{-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures, DataKinds, FlexibleInstances, FlexibleContexts,
             FunctionalDependencies, TypeFamilies, TypeOperators,
             PatternSynonyms, UndecidableInstances, ConstraintKinds,
             TypeApplications, ScopedTypeVariables, CPP,
             AllowAmbiguousTypes #-}

module Named.Internal where

import Prelude (id, Maybe(..))
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import Data.Functor.Identity (Identity(..))
import Data.Kind (Type)
import GHC.TypeLits (Symbol, TypeError, ErrorMessage(..))
import GHC.OverloadedLabels (IsLabel(..))

{- |

Assign a name to a value of type @a@ wrapped in @f@.

#verbose True :: NamedF Identity Bool "verbose"

newtype NamedF f (a :: Type) (name :: Symbol) =
  ArgF (f a) -- ^ Match on an F-argument without specifying its name.
             -- See also: 'argF'.

-- | Match on an argument without specifying its name. See also: 'arg'.
pattern Arg :: a -> name :! a
pattern Arg a = ArgF (Identity a)

#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,10,0)
{-# COMPLETE Arg #-}

-- | Infix notation for the type of a named parameter.
type name :! a = NamedF Identity a name

-- | Infix notation for the type of an optional named parameter.
type name :? a = NamedF Maybe a name

class InjValue f where
  injValue :: a -> f a

instance InjValue Identity where
  injValue = Identity

instance InjValue Maybe where
  injValue = Just

instance (name ~ name', a ~ a', InjValue f) => IsLabel name (a -> NamedF f a' name') where
#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,10,0)
  fromLabel a = ArgF (injValue a)
  fromLabel _ a = ArgF (injValue a)
  {-# INLINE fromLabel #-}

newtype Param p = Param p

instance (p ~ NamedF f a name, InjValue f) => IsLabel name (a -> Param p) where
#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,10,0)
  fromLabel a = Param (fromLabel @name a)
  fromLabel pName a = Param (fromLabel pName a)
  {-# INLINE fromLabel #-}

{- | Explicitly build a function parameter:

fn '!' 'param' \#param_name value

This is equivalent to the implicit notation:

fn '!' \#param_name value

param :: Name name -> a -> Param (name :! a)
param _ a = Param (Arg a)

{- | Explicitly build a function parameter inside an arity wrapper:

fn '!' 'paramF' \#param_name ('Identity' value)
fn '!' 'paramF' \#param_name ('Just' value)
fn '!' 'paramF' \#param_name 'Nothing'

This has no equivalent implicit notation.

paramF :: Name name -> f a -> Param (NamedF f a name)
paramF _ fa = Param (ArgF fa)

{- | Supply a parameter to a function:

function '!' \#param_name value

function '!' \#x 7 '!' #y 42 '!' 'defaults'

This is an infix version of 'with'.

(!) :: forall p fn fn'. WithParam p fn fn' => fn -> Param p -> fn'
fn ! p = with p fn
{-# INLINE (!) #-}

infixl 9 !

{- |
Supply a parameter @p@ to a function @fn@, resulting in @fn'@.

For example, when we pass a single named parameter, we get a function without
this parameter:

                 ("x" :! Char)       -- p
  ("b" :! Bool -> "x" :! Char -> r)  -- fn
  ("b" :! Bool                -> r)  -- fn'

In case the parameter cannot be supplied, this constraint will become a type

class WithParam p fn fn' | p fn -> fn' where
  {- | Supply a parameter to a function:

  'with' (\#param_name value) function

  'with' 'defaults' function

  This is a prefix version of the ('!') operator.

  with :: Param p -> fn -> fn'

instance WithParam' (Decide p fn) p fn fn' => WithParam p fn fn' where
  with (Param p) fn = withParam @(Decide p fn) p fn
  {-# INLINE with #-}

data Defaults = Defaults

{- |
Passing 'defaults' to a function fills all unspecified optional parameters
with 'Nothing':

fn            :: "b" ':!' Bool -> "x" ':?' Char -> Int -> IO ()
fn '!' 'defaults' :: "b" ':!' Bool ->                Int -> IO ()

defaults :: Param Defaults
defaults = Param Defaults

{- |

A proxy for a name, intended for use with @-XOverloadedLabels@:

#verbose :: Name "verbose"


data Name (name :: Symbol) = Name

instance name ~ name' => IsLabel name' (Name name) where
#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,10,0)
  fromLabel = Name
  fromLabel _ = Name
  {-# INLINE fromLabel #-}

{- |

'arg' unwraps a named parameter with the specified name. One way to use it is
to match on arguments with @-XViewPatterns@:

fn (arg \#t -> t) (arg \#f -> f) = ...

This way, the names of parameters can be inferred from the patterns: no type
signature for @fn@ is required. In case a type signature for @fn@ is
provided, the parameters must come in the same order:

fn :: "t" :! Integer -> "f" :! Integer -> ...
fn (arg \#t -> t) (arg \#f -> f) = ... -- ok
fn (arg \#f -> f) (arg \#t -> t) = ... -- does not typecheck

arg :: Name name -> name :! a -> a
arg _ (ArgF (Identity a)) = a
{-# INLINE arg #-}

{- |

'argF' is similar to 'arg': it unwraps a named parameter with the specified name.
The difference is that the result of 'argF' is inside an arity wrapper,
which is 'Identity' for normal parameters and 'Maybe' for optional parameters.

argF :: Name name -> NamedF f a name -> f a
argF _ (ArgF fa) = fa
{-# INLINE argF #-}

{- |

A variation of 'arg' for optional arguments. Requires a default value to handle
the case when the optional argument was omitted:

fn (argDef \#answer 42 -> ans) = ...

In case you want to get a value wrapped in 'Maybe' instead, use 'argF' or

argDef :: Name name -> a -> name :? a -> a
argDef _ d (ArgF fa) = fromMaybe d fa

-- The working horses of the library: Decide and WithParam'

data DApply
data DFill
data DPass

type family Decide (p :: Type) (fn :: Type) :: [Type] where
  Decide (NamedF f' a' name) (NamedF f a name -> r) = '[DApply]
  Decide Defaults (NamedF Maybe a name -> r) = DFill : Decide Defaults r
  Decide p (x -> r) = DPass : Decide p r
  Decide (NamedF f' a' name) t =
    TypeError (Text "Named parameter '" :<>: Text name :<>:
               Text "' was supplied, but not expected")
  Decide Defaults t = '[]

class WithParam' (ds :: [Type]) p fn fn' | ds p fn -> fn' where
  withParam :: p -> fn -> fn'

instance fn ~ fn' => WithParam' '[] p fn fn' where
  withParam _ = id
  {-# INLINE withParam #-}

    ( WithParam' ds p r r',
      fn ~ (p -> r),
      fn' ~ r'
    ) => WithParam' (DApply : ds) p fn fn'
    withParam p fn = withParam @ds p (fn p)
    {-# INLINE withParam #-}

    ( WithParam' ds p r r',
      fn ~ (x -> r),
      fn' ~ (x -> r')
    ) => WithParam' (DPass : ds) p fn fn'
    withParam a fn = \x -> withParam @ds a (fn x)
    {-# INLINE withParam #-}

    ( WithParam' ds p r r',
      fn ~ (NamedF f x name -> r),
      fn' ~ r',
      f ~ Maybe
    ) => WithParam' (DFill : ds) p fn fn'
    withParam p fn = withParam @ds p (fn (ArgF Nothing))
    {-# INLINE withParam #-}