Safe Haskell | None |
Language | Haskell2010 |
Module, containing data types for Michelson value.
- data SomeValue' instr where
- SomeValue :: KnownT t => Value' instr t -> SomeValue' instr
- data SomeConstrainedValue' instr (c :: T -> Constraint) where
- SomeConstrainedValue :: forall (t :: T) (c :: T -> Constraint) instr. c t => Value' instr t -> SomeConstrainedValue' instr c
- data Comparability t where
- CanBeCompared :: Comparable t => Comparability t
- CannotBeCompared :: IsComparable t ~ 'False => Comparability t
- class IsComparable t ~ 'True => Comparable t
- type ComparabilityScope t = (KnownT t, Comparable t)
- type ContractInp1 param st = 'TPair param st
- type ContractInp param st = '[ContractInp1 param st]
- type ContractOut1 st = 'TPair ('TList 'TOperation) st
- type ContractOut st = '[ContractOut1 st]
- data CreateContract instr cp st = (Show (instr (ContractInp cp st) (ContractOut st)), Eq (instr (ContractInp cp st) (ContractOut st))) => CreateContract {
- ccOriginator :: Address
- ccDelegate :: Maybe KeyHash
- ccBalance :: Mutez
- ccStorageVal :: Value' instr st
- ccContractCode :: instr (ContractInp cp st) (ContractOut st)
- data Operation' instr where
- OpTransferTokens :: ParameterScope p => TransferTokens instr p -> Operation' instr
- OpSetDelegate :: SetDelegate -> Operation' instr
- OpCreateContract :: (Show (instr (ContractInp cp st) (ContractOut st)), NFData (instr (ContractInp cp st) (ContractOut st)), Typeable instr, ParameterScope cp, StorageScope st) => CreateContract instr cp st -> Operation' instr
- data SetDelegate = SetDelegate {}
- data TransferTokens instr p = TransferTokens {
- ttTransferArgument :: Value' instr p
- ttAmount :: Mutez
- ttContract :: Value' instr ('TContract p)
- data Value' instr t where
- VKey :: PublicKey -> Value' instr 'TKey
- VUnit :: Value' instr 'TUnit
- VSignature :: Signature -> Value' instr 'TSignature
- VChainId :: ChainId -> Value' instr 'TChainId
- VOption :: forall t instr. KnownT t => Maybe (Value' instr t) -> Value' instr ('TOption t)
- VList :: forall t instr. KnownT t => [Value' instr t] -> Value' instr ('TList t)
- VSet :: forall t instr. (KnownT t, Comparable t) => Set (Value' instr t) -> Value' instr ('TSet t)
- VOp :: Operation' instr -> Value' instr 'TOperation
- VContract :: forall arg instr. Address -> SomeEntrypointCallT arg -> Value' instr ('TContract arg)
- VPair :: forall l r instr. (Value' instr l, Value' instr r) -> Value' instr ('TPair l r)
- VOr :: forall l r instr. (KnownT l, KnownT r) => Either (Value' instr l) (Value' instr r) -> Value' instr ('TOr l r)
- VLam :: forall inp out instr. (KnownT inp, KnownT out, forall i o. Show (instr i o), forall i o. Eq (instr i o), forall i o. NFData (instr i o)) => RemFail instr (inp ': '[]) (out ': '[]) -> Value' instr ('TLambda inp out)
- VMap :: forall k v instr. (KnownT k, KnownT v, Comparable k) => Map (Value' instr k) (Value' instr v) -> Value' instr ('TMap k v)
- VBigMap :: forall k v instr. (KnownT k, KnownT v, Comparable k) => Map (Value' instr k) (Value' instr v) -> Value' instr ('TBigMap k v)
- VInt :: Integer -> Value' instr 'TInt
- VNat :: Natural -> Value' instr 'TNat
- VString :: MText -> Value' instr 'TString
- VBytes :: ByteString -> Value' instr 'TBytes
- VMutez :: Mutez -> Value' instr 'TMutez
- VBool :: Bool -> Value' instr 'TBool
- VKeyHash :: KeyHash -> Value' instr 'TKeyHash
- VTimestamp :: Timestamp -> Value' instr 'TTimestamp
- VAddress :: EpAddress -> Value' instr 'TAddress
- data RemFail (instr :: k -> k -> Type) (i :: k) (o :: k) where
- RfNormal :: instr i o -> RemFail instr i o
- RfAlwaysFails :: (forall o'. instr i o') -> RemFail instr i o
- rfMerge :: (forall o'. instr i1 o' -> instr i2 o' -> instr i3 o') -> RemFail instr i1 o -> RemFail instr i2 o -> RemFail instr i3 o
- rfAnyInstr :: RemFail instr i o -> instr i o
- rfMapAnyInstr :: (forall o'. instr i1 o' -> instr i2 o') -> RemFail instr i1 o -> RemFail instr i2 o
- addressToVContract :: forall t instr. (ParameterScope t, ForbidOr t) => Address -> Value' instr ('TContract t)
- buildVContract :: Value' instr ('TContract arg) -> Builder
- checkComparability :: Sing t -> Comparability t
- compileEpLiftSequence :: EpLiftSequence arg param -> Value' instr arg -> Value' instr param
- comparabilityPresence :: Sing t -> Maybe (Dict $ Comparable t)
- getComparableProofS :: Sing (a :: T) -> Maybe (Dict (Comparable a))
- liftCallArg :: EntrypointCallT param arg -> Value' instr arg -> Value' instr param
- valueTypeSanity :: Value' instr t -> Dict (KnownT t)
- withValueTypeSanity :: Value' instr t -> (KnownT t => a) -> a
- eqValueExt :: Value' instr t1 -> Value' instr t2 -> Bool
data SomeValue' instr where Source #
SomeValue :: KnownT t => Value' instr t -> SomeValue' instr |
Eq (SomeValue' instr) Source # | |
Defined in Michelson.Typed.Value Methods (==) :: SomeValue' instr -> SomeValue' instr -> Bool # (/=) :: SomeValue' instr -> SomeValue' instr -> Bool # | |
Show (SomeValue' instr) Source # | |
Defined in Michelson.Typed.Value Methods showsPrec :: Int -> SomeValue' instr -> ShowS # show :: SomeValue' instr -> String # showList :: [SomeValue' instr] -> ShowS # |
data SomeConstrainedValue' instr (c :: T -> Constraint) where Source #
SomeConstrainedValue :: forall (t :: T) (c :: T -> Constraint) instr. c t => Value' instr t -> SomeConstrainedValue' instr c |
Show (SomeConstrainedValue' instr c) Source # | |
Defined in Michelson.Typed.Value Methods showsPrec :: Int -> SomeConstrainedValue' instr c -> ShowS # show :: SomeConstrainedValue' instr c -> String # showList :: [SomeConstrainedValue' instr c] -> ShowS # |
data Comparability t where Source #
CanBeCompared :: Comparable t => Comparability t | |
CannotBeCompared :: IsComparable t ~ 'False => Comparability t |
class IsComparable t ~ 'True => Comparable t Source #
Minimal complete definition
Comparable 'TInt Source # | |
Comparable 'TNat Source # | |
Comparable 'TString Source # | |
Comparable 'TBytes Source # | |
Comparable 'TMutez Source # | |
Comparable 'TBool Source # | |
Comparable 'TKeyHash Source # | |
Comparable 'TTimestamp Source # | |
Defined in Michelson.Typed.Value Methods tcompare :: forall (instr :: [T] -> [T] -> Type). Value' instr 'TTimestamp -> Value' instr 'TTimestamp -> Ordering | |
Comparable 'TAddress Source # | |
KnownT t => CheckScope (ComparabilityScope t) Source # | |
Defined in Michelson.Typed.Value Methods checkScope :: Either BadTypeForScope (Dict (ComparabilityScope t)) Source # | |
SingI t => CheckScope (Comparable t) Source # | |
Defined in Michelson.Typed.Value Methods checkScope :: Either BadTypeForScope (Dict (Comparable t)) Source # | |
(Comparable e1, Comparable e2) => Comparable ('TPair e1 e2) Source # | |
type ComparabilityScope t = (KnownT t, Comparable t) Source #
Alias for comparable types.
type ContractInp1 param st = 'TPair param st Source #
type ContractInp param st = '[ContractInp1 param st] Source #
type ContractOut1 st = 'TPair ('TList 'TOperation) st Source #
type ContractOut st = '[ContractOut1 st] Source #
data CreateContract instr cp st Source #
(Show (instr (ContractInp cp st) (ContractOut st)), Eq (instr (ContractInp cp st) (ContractOut st))) => CreateContract | |
Eq (CreateContract instr cp st) Source # | |
Defined in Michelson.Typed.Value Methods (==) :: CreateContract instr cp st -> CreateContract instr cp st -> Bool # (/=) :: CreateContract instr cp st -> CreateContract instr cp st -> Bool # | |
Show (CreateContract instr cp st) Source # | |
Defined in Michelson.Typed.Value Methods showsPrec :: Int -> CreateContract instr cp st -> ShowS # show :: CreateContract instr cp st -> String # showList :: [CreateContract instr cp st] -> ShowS # | |
NFData (instr (ContractInp cp st) (ContractOut st)) => NFData (CreateContract instr cp st) Source # | |
Defined in Michelson.Typed.Value Methods rnf :: CreateContract instr cp st -> () # | |
Buildable (CreateContract instr cp st) Source # | |
Defined in Michelson.Typed.Value Methods build :: CreateContract instr cp st -> Builder # |
data Operation' instr where Source #
Data type, representing operation, list of which is returned by Michelson contract (according to calling convention).
These operations are to be further executed against system state after the contract execution.
OpTransferTokens :: ParameterScope p => TransferTokens instr p -> Operation' instr | |
OpSetDelegate :: SetDelegate -> Operation' instr | |
OpCreateContract :: (Show (instr (ContractInp cp st) (ContractOut st)), NFData (instr (ContractInp cp st) (ContractOut st)), Typeable instr, ParameterScope cp, StorageScope st) => CreateContract instr cp st -> Operation' instr |
data SetDelegate Source #
SetDelegate | |
Fields |
Eq SetDelegate Source # | |
Defined in Michelson.Typed.Value | |
Show SetDelegate Source # | |
Defined in Michelson.Typed.Value Methods showsPrec :: Int -> SetDelegate -> ShowS # show :: SetDelegate -> String # showList :: [SetDelegate] -> ShowS # | |
Generic SetDelegate Source # | |
Defined in Michelson.Typed.Value Associated Types type Rep SetDelegate :: Type -> Type # | |
NFData SetDelegate Source # | |
Defined in Michelson.Typed.Value Methods rnf :: SetDelegate -> () # | |
Buildable SetDelegate Source # | |
Defined in Michelson.Typed.Value Methods build :: SetDelegate -> Builder # | |
type Rep SetDelegate Source # | |
Defined in Michelson.Typed.Value type Rep SetDelegate = D1 ('MetaData "SetDelegate" "Michelson.Typed.Value" "morley-1.12.0-inplace" 'False) (C1 ('MetaCons "SetDelegate" 'PrefixI 'True) (S1 ('MetaSel ('Just "sdMbKeyHash") 'NoSourceUnpackedness 'NoSourceStrictness 'DecidedStrict) (Rec0 (Maybe KeyHash)))) |
data TransferTokens instr p Source #
TransferTokens | |
data Value' instr t where Source #
Representation of Michelson value.
Type parameter instr
stands for Michelson instruction
type, i.e. data type to represent an instruction of language.
VKey :: PublicKey -> Value' instr 'TKey | |
VUnit :: Value' instr 'TUnit | |
VSignature :: Signature -> Value' instr 'TSignature | |
VChainId :: ChainId -> Value' instr 'TChainId | |
VOption :: forall t instr. KnownT t => Maybe (Value' instr t) -> Value' instr ('TOption t) | |
VList :: forall t instr. KnownT t => [Value' instr t] -> Value' instr ('TList t) | |
VSet :: forall t instr. (KnownT t, Comparable t) => Set (Value' instr t) -> Value' instr ('TSet t) | |
VOp :: Operation' instr -> Value' instr 'TOperation | |
VContract :: forall arg instr. Address -> SomeEntrypointCallT arg -> Value' instr ('TContract arg) | |
VPair :: forall l r instr. (Value' instr l, Value' instr r) -> Value' instr ('TPair l r) | |
VOr :: forall l r instr. (KnownT l, KnownT r) => Either (Value' instr l) (Value' instr r) -> Value' instr ('TOr l r) | |
VLam :: forall inp out instr. (KnownT inp, KnownT out, forall i o. Show (instr i o), forall i o. Eq (instr i o), forall i o. NFData (instr i o)) => RemFail instr (inp ': '[]) (out ': '[]) -> Value' instr ('TLambda inp out) | |
VMap :: forall k v instr. (KnownT k, KnownT v, Comparable k) => Map (Value' instr k) (Value' instr v) -> Value' instr ('TMap k v) | |
VBigMap :: forall k v instr. (KnownT k, KnownT v, Comparable k) => Map (Value' instr k) (Value' instr v) -> Value' instr ('TBigMap k v) | |
VInt :: Integer -> Value' instr 'TInt | |
VNat :: Natural -> Value' instr 'TNat | |
VString :: MText -> Value' instr 'TString | |
VBytes :: ByteString -> Value' instr 'TBytes | |
VMutez :: Mutez -> Value' instr 'TMutez | |
VBool :: Bool -> Value' instr 'TBool | |
VKeyHash :: KeyHash -> Value' instr 'TKeyHash | |
VTimestamp :: Timestamp -> Value' instr 'TTimestamp | |
VAddress :: EpAddress -> Value' instr 'TAddress |
UnpackedValScope t => FromExpression (Value t) Source # | |
Defined in Morley.Micheline.Class Methods fromExpression :: Expression -> Either FromExpressionError (Value t) Source # | |
(SingI t, HasNoOp t) => ToExpression (Value t) Source # | |
Defined in Morley.Micheline.Class Methods toExpression :: Value t -> Expression Source # | |
Eq (Value' instr t) Source # | |
Comparable e => Ord (Value' instr e) Source # | |
Defined in Michelson.Typed.Value Methods compare :: Value' instr e -> Value' instr e -> Ordering # (<) :: Value' instr e -> Value' instr e -> Bool # (<=) :: Value' instr e -> Value' instr e -> Bool # (>) :: Value' instr e -> Value' instr e -> Bool # (>=) :: Value' instr e -> Value' instr e -> Bool # | |
Show (Value' instr t) Source # | |
NFData (Value' t instr) Source # | |
Defined in Michelson.Typed.Value | |
(SingI t, HasNoOp t) => Buildable (Value' Instr t) Source # | |
data RemFail (instr :: k -> k -> Type) (i :: k) (o :: k) where Source #
Wrapper over instruction which remembers whether this instruction always fails or not.
RfNormal :: instr i o -> RemFail instr i o | |
RfAlwaysFails :: (forall o'. instr i o') -> RemFail instr i o |
Eq (instr i o) => Eq (RemFail instr i o) Source # | Ignoring distinction between constructors here, comparing only semantics. |
(forall (o' :: k). Show (instr i o')) => Show (RemFail instr i o) Source # | |
(forall (o' :: k). NFData (instr i o')) => NFData (RemFail instr i o) Source # | |
Defined in Michelson.Typed.Value |
rfMerge :: (forall o'. instr i1 o' -> instr i2 o' -> instr i3 o') -> RemFail instr i1 o -> RemFail instr i2 o -> RemFail instr i3 o Source #
Merge two execution branches.
rfAnyInstr :: RemFail instr i o -> instr i o Source #
Get code disregard whether it always fails or not.
rfMapAnyInstr :: (forall o'. instr i1 o' -> instr i2 o') -> RemFail instr i1 o -> RemFail instr i2 o Source #
Modify inner code.
addressToVContract :: forall t instr. (ParameterScope t, ForbidOr t) => Address -> Value' instr ('TContract t) Source #
Make value of contract
type which refers to the given address and
does not call any entrypoint.
checkComparability :: Sing t -> Comparability t Source #
compileEpLiftSequence :: EpLiftSequence arg param -> Value' instr arg -> Value' instr param Source #
Turn EpLiftSequence
into actual function on Value
comparabilityPresence :: Sing t -> Maybe (Dict $ Comparable t) Source #
getComparableProofS :: Sing (a :: T) -> Maybe (Dict (Comparable a)) Source #
liftCallArg :: EntrypointCallT param arg -> Value' instr arg -> Value' instr param Source #
Lift entrypoint argument to full parameter.
withValueTypeSanity :: Value' instr t -> (KnownT t => a) -> a Source #
Provide a witness of that value's type is known.