nagios-perfdata-0.2.1: Parse Nagios performance data.

Safe HaskellNone




data Perfdata Source

Encapsulates all the data in a check result that's relevant to metrics (we throw away things like the state type of HARD/SOFT).


type MetricList = [(String, Metric)] Source

List of metrics by metric name.

data Metric Source

Encapsulates the data in a Nagios performance metric. A service can have several of these.


data MetricValue Source

Value of a performance metric. We may lose some data converting to doubles here; this may change in the future.

data HostOrService Source

The check type, either Service with associated ServiceData or Host.


data ServicePerfdata Source

The part of the check result that's specific to service checks, and doesn't appear in host checks.

parseMetricString :: ByteString -> Either ParserError MetricList Source

Parse the component of the check output which contains the performance metrics (HOSTPERFDATA or SERVICEPERFDATA).

data UOM Source

Nagios unit of measurement. NullUnit is an empty string in the check result; UnknownUOM indicates a failure to parse.


data Threshold Source

Value of a minmaxwarn/crit threshold, subject to the same constraints as MetricValue.
