module Network.Kafka where

import Control.Applicative
import Control.Exception (Exception, IOException)
import Control.Exception.Lifted (catch)
import Control.Lens
import Control.Monad.Trans.Control (MonadBaseControl)
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO, liftIO)
import Control.Monad.Except (ExceptT(..), runExceptT, MonadError(..))
import Control.Monad.Trans.State
import Control.Monad.State.Class (MonadState)
import Data.ByteString.Char8 (ByteString)
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty(..))
import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NE
import Data.Monoid ((<>))
import qualified Data.Pool as Pool
import GHC.Generics (Generic)
import System.IO
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Data.Set (Set)
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import qualified Network
import Prelude

import Network.Kafka.Protocol

type KafkaAddress = (Host, Port)

data KafkaState = KafkaState { -- | Name to use as a client ID.
                               _stateName :: KafkaString
                               -- | How many acknowledgements are required for producing.
                             , _stateRequiredAcks :: RequiredAcks
                               -- | Time in milliseconds to wait for messages to be produced by broker.
                             , _stateRequestTimeout :: Timeout
                               -- | Minimum size of response bytes to block for.
                             , _stateWaitSize :: MinBytes
                               -- | Maximum size of response bytes to retrieve.
                             , _stateBufferSize :: MaxBytes
                               -- | Maximum time in milliseconds to wait for response.
                             , _stateWaitTime :: MaxWaitTime
                               -- | An incrementing counter of requests.
                             , _stateCorrelationId :: CorrelationId
                               -- | Broker cache
                             , _stateBrokers :: M.Map Leader Broker
                               -- | Connection cache
                             , _stateConnections :: M.Map KafkaAddress (Pool.Pool Handle)
                               -- | Topic metadata cache
                             , _stateTopicMetadata :: M.Map TopicName TopicMetadata
                               -- | Address cache
                             , _stateAddresses :: NonEmpty KafkaAddress
                             } deriving (Generic, Show)

makeLenses ''KafkaState

-- | The core Kafka monad.
type Kafka m = (MonadState KafkaState m, MonadError KafkaClientError m, MonadIO m, MonadBaseControl IO m)

type KafkaClientId = KafkaString

-- | Errors given from the Kafka monad.
data KafkaClientError = -- | A response did not contain an offset.
                        -- | A value could not be deserialized correctly.
                      | KafkaDeserializationError String -- TODO: cereal is Stringly typed, should use tickle
                        -- | Could not find a cached broker for the found leader.
                      | KafkaInvalidBroker Leader
                      | KafkaFailedToFetchMetadata
                      | KafkaIOException IOException
                        deriving (Eq, Generic, Show)

instance Exception KafkaClientError

-- | An abstract form of Kafka's time. Used for querying offsets.
data KafkaTime = -- | The latest time on the broker.
                 -- | The earliest time on the broker.
               | EarliestTime
                 -- | A specific time.
               | OtherTime Time
               deriving (Eq, Generic)

data PartitionAndLeader = PartitionAndLeader { _palTopic :: TopicName
                                             , _palPartition :: Partition
                                             , _palLeader :: Leader
                                             deriving (Show, Generic, Eq, Ord)

makeLenses ''PartitionAndLeader

data TopicAndPartition = TopicAndPartition { _tapTopic :: TopicName
                                           , _tapPartition :: Partition
                         deriving (Eq, Generic, Ord, Show)

-- | A topic with a serializable message.
data TopicAndMessage = TopicAndMessage { _tamTopic :: TopicName
                                       , _tamMessage :: Message
                       deriving (Eq, Generic, Show)

makeLenses ''TopicAndMessage

-- | Get the bytes from the Kafka message, ignoring the topic.
tamPayload :: TopicAndMessage -> ByteString
tamPayload = foldOf (tamMessage . payload)

-- * Configuration

-- | Default: @0@
defaultCorrelationId :: CorrelationId
defaultCorrelationId = 0

-- | Default: @1@
defaultRequiredAcks :: RequiredAcks
defaultRequiredAcks = 1

-- | Default: @10000@
defaultRequestTimeout :: Timeout
defaultRequestTimeout = 10000

-- | Default: @0@
defaultMinBytes :: MinBytes
defaultMinBytes = MinBytes 0

-- | Default: @1024 * 1024@
defaultMaxBytes :: MaxBytes
defaultMaxBytes = 1024 * 1024

-- | Default: @0@
defaultMaxWaitTime :: MaxWaitTime
defaultMaxWaitTime = 0

-- | Create a consumer using default values.
mkKafkaState :: KafkaClientId -> KafkaAddress -> KafkaState
mkKafkaState cid addy =
    KafkaState cid
               (addy :| [])

addKafkaAddress :: KafkaAddress -> KafkaState -> KafkaState
addKafkaAddress = over stateAddresses . NE.nub .: NE.cons
  where infixr 9 .:
        (.:) :: (c -> d) -> (a -> b -> c) -> a -> b -> d
        (.:) = (.).(.)

-- | Run the underlying Kafka monad.
runKafka :: KafkaState -> StateT KafkaState (ExceptT KafkaClientError IO) a -> IO (Either KafkaClientError a)
runKafka s k = runExceptT $ evalStateT k s

-- | Catch 'IOException's and wrap them in 'KafkaIOException's.
tryKafka :: Kafka m => m a -> m a
tryKafka = (`catch` \e -> throwError $ KafkaIOException (e :: IOException))

-- | Make a request, incrementing the `_stateCorrelationId`.
makeRequest :: Kafka m => Handle -> ReqResp (m a) -> m a
makeRequest h reqresp = do
  (clientId, correlationId) <- makeIds
  eitherResp <- tryKafka $ doRequest clientId correlationId h reqresp
  case eitherResp of
    Left s -> throwError $ KafkaDeserializationError s
    Right r -> return r
    makeIds :: MonadState KafkaState m => m (ClientId, CorrelationId)
    makeIds = do
      corid <- use stateCorrelationId
      stateCorrelationId += 1
      conid <- use stateName
      return (ClientId conid, corid)

-- | Send a metadata request to any broker.
metadata :: Kafka m => MetadataRequest -> m MetadataResponse
metadata request = withAnyHandle $ flip metadata' request

-- | Send a metadata request.
metadata' :: Kafka m => Handle -> MetadataRequest -> m MetadataResponse
metadata' h request = makeRequest h $ MetadataRR request

getTopicPartitionLeader :: Kafka m => TopicName -> Partition -> m Broker
getTopicPartitionLeader t p = do
  let s = stateTopicMetadata . at t
  tmd <- findMetadataOrElse [t] s KafkaFailedToFetchMetadata
  leader <- expect KafkaFailedToFetchMetadata (firstOf $ findPartitionMetadata t . (folded . findPartition p) . partitionMetadataLeader) tmd
  use stateBrokers >>= expect (KafkaInvalidBroker leader) (view $ at leader)

expect :: Kafka m => KafkaClientError -> (a -> Maybe b) -> a -> m b
expect e f = maybe (throwError e) return . f

-- | Find a leader and partition for the topic.
brokerPartitionInfo :: Kafka m => TopicName -> m (Set PartitionAndLeader)
brokerPartitionInfo t = do
  let s = stateTopicMetadata . at t
  tmd <- findMetadataOrElse [t] s KafkaFailedToFetchMetadata
  return $ Set.fromList $ pal <$> tmd ^. partitionsMetadata
    where pal d = PartitionAndLeader t (d ^. partitionId) (d ^. partitionMetadataLeader)

findMetadataOrElse :: Kafka m => [TopicName] -> Getting (Maybe a) KafkaState (Maybe a) -> KafkaClientError -> m a
findMetadataOrElse ts s err = do
  maybeFound <- use s
  case maybeFound of
    Just x -> return x
    Nothing -> do
      updateMetadatas ts
      maybeFound' <- use s
      case maybeFound' of
        Just x -> return x
        Nothing -> throwError err

-- | Convert an abstract time to a serializable protocol value.
protocolTime :: KafkaTime -> Time
protocolTime LatestTime = Time (-1)
protocolTime EarliestTime = Time (-2)
protocolTime (OtherTime o) = o

updateMetadatas :: Kafka m => [TopicName] -> m ()
updateMetadatas ts = do
  md <- metadata $ MetadataReq ts
  let (brokers, tmds) = (md ^.. metadataResponseBrokers . folded, md ^.. topicsMetadata . folded)
      addresses = map broker2address brokers
  stateAddresses %= NE.nub . NE.fromList . (++ addresses) . NE.toList
  stateBrokers %= \m -> foldr addBroker m brokers
  stateTopicMetadata %= \m -> foldr addTopicMetadata m tmds
  return ()
    where addBroker :: Broker -> M.Map Leader Broker -> M.Map Leader Broker
          addBroker b = M.insert (Leader . Just $ b ^. brokerNode . nodeId) b
          addTopicMetadata :: TopicMetadata -> M.Map TopicName TopicMetadata -> M.Map TopicName TopicMetadata
          addTopicMetadata tm = M.insert (tm ^. topicMetadataName) tm

updateMetadata :: Kafka m => TopicName -> m ()
updateMetadata t = updateMetadatas [t]

updateAllMetadata :: Kafka m => m ()
updateAllMetadata = updateMetadatas []

-- | Execute a Kafka action with a 'Handle' for the given 'Broker', updating
-- the connections cache if needed.
-- When the action throws an 'IOException', it is caught and returned as a
-- 'KafkaIOException' in the Kafka monad.
-- Note that when the given action throws an exception, any state changes will
-- be discarded. This includes both 'IOException's and exceptions thrown by
-- 'throwError' from 'Control.Monad.Except'.
withBrokerHandle :: Kafka m => Broker -> (Handle -> m a) -> m a
withBrokerHandle broker = withAddressHandle (broker2address broker)

-- | Execute a Kafka action with a 'Handle' for the given 'KafkaAddress',
-- updating the connections cache if needed.
-- When the action throws an 'IOException', it is caught and returned as a
-- 'KafkaIOException' in the Kafka monad.
-- Note that when the given action throws an exception, any state changes will
-- be discarded. This includes both 'IOException's and exceptions thrown by
-- 'throwError' from 'Control.Monad.Except'.
withAddressHandle :: Kafka m => KafkaAddress -> (Handle -> m a) -> m a
withAddressHandle address kafkaAction = do
  conns <- use stateConnections
  let foundPool = conns ^. at address
  pool <- case foundPool of
    Nothing -> do
      newPool <- tryKafka $ liftIO $ mkPool address
      stateConnections .= (at address ?~ newPool $ conns)
      return newPool
    Just p -> return p
  tryKafka $ Pool.withResource pool kafkaAction
      mkPool :: KafkaAddress -> IO (Pool.Pool Handle)
      mkPool a = Pool.createPool (createHandle a) hClose 1 10 1
        where createHandle (h, p) = Network.connectTo (h ^. hostString) (p ^. portId)

broker2address :: Broker -> KafkaAddress
broker2address broker = (,) (broker ^. brokerHost) (broker ^. brokerPort)

-- | Like 'withAddressHandle', but round-robins the addresses in the 'KafkaState'.
-- When the action throws an 'IOException', it is caught and returned as a
-- 'KafkaIOException' in the Kafka monad.
-- Note that when the given action throws an exception, any state changes will
-- be discarded. This includes both 'IOException's and exceptions thrown by
-- 'throwError' from 'Control.Monad.Except'.
withAnyHandle :: Kafka m => (Handle -> m a) -> m a
withAnyHandle f = do
  (addy :| _) <- use stateAddresses
  x <- withAddressHandle addy f
  stateAddresses %= rotate
  return x
    where rotate :: NonEmpty a -> NonEmpty a
          rotate = NE.fromList . rotate' 1 . NE.toList
          rotate' n xs = zipWith const (drop n (cycle xs)) xs

-- * Offsets

-- | Fields to construct an offset request, per topic and partition.
data PartitionOffsetRequestInfo =
    PartitionOffsetRequestInfo { -- | Time to find an offset for.
                                 _kafkaTime :: KafkaTime
                                 -- | Number of offsets to retrieve.
                               , _maxNumOffsets :: MaxNumberOfOffsets

-- | Get the first found offset.
getLastOffset :: Kafka m => KafkaTime -> Partition -> TopicName -> m Offset
getLastOffset m p t = do
  broker <- getTopicPartitionLeader t p
  withBrokerHandle broker (\h -> getLastOffset' h m p t)

-- | Get the first found offset.
getLastOffset' :: Kafka m => Handle -> KafkaTime -> Partition -> TopicName -> m Offset
getLastOffset' h m p t = do
  let offsetRR = OffsetRR $ offsetRequest [(TopicAndPartition t p, PartitionOffsetRequestInfo m 1)]
  offsetResponse <- makeRequest h offsetRR
  let maybeResp = firstOf (offsetResponseOffset p) offsetResponse
  maybe (throwError KafkaNoOffset) return maybeResp

-- | Create an offset request.
offsetRequest :: [(TopicAndPartition, PartitionOffsetRequestInfo)] -> OffsetRequest
offsetRequest ts =
    OffsetReq (ReplicaId (-1), M.toList . M.unionsWith (<>) $ fmap f ts)
        where f (TopicAndPartition t p, i) = M.singleton t [g p i]
              g p (PartitionOffsetRequestInfo kt mno) = (p, protocolTime kt, mno)