Safe Haskell | None |
Language | Haskell2010 |
Executor and typechecker of a contract in Morley language.
- originateContract :: FilePath -> Address -> Maybe KeyHash -> Mutez -> Value -> Contract -> ("verbose" :! Bool) -> IO Address
- runContract :: Maybe Timestamp -> Word64 -> Mutez -> FilePath -> Value -> Contract -> TxData -> ("verbose" :! Bool) -> ("dryRun" :! Bool) -> IO ()
- transfer :: Maybe Timestamp -> Word64 -> FilePath -> Address -> TxData -> ("verbose" :! Bool) -> ("dryRun" :? Bool) -> IO ()
- parseContract :: Maybe FilePath -> Text -> Either ParserException (Contract' ParsedOp)
- parseExpandContract :: Maybe FilePath -> Text -> Either ParserException Contract
- readAndParseContract :: Maybe FilePath -> IO (Contract' ParsedOp)
- prepareContract :: Maybe FilePath -> IO Contract
- data ContractState = forall cp st.(ParameterScope cp, StorageScope st) => ContractState {}
- data AddressState
- data TxData = TxData {}
- data TxParam where
- TxTypedParam :: forall t. ParameterScope t => Value t -> TxParam
- TxUntypedParam :: Value -> TxParam
- data ExecutorOp
- data ExecutorRes = ExecutorRes {}
- data ExecutorError' a
- = EEUnknownContract !a
- | EEInterpreterFailed !a !InterpretError
- | EEAlreadyOriginated !a !ContractState
- | EEUnknownSender !a
- | EEUnknownManager !a
- | EENotEnoughFunds !a !Mutez
- | EEZeroTransaction !a
- | EEFailedToApplyUpdates !GStateUpdateError
- | EEIllTypedParameter !TCError
- | EEUnexpectedParameterType T T
- | EEUnknownEntrypoint EpName
- type ExecutorError = ExecutorError' Address
- type ExecutorM = ReaderT ExecutorEnv (StateT ExecutorState (Except ExecutorError))
- runExecutorM :: Timestamp -> RemainingSteps -> GState -> ExecutorM a -> Either ExecutorError (ExecutorRes, a)
- runExecutorMWithDB :: Maybe Timestamp -> FilePath -> RemainingSteps -> ("verbose" :! Bool) -> ("dryRun" :? Bool) -> ExecutorM a -> IO (ExecutorRes, a)
- executeGlobalOperations :: [ExecutorOp] -> ExecutorM ()
- executeGlobalOrigination :: OriginationOperation -> ExecutorM Address
- executeOrigination :: ("isGlobalOp" :! Bool) -> OriginationOperation -> ExecutorM Address
- executeTransfer :: ("isGlobalOp" :! Bool) -> Address -> TxData -> ExecutorM [ExecutorOp]
- erInterpretResults :: Lens' ExecutorRes [(Address, InterpretResult)]
- erUpdates :: Lens' ExecutorRes [GStateUpdate]
- erGState :: Lens' ExecutorRes GState
- erRemainingSteps :: Lens' ExecutorRes RemainingSteps
- elInterpreterResults :: Lens' ExecutorLog [(Address, InterpretResult)]
- elUpdates :: Lens' ExecutorLog [GStateUpdate]
High level interface for end user
originateContract :: FilePath -> Address -> Maybe KeyHash -> Mutez -> Value -> Contract -> ("verbose" :! Bool) -> IO Address Source #
Originate a contract. Returns the address of the originated contract.
runContract :: Maybe Timestamp -> Word64 -> Mutez -> FilePath -> Value -> Contract -> TxData -> ("verbose" :! Bool) -> ("dryRun" :! Bool) -> IO () Source #
Run a contract. The contract is originated first (if it's not already) and then we pretend that we send a transaction to it.
transfer :: Maybe Timestamp -> Word64 -> FilePath -> Address -> TxData -> ("verbose" :! Bool) -> ("dryRun" :? Bool) -> IO () Source #
Send a transaction to given address with given parameters.
Other helpers
parseContract :: Maybe FilePath -> Text -> Either ParserException (Contract' ParsedOp) Source #
Parse a contract from Text
parseExpandContract :: Maybe FilePath -> Text -> Either ParserException Contract Source #
Parse a contract from Text
and expand macros.
prepareContract :: Maybe FilePath -> IO Contract Source #
Read a contract using readAndParseContract
, expand and
flatten. The contract is not type checked.
data ContractState Source #
State of a contract with code.
forall cp st.(ParameterScope cp, StorageScope st) => ContractState | |
Show ContractState Source # | |
Defined in Michelson.Runtime.GState Methods showsPrec :: Int -> ContractState -> ShowS # show :: ContractState -> String # showList :: [ContractState] -> ShowS # | |
ToJSON ContractState Source # | |
Defined in Michelson.Runtime.GState Methods toJSON :: ContractState -> Value # toEncoding :: ContractState -> Encoding # toJSONList :: [ContractState] -> Value # toEncodingList :: [ContractState] -> Encoding # | |
FromJSON ContractState Source # | |
Defined in Michelson.Runtime.GState Methods parseJSON :: Value -> Parser ContractState # parseJSONList :: Value -> Parser [ContractState] # | |
Buildable ContractState Source # | |
Defined in Michelson.Runtime.GState Methods build :: ContractState -> Builder # |
data AddressState Source #
State of an arbitrary address.
ASSimple Mutez | For contracts without code we store only its balance. |
ASContract ContractState | For contracts with code we store more state represented by
Data associated with a particular transaction.
TxData | |
A parameter associated with a particular transaction.
TxTypedParam :: forall t. ParameterScope t => Value t -> TxParam | |
TxUntypedParam :: Value -> TxParam |
For testing
data ExecutorOp Source #
Operations executed by interpreter.
In our model one Michelson's operation (operation
type in Michelson)
corresponds to 0 or 1 interpreter operation.
Note: Address
is not part of TxData
, because TxData
supposed to be provided by the user, while Address
can be
computed by our code.
OriginateOp OriginationOperation | Originate a contract. |
TransferOp Address TxData | Send a transaction to given address which is assumed to be the address of an originated contract. |
Show ExecutorOp Source # | |
Defined in Michelson.Runtime Methods showsPrec :: Int -> ExecutorOp -> ShowS # show :: ExecutorOp -> String # showList :: [ExecutorOp] -> ShowS # |
data ExecutorRes Source #
Result of a single execution of interpreter.
ExecutorRes | |
Show ExecutorRes Source # | |
Defined in Michelson.Runtime Methods showsPrec :: Int -> ExecutorRes -> ShowS # show :: ExecutorRes -> String # showList :: [ExecutorRes] -> ShowS # |
data ExecutorError' a Source #
Errors that can happen during contract interpreting.
Type parameter a
determines how contracts will be represented
in these errors, e.g. Address
EEUnknownContract !a | The interpreted contract hasn't been originated. |
EEInterpreterFailed !a !InterpretError | Interpretation of Michelson contract failed. |
EEAlreadyOriginated !a !ContractState | A contract is already originated. |
EEUnknownSender !a | Sender address is unknown. |
EEUnknownManager !a | Manager address is unknown. |
EENotEnoughFunds !a !Mutez | Sender doesn't have enough funds. |
EEZeroTransaction !a | Sending 0tz towards an address. |
EEFailedToApplyUpdates !GStateUpdateError | Failed to apply updates to GState. |
EEIllTypedParameter !TCError | Contract parameter is ill-typed. |
EEUnexpectedParameterType T T | Contract parameter is well-typed, but its type does not match the entrypoint's type. |
EEUnknownEntrypoint EpName | Specified entrypoint to run is not found. |
Functor ExecutorError' Source # | |
Defined in Michelson.Runtime Methods fmap :: (a -> b) -> ExecutorError' a -> ExecutorError' b # (<$) :: a -> ExecutorError' b -> ExecutorError' a # | |
Show a => Show (ExecutorError' a) Source # | |
Defined in Michelson.Runtime Methods showsPrec :: Int -> ExecutorError' a -> ShowS # show :: ExecutorError' a -> String # showList :: [ExecutorError' a] -> ShowS # | |
(Typeable a, Show a, Buildable a) => Exception (ExecutorError' a) Source # | |
Defined in Michelson.Runtime Methods toException :: ExecutorError' a -> SomeException # fromException :: SomeException -> Maybe (ExecutorError' a) # displayException :: ExecutorError' a -> String # | |
Buildable a => Buildable (ExecutorError' a) Source # | |
Defined in Michelson.Runtime Methods build :: ExecutorError' a -> Builder # |
type ExecutorError = ExecutorError' Address Source #
type ExecutorM = ReaderT ExecutorEnv (StateT ExecutorState (Except ExecutorError)) Source #
A monad in which contract executor runs.
runExecutorM :: Timestamp -> RemainingSteps -> GState -> ExecutorM a -> Either ExecutorError (ExecutorRes, a) Source #
Run some executor action, returning its result and final executor state in ExecutorRes
The action has access to the hash of currently executed global operation, in order to construct
addresses of originated contracts. It is expected that the action uses #isGlobalOp .! True
to specify this hash. Otherwise it is initialized with error
runExecutorMWithDB :: Maybe Timestamp -> FilePath -> RemainingSteps -> ("verbose" :! Bool) -> ("dryRun" :? Bool) -> ExecutorM a -> IO (ExecutorRes, a) Source #
Run some executor action, reading state from the DB on disk.
Unless dryRun
is False
, the final state is written back to the disk.
If the executor fails with ExecutorError
it will be thrown as an exception.
executeGlobalOperations :: [ExecutorOp] -> ExecutorM () Source #
Execute a list of global operations, discarding their results.
executeGlobalOrigination :: OriginationOperation -> ExecutorM Address Source #
Execute a global origination operation.
executeOrigination :: ("isGlobalOp" :! Bool) -> OriginationOperation -> ExecutorM Address Source #
Execute an origination operation.
executeTransfer :: ("isGlobalOp" :! Bool) -> Address -> TxData -> ExecutorM [ExecutorOp] Source #
Execute a transfer operation.
To avoid warnings (can't generate lenses only for some fields)
elInterpreterResults :: Lens' ExecutorLog [(Address, InterpretResult)] Source #
elUpdates :: Lens' ExecutorLog [GStateUpdate] Source #