3 = -( (3592 * w_7 + 8375 * w_6 - 1323 * w_5 - 29198 * w_4 - 89578 * w_3
- 154413 * w_2 - 116063 * w - 29632
) * (w - 1)
/ (816480 * w_5 * w1_2)
- ( 442043 * w_9 + 2054169 * w_8 + 3803094 * w_7 + 3470754 * w_6 + 2141568 * w_5
- 2393568 * w_4 - 19904934 * w_3 - 34714674 * w_2 - 23128299 * w - 5253353
) * d
/ (146966400 * w_6 * w1_3)
- ( 116932 * w_10 + 819281 * w_9 + 2378172 * w_8 + 4341330 * w_7 + 6806004 * w_6
+ 10622748 * w_5 + 18739500 * w_4 + 30651894 * w_3 + 30869976 * w_2
+ 15431867 * w + 2919016
) * d_2
/ (146966400 * w1_4 * w_7)
eta = evaluatePolynomialL (1/a) [eta0, e1, e2, e3]
u = eta - mu * log eta + (1 + mu) * log(1 + mu) - mu
cross = 1 / (1 + mu);
lower = if eta < mu then cross else 0
upper = if eta < mu then 1 else cross
x_guess = (lower + upper) / 2
func x = ( u + log x + mu*log(1 - x)
, 1/x - mu/(1-x)
Root x0 = newtonRaphson def{newtonTol=RelTol 1e-8} (lower, x_guess, upper) func
in x0
| a > 1 && b > 1 =
let r = (y*y - 3) / 6
s = 1 / (2*a - 1)
t = 1 / (2*b - 1)
h = 2 / (s + t)
w = y * sqrt(h + r) / h - (t - s) * (r + 5/6 - 2 / (3 * h))
in a / (a + b * exp(2 * w))
| chi2 > 0 && ratio > 1 = 1 - 2 / (ratio + 1)
| otherwise = case () of
_| p < t / w -> (a * p * w) ** (1/a)
| otherwise -> 1 - (b * (1 - p) * w) ** (1/b)
lna = log $ a / (a+b)
lnb = log $ b / (a+b)
t = exp( a * lna ) / a
u = exp( b * lnb ) / b
w = t + u
ratio = (4*a + 2*b - 2) / chi2
chi2 = 2 * b * (1 - t + y * sqrt t) ** 3
t = 1 / (9 * b)
y = r - ( 2.30753 + 0.27061 * r )
/ ( 1.0 + ( 0.99229 + 0.04481 * r ) * r )
r = sqrt $ - 2 * log p
sinc :: Double -> Double
sinc x
| ax < eps_0 = 1
| ax < eps_2 = 1 - x2/6
| ax < eps_4 = 1 - x2/6 + x2*x2/120
| otherwise = sin x / x
ax = abs x
x2 = x*x
eps_0 = 1.8250120749944284e-8
eps_2 = 1.4284346431400855e-4
eps_4 = 4.043633626430947e-3
log1pmx :: Double -> Double
log1pmx x
| x < -1 = error "Domain error"
| x == -1 = m_neg_inf
| ax > 0.95 = log(1 + x) - x
| ax < m_epsilon = -(x * x) /2
| otherwise = - x * x * sumPowerSeries (-x) (recip <$> enumSequenceFrom 2)
ax = abs x
log2 :: Int -> Int
log2 v0
| v0 <= 0 = modErr $ "log2: nonpositive input, got " ++ show v0
| otherwise = go 5 0 v0
go !i !r !v | i == -1 = r
| v .&. b i /= 0 = let si = U.unsafeIndex sv i
in go (i-1) (r .|. si) (v `shiftR` si)
| otherwise = go (i-1) r v
b = U.unsafeIndex bv
!bv = U.fromList [ 0x02, 0x0c, 0xf0, 0xff00
, fromIntegral (0xffff0000 :: Word)
, fromIntegral (0xffffffff00000000 :: Word)]
!sv = U.fromList [1,2,4,8,16,32]
factorial :: Int -> Double
factorial n
| n < 0 = error "Numeric.SpecFunctions.factorial: negative input"
| n > 170 = m_pos_inf
| otherwise = U.unsafeIndex factorialTable n
logFactorial :: Integral a => a -> Double
logFactorial n
| n < 0 = error "Numeric.SpecFunctions.logFactorial: negative input"
| n <= 170 = log $ U.unsafeIndex factorialTable (fromIntegral n)
| n < 1500 = stirling + rx * ((1/12) - (1/360)*rx*rx)
| otherwise = stirling + (1/12)*rx
stirling = (x - 0.5) * log x - x + m_ln_sqrt_2_pi
x = fromIntegral n + 1
rx = 1 / x
{-# SPECIALIZE logFactorial :: Int -> Double #-}
stirlingError :: Double -> Double
stirlingError n
| n <= 15.0 = case properFraction (n+n) of
(i,0) -> sfe `U.unsafeIndex` i
_ -> logGamma (n+1.0) - (n+0.5) * log n + n -
| n > 500 = evaluateOddPolynomialL (1/n) [s0,-s1]
| n > 80 = evaluateOddPolynomialL (1/n) [s0,-s1,s2]
| n > 35 = evaluateOddPolynomialL (1/n) [s0,-s1,s2,-s3]
| otherwise = evaluateOddPolynomialL (1/n) [s0,-s1,s2,-s3,s4]
s0 = 0.083333333333333333333
s1 = 0.00277777777777777777778
s2 = 0.00079365079365079365079365
s3 = 0.000595238095238095238095238
s4 = 0.0008417508417508417508417508
sfe = U.fromList [ 0.0,
0.1534264097200273452913848, 0.0810614667953272582196702,
0.0548141210519176538961390, 0.0413406959554092940938221,
0.03316287351993628748511048, 0.02767792568499833914878929,
0.02374616365629749597132920, 0.02079067210376509311152277,
0.01848845053267318523077934, 0.01664469118982119216319487,
0.01513497322191737887351255, 0.01387612882307074799874573,
0.01281046524292022692424986, 0.01189670994589177009505572,
0.01110455975820691732662991, 0.010411265261972096497478567,
0.009799416126158803298389475, 0.009255462182712732917728637,
0.008768700134139385462952823, 0.008330563433362871256469318,
0.007934114564314020547248100, 0.007573675487951840794972024,
0.007244554301320383179543912, 0.006942840107209529865664152,
0.006665247032707682442354394, 0.006408994188004207068439631,
0.006171712263039457647532867, 0.005951370112758847735624416,
0.005746216513010115682023589, 0.005554733551962801371038690 ]
logChooseFast :: Double -> Double -> Double
logChooseFast n k = -log (n + 1) - logBeta (n - k + 1) (k + 1)
chooseExact :: Int -> Int -> Double
n `chooseExact` k
= U.foldl' go 1 $ U.enumFromTo 1 k
go a i = a * (nk + j) / j
where j = fromIntegral i :: Double
nk = fromIntegral (n - k)
logChoose :: Int -> Int -> Double
n `logChoose` k
| k > n = (-1) / 0
| k' < 50 && (n < 20000000) = log $ chooseExact n k'
| otherwise = logChooseFast (fromIntegral n) (fromIntegral k)
k' = min k (n-k)
choose :: Int -> Int -> Double
n `choose` k
| k > n = 0
| k' < 50 = chooseExact n k'
| approx < max64 = fromIntegral . round64 $ approx
| otherwise = approx
k' = min k (n-k)
approx = exp $ logChooseFast (fromIntegral n) (fromIntegral k')
max64 = fromIntegral (maxBound :: Int64)
round64 x = round x :: Int64
digamma :: Double -> Double
digamma x
| isNaN x || isInfinite x = m_NaN
| x <= 0 && fromIntegral (truncate x :: Int64) == x = m_neg_inf
| x < 0 = digamma (1 - x) + pi / tan (negate pi * x)
| x <= 1e-6 = - γ - 1/x + trigamma1 * x
| x' < c = r
| otherwise = let s = 1/x'
in evaluateEvenPolynomialL s
[ r + log x' - 0.5 * s
, - 1/12
, 1/120
, - 1/252
, 1/240
, - 1/132
, 391/32760
γ = m_eulerMascheroni
c = 12
(r, x') = reduce 0 x
reduce !s y
| y < c = reduce (s - 1 / y) (y + 1)
| otherwise = (s, y)
coefW,coefY :: U.Vector Double
coefW = U.fromList [ 0.0055657196642445571, 0.012915947284065419, 0.020181515297735382
, 0.027298621498568734, 0.034213810770299537, 0.040875750923643261
, 0.047235083490265582, 0.053244713977759692, 0.058860144245324798
, 0.064039797355015485, 0.068745323835736408, 0.072941885005653087
, 0.076598410645870640, 0.079687828912071670, 0.082187266704339706
, 0.084078218979661945, 0.085346685739338721, 0.085983275670394821
coefY = U.fromList [ 0.0021695375159141994, 0.011413521097787704, 0.027972308950302116
, 0.051727015600492421, 0.082502225484340941, 0.12007019910960293
, 0.16415283300752470, 0.21442376986779355, 0.27051082840644336
, 0.33199876341447887, 0.39843234186401943, 0.46931971407375483
, 0.54413605556657973, 0.62232745288031077, 0.70331500465597174
, 0.78649910768313447, 0.87126389619061517, 0.95698180152629142
{-# NOINLINE coefW #-}
{-# NOINLINE coefY #-}
trigamma1 :: Double
trigamma1 = 1.6449340668482264365
modErr :: String -> a
modErr msg = error $ "Numeric.SpecFunctions." ++ msg
factorialTable :: U.Vector Double
{-# NOINLINE factorialTable #-}
factorialTable = U.fromListN 171
[ 1.0
, 1.0
, 2.0
, 6.0
, 24.0
, 120.0
, 720.0
, 5040.0
, 40320.0
, 362880.0
, 3628800.0
, 3.99168e7
, 4.790016e8
, 6.2270208e9
, 8.71782912e10
, 1.307674368e12
, 2.0922789888e13
, 3.55687428096e14
, 6.402373705728e15
, 1.21645100408832e17
, 2.43290200817664e18
, 5.109094217170944e19
, 1.1240007277776077e21
, 2.5852016738884974e22
, 6.204484017332394e23
, 1.5511210043330984e25
, 4.032914611266056e26
, 1.0888869450418352e28
, 3.0488834461171384e29
, 8.841761993739702e30
, 2.6525285981219103e32
, 8.222838654177922e33
, 2.631308369336935e35
, 8.683317618811886e36
, 2.9523279903960412e38
, 1.0333147966386144e40
, 3.719933267899012e41
, 1.3763753091226343e43
, 5.23022617466601e44
, 2.0397882081197442e46
, 8.159152832478977e47
, 3.3452526613163803e49
, 1.4050061177528798e51
, 6.041526306337383e52
, 2.6582715747884485e54
, 1.1962222086548019e56
, 5.5026221598120885e57
, 2.5862324151116818e59
, 1.2413915592536073e61
, 6.082818640342675e62
, 3.0414093201713376e64
, 1.5511187532873822e66
, 8.065817517094388e67
, 4.2748832840600255e69
, 2.308436973392414e71
, 1.2696403353658275e73
, 7.109985878048634e74
, 4.0526919504877214e76
, 2.3505613312828785e78
, 1.386831185456898e80
, 8.32098711274139e81
, 5.075802138772247e83
, 3.146997326038793e85
, 1.9826083154044399e87
, 1.2688693218588415e89
, 8.24765059208247e90
, 5.44344939077443e92
, 3.647111091818868e94
, 2.4800355424368305e96
, 1.711224524281413e98
, 1.197857166996989e100
, 8.504785885678623e101
, 6.1234458376886085e103
, 4.470115461512684e105
, 3.307885441519386e107
, 2.4809140811395396e109
, 1.88549470166605e111
, 1.4518309202828586e113
, 1.1324281178206297e115
, 8.946182130782974e116
, 7.15694570462638e118
, 5.797126020747368e120
, 4.753643337012841e122
, 3.9455239697206583e124
, 3.314240134565353e126
, 2.81710411438055e128
, 2.422709538367273e130
, 2.1077572983795275e132
, 1.8548264225739844e134
, 1.650795516090846e136
, 1.4857159644817613e138
, 1.352001527678403e140
, 1.2438414054641305e142
, 1.1567725070816416e144
, 1.087366156656743e146
, 1.0329978488239058e148
, 9.916779348709496e149
, 9.619275968248211e151
, 9.426890448883246e153
, 9.332621544394413e155
, 9.332621544394415e157
, 9.425947759838358e159
, 9.614466715035125e161
, 9.902900716486179e163
, 1.0299016745145626e166
, 1.0813967582402908e168
, 1.1462805637347082e170
, 1.2265202031961378e172
, 1.3246418194518288e174
, 1.4438595832024934e176
, 1.5882455415227428e178
, 1.7629525510902446e180
, 1.974506857221074e182
, 2.2311927486598134e184
, 2.543559733472187e186
, 2.9250936934930154e188
, 3.393108684451898e190
, 3.9699371608087206e192
, 4.68452584975429e194
, 5.574585761207606e196
, 6.689502913449126e198
, 8.094298525273443e200
, 9.875044200833601e202
, 1.214630436702533e205
, 1.5061417415111406e207
, 1.8826771768889257e209
, 2.372173242880047e211
, 3.0126600184576594e213
, 3.856204823625804e215
, 4.974504222477286e217
, 6.466855489220473e219
, 8.471580690878819e221
, 1.1182486511960041e224
, 1.4872707060906857e226
, 1.9929427461615188e228
, 2.6904727073180504e230
, 3.6590428819525483e232
, 5.012888748274991e234
, 6.917786472619488e236
, 9.615723196941088e238
, 1.3462012475717523e241
, 1.898143759076171e243
, 2.6953641378881624e245
, 3.8543707171800725e247
, 5.5502938327393044e249
, 8.047926057471992e251
, 1.1749972043909107e254
, 1.7272458904546386e256
, 2.5563239178728654e258
, 3.808922637630569e260
, 5.713383956445854e262
, 8.62720977423324e264
, 1.3113358856834524e267
, 2.0063439050956823e269
, 3.0897696138473508e271
, 4.789142901463393e273
, 7.471062926282894e275
, 1.1729568794264143e278
, 1.8532718694937346e280
, 2.946702272495038e282
, 4.714723635992061e284
, 7.590705053947218e286
, 1.2296942187394494e289
, 2.0044015765453023e291
, 3.287218585534296e293
, 5.423910666131589e295
, 9.003691705778436e297
, 1.5036165148649988e300
, 2.526075744973198e302
, 4.269068009004705e304
, 7.257415615307998e306