Copyright | (C) 2016-2018 David M. Johnson |
License | BSD3-style (see the file LICENSE) |
Maintainer | David M. Johnson <> |
Stability | experimental |
Portability | non-portable |
Safe Haskell | None |
Language | Haskell2010 |
Example usage:
import Miso data IntAction = Add | Subtract intView :: Int -> View IntAction intView n = div_ [ class_ "main" ] [ btn_ [ onClick Add ] [ text_ "+" ] , text_ $ pack (show n) , btn_ [ onClick Subtract ] [ text_ "-" ] ]
More information on how to use miso
is available on GitHub
- module Miso.Html.Element
- module Miso.Html.Event
- data VTree action where
- newtype View action = View {}
- class ToView v where
- data Attribute action
- = P MisoString Value
- | E ()
- node :: NS -> MisoString -> Maybe Key -> [Attribute action] -> [View action] -> View action
- text :: MisoString -> View action
- newtype Key = Key MisoString
- class ToKey key where
- data NS
- prop :: ToJSON a => MisoString -> a -> Attribute action
- style_ :: Map MisoString MisoString -> Attribute action
- on :: MisoString -> Decoder r -> (r -> action) -> Attribute action
- onWithOptions :: Options -> MisoString -> Decoder r -> (r -> action) -> Attribute action
- onCreated :: action -> Attribute action
- onDestroyed :: action -> Attribute action
- boolProp :: MisoString -> Bool -> Attribute action
- stringProp :: MisoString -> String -> Attribute action
- textProp :: MisoString -> MisoString -> Attribute action
- intProp :: MisoString -> Int -> Attribute action
- integerProp :: MisoString -> Int -> Attribute action
- doubleProp :: MisoString -> Double -> Attribute action
- classList_ :: [(MisoString, Bool)] -> Attribute action
- title_ :: MisoString -> Attribute action
- selected_ :: Bool -> Attribute action
- hidden_ :: Bool -> Attribute action
- value_ :: MisoString -> Attribute action
- defaultValue_ :: MisoString -> Attribute action
- accept_ :: MisoString -> Attribute action
- acceptCharset_ :: MisoString -> Attribute action
- action_ :: MisoString -> Attribute action
- autocomplete_ :: Bool -> Attribute action
- autosave_ :: MisoString -> Attribute action
- disabled_ :: Bool -> Attribute action
- enctype_ :: MisoString -> Attribute action
- formation_ :: MisoString -> Attribute action
- list_ :: MisoString -> Attribute action
- maxlength_ :: MisoString -> Attribute action
- minlength_ :: MisoString -> Attribute action
- method_ :: MisoString -> Attribute action
- multiple_ :: Bool -> Attribute action
- novalidate_ :: Bool -> Attribute action
- pattern_ :: MisoString -> Attribute action
- readonly_ :: Bool -> Attribute action
- required_ :: Bool -> Attribute action
- size_ :: MisoString -> Attribute action
- for_ :: MisoString -> Attribute action
- max_ :: MisoString -> Attribute action
- min_ :: MisoString -> Attribute action
- step_ :: MisoString -> Attribute action
- cols_ :: MisoString -> Attribute action
- rows_ :: MisoString -> Attribute action
- wrap_ :: MisoString -> Attribute action
- target_ :: MisoString -> Attribute action
- download_ :: MisoString -> Attribute action
- downloadAs_ :: MisoString -> Attribute action
- hreflang_ :: MisoString -> Attribute action
- media_ :: MisoString -> Attribute action
- ping_ :: MisoString -> Attribute action
- rel_ :: MisoString -> Attribute action
- ismap_ :: MisoString -> Attribute action
- usemap_ :: MisoString -> Attribute action
- shape_ :: MisoString -> Attribute action
- coords_ :: MisoString -> Attribute action
- src_ :: MisoString -> Attribute action
- height_ :: MisoString -> Attribute action
- width_ :: MisoString -> Attribute action
- alt_ :: MisoString -> Attribute action
- autoplay_ :: Bool -> Attribute action
- controls_ :: Bool -> Attribute action
- loop_ :: Bool -> Attribute action
- preload_ :: MisoString -> Attribute action
- poster_ :: MisoString -> Attribute action
- default_ :: Bool -> Attribute action
- kind_ :: MisoString -> Attribute action
- srclang_ :: MisoString -> Attribute action
- sandbox_ :: MisoString -> Attribute action
- seamless_ :: MisoString -> Attribute action
- srcdoc_ :: MisoString -> Attribute action
- reversed_ :: MisoString -> Attribute action
- start_ :: MisoString -> Attribute action
- align_ :: MisoString -> Attribute action
- colspan_ :: MisoString -> Attribute action
- rowspan_ :: MisoString -> Attribute action
- headers_ :: MisoString -> Attribute action
- scope_ :: MisoString -> Attribute action
- async_ :: MisoString -> Attribute action
- charset_ :: MisoString -> Attribute action
- content_ :: MisoString -> Attribute action
- defer_ :: MisoString -> Attribute action
- httpEquiv_ :: MisoString -> Attribute action
- language_ :: MisoString -> Attribute action
- scoped_ :: MisoString -> Attribute action
- type_ :: MisoString -> Attribute action
- name_ :: MisoString -> Attribute action
- href_ :: MisoString -> Attribute action
- id_ :: MisoString -> Attribute action
- placeholder_ :: MisoString -> Attribute action
- checked_ :: Bool -> Attribute action
- autofocus_ :: Bool -> Attribute action
- class_ :: MisoString -> Attribute action
- data_ :: MisoString -> MisoString -> Attribute action
module Miso.Html.Element
module Miso.Html.Event
Core types and interface
data VTree action where Source #
Virtual DOM implemented as a Rose Vector
Used for diffing, patching and event delegation.
Not meant to be constructed directly, see View
Functor View Source # | |
Show (View action) Source # | Show |
IsString (View a) Source # |
Defined in Miso.Html.Internal Methods fromString :: String -> View a # | |
ToHtml (View action) Source # | |
HasLink (View a :: Type) Source # | For constructing type-safe links |
HasRouter (View a :: Type) Source # | View |
type MkLink (View a :: Type) b Source # | |
type RouteT (View a :: Type) x Source # | |
Defined in Miso.Router |
Convenience class for using View
data Attribute action Source #
Attributes to annotate DOM, converted into Events, Props, Attrs and CSS
P MisoString Value | |
E () |
Smart View
node :: NS -> MisoString -> Maybe Key -> [Attribute action] -> [View action] -> View action Source #
Key patch internals
Key for specific children patch
Key MisoString |
class ToKey key where Source #
Convert type into Key, ensure Key
is unique
Namespace for element creation
Setting properties on virtual DOM nodes
prop :: ToJSON a => MisoString -> a -> Attribute action Source #
Constructs a property on a VNode
, used to set fields on a DOM Node
Setting CSS
style_ :: Map MisoString MisoString -> Attribute action Source #
Constructs CSS for a DOM Element
import qualified Data.Map as M div_ [ style_ $ M.singleton "background" "red" ] [ ]
Handling events
on :: MisoString -> Decoder r -> (r -> action) -> Attribute action Source #
For defining delegated events
let clickHandler = on "click" emptyDecoder $ \() -> Action in button_ [ clickHandler, class_ "add" ] [ text_ "+" ]
onWithOptions :: Options -> MisoString -> Decoder r -> (r -> action) -> Attribute action Source #
For defining delegated events with options
let clickHandler = onWithOptions defaultOptions "click" emptyDecoder $ \() -> Action in button_ [ clickHandler, class_ "add" ] [ text_ "+" ]
Life cycle events
onCreated :: action -> Attribute action Source #
onCreated action
is an event that gets called after the actual DOM
element is created.
onDestroyed :: action -> Attribute action Source #
onDestroyed action
is an event that gets called after the DOM element
is removed from the DOM. The action
is given the DOM element that was
removed from the DOM tree.
stringProp :: MisoString -> String -> Attribute action Source #
Set field to String
textProp :: MisoString -> MisoString -> Attribute action Source #
Set field to Text
integerProp :: MisoString -> Int -> Attribute action Source #
Set field to Integer
doubleProp :: MisoString -> Double -> Attribute action Source #
Set field to Double
classList_ :: [(MisoString, Bool)] -> Attribute action Source #
Define multiple classes conditionally
div_ [ classList_ [ ("empty", null items) ] [ ]
title_ :: MisoString -> Attribute action Source #
value_ :: MisoString -> Attribute action Source #
defaultValue_ :: MisoString -> Attribute action Source #
accept_ :: MisoString -> Attribute action Source #
acceptCharset_ :: MisoString -> Attribute action Source #
action_ :: MisoString -> Attribute action Source #
autocomplete_ :: Bool -> Attribute action Source #
autosave_ :: MisoString -> Attribute action Source #
enctype_ :: MisoString -> Attribute action Source #
formation_ :: MisoString -> Attribute action Source #
list_ :: MisoString -> Attribute action Source #
maxlength_ :: MisoString -> Attribute action Source #
minlength_ :: MisoString -> Attribute action Source #
method_ :: MisoString -> Attribute action Source #
novalidate_ :: Bool -> Attribute action Source #
pattern_ :: MisoString -> Attribute action Source #
size_ :: MisoString -> Attribute action Source #
for_ :: MisoString -> Attribute action Source #
max_ :: MisoString -> Attribute action Source #
min_ :: MisoString -> Attribute action Source #
step_ :: MisoString -> Attribute action Source #
cols_ :: MisoString -> Attribute action Source #
rows_ :: MisoString -> Attribute action Source #
wrap_ :: MisoString -> Attribute action Source #
target_ :: MisoString -> Attribute action Source #
download_ :: MisoString -> Attribute action Source #
downloadAs_ :: MisoString -> Attribute action Source #
hreflang_ :: MisoString -> Attribute action Source #
media_ :: MisoString -> Attribute action Source #
ping_ :: MisoString -> Attribute action Source #
rel_ :: MisoString -> Attribute action Source #
ismap_ :: MisoString -> Attribute action Source #
usemap_ :: MisoString -> Attribute action Source #
shape_ :: MisoString -> Attribute action Source #
coords_ :: MisoString -> Attribute action Source #
src_ :: MisoString -> Attribute action Source #
height_ :: MisoString -> Attribute action Source #
width_ :: MisoString -> Attribute action Source #
alt_ :: MisoString -> Attribute action Source #
preload_ :: MisoString -> Attribute action Source #
poster_ :: MisoString -> Attribute action Source #
kind_ :: MisoString -> Attribute action Source #
srclang_ :: MisoString -> Attribute action Source #
sandbox_ :: MisoString -> Attribute action Source #
seamless_ :: MisoString -> Attribute action Source #
srcdoc_ :: MisoString -> Attribute action Source #
reversed_ :: MisoString -> Attribute action Source #
start_ :: MisoString -> Attribute action Source #
align_ :: MisoString -> Attribute action Source #
colspan_ :: MisoString -> Attribute action Source #
rowspan_ :: MisoString -> Attribute action Source #
headers_ :: MisoString -> Attribute action Source #
scope_ :: MisoString -> Attribute action Source #
async_ :: MisoString -> Attribute action Source #
charset_ :: MisoString -> Attribute action Source #
content_ :: MisoString -> Attribute action Source #
defer_ :: MisoString -> Attribute action Source #
httpEquiv_ :: MisoString -> Attribute action Source #
language_ :: MisoString -> Attribute action Source #
scoped_ :: MisoString -> Attribute action Source #
type_ :: MisoString -> Attribute action Source #
name_ :: MisoString -> Attribute action Source #
href_ :: MisoString -> Attribute action Source #
id_ :: MisoString -> Attribute action Source #
placeholder_ :: MisoString -> Attribute action Source #
autofocus_ :: Bool -> Attribute action Source #
Set "autofocus" property
class_ :: MisoString -> Attribute action Source #
Set "className" property
data_ :: MisoString -> MisoString -> Attribute action Source #
Set "data-*" property*