microlens-platform- microlens + all batteries included (best for apps)
Copyright(C) 2013-2016 Edward Kmett 2015-2016 Artyom Kazak 2018 Monadfix
LicenseBSD-style (see the file LICENSE)
Safe HaskellTrustworthy



This module is an approximation for Control.Lens from lens; by importing it you get all functions and instances from microlens, microlens-mtl, microlens-ghc, as well as the following instances:



module Lens.Micro

packed :: IsText t => Lens' String t Source #

packed lets you convert between String and Text (strict or lazy). It can be used as a replacement for pack or as a way to modify some String if you have a function like Text -> Text.

unpacked :: IsText t => Lens' t String Source #

unpacked is like packed but works in the opposite direction.

Orphan instances

Ixed Text Source # 
Instance details

Ixed Text Source # 
Instance details

Strict Text Text Source # 
Instance details

Cons Text Text Char Char Source # 
Instance details

Cons Text Text Char Char Source # 
Instance details

(a ~ Char, b ~ Char) => Each Text Text a b Source # 
Instance details


each :: Traversal Text Text a b #

(a ~ Char, b ~ Char) => Each Text Text a b Source # 
Instance details


each :: Traversal Text Text a b #

Snoc Text Text Char Char Source # 
Instance details

Snoc Text Text Char Char Source # 
Instance details

(Eq k, Hashable k) => At (HashSet k) Source # 
Instance details


at :: Index (HashSet k) -> Lens' (HashSet k) (Maybe (IxValue (HashSet k))) #

(Eq k, Hashable k) => Ixed (HashSet k) Source # 
Instance details


ix :: Index (HashSet k) -> Traversal' (HashSet k) (IxValue (HashSet k)) #

Ixed (Vector a) Source # 
Instance details


ix :: Index (Vector a) -> Traversal' (Vector a) (IxValue (Vector a)) #

Prim a => Ixed (Vector a) Source # 
Instance details


ix :: Index (Vector a) -> Traversal' (Vector a) (IxValue (Vector a)) #

Storable a => Ixed (Vector a) Source # 
Instance details


ix :: Index (Vector a) -> Traversal' (Vector a) (IxValue (Vector a)) #

Unbox a => Ixed (Vector a) Source # 
Instance details


ix :: Index (Vector a) -> Traversal' (Vector a) (IxValue (Vector a)) #

Cons (Vector a) (Vector b) a b Source # 
Instance details


_Cons :: Traversal (Vector a) (Vector b) (a, Vector a) (b, Vector b) #

(Prim a, Prim b) => Cons (Vector a) (Vector b) a b Source # 
Instance details


_Cons :: Traversal (Vector a) (Vector b) (a, Vector a) (b, Vector b) #

(Storable a, Storable b) => Cons (Vector a) (Vector b) a b Source # 
Instance details


_Cons :: Traversal (Vector a) (Vector b) (a, Vector a) (b, Vector b) #

(Unbox a, Unbox b) => Cons (Vector a) (Vector b) a b Source # 
Instance details


_Cons :: Traversal (Vector a) (Vector b) (a, Vector a) (b, Vector b) #

Each (Vector a) (Vector b) a b Source # 
Instance details


each :: Traversal (Vector a) (Vector b) a b #

(Prim a, Prim b) => Each (Vector a) (Vector b) a b Source # 
Instance details


each :: Traversal (Vector a) (Vector b) a b #

(Storable a, Storable b) => Each (Vector a) (Vector b) a b Source # 
Instance details


each :: Traversal (Vector a) (Vector b) a b #

(Unbox a, Unbox b) => Each (Vector a) (Vector b) a b Source # 
Instance details


each :: Traversal (Vector a) (Vector b) a b #

Snoc (Vector a) (Vector b) a b Source # 
Instance details


_Snoc :: Traversal (Vector a) (Vector b) (Vector a, a) (Vector b, b) #

(Prim a, Prim b) => Snoc (Vector a) (Vector b) a b Source # 
Instance details


_Snoc :: Traversal (Vector a) (Vector b) (Vector a, a) (Vector b, b) #

(Storable a, Storable b) => Snoc (Vector a) (Vector b) a b Source # 
Instance details


_Snoc :: Traversal (Vector a) (Vector b) (Vector a, a) (Vector b, b) #

(Unbox a, Unbox b) => Snoc (Vector a) (Vector b) a b Source # 
Instance details


_Snoc :: Traversal (Vector a) (Vector b) (Vector a, a) (Vector b, b) #

(Eq k, Hashable k) => At (HashMap k a) Source # 
Instance details


at :: Index (HashMap k a) -> Lens' (HashMap k a) (Maybe (IxValue (HashMap k a))) #

(Eq k, Hashable k) => Ixed (HashMap k a) Source # 
Instance details


ix :: Index (HashMap k a) -> Traversal' (HashMap k a) (IxValue (HashMap k a)) #

c ~ d => Each (HashMap c a) (HashMap d b) a b Source # 
Instance details


each :: Traversal (HashMap c a) (HashMap d b) a b #