{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances     #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns        #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings     #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators         #-}

module Data.Morpheus.Parsing.JSONSchema.Parse
  ( decodeIntrospection

import           Data.Aeson
import           Data.ByteString.Lazy           ( ByteString )
import           Data.Morpheus.Error.Internal   ( internalError )
import           Data.Morpheus.Parsing.JSONSchema.Types
                                                ( EnumValue(..)
                                                , Field(..)
                                                , InputValue(..)
                                                , Introspection(..)
                                                , Schema(..)
                                                , Type(..)
import           Data.Morpheus.Schema.TypeKind  ( TypeKind(..) )
import           Data.Morpheus.Types.Internal.AST
                                                ( DataField
                                                , DataType(..)
                                                , DataTypeContent(..)
                                                , DataTypeLib
                                                , DataTypeWrapper(..)
                                                , Key
                                                , TypeWrapper
                                                , createArgument
                                                , createDataTypeLib
                                                , createEnumType
                                                , createField
                                                , createScalarType
                                                , createType
                                                , createUnionType
                                                , toHSWrappers
import           Data.Morpheus.Types.Internal.Resolving
                                                ( Validation )
import           Data.Morpheus.Types.IO         ( JSONResponse(..) )
import           Data.Semigroup                 ( (<>) )
import           Data.Text                      ( Text
                                                , pack

decodeIntrospection :: ByteString -> Validation DataTypeLib
decodeIntrospection jsonDoc = case jsonSchema of
  Left errors -> internalError $ pack errors
  Right JSONResponse { responseData = Just Introspection { __schema = Schema { types } } }
    -> traverse parse types >>= createDataTypeLib . concat
  Right res -> internalError (pack $ show res)
  jsonSchema :: Either String (JSONResponse Introspection)
  jsonSchema = eitherDecode jsonDoc

class ParseJSONSchema a b where
  parse :: a -> Validation b

instance ParseJSONSchema Type [(Key,DataType)] where
  parse Type { name = Just typeName, kind = SCALAR } =
    pure [createScalarType typeName]
  parse Type { name = Just typeName, kind = ENUM, enumValues = Just enums } =
    pure [createEnumType typeName (map enumName enums)]
  parse Type { name = Just typeName, kind = UNION, possibleTypes = Just unions }
    = case traverse name unions of
      Nothing  -> internalError "ERROR: GQL ERROR"
      Just uni -> pure [createUnionType typeName uni]
  parse Type { name = Just typeName, kind = INPUT_OBJECT, inputFields = Just iFields }
    = do
      fields <- traverse parse iFields
      pure [(typeName, createType typeName $ DataInputObject fields)]
  parse Type { name = Just typeName, kind = OBJECT, fields = Just oFields } =
      fields <- traverse parse oFields
      pure [(typeName, createType typeName $ DataObject  fields)]
  parse _ = pure []

instance ParseJSONSchema Field (Key,DataField) where
  parse Field { fieldName, fieldArgs, fieldType } = do
    fType <- fieldTypeFromJSON fieldType
    args  <- traverse genArg fieldArgs
    pure (fieldName, createField args fieldName fType)
    genArg InputValue { inputName = argName, inputType = argType } =
      createArgument argName <$> fieldTypeFromJSON argType

instance ParseJSONSchema InputValue (Key,DataField) where
  parse InputValue { inputName, inputType } = do
    fieldType <- fieldTypeFromJSON inputType
    pure (inputName, createField [] inputName fieldType)

fieldTypeFromJSON :: Type -> Validation ([TypeWrapper], Text)
fieldTypeFromJSON = fmap toHs . fieldTypeRec []
  toHs (w, t) = (toHSWrappers w, t)
    :: [DataTypeWrapper] -> Type -> Validation ([DataTypeWrapper], Text)
  fieldTypeRec acc Type { kind = LIST, ofType = Just ofType } =
    fieldTypeRec (ListType : acc) ofType
  fieldTypeRec acc Type { kind = NON_NULL, ofType = Just ofType } =
    fieldTypeRec (NonNullType : acc) ofType
  fieldTypeRec acc Type { name = Just name } = pure (acc, name)
  fieldTypeRec _ x = internalError $ "Unsuported Field" <> pack (show x)