{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveTraversable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
module Data.HashMap.Monoidal
( MonoidalHashMap(..)
, toList
, fromList
, fromListWith
, singleton
, size
, member
, notMember
, lookup
, lookupM
, elems
, keys
, delete
, mapKeys
, insert
, insertWith
, modify
, modifyDef
, map
, filterWithKey
) where
import Prelude hiding (lookup, map)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import Data.Semigroup
import Data.Foldable (Foldable)
import Control.Applicative (pure)
import Data.Data (Data)
import Data.Typeable (Typeable)
#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,7,0)
import qualified GHC.Exts as Exts
import Control.DeepSeq
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as M
import Data.Hashable (Hashable)
#if MIN_VERSION_unordered_containers(0,2,8)
import Data.Hashable.Lifted (Hashable1)
import Control.Lens
import Control.Newtype
import Data.Align
newtype MonoidalHashMap k a = MonoidalHashMap { getMonoidalHashMap :: M.HashMap k a }
deriving ( Show, Read, Functor, Eq, NFData
, Foldable, Traversable, Data, Typeable, Hashable, Align
#if MIN_VERSION_unordered_containers(0,2,8)
, Hashable1
#if MIN_VERSION_these(0,8,0)
, Semialign
type instance Index (MonoidalHashMap k a) = k
type instance IxValue (MonoidalHashMap k a) = a
instance (Eq k, Hashable k) => Ixed (MonoidalHashMap k a) where
ix k f (MonoidalHashMap m) = case M.lookup k m of
Just v -> f v <&> \v' -> MonoidalHashMap (M.insert k v' m)
Nothing -> pure (MonoidalHashMap m)
{-# INLINE ix #-}
instance (Eq k, Hashable k) => At (MonoidalHashMap k a) where
at k f (MonoidalHashMap m) = f mv <&> \r -> case r of
Nothing -> maybe (MonoidalHashMap m) (const (MonoidalHashMap $ M.delete k m)) mv
Just v' -> MonoidalHashMap $ M.insert k v' m
where mv = M.lookup k m
{-# INLINE at #-}
instance Each (MonoidalHashMap k a) (MonoidalHashMap k b) a b
instance (Eq k, Hashable k) => FunctorWithIndex k (MonoidalHashMap k)
instance (Eq k, Hashable k) => FoldableWithIndex k (MonoidalHashMap k)
instance (Eq k, Hashable k) => TraversableWithIndex k (MonoidalHashMap k) where
itraverse f (MonoidalHashMap m) = fmap MonoidalHashMap $ itraverse f m
{-# INLINE itraverse #-}
instance AsEmpty (MonoidalHashMap k a) where
_Empty = nearly (MonoidalHashMap M.empty) (M.null . unpack)
{-# INLINE _Empty #-}
instance Wrapped (MonoidalHashMap k a) where
type Unwrapped (MonoidalHashMap k a) = M.HashMap k a
_Wrapped' = iso unpack pack
{-# INLINE _Wrapped' #-}
instance (Eq k, Hashable k, Semigroup a) => Semigroup (MonoidalHashMap k a) where
MonoidalHashMap a <> MonoidalHashMap b = MonoidalHashMap $ M.unionWith (<>) a b
{-# INLINE (<>) #-}
instance (Eq k, Hashable k, Semigroup a) => Monoid (MonoidalHashMap k a) where
mempty = MonoidalHashMap mempty
{-# INLINE mempty #-}
#if !(MIN_VERSION_base(4,11,0))
mappend (MonoidalHashMap a) (MonoidalHashMap b) = MonoidalHashMap $ M.unionWith (<>) a b
{-# INLINE mappend #-}
instance Newtype (MonoidalHashMap k a) (M.HashMap k a) where
pack = MonoidalHashMap
{-# INLINE pack #-}
unpack (MonoidalHashMap a) = a
{-# INLINE unpack #-}
#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,7,0)
instance (Eq k, Hashable k, Semigroup a) => Exts.IsList (MonoidalHashMap k a) where
type Item (MonoidalHashMap k a) = (k, a)
fromList = MonoidalHashMap . M.fromList
{-# INLINE fromList #-}
toList = M.toList . unpack
{-# INLINE toList #-}
singleton :: (Eq k, Hashable k) => k -> a -> MonoidalHashMap k a
singleton k a = MonoidalHashMap $ M.singleton k a
{-# INLINE singleton #-}
size :: MonoidalHashMap k a -> Int
size = M.size . unpack
{-# INLINE size #-}
member :: (Eq k, Hashable k) => k -> MonoidalHashMap k a -> Bool
member k = M.member k . unpack
{-# INLINE member #-}
notMember :: (Eq k, Hashable k) => k -> MonoidalHashMap k a -> Bool
notMember k = not . M.member k . unpack
{-# INLINE notMember #-}
lookup :: (Eq k, Hashable k) => k -> MonoidalHashMap k v -> Maybe v
lookup k = M.lookup k . unpack
{-# INLINE lookup #-}
lookupM :: (Eq k, Hashable k, Monoid v) => k -> MonoidalHashMap k v -> v
lookupM k = fromMaybe mempty . M.lookup k . unpack
{-# INLINE lookupM #-}
delete :: (Eq k, Hashable k) => k -> MonoidalHashMap k a -> MonoidalHashMap k a
delete k = _Wrapping' MonoidalHashMap %~ M.delete k
{-# INLINE delete #-}
elems :: MonoidalHashMap k a -> [a]
elems = M.elems . unpack
{-# INLINE elems #-}
keys :: MonoidalHashMap k a -> [k]
keys = M.keys . unpack
{-# INLINE keys #-}
fromList :: (Eq k, Hashable k) => [(k,a)] -> MonoidalHashMap k a
fromList = pack . M.fromList
{-# INLINE fromList #-}
fromListWith :: (Eq k, Hashable k) => (a -> a -> a) -> [(k,a)] -> MonoidalHashMap k a
fromListWith f = pack . M.fromListWith f
{-# INLINE fromListWith #-}
toList :: MonoidalHashMap k a -> [(k,a)]
toList = M.toList . unpack
{-# INLINE toList #-}
insert :: (Hashable k, Eq k)
=> k
-> a
-> MonoidalHashMap k a
-> MonoidalHashMap k a
insert k x = pack
. M.insert k x
. unpack
insertWith :: (Hashable k, Eq k)
=> (a -> a -> a)
-> k
-> a
-> MonoidalHashMap k a
-> MonoidalHashMap k a
insertWith f k x = pack
. M.insertWith f k x
. unpack
modify :: (Monoid a, Hashable k, Eq k)
=> (a -> a)
-> k -> MonoidalHashMap k a
-> MonoidalHashMap k a
modify f k = pack
. M.insertWith (\_ old -> f old) k (f mempty)
. unpack
{-# INLINE modify #-}
modifyDef :: (Hashable k, Eq k)
=> a -> (a -> a)
-> k -> MonoidalHashMap k a
-> MonoidalHashMap k a
modifyDef d f k = pack
. M.insertWith (\_ old -> f old) k d
. unpack
{-# INLINE modifyDef #-}
mapKeys :: (Hashable k, Eq k, Hashable k', Eq k')
=> (k -> k') -> MonoidalHashMap k a -> MonoidalHashMap k' a
mapKeys f = fromList
. fmap (\(k, v) -> (f k, v))
. toList
{-# INLINE mapKeys #-}
filterWithKey :: (k -> v -> Bool) -> MonoidalHashMap k v -> MonoidalHashMap k v
filterWithKey pred = pack . M.filterWithKey pred . unpack
{-# INLINE filterWithKey #-}
map :: (v1 -> v2) -> MonoidalHashMap k v1 -> MonoidalHashMap k v2
map f = pack . M.map f . unpack
{-# INLINE map #-}