Safe Haskell | Safe-Inferred |
Language | Haskell2010 |
The Name
type is designed to be used in place of plain String
types. Fundamentally Name
is an extension of Text
, but
it includes two type-level parameters that help to manage the underlying data: a
style parameter and a nameOf parameter.
- The style parameter is used to control various functionality and validation around the contained Text type. For example, one style is CaseInsensitive, which allows comparisons to be done independently of ASCII case.
- The nameOf parameter is a phantom type string which ensures that two different strings aren't inadvertently swapped or combined. Any transformation from one nameOf to another nameOf must be intentional.
For a more complete example, consider a login
form which takes an email as the
username and a password. Without the Data.Name module, the type signature might
login :: String -> String -> IO Bool
There are a number of deficiencies that can be identified for this implementation, including:
- Which argument is the email username, which is the password?
- Is there any protection against simply printing the password to stdout?
- Can these protections be extended to the code calling
and not just observed within thelogin
function itself? - Email addresses are typically not case sensitive: does the
function provide the appropriate case handling?
Using Name
, the declaration would look more like:
login :: Named CaseInsensitive "email" -> Named Secure "password" -> IO Bool
There are a number of advantages that can be observed here:
- The arguments are self-identifying. No need to try to remember which was used for what purpose.
- The email is treated as a case-insensitive value, both within
but also automatically in any other uses elsewhere. Setting this value automatically applies case insensitivity conversions, and comparisons are always case independent. - The password is secured against simply printing it or retrieving the value to
use unsafely elsewhere. There is a special operation to return the actual
underlying Text from a secure name, which will presumably be very carefully
used only by the
implementation itself. - Zero runtime cost (other than where needed, such as case translation).
One typical alternative approach is to use a newtype
wrapper around Text
or String
to provide the type level safety. This is not a bad approach, but
this module seeks to provide the following additional benefits over a simple
- New names do not need a separate declaration, with associated instance declarations: simply use a new type string.
- Names are parameterized over both style and identity, with different conversion
abilities for both. Similar functionality could be established for a
but this would result in either a duplication of effort for each newnewtype
declared this way, or else a parameterization of a genericnewtype
in the same general manner as provided by this module (andName
*is* simply anewtype
at the core).
Another approach is to use the Tagged
. This module is highly similar to
, but this module's Named
type has two parameters and the
underlying type is always Text
. This module can therefore be considered a
specialization of the generic capabilities of Tagged
but more customized
for representing textual data.
- data Named (style :: NameStyle) (nameOf :: Symbol)
- nameOf :: KnownSymbol nameOf => Named style nameOf -> Proxy# nameOf -> String
- nameProxy :: KnownSymbol nameOf => Named style nameOf -> Proxy nameOf
- styleProxy :: KnownSymbol style => Named style nameOf -> Proxy style
- data SomeName = forall (s :: Symbol).KnownSymbol s => SomeName (Name s)
- viewSomeName :: (forall (s :: Symbol). KnownSymbol s => Name s -> r) -> SomeName -> r
- class HasName x style nm | x -> style, x -> nm
- myName :: HasName x style nm => x -> Named style nm
- type NameStyle = Symbol
- data SomeNameStyle nameTy = forall (s :: Symbol).(KnownSymbol s, NameText s) => SomeNameStyle (Named s nameTy)
- viewSomeNameStyle :: (forall (s :: Symbol). (KnownSymbol s, NameText s) => Named s nameTy -> r) -> SomeNameStyle nameTy -> r
- class IsText a where
- class NameText style => ConvertName style origTy newTy where
- convertName :: Named style origTy -> Named style newTy
- class (NameText inpStyle, IsText (Named outStyle nameTy)) => ConvertNameStyle inpStyle outStyle nameTy where
- convertStyle :: Named inpStyle nameTy -> Named outStyle nameTy
- class NameText style
- nameText :: NameText style => Named style nm -> Text
- type UTF8 = "UTF8" :: NameStyle
- type Name = Named UTF8
- name :: Name nameOf -> Text
- type CaseInsensitive = "CaseInsensitive" :: NameStyle
- caselessName :: Named CaseInsensitive nameOf -> Text
- type Secure = "SECURE!" :: NameStyle
- type SecureName = Named Secure
- secureName :: Named Secure nameOf -> Text
- secureNameBypass :: Named Secure nameOf -> Text
- class (KnownNat (AllowedNameType nameOf ntl), DisallowedNameType nameOf ntl ntl) => ValidNames (nameOf :: Symbol) (ntl :: [Symbol])
- validName :: ValidNames nameOf ntl => Proxy ntl -> Name nameOf -> Text
- nameLength :: Named style nm -> Natural
- nullName :: Named style nm -> Bool
Core type
data Named (style :: NameStyle) (nameOf :: Symbol) Source #
The Named
is a wrapper around any Text
that identifies the type of
via the nameOf
phantom symbol type, as well as a usage specified
by the style
type parameter. Use of Named
should always be preferred to
using a raw Text
(or String
Pretty (Named style nm) => Sayable tag (Named style nm) Source # | Generically the rendered version includes the textual representation of the
NameText style => Sayable "info" (Named style nm) Source # | For an |
IsList (Name s) Source # | |
IsString (Named CaseInsensitive nameOf) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Name Methods fromString :: String -> Named CaseInsensitive nameOf # | |
IsString (Named style nameOf) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Name Methods fromString :: String -> Named style nameOf # | |
Semigroup (Named style nameOf) Source # | |
Generic (Named style nameOf) Source # | |
Sayable "show" (Named style nm) => Show (Named style nm) Source # | There is also a |
NFData (Named style nameOf) Source # | |
Eq (Named style nameOf) Source # | |
Ord (Named style nameOf) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Name Methods compare :: Named style nameOf -> Named style nameOf -> Ordering # (<) :: Named style nameOf -> Named style nameOf -> Bool # (<=) :: Named style nameOf -> Named style nameOf -> Bool # (>) :: Named style nameOf -> Named style nameOf -> Bool # (>=) :: Named style nameOf -> Named style nameOf -> Bool # max :: Named style nameOf -> Named style nameOf -> Named style nameOf # min :: Named style nameOf -> Named style nameOf -> Named style nameOf # | |
Hashable (Named style nameOf) Source # | |
IsText (Named CaseInsensitive nameOf) Source # | |
IsText (Named style nameOf) Source # | |
KnownSymbol ty => Pretty (Named CaseInsensitive ty) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Name Methods pretty :: Named CaseInsensitive ty -> Doc ann # prettyList :: [Named CaseInsensitive ty] -> Doc ann # | |
(KnownSymbol ty, NameText style) => Pretty (Named style ty) Source # | This is the general pretty rendering for a Named object. This can be overriden for specific types or styles for a different rendering. |
type Item (Name s) Source # | |
type Rep (Named style nameOf) Source # | |
nameOf :: KnownSymbol nameOf => Named style nameOf -> Proxy# nameOf -> String Source #
Retrieve the nameOf
type parameter (the "what am I") of a Named as a text
nameProxy :: KnownSymbol nameOf => Named style nameOf -> Proxy nameOf Source #
Retrieve a proxy for the nameOf
parameter of Named
styleProxy :: KnownSymbol style => Named style nameOf -> Proxy style Source #
Retrieve a proxy for the style
parameter of Named
The SomeName
data type is used to existentially hide the identification
type parameter for Named
objects. This is usually used when names of
different types are mixed together in some container or other name-agnostic
forall (s :: Symbol).KnownSymbol s => SomeName (Name s) |
viewSomeName :: (forall (s :: Symbol). KnownSymbol s => Name s -> r) -> SomeName -> r Source #
The viewSomeName
function is used to project the Named
object with its
identification type parameter existentially recovered to a function that will
consume that Named
object and return some sort of result.
class HasName x style nm | x -> style, x -> nm Source #
Some objects have (contain) an associated name that identifies or labels
that object. If they do, they can declare the HasName
constraint, and use
its myName
method to reconstitute the Named
from the object.
Minimal complete definition
myName :: HasName x style nm => x -> Named style nm Source #
myName can be used to extract the associated Named
from an object.
Style management
Defines the style type parameter and some well-known styles directly supported by this module. Users may define additional styles as needed.
type NameStyle = Symbol Source #
The NameStyle specifies how the name itself is styled.
- The
default style is orthogonal to a normal String or Text. - The
style indicates that uppercase ASCII characters are equivalent to their lowercase form. - The
style is case sensitive, but does not reveal the full contents unless the specific "secureName" accessor function is used. This is useful for storing secrets (e.g. passphrases, access tokens, etc.) that should not be fully visible in log messages and other miscellaneous output.
These styles will be described in more detail below.
data SomeNameStyle nameTy Source #
The SomeNameStyle
data type is used to existentially hide the style type
of Named
objects. This is usually used when names of different styles are
mixed together in some container or other style-agnostic interface.
forall (s :: Symbol).(KnownSymbol s, NameText s) => SomeNameStyle (Named s nameTy) |
viewSomeNameStyle :: (forall (s :: Symbol). (KnownSymbol s, NameText s) => Named s nameTy -> r) -> SomeNameStyle nameTy -> r Source #
The viewSomeNameStyle
function is used to project the Named
object with
its style type existentially recovered to a function that will consume that
object and return some sort of result.
Creating a Name
The Named
type is an instance of IsString
, so a name can be created
from a string via fromString
. In addition, this module defines an
class with a fromText
method that operates in a parallel
The IsText
class provides similar functionality to the IsString
but with Text
sources instead of String
sources. Defining an
instance of this class allows the use of fromText
to convert from
to the target type (which does not necessarily need to be a
type, and this generic class should be deprecated in favor of a
generic implementation the the "text" library).
class NameText style => ConvertName style origTy newTy where Source #
Conversion from a Named
with one nameOf
to a separate nameOf
must be
done explicitly; the recommended method is via an instance of the
class, which provides the convertName
method to perform the
requested conversion. If there should not be a conversion between the two
types, no ConvertName
class should be defined, and users should
refrain from providing an alternative explicit function to perform this
Minimal complete definition
convertName :: Named style origTy -> Named style newTy Source #
class (NameText inpStyle, IsText (Named outStyle nameTy)) => ConvertNameStyle inpStyle outStyle nameTy where Source #
A Named
can be converted from one style
to another with an instance of
the ConvertNameStyle
class. If no conversion should be supported, no
instance should be defined. Users are highly recommended to use the
convertStyle method (instead of a separate manual conversion function) to
ensure proper conversions are performed.
Minimal complete definition
convertStyle :: Named inpStyle nameTy -> Named outStyle nameTy Source #
Extraction and rendering
For rendering, the sayable
package is preferred (as provided by the
instances, which is an extension of the "prettyprinter" package
(and users desiring a "prettyprinter" output can extract that from the
A general class that can be used to extract the Text back out of a name. This should be the preferred method of obtaining the raw Text, and should be used carefully as all of the protections provided by this module are no longer available for that raw Text. In addition, no instance of this class is provided where the name should not be extractable, and this method may extract a modified form of the text (e.g. the Secure namestyle will return a masked version of the original Text).
Regular (UTF-8) Names
type UTF8 = "UTF8" :: NameStyle Source #
The UTF8 type alias is useable as the style
parameter of a Named
The type-string form may also be used but the type alias is designed to allow
abstraction from the raw type-string value.
type Name = Named UTF8 Source #
The Name type is for the standard/most commonly used style which is
orthogonal to a normal String or Text. Because this is the most frequently
used form of Named
, it has a type alias to shorten the usage references.
Case Insensitive Names
type CaseInsensitive = "CaseInsensitive" :: NameStyle Source #
The CaseInsensitive style of Named objects will allow case-insensitive ASCII comparisons between objects. On creation, all text is converted to lowercase, so the original input case is not preserved on extraction or rendering.
caselessName :: Named CaseInsensitive nameOf -> Text Source #
Deprecated: Use nameText instead
Secure Names
type Secure = "SECURE!" :: NameStyle Source #
The Secure style of Named objects masks the internal text on extraction or
rendering to avoid leaking information. The actual internal text can be
retrieved only with the explicit secureNameBypass
type SecureName = Named Secure Source #
The SecureName is like Name, but its display form does not reveal the full
name. The use of the nameText
extractor or any of the renderers will
occlude a portion of the secure name to avoid revealing it in its entirety.
secureName :: Named Secure nameOf -> Text Source #
Deprecated: Use nameText instead
The secureName accessor is used to obtain the name field from a Secure
Named. This is the normal accessor for a Secure Named and will occlude a
portion of the extracted name for protection. For those specific cases where
the full Secure Named text is needed, the secureNameBypass
accessor should
be used instead.
secureNameBypass :: Named Secure nameOf -> Text Source #
The secureNameBypass accessor is used to obtain the raw Text from a Secure Named; this essentially BYPASSES THE SECURITY PROTECTION and should only be used in the limited cases when the raw form is absolutely needed.
Constraining allowed names
class (KnownNat (AllowedNameType nameOf ntl), DisallowedNameType nameOf ntl ntl) => ValidNames (nameOf :: Symbol) (ntl :: [Symbol]) Source #
The ValidNames constraint can be used to specify the list of allowed names for a parameterized name argument. For example:
foo :: ValidNames n '[ "right", "correct" ] => Name n -> a
The above allows foo
to be called with a Name "right"
or a Name
, but if it is called with any other Named
parameter then
a compilation error will be generated indicating "the supplied nameOf
parameter is not in the allowed Names".
All instances of this class are pre-defined by this module and the user should not need to create any instances.
Minimal complete definition