{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts      #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables   #-}

module Math.Grads.Algo.Isomorphism.Ullman
  ( getMultiIso
  ) where

import           Control.Arrow                     (second, (&&&), (***))
import qualified Data.Array                        as A
import           Data.List                         (delete, sortOn)
import           Data.Map                          (Map)
import qualified Data.Map.Strict                   as M
import           Data.Matrix                       (Matrix (..), getElem,
                                                    getRow, mapRow, matrix,
                                                    multStd, ncols, nrows,
                                                    setElem, transpose)
import           Data.Tuple                        (swap)
import qualified Data.Vector                       as V

import           Math.Grads.Algo.Isomorphism.Types (EComparator,
                                                    GComparable (..),
import           Math.Grads.GenericGraph           (GenericGraph (..))
import           Math.Grads.Graph                  (GraphEdge, changeIndsEdge,
                                                    fromList, incidentIdx,
                                                    toList, vCount, (!.))
import           Math.Grads.Utils                  (nub)

type GenericGraphIso v e = GenericGraph Int e

getMultiIso :: (Ord v1, Ord v2, GComparable GenericGraph v1 e1 GenericGraph v2 e2, Eq e1, Eq e2)
            => GenericGraph v1 e1 -- ^ queryGraph
            -> GenericGraph v2 e2 -- ^ targetGraph
            -> [Map Int Int]
getMultiIso queryGraph' targetGraph' = matches
    ((queryGraph, queryGraphWI), fromIsoToOldQ) = second inverseMap $ graphToGraphIso queryGraph'
    ((targetGraph, targetGraphWI), fromIsoToOldT) = second inverseMap $ graphToGraphIso targetGraph'

    vComp = vComparator queryGraphWI targetGraphWI
    eComp = eComparator queryGraphWI targetGraphWI

    isos = isoGraph vComp eComp queryGraph targetGraph
    matches = fmap (\x -> getMatchMap x fromIsoToOldQ fromIsoToOldT) isos

inverseMap :: Map Int Int -> Map Int Int
inverseMap = M.fromList . (swap <$>) . M.toList

getMatchMap :: Matrix Int -> Map Int Int -> Map Int Int -> Map Int Int
getMatchMap isoMatrix fromIsoToOldQ fromIsoToOldT = res
    forMap = fmap (getMatchRow isoMatrix) [0 .. nrows isoMatrix - 1]
    res = M.fromList (fmap ((fromIsoToOldQ M.!) *** (fromIsoToOldT M.!)) forMap)

getMatchRow :: Matrix Int -> Int -> (Int, Int)
getMatchRow isoMatrix ind = (ind, helper 0)
    row = getRow (ind + 1) isoMatrix

    helper :: Int -> Int
    helper counter = if row V.! counter == 1 then counter
                     else helper (counter + 1)

isoGraph :: (Eq e1, Eq e2) => VComparator v1 v2
                           -> EComparator e1 e2
                           -> GenericGraphIso v1 e1
                           -> GenericGraphIso v2 e2
                           -> [Matrix Int]
isoGraph vComp eComp queryGraph targetGraph = res
    queryGraphEdges = (fst <$>) <$> gAdjacency queryGraph
    sizeOfQueryGraph = vCount queryGraph
    pMatrix = matrix sizeOfQueryGraph sizeOfQueryGraph (\(i, j) -> if i - 1 `elem` queryGraphEdges A.! (j - 1) then 1 else 0)

    targetGraphEdges = (fst <$>) <$> gAdjacency targetGraph
    sizeOfTargetGraph = vCount targetGraph
    gMatrix = matrix sizeOfTargetGraph sizeOfTargetGraph (\(i, j) -> if i - 1 `elem` targetGraphEdges A.! (j - 1) then 1 else 0)

    mMatrix = matrix sizeOfQueryGraph sizeOfTargetGraph (\(i, j) -> if fits vComp eComp queryGraph targetGraph i j then 1 else 0)

    currentRow = 0
    unusedColumns = [1 .. ncols mMatrix]

    res = recurse eComp queryGraph targetGraph unusedColumns currentRow gMatrix pMatrix mMatrix

fits :: (Eq e1, Eq e2) => VComparator v1 v2
                       -> EComparator e1 e2
                       -> GenericGraphIso v1 e1
                       -> GenericGraphIso v2 e2
                       -> Int
                       -> Int
                       -> Bool
fits vComp eComp queryGraph targetGraph i j = res
    (vertex, edges) = (gIndex queryGraph A.! (i - 1), incidentIdx queryGraph $ i - 1)
    (vertex', edges') = (gIndex targetGraph A.! (j - 1), incidentIdx targetGraph $ j - 1)
    res = length edges <= length edges' && canBeSubset eComp edges edges' && vertex `vComp` vertex'

canBeSubset :: forall e1 e2. EComparator e1 e2 -> [GraphEdge e1] -> [GraphEdge e2] -> Bool
canBeSubset eComp query target = uniqueSeq maps
    bondsInd = zip [0 ..] target
    maps = findMatches <$> query

    findMatches :: GraphEdge e1 -> [Int]
    findMatches thisEdge = fst <$> filter (\(_, otherEdge) -> eComp thisEdge otherEdge) bondsInd

uniqueSeq :: [[Int]] -> Bool
uniqueSeq maps = res
    seqs = sequence maps

    res = any (\x -> length x == length (nub x)) seqs

-- | Converts input graph into graph in which vertices with most amount of edges have lowest indices.
graphToGraphIso :: (Ord v) => GenericGraph v e
                           -> ((GenericGraphIso v e, GenericGraph v e), M.Map Int Int)
graphToGraphIso graph = res
    (vertices, edges) = toList graph
    vArr = gIndex graph

    indsWithNCount = fmap (id &&& (length . (graph !.))) [0 .. length vertices - 1]
    sortedInds = fst <$> sortOn (\x -> - (snd x)) indsWithNCount
    changesMap = M.fromList (zip sortedInds [0 ..])

    sortedV = fmap (vArr A.!) sortedInds
    changedEdges = fmap (changeIndsEdge (changesMap M.!)) edges

    forGraphWI = (sortedV, changedEdges)
    forGraph = ([0 .. length sortedV - 1], changedEdges)

    res = ((fromList forGraph, fromList forGraphWI), changesMap)

-- | Ullmann's subgraph isomorphism algorithm itself.
recurse :: (Eq e1, Eq e2) => EComparator e1 e2
                          -> GenericGraphIso v1 e1
                          -> GenericGraphIso v2 e2
                          -> [Int]
                          -> Int
                          -> Matrix Int
                          -> Matrix Int
                          -> Matrix Int
                          -> [Matrix Int]
recurse eComp queryGraph targetGraph unusedColumns currentRow gMatrix pMatrix mMatrix = res
    prunedM = prune eComp queryGraph targetGraph mMatrix currentRow

    recs = concatMap pruneNext unusedColumns

    res | hasEmptyRow mMatrix = []
        | currentRow == nrows mMatrix && isIsomorphism gMatrix pMatrix mMatrix = [mMatrix]
        | not (hasEmptyRow prunedM) = recs
        | otherwise = []

    pruneNext :: Int -> [Matrix Int]
    pruneNext x = recurse eComp queryGraph targetGraph newColumns newRow gMatrix pMatrix changedMatrix
        newColumns = delete x unusedColumns
        newRow = currentRow + 1
        changedMatrix = changeRow prunedM newRow x

prune :: (Eq e1, Eq e2) => EComparator e1 e2
                        -> GenericGraphIso v1 e1
                        -> GenericGraphIso v2 e2
                        -> Matrix Int
                        -> Int
                        -> Matrix Int
prune eComp queryGraph targetGraph mMatrix currentRow | null indicesToChange = mMatrix
                                                      | hasEmptyRow mMatrix = mMatrix
                                                      | otherwise = res
    numberOfMRows = nrows mMatrix
    numberOfMColumns = ncols mMatrix
    pairsOfindices = [(i, j) | i <- [1.. numberOfMRows], j <- [1.. numberOfMColumns], getElem i j mMatrix == 1]

    suitPair :: Int -> Int -> Bool
    suitPair = hasSuitableNeighbors eComp queryGraph targetGraph mMatrix

    indicesToChange = filter (not . uncurry suitPair) pairsOfindices
    changedMMatrix = foldl (flip (setElem 0)) mMatrix indicesToChange

    res = prune eComp queryGraph targetGraph changedMMatrix currentRow

-- | Returns True if we can map all neighbors of query vertex to neighbors of target vertex in mMatrix.
hasSuitableNeighbors :: forall v1 v2 e1 e2. (Eq e1, Eq e2) => EComparator e1 e2
                                                           -> GenericGraphIso v1 e1
                                                           -> GenericGraphIso v2 e2
                                                           -> Matrix Int
                                                           -> Int
                                                           -> Int
                                                           -> Bool
hasSuitableNeighbors eComp queryGraph targetGraph mMatrix query target = doesSatisfy
    iQ = query - 1
    iT = target - 1

    neighborsOfQ = (\(i, e) -> (iQ, i, e)) <$> queryGraph !. iQ
    neighborsOfT = (\(i, e) -> (iT, i, e)) <$> targetGraph !. iT

    hasProperNeighbor :: GraphEdge e1 -> Bool
    hasProperNeighbor edge = any (\edge' -> getProperElem edge edge' == 1 && eComp edge edge') neighborsOfT

    getProperElem :: GraphEdge e1 -> GraphEdge e2 -> Int
    getProperElem (_, b, _) (_, b', _) = getElem (b + 1) (b' + 1) mMatrix

    doesSatisfy = all hasProperNeighbor neighborsOfQ

-- | Checks whether mMatrix encodes an isomorphism between pMatrix and gMatrix.
isIsomorphism :: Matrix Int -- ^ gMatrix
              -> Matrix Int -- ^ pMatrix
              -> Matrix Int -- ^ mMatrix
              -> Bool
isIsomorphism gMatrix pMatrix mMatrix = leqMatrices pMatrix check
    check = multStd mMatrix (transpose (multStd mMatrix gMatrix))

-- | Componentwise "less or equal" operation for matrices.
leqMatrices :: Matrix Int -> Matrix Int -> Bool
leqMatrices matrixA matrixB = nrows matrixA * ncols matrixA <= nrows matrixB * ncols matrixB && helper elems
    numOfRows = nrows matrixA
    numOfColumns = ncols matrixB
    elems = [(i, j) | i <- [1..numOfRows], j <- [1..numOfColumns]]
    helper = foldr (\x -> (&&) (uncurry getElem x matrixA <= uncurry getElem x matrixB)) True

-- | Replace all elements in row with 0 apart from chosen one.
changeRow :: Matrix Int -> Int -> Int -> Matrix Int
changeRow mMatrix row column = mapRow helper row mMatrix
  where helper column' a = if column' /= column then 0 else a

hasEmptyRow :: Matrix Int -> Bool
hasEmptyRow prunedMatrix = cond
    numberOfRows = nrows prunedMatrix
    cond = any (\x -> all (== 0) (getRow x prunedMatrix)) [1 .. numberOfRows]