{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
module Control.Search.Combinator.And (andN,(<&>)) where
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe, catMaybes, fromJust)
import Control.Search.Language
import Control.Search.GeneratorInfo
import Control.Search.Memo
import Control.Search.MemoReader
import Control.Search.Generator
import Control.Search.Combinator.Success
import Control.Monatron.Monatron hiding (Abort, L, state, cont)
import Control.Monatron.Zipper hiding (i,r)
import Control.Monatron.IdT
seqNLoop :: (ReaderM Int m, Evalable m) => Int -> [Eval m] -> Eval m
seqNLoop uid lst = commentEval $
Eval { structs = (foldr1 (@++@) $ map (structs) lst) @++@ mystructs
, toString = "seqN" ++ show uid ++ "(" ++ (foldr1 (\x y -> x ++ "," ++ y) $ map (toString) lst) ++ ")"
, treeState_ = [entry ("seqn_pos",Int,assign 0)
, ("seqn_union",Union [(SType (s3 i),"seq" ++ show i) | i <- [0..nbranches-1]],
\i ->
let j = xpath i 0
in initSubEvalState j (s1 0) (fs1 0)
, initH = \i -> (local (const 0) $ inits (xsuper 0) (xpath i 0))
, evalState_ = [("complete",Bool,const $ return true)]
, pushLeftH = push pushLeft
, pushRightH = push pushRight
, nextSameH = \i -> let j = i `withBase` "popped_estate"
in do nd <- inSeq nextDiff i
ns <- inSeq nextSame i
return $ IfThenElse ((seq_pos i) @== (seq_pos j)) ns nd
, nextDiffH = inSeq $ nextDiff
, bodyH = \i ->
let seqBody super j pos =
dr <- dec_ref "bodyE-stmt" j i pos
bodyE super (j `onAbort` (comment "seqLoopN.bodyE" >>> dr))
in do cb <- mapM (\x -> canBranch x >>= \b -> return (if b then 1 else 0)) lst
let cu n | n==nbranches = 0
cu n = (cb!!n) + cu (n+1)
ss <- mapM (\pos -> local (const $ fromIntegral pos) $ inSeq_ seqBody i) [0..nbranches-1]
let cc n | n==nbranches = Skip
cc n | cu n <= 1 = if ((cb !! n) == 1) then (ss !! n) else cc (n+1)
cc n | otherwise = IfThenElse (seq_pos i @== fromIntegral n) (ss !! n) (cc (n+1))
return $ cc 0
, addH = inSeq $ addE
, failH = \i -> inSeq_ (\super j pos -> failE super j @>>>@ (dec_ref "failE" j i pos)) i
, returnH = \i -> numSwitch (\n -> if (n<nbranches-1)
then do let j1 = xpath i n
j2o = xpath i (n+1)
dr <- dec_ref "returnE-j2A" j2o i (n+1)
let j2 = j2o `onCommit` dr
j2b = resetCommit j2
action <- local (const $ n+1) $ do stmt1 <- inits (xsuper (n+1)) j2b
stmt2 <- startTryE (xsuper (n+1)) j2b
init <- initSubEvalState j2b (s1 $ n+1) (fs1 $ n+1)
dr2 <- dec_ref "returnE-j1" j1 i n
return ( comment ("Switching from branch" ++ show n ++ " to branch" ++ show (n+1))
>>> dr2
>>> (seq_pos i <== fromIntegral (n+1))
>>> init >>> stmt1 >>> stmt2)
returnE (xsuper n) $ j1 `withCommit` const action
else do let j2o = xpath i n
dr3 <- dec_ref "returnE-j2B" j2o i n
let j2 = j2o `onCommit` dr3
returnE (xsuper n) j2
, tryH = \i -> inSeq_ (\super j pos -> do { dr <- dec_ref "tryE" j i pos; return (comment "seqLoop.tryE(a)") @>>>@ tryE super (j `onAbort` (comment "seqLoop.tryE(b)" >>> dr))}) i
, startTryH = \i -> local (const 0) $ inSeq_ (\super j pos -> do { dr <- dec_ref "startTryE" j i pos; return (comment "seqLoop.startTryE(a)") @>>>@ startTryE super (j `onAbort` (comment "seqLoop.startTryE(b)" >>> dr))}) i
, tryLH = \i -> inSeq_ (\super j pos -> tryE_ super j @>>>@ (dec_ref "tryE_" j i pos)) i
, intArraysE = foldr1 (++) $ map (intArraysE) lst
, boolArraysE = foldr1 (++) $ map (boolArraysE) lst
, intVarsE = foldr1 (++) $ map (intVarsE) lst
, deleteH = deleteMe
, canBranch = do res <- mapM (canBranch) lst
return $ or res
, complete = \i -> return $ estate i @=> "complete"
where nbranches = length lst
xsuper i = lst !! i
mystructs = (catMaybes (map s1 [0..nbranches-1]),map s3 [0..nbranches-1])
evalStruct side super = Just $
Struct (side ++ "EvalState" ++ show uid) $
(Int, "ref_count") :
[(ty, field) | (field,ty,_) <- evalState_ super]
needSide pos stm = stm
s1 i = evalStruct ("Seq" ++ show i) (xsuper i)
et i = maybe (THook "void") (Pointer . SType) $ s1 i
s3 i = Struct ("Seq" ++ show i ++ "TreeState" ++ show uid) $ (case s1 i of { Nothing -> id; Just s -> ((Pointer $ SType s, "evalState"):) }) [(ty, field) | (field,ty,_) <- treeState_ (xsuper i)]
st i = Pointer . SType $ s3 i
xpath i n = flip withClone (\i -> inc (ref_count i)) $ withPath i (inN n) (et n) (st n)
fs1 n = \i -> [(field,init) | (field,_ty,init) <- evalState_ (xsuper n) ]
fs3 n = \i -> [(field,init) | (field,_ty,init) <- treeState_ (xsuper n) ]
withSeq f = numSwitch (\n -> f (xsuper n) (inN n))
inSeq f = \i -> numSwitch (\n -> f (xsuper n) (xpath i n))
inSeq_ f = \i -> numSwitch (\n -> f (xsuper n) (xpath i n) n)
push dir = \i -> inSeq_ ( \super j pos -> dir super (j `onCommit` (mkCopy i "seqn_pos"
>>> needSide pos (mkCopy j "evalState")
>>> needSide pos (inc (ref_count j))
) i
initSubEvalState = \j s fs -> (case s of { Nothing -> return Skip; Just ss -> return ( (estate j <== New ss)
>>> (ref_count j <== 1)
@>>>@ inite (fs j) j
deleteMe = \i -> inSeq_ (\super j pos -> do delrest <- deleteE super j
dr <- dec_ref "deleteMe" j i pos
return (delrest >>> dr)) i
dec_ref s j i pos = complete (xsuper pos) j >>= \compl -> decrefx j pos (estate_type i,estate i) (estate_type j,estate j) (ref_count_type, ref_count j) (THook "bool", compl)
decrefx j pos = memo "dec_ref_and" j (\(_,esti) (_,estj) (_,rcj) (_,xcl) -> return $ ((assign ((esti @=> "complete") &&& (xcl))) (esti @=> "complete") >>>
needSide pos (dec (rcj) >>> ifthen (rcj @== 0) (Delete (estj)))) )
inN n = \state -> state @-> "seqn_union" @-> ("seq" ++ show n)
seq_pos = \i -> tstate i @-> "seqn_pos"
andN [] = dummy
andN [s] = s
andN s =
let sc = buildCombiner s
in case sc of
SearchCombiner { runner = runner, elems = elems } ->
Search { mkeval = \super -> do { ss <- extractCombiners elems $ mapE (L . mmap runL . runL) super
; uid <- get
; put $ uid+1
; return $ mapE (L . mmap L . runL) $ memoLoop $ seqNLoop uid ss
, runsearch = runner . rReaderT 0 . runL
a <&> b = andN [a,b]