Safe Haskell | None |
Language | Haskell2010 |
Matplotlib bindings and an interface to easily bind to new portions of the API. The most essential parts of Matplotlib are wrapped and exposed to Haskell through an interface that allows extenisbility. Code is generated on the fly and Python is called.
You should start by looking at the tests, they demonstrate how to create many different types of plots.
This is not a very Haskell-ish library. Type safety is non-existent. It's easy to generate incorrect Python code. But in exchange, we can bind to arbitrary matplotlib APIs with ease, so it's also easy to generate correct Python code.
The generated code follows a few simple conventions. Data is always loaded into a data variable that is a Python array. Data is transffered via JSON. This data variable is indexed by various rendering commands.
Functions which start with the word data operate on the data array, arguments are Python code that should access that array. Most other functions take Haskell objects and load them into Python.
This module should expose enough tools so that you can bind any part of the
matplotlib API. A binding with options, such as that of plot
, looks like:
readData (x, y) % mp # "p = plot.plot(data[" # a # "], data[" # b # "]" ## ")" % mp # "plot.xlabel(" # str label # ")"
Where important functions are:
- Load the given data by serializing it to JSON and place it in a Python array named "data".
- Load an image from a given path and place it in a Python variable named "img".
- Sequence two plots
- Create an empty plot
- Append Python code to the last command in a plot
- Just like
but also adds in a placeholder for an options list bindDefault
- Set a default in the last options list, keeping it open for additions
You can call this plot with
plot [1,2,3,4,5,6] [1,3,2,5,2] @@ [o1 "go-", o2 "linewidth" 2]
where @@
applies an options list replacing the last ##
- A single positional option. The value is rendered into Python as
the appropriate datatype. Strings become Python strings, bools become bools,
etc. If you want to insert code verbatim into an option use
. If you want to have a raw string with no escapes useraw
. o2
- A keyword option. The key is always a string, the value is treated
the same way that the option in
is treated.
Right now there's no easy way to bind to an option other than the last one unless you want to pass options in as parameters.
The generated Python code should follow some invariants. It must maintain the current figure in "fig", all available axes in "axes", and the current axis in "ax". Plotting commands should use the current axis, never the plot itself; the two APIs are almost identical. When creating low-level bindings one must remember to call "plot.sci" to set the current image when plotting a graph. The current spine of the axes that's being manipulated is in "spine". The current quiver is in "q".
- onscreen :: Matplotlib -> IO ()
- code :: Matplotlib -> IO String
- file :: [Char] -> Matplotlib -> IO (Either String String)
- toSvg :: Matplotlib -> IO (Either String String)
- xacorr :: (ToJSON a, ToJSON b) => a -> b -> [Option] -> Matplotlib
- histogram :: (MplotValue val, ToJSON t) => t -> val -> Matplotlib
- histogram2D :: ToJSON a => a -> a -> Matplotlib
- scatter :: (ToJSON t1, ToJSON t) => t1 -> t -> Matplotlib
- bar :: (ToJSON t1, ToJSON t) => t1 -> t -> Matplotlib
- line :: (ToJSON t1, ToJSON t) => t1 -> t -> Matplotlib
- errorbar :: (ToJSON a, ToJSON b, ToJSON c, ToJSON d) => a -> b -> c -> d -> Matplotlib
- lineF :: (ToJSON a, ToJSON b) => (a -> b) -> [a] -> Matplotlib
- boxplot :: ToJSON a => a -> Matplotlib
- violinplot :: ToJSON a => a -> Matplotlib
- contourF :: (ToJSON val, MplotValue val, Ord val) => (Double -> Double -> val) -> Double -> Double -> Double -> Double -> Double -> Matplotlib
- projectionsF :: (ToJSON val, MplotValue val, Ord val) => (Double -> Double -> val) -> Double -> Double -> Double -> Double -> Double -> Matplotlib
- plotInterpolated :: (MplotValue val, ToJSON t, ToJSON t1) => t1 -> t -> val -> Matplotlib
- plotMapLinear :: ToJSON b => (Double -> b) -> Double -> Double -> Double -> Matplotlib
- line1 :: (Foldable t, ToJSON (t a)) => t a -> Matplotlib
- matShow :: ToJSON a => a -> Matplotlib
- imshow :: MplotImage a => a -> Matplotlib
- pcolor :: ToJSON a => a -> Matplotlib
- pcolor3 :: (ToJSON a, ToJSON b, ToJSON c) => a -> b -> c -> Matplotlib
- nonUniformImage :: (ToJSON a, ToJSON b, ToJSON c) => a -> b -> c -> Matplotlib
- pie :: (ToJSON val, MplotValue val) => val -> Matplotlib
- density :: [Double] -> Maybe (Double, Double) -> Matplotlib
- rc :: String -> Matplotlib
- setParameter :: MplotValue val => String -> val -> Matplotlib
- setTeX :: Bool -> Matplotlib
- dataPlot :: (MplotValue val, MplotValue val1) => val1 -> val -> Matplotlib
- plot :: (ToJSON t, ToJSON t1) => t1 -> t -> Matplotlib
- streamplot :: (ToJSON a, ToJSON b, ToJSON c, ToJSON d) => a -> b -> c -> d -> Matplotlib
- dateLine :: (ToJSON t1, ToJSON t2) => t1 -> t2 -> String -> (Int, Int, Int) -> Matplotlib
- dataHistogram :: (MplotValue val1, MplotValue val) => val1 -> val -> Matplotlib
- dataScatter :: (MplotValue val1, MplotValue val) => val1 -> val -> Matplotlib
- dataLine :: (MplotValue val1, MplotValue val) => val1 -> val -> Matplotlib
- contour :: (ToJSON (t2 (t3 val1)), ToJSON (t4 (t5 val2)), ToJSON (t6 (t7 val3)), MplotValue val2, MplotValue val1, MplotValue val3, Ord val1, Ord val2, Ord val3, Ord (t3 val1), Ord (t5 val2), Ord (t7 val3), Foldable t2, Foldable t3, Foldable t4, Foldable t5, Foldable t6, Foldable t7) => t2 (t3 val1) -> t4 (t5 val2) -> t6 (t7 val3) -> Matplotlib
- projections :: (ToJSON (t2 (t3 val1)), ToJSON (t4 (t5 val2)), ToJSON (t6 (t7 val3)), MplotValue val2, MplotValue val1, MplotValue val3, Ord val1, Ord val2, Ord val3, Ord (t3 val1), Ord (t5 val2), Ord (t7 val3), Foldable t2, Foldable t3, Foldable t4, Foldable t5, Foldable t6, Foldable t7) => t2 (t3 val1) -> t4 (t5 val2) -> t6 (t7 val3) -> Matplotlib
- wireframe :: (MplotValue val2, MplotValue val1, MplotValue val) => val2 -> val1 -> val -> Matplotlib
- surface :: (MplotValue val2, MplotValue val1, MplotValue val) => val2 -> val1 -> val -> Matplotlib
- contourRaw :: (MplotValue val1, MplotValue val2, MplotValue val5, MplotValue val4, MplotValue val3, MplotValue val) => val5 -> val4 -> val3 -> val2 -> val1 -> val -> Matplotlib
- subplotDataBar :: (MplotValue val1, MplotValue val2, MplotValue val3) => val2 -> val1 -> val3 -> [Option] -> Matplotlib
- barDefaultWidth :: (Fractional a1, Integral a2) => a2 -> a1
- subplotBarsLabelled :: (ToJSON (t a), Foldable t, MplotValue val) => [t a] -> val -> [[Option]] -> Matplotlib
- subplotBars :: ToJSON a => [a] -> [[Option]] -> Matplotlib
- interpolate :: (MplotValue val, MplotValue val2, MplotValue val1) => val2 -> val1 -> val -> Matplotlib
- densityBandwidth :: [Double] -> Double -> Maybe (Double, Double) -> Matplotlib
- xcorr :: (ToJSON a, ToJSON b) => a -> b -> Matplotlib
- acorr :: ToJSON a => a -> Matplotlib
- quiver :: (ToJSON a, ToJSON b, ToJSON c, ToJSON d, ToJSON e) => a -> b -> c -> d -> Maybe e -> Matplotlib
- quiverKey :: (MplotValue val1, MplotValue val2, MplotValue val3, MplotValue val4) => val4 -> val3 -> val2 -> val1 -> Matplotlib
- text :: (MplotValue val1, MplotValue val2) => val2 -> val1 -> String -> Matplotlib
- figText :: (MplotValue val1, MplotValue val2) => val2 -> val1 -> String -> Matplotlib
- annotate :: String -> Matplotlib
- setAspect :: Matplotlib
- squareAxes :: Matplotlib
- roateAxesLabels :: MplotValue val => val -> Matplotlib
- verticalAxes :: Matplotlib
- logX :: Matplotlib
- logY :: Matplotlib
- xlim :: (MplotValue val1, MplotValue val) => val1 -> val -> Matplotlib
- ylim :: (MplotValue val1, MplotValue val) => val1 -> val -> Matplotlib
- axhline :: MplotValue val => val -> Matplotlib
- legend :: Matplotlib
- colorbar :: Matplotlib
- title :: String -> Matplotlib
- grid :: Bool -> Matplotlib
- axis3DProjection :: Matplotlib
- axis3DLabels :: (MplotValue val1, MplotValue val2, MplotValue val3, Ord val1, Ord val2, Ord val3, Ord (t2 val1), Ord (t3 val2), Ord (t4 val3), Foldable t5, Foldable t2, Foldable t6, Foldable t3, Foldable t7, Foldable t4) => t5 (t2 val1) -> t6 (t3 val2) -> t7 (t4 val3) -> Matplotlib
- xlabel :: String -> Matplotlib
- ylabel :: String -> Matplotlib
- zlabel :: String -> Matplotlib
- setSizeInches :: (MplotValue val1, MplotValue val2) => val2 -> val1 -> Matplotlib
- tightLayout :: Matplotlib
- xkcd :: Matplotlib
- xticks :: MplotValue val => val -> Matplotlib
- yticks :: MplotValue val => val -> Matplotlib
- zticks :: MplotValue val => val -> Matplotlib
- xtickLabels :: MplotValue val => val -> Matplotlib
- ytickLabels :: MplotValue val => val -> Matplotlib
- ztickLabels :: MplotValue val => val -> Matplotlib
- axisXTickSpacing :: (MplotValue val1, MplotValue val) => val1 -> val -> Matplotlib
- axisXTickLabels :: MplotValue val => val -> Matplotlib
- axisYTickSpacing :: (MplotValue val1, MplotValue val) => val1 -> val -> Matplotlib
- axisYTickLabels :: MplotValue val => val -> Matplotlib
- axisXTicksPosition :: MplotValue val => val -> Matplotlib
- axisYTicksPosition :: MplotValue val => val -> Matplotlib
- spine :: MplotValue val => val -> Matplotlib
- spineSetBounds :: (MplotValue val1, MplotValue val2) => val2 -> val1 -> Matplotlib
- spineSetVisible :: MplotValue val => val -> Matplotlib
- spineSetPosition :: (MplotValue val1, MplotValue val2) => val2 -> val1 -> Matplotlib
- setAx :: Matplotlib
- addSubplot :: (MplotValue val1, MplotValue val2, MplotValue val3) => val3 -> val2 -> val1 -> Matplotlib
- getSubplot :: (MplotValue val1, MplotValue val2, MplotValue val3) => val3 -> val2 -> val1 -> Matplotlib
- subplots :: Matplotlib
- setSubplot :: MplotValue val => val -> Matplotlib
- axes :: Matplotlib
- addAxes :: Matplotlib
- figure :: Matplotlib
- data Matplotlib
- data Option
- (@@) :: Matplotlib -> [Option] -> Matplotlib
- (%) :: Matplotlib -> Matplotlib -> Matplotlib
- o1 :: MplotValue val => val -> Option
- o2 :: MplotValue val => String -> val -> Option
- (##) :: MplotValue val => Matplotlib -> val -> Matplotlib
- (#) :: MplotValue val => Matplotlib -> val -> Matplotlib
- mp :: Matplotlib
- bindDefault :: Matplotlib -> [Option] -> Matplotlib
- readData :: ToJSON a => a -> Matplotlib
- readImage :: MplotImage i => i -> Matplotlib
- str :: String -> S
- raw :: String -> R
- lit :: String -> L
- updateAxes :: Matplotlib
- updateFigure :: Matplotlib
- mapLinear :: (Double -> b) -> Double -> Double -> Double -> [b]
onscreen :: Matplotlib -> IO () Source #
Show a plot, blocks until the figure is closed
code :: Matplotlib -> IO String Source #
Print the python code that would be executed
file :: [Char] -> Matplotlib -> IO (Either String String) Source #
Save to a file
toSvg :: Matplotlib -> IO (Either String String) Source #
Get the SVG for a figure
xacorr :: (ToJSON a, ToJSON b) => a -> b -> [Option] -> Matplotlib Source #
Plot the cross-correlation and autocorrelation of several variables. TODO Due to a limitation in the options mechanism this takes explicit options.
histogram :: (MplotValue val, ToJSON t) => t -> val -> Matplotlib Source #
Plot a histogram for the given values with bins
histogram2D :: ToJSON a => a -> a -> Matplotlib Source #
Plot a 2D histogram for the given values with bins
scatter :: (ToJSON t1, ToJSON t) => t1 -> t -> Matplotlib Source #
Plot the given values as a scatter plot
bar :: (ToJSON t1, ToJSON t) => t1 -> t -> Matplotlib Source #
Create a bar at a position with a height
line :: (ToJSON t1, ToJSON t) => t1 -> t -> Matplotlib Source #
Plot a line
errorbar :: (ToJSON a, ToJSON b, ToJSON c, ToJSON d) => a -> b -> c -> d -> Matplotlib Source #
Like plot
but takes an error bar value per point
errorbar :: (ToJSON x, ToJSON y, ToJSON xs, ToJSON ys) => x -> y -> Maybe xs -> Maybe ys -> Matplotlib
lineF :: (ToJSON a, ToJSON b) => (a -> b) -> [a] -> Matplotlib Source #
Plot a line given a function that will be executed for each element of given list. The list provides the x values, the function the y values.
boxplot :: ToJSON a => a -> Matplotlib Source #
Create a box plot for the given data
violinplot :: ToJSON a => a -> Matplotlib Source #
Create a violin plot for the given data
contourF :: (ToJSON val, MplotValue val, Ord val) => (Double -> Double -> val) -> Double -> Double -> Double -> Double -> Double -> Matplotlib Source #
Given a grid of x and y values and a number of steps call the given function and plot the 3D contour
projectionsF :: (ToJSON val, MplotValue val, Ord val) => (Double -> Double -> val) -> Double -> Double -> Double -> Double -> Double -> Matplotlib Source #
Given a grid of x and y values and a number of steps call the given function and plot the 3D projection
plotInterpolated :: (MplotValue val, ToJSON t, ToJSON t1) => t1 -> t -> val -> Matplotlib Source #
Plot x against y interpolating with n steps
plotMapLinear :: ToJSON b => (Double -> b) -> Double -> Double -> Double -> Matplotlib Source #
A handy function to plot a line between two points give a function and a number o steps
line1 :: (Foldable t, ToJSON (t a)) => t a -> Matplotlib Source #
Plot a line between 0 and the length of the array with the given y values
matShow :: ToJSON a => a -> Matplotlib Source #
Plot a matrix
imshow :: MplotImage a => a -> Matplotlib Source #
Plot an image
pcolor :: ToJSON a => a -> Matplotlib Source #
Plot a matrix
pcolor3 :: (ToJSON a, ToJSON b, ToJSON c) => a -> b -> c -> Matplotlib Source #
Plot a matrix
nonUniformImage :: (ToJSON a, ToJSON b, ToJSON c) => a -> b -> c -> Matplotlib Source #
Create a non-uniform image from samples
pie :: (ToJSON val, MplotValue val) => val -> Matplotlib Source #
Create a pie chart
density :: [Double] -> Maybe (Double, Double) -> Matplotlib Source #
Plot a KDE of the given functions; a good bandwith will be chosen automatically
rc :: String -> Matplotlib Source #
Set an rc parameter
setParameter :: MplotValue val => String -> val -> Matplotlib Source #
Set an rcParams key-value
setTeX :: Bool -> Matplotlib Source #
Enable or disable TeX
dataPlot :: (MplotValue val, MplotValue val1) => val1 -> val -> Matplotlib Source #
Plot the a
and b
entries of the data object
plot :: (ToJSON t, ToJSON t1) => t1 -> t -> Matplotlib Source #
Plot the Haskell objects x
and y
as a line
streamplot :: (ToJSON a, ToJSON b, ToJSON c, ToJSON d) => a -> b -> c -> d -> Matplotlib Source #
dateLine :: (ToJSON t1, ToJSON t2) => t1 -> t2 -> String -> (Int, Int, Int) -> Matplotlib Source #
Plot x against y where x is a date.
xunit is something like weeks
, yearStart, monthStart, dayStart are an offset to x.
TODO This isn't general enough; it's missing some settings about the format. The call is also a mess.
dataHistogram :: (MplotValue val1, MplotValue val) => val1 -> val -> Matplotlib Source #
Create a histogram for the a
entry of the data array
dataScatter :: (MplotValue val1, MplotValue val) => val1 -> val -> Matplotlib Source #
Create a scatter plot accessing the given fields of the data array
dataLine :: (MplotValue val1, MplotValue val) => val1 -> val -> Matplotlib Source #
Create a line accessing the given entires of the data array
contour :: (ToJSON (t2 (t3 val1)), ToJSON (t4 (t5 val2)), ToJSON (t6 (t7 val3)), MplotValue val2, MplotValue val1, MplotValue val3, Ord val1, Ord val2, Ord val3, Ord (t3 val1), Ord (t5 val2), Ord (t7 val3), Foldable t2, Foldable t3, Foldable t4, Foldable t5, Foldable t6, Foldable t7) => t2 (t3 val1) -> t4 (t5 val2) -> t6 (t7 val3) -> Matplotlib Source #
Create a 3D contour
projections :: (ToJSON (t2 (t3 val1)), ToJSON (t4 (t5 val2)), ToJSON (t6 (t7 val3)), MplotValue val2, MplotValue val1, MplotValue val3, Ord val1, Ord val2, Ord val3, Ord (t3 val1), Ord (t5 val2), Ord (t7 val3), Foldable t2, Foldable t3, Foldable t4, Foldable t5, Foldable t6, Foldable t7) => t2 (t3 val1) -> t4 (t5 val2) -> t6 (t7 val3) -> Matplotlib Source #
Create a 3D projection
wireframe :: (MplotValue val2, MplotValue val1, MplotValue val) => val2 -> val1 -> val -> Matplotlib Source #
Plot a 3D wireframe accessing the given elements of the data array
surface :: (MplotValue val2, MplotValue val1, MplotValue val) => val2 -> val1 -> val -> Matplotlib Source #
Plot a 3D surface accessing the given elements of the data array
contourRaw :: (MplotValue val1, MplotValue val2, MplotValue val5, MplotValue val4, MplotValue val3, MplotValue val) => val5 -> val4 -> val3 -> val2 -> val1 -> val -> Matplotlib Source #
Plot a contour accessing the given elements of the data array
subplotDataBar :: (MplotValue val1, MplotValue val2, MplotValue val3) => val2 -> val1 -> val3 -> [Option] -> Matplotlib Source #
Draw a bag graph in a subplot TODO Why do we need this?
barDefaultWidth :: (Fractional a1, Integral a2) => a2 -> a1 Source #
The default bar with
subplotBarsLabelled :: (ToJSON (t a), Foldable t, MplotValue val) => [t a] -> val -> [[Option]] -> Matplotlib Source #
Create a set of labelled bars of a given height
subplotBars :: ToJSON a => [a] -> [[Option]] -> Matplotlib Source #
Create a subplot and a set of labelled bars TODO This is a mess..
interpolate :: (MplotValue val, MplotValue val2, MplotValue val1) => val2 -> val1 -> val -> Matplotlib Source #
Update the data array to linearly interpolate between array entries
densityBandwidth :: [Double] -> Double -> Maybe (Double, Double) -> Matplotlib Source #
Plot a KDE of the given functions with an optional start/end and a bandwidth h
xcorr :: (ToJSON a, ToJSON b) => a -> b -> Matplotlib Source #
Plot cross-correlation
acorr :: ToJSON a => a -> Matplotlib Source #
Plot auto-correlation
quiver :: (ToJSON a, ToJSON b, ToJSON c, ToJSON d, ToJSON e) => a -> b -> c -> d -> Maybe e -> Matplotlib Source #
A quiver plot; color is optional and can be nothing
quiverKey :: (MplotValue val1, MplotValue val2, MplotValue val3, MplotValue val4) => val4 -> val3 -> val2 -> val1 -> Matplotlib Source #
A key of a given size with a label for a quiver plot
text :: (MplotValue val1, MplotValue val2) => val2 -> val1 -> String -> Matplotlib Source #
Plot text at a specified location
figText :: (MplotValue val1, MplotValue val2) => val2 -> val1 -> String -> Matplotlib Source #
Add a text to a figure instead of a particular plot
annotate :: String -> Matplotlib Source #
Add an annotation
setAspect :: Matplotlib Source #
Square up the aspect ratio of a plot.
squareAxes :: Matplotlib Source #
Square up the aspect ratio of a plot.
roateAxesLabels :: MplotValue val => val -> Matplotlib Source #
Set the rotation of the labels on the x axis to the given number of degrees
verticalAxes :: Matplotlib Source #
Set the x labels to be vertical
logX :: Matplotlib Source #
Set the x scale to be logarithmic
logY :: Matplotlib Source #
Set the y scale to be logarithmic
xlim :: (MplotValue val1, MplotValue val) => val1 -> val -> Matplotlib Source #
Set limits on the x axis
ylim :: (MplotValue val1, MplotValue val) => val1 -> val -> Matplotlib Source #
Set limits on the y axis
axhline :: MplotValue val => val -> Matplotlib Source #
Add a horizontal line across the axis
legend :: Matplotlib Source #
Insert a legend
colorbar :: Matplotlib Source #
Insert a color bar TODO This refers to the plot and not an axis. Might cause trouble with subplots
title :: String -> Matplotlib Source #
Add a title
grid :: Bool -> Matplotlib Source #
Show/hide grid lines
axis3DProjection :: Matplotlib Source #
Enable 3D projection
axis3DLabels :: (MplotValue val1, MplotValue val2, MplotValue val3, Ord val1, Ord val2, Ord val3, Ord (t2 val1), Ord (t3 val2), Ord (t4 val3), Foldable t5, Foldable t2, Foldable t6, Foldable t3, Foldable t7, Foldable t4) => t5 (t2 val1) -> t6 (t3 val2) -> t7 (t4 val3) -> Matplotlib Source #
Label and set limits of a set of 3D axis TODO This is a mess, does both more and less than it claims.
xlabel :: String -> Matplotlib Source #
Add a label to the x axis
ylabel :: String -> Matplotlib Source #
Add a label to the y axis
zlabel :: String -> Matplotlib Source #
Add a label to the z axis
setSizeInches :: (MplotValue val1, MplotValue val2) => val2 -> val1 -> Matplotlib Source #
xkcd :: Matplotlib Source #
xticks :: MplotValue val => val -> Matplotlib Source #
yticks :: MplotValue val => val -> Matplotlib Source #
zticks :: MplotValue val => val -> Matplotlib Source #
xtickLabels :: MplotValue val => val -> Matplotlib Source #
ytickLabels :: MplotValue val => val -> Matplotlib Source #
ztickLabels :: MplotValue val => val -> Matplotlib Source #
axisXTickSpacing :: (MplotValue val1, MplotValue val) => val1 -> val -> Matplotlib Source #
Set the spacing of ticks on the x axis
axisXTickLabels :: MplotValue val => val -> Matplotlib Source #
Set the labels on the x axis
axisYTickSpacing :: (MplotValue val1, MplotValue val) => val1 -> val -> Matplotlib Source #
Set the spacing of ticks on the y axis
axisYTickLabels :: MplotValue val => val -> Matplotlib Source #
Set the labels on the y axis
axisXTicksPosition :: MplotValue val => val -> Matplotlib Source #
axisYTicksPosition :: MplotValue val => val -> Matplotlib Source #
spine :: MplotValue val => val -> Matplotlib Source #
spineSetBounds :: (MplotValue val1, MplotValue val2) => val2 -> val1 -> Matplotlib Source #
spineSetVisible :: MplotValue val => val -> Matplotlib Source #
spineSetPosition :: (MplotValue val1, MplotValue val2) => val2 -> val1 -> Matplotlib Source #
setAx :: Matplotlib Source #
addSubplot :: (MplotValue val1, MplotValue val2, MplotValue val3) => val3 -> val2 -> val1 -> Matplotlib Source #
Create a subplot with the coordinates (r,c,f)
getSubplot :: (MplotValue val1, MplotValue val2, MplotValue val3) => val3 -> val2 -> val1 -> Matplotlib Source #
Access a subplot with the coordinates (r,c,f)
subplots :: Matplotlib Source #
Creates subplots and stores them in an internal variable
setSubplot :: MplotValue val => val -> Matplotlib Source #
Access a subplot
axes :: Matplotlib Source #
Add axes to a plot
addAxes :: Matplotlib Source #
Add axes to a figure
figure :: Matplotlib Source #
Creates a new figure with the given id. If the Id is already in use it switches to that figure.
Creating custom plots and applying options
data Matplotlib Source #
The wrapper type for a matplotlib computation.
Semigroup Matplotlib Source # | |
Defined in Graphics.Matplotlib.Internal Methods (<>) :: Matplotlib -> Matplotlib -> Matplotlib sconcat :: NonEmpty Matplotlib -> Matplotlib stimes :: Integral b => b -> Matplotlib -> Matplotlib | |
Monoid Matplotlib Source # | Monoid instance for Matplotlib type |
Defined in Graphics.Matplotlib.Internal Methods mempty :: Matplotlib mappend :: Matplotlib -> Matplotlib -> Matplotlib mconcat :: [Matplotlib] -> Matplotlib | |
NFData Matplotlib Source # | |
Defined in Graphics.Matplotlib.Internal Methods rnf :: Matplotlib -> () |
Throughout the API we need to accept options in order to expose matplotlib's many configuration options.
(@@) :: Matplotlib -> [Option] -> Matplotlib infixl 6 Source #
A combinator for option
that applies a list of options to a plot
(%) :: Matplotlib -> Matplotlib -> Matplotlib infixl 5 Source #
Combine two matplotlib commands
o1 :: MplotValue val => val -> Option Source #
Create a positional option
o2 :: MplotValue val => String -> val -> Option Source #
Create a keyword option
(##) :: MplotValue val => Matplotlib -> val -> Matplotlib infixl 6 Source #
A combinator like #
that also inserts an option
(#) :: MplotValue val => Matplotlib -> val -> Matplotlib infixl 6 Source #
Add Python code to the last matplotlib command
mp :: Matplotlib Source #
Create an empty plot. This the beginning of most plotting commands.
bindDefault :: Matplotlib -> [Option] -> Matplotlib Source #
Bind a list of default options to a plot. Positional options are kept in order and default that way as well. Keyword arguments are also handled
readData :: ToJSON a => a -> Matplotlib Source #
Load the given data into the python "data" array
readImage :: MplotImage i => i -> Matplotlib Source #
Load the given image into python "img" variable
updateAxes :: Matplotlib Source #
Update axes. Should be called any time the state is changed.
updateFigure :: Matplotlib Source #
Update the figure and the axes. Should be called any time the state is changed.