{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
module Data.Morpheus.Validation.Fragment
( validateFragments
, castFragmentType
, resolveSpread
, getFragment
) where
import Data.List ((\\))
import Data.Semigroup ((<>))
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as T (concat)
import Data.Morpheus.Error.Fragment (cannotBeSpreadOnType, cannotSpreadWithinItself,
fragmentNameCollision, unknownFragment, unusedFragment)
import Data.Morpheus.Types.Internal.AST.RawSelection (Fragment (..), FragmentLib, RawSelection (..),
RawSelection' (..), Reference (..))
import Data.Morpheus.Types.Internal.Base (EnhancedKey (..), Position)
import Data.Morpheus.Types.Internal.Data (DataTypeLib)
import Data.Morpheus.Types.Internal.Validation (Validation)
import Data.Morpheus.Validation.Utils.Utils (checkNameCollision, existsObjectType)
validateFragments ::
DataTypeLib -> FragmentLib -> [(Text, RawSelection)] -> Validation ()
validateFragments lib fragments operatorSel =
validateNameCollision >> checkLoop >> checkUnusedFragments
validateNameCollision =
checkNameCollision fragmentsKeys fragmentNameCollision
checkUnusedFragments =
case fragmentsKeys \\ usedFragments fragments operatorSel of
[] -> return ()
unused -> Left $ unusedFragment unused
checkLoop = mapM (validateFragment lib) fragments >>= detectLoopOnFragments
fragmentsKeys = map toEnhancedKey fragments
toEnhancedKey (key, Fragment {fragmentPosition}) =
EnhancedKey key fragmentPosition
type Node = EnhancedKey
type NodeEdges = (Node, [Node])
type Graph = [NodeEdges]
getFragment :: Reference -> FragmentLib -> Validation Fragment
getFragment Reference {referenceName, referencePosition} lib =
case lookup referenceName lib of
Nothing -> Left $ unknownFragment referenceName referencePosition
Just fragment -> pure fragment
castFragmentType ::
Maybe Text -> Position -> [Text] -> Fragment -> Validation Fragment
castFragmentType key' position' targets' fragment@Fragment {fragmentType} =
if fragmentType `elem` targets'
then pure fragment
else Left $
cannotBeSpreadOnType key' fragmentType position' (T.concat targets')
resolveSpread :: FragmentLib -> [Text] -> Reference -> Validation Fragment
resolveSpread fragments allowedTargets reference@Reference { referenceName
, referencePosition
} =
getFragment reference fragments >>=
castFragmentType (Just referenceName) referencePosition allowedTargets
usedFragments :: FragmentLib -> [(Text, RawSelection)] -> [Node]
usedFragments fragments = concatMap findAllUses
findAllUses :: (Text, RawSelection) -> [Node]
findAllUses (_, RawSelectionSet RawSelection' {rawSelectionRec}) =
concatMap findAllUses rawSelectionRec
findAllUses (_, RawAlias {rawAliasSelection}) =
concatMap findAllUses [rawAliasSelection]
findAllUses (_, InlineFragment Fragment {fragmentSelection}) =
concatMap findAllUses fragmentSelection
findAllUses (_, RawSelectionField {}) = []
findAllUses (_, Spread Reference {referenceName, referencePosition}) =
[EnhancedKey referenceName referencePosition] <> searchInFragment
searchInFragment =
(concatMap findAllUses . fragmentSelection)
(lookup referenceName fragments)
scanForSpread :: (Text, RawSelection) -> [Node]
scanForSpread (_, RawSelectionSet RawSelection' {rawSelectionRec = selection'}) =
concatMap scanForSpread selection'
scanForSpread (_, RawAlias {rawAliasSelection = selection'}) =
concatMap scanForSpread [selection']
scanForSpread (_, InlineFragment Fragment {fragmentSelection = selection'}) =
concatMap scanForSpread selection'
scanForSpread (_, RawSelectionField {}) = []
scanForSpread (_, Spread Reference { referenceName = name'
, referencePosition = position'
}) = [EnhancedKey name' position']
validateFragment :: DataTypeLib -> (Text, Fragment) -> Validation NodeEdges
validateFragment lib (fName, Fragment { fragmentSelection
, fragmentType
, fragmentPosition
}) =
existsObjectType fragmentPosition fragmentType lib >>
( EnhancedKey fName fragmentPosition
, concatMap scanForSpread fragmentSelection)
detectLoopOnFragments :: Graph -> Validation ()
detectLoopOnFragments lib = mapM_ checkFragment lib
checkFragment (fragmentID, _) = checkForCycle lib fragmentID [fragmentID]
checkForCycle :: Graph -> Node -> [Node] -> Validation Graph
checkForCycle lib parentNode history =
case lookup parentNode lib of
Just node -> concat <$> mapM checkNode node
Nothing -> pure []
checkNode x =
if x `elem` history
then cycleError x
else recurse x
recurse node = checkForCycle lib node $ history ++ [node]
cycleError n = Left $ cannotSpreadWithinItself $ history ++ [n]