module System.Linux.Netlink
( Header(..)
, Attributes
, Packet(..)
, Convertable(..)
, NoData(..)
, NetlinkSocket
, getPacket
, getAttributes
, getHeader
, putHeader
, putAttributes
, putPacket
, getPackets
, makeSocket
, makeSocketGeneric
, getNetlinkFd
, closeSocket
, joinMulticastGroup
, leaveMulticastGroup
, query
, queryOne
, recvOne
, showNLAttrs
, showAttrs
, showAttr
, showPacket
#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,8,0)
import Control.Applicative ((<$>))
import Data.List (intersperse)
import Hexdump (prettyHex)
import Control.Monad (when, replicateM_, unless)
import Control.Monad.Loops (whileM)
import Data.Bits (Bits, (.&.))
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS (length)
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import Data.Map (Map, fromList, toList)
import Data.Serialize.Get
import Data.Serialize.Put
import Data.Word (Word16, Word32)
import Foreign.C.Types (CInt)
import System.Posix.Types (Fd(Fd))
import qualified System.Linux.Netlink.C as C
import System.Linux.Netlink.Helpers
import System.Linux.Netlink.Constants
class Convertable a where
getGet :: MessageType -> Get a
getPut :: a -> Put
data NoData = NoData deriving (Show, Eq)
instance Convertable NoData where
getPut _ = return ()
getGet _ = return NoData
data Header = Header
messageType :: MessageType
, messageFlags :: Word16
, messageSeqNum :: Word32
, messagePID :: Word32
} deriving (Eq)
instance Show Header where
show (Header t f s p) =
"Type: " ++ show t ++ ", Flags: " ++ (show f) ++ ", Seq: " ++ show s ++ ", Pid: " ++ show p
type Attributes = Map Int ByteString
data Packet a
= Packet
packetHeader :: Header
, packetCustom :: a
, packetAttributes :: Attributes
| ErrorMsg
packetHeader :: Header
, packetError :: CInt
, errorPacket :: Packet a
| DoneMsg
packetHeader :: Header
deriving (Eq)
showPacket :: Show a => Packet a -> String
showPacket (ErrorMsg hdr code pack) =
"Error packet: \n" ++
show hdr ++ "\n" ++
"Error code: " ++ (show code) ++ "\n" ++
(show pack)
showPacket (DoneMsg hdr) = "Done: " ++ show hdr
showPacket (Packet hdr cus attrs) =
"NetlinkPacket: " ++ show hdr ++ "\n" ++
"Custom data: " ++ show cus ++ "\n" ++
"Attrs: \n" ++ showNLAttrs attrs
instance {-# OVERLAPPABLE #-} Show a => Show (Packet a) where
showList xs = ((concat . intersperse "===\n" . map show $xs) ++)
show = showPacket
showNLAttrs :: Attributes -> String
showNLAttrs = showAttrs show
:: (Int -> String)
-> Attributes
-> String
showAttrs sh = showAttrs' . toList
showAttrs' [] = []
showAttrs' (x:xs) = showAttr sh x ++ showAttrs' xs
showAttr :: (Int -> String) -> (Int, ByteString) -> String
showAttr sh (i,v) = sh i ++ ": " ++ prettyHex v
:: ByteString
-> Get a
-> Either String [a]
getPacket bytes f = flip runGet bytes $ do
pkts <- whileM (not <$> isEmpty) f
isEmpty >>= \e -> unless e $ fail "Incomplete message parse"
return pkts
getAttributes :: Get Attributes
getAttributes = fromList <$> whileM (not <$> isEmpty) getSingleAttribute
getSingleAttribute :: Get (Int, ByteString)
getSingleAttribute = do
len <- fromIntegral <$> g16
ty <- fromIntegral <$> g16
val <- getByteString (len - 4)
isEmpty >>= \e -> when (not e && len `mod` 4 /= 0) $ skip (4 - (len `mod` 4))
return (ty, val)
getHeader :: Get (Int, Header)
getHeader = isolate 16 $ do
len <- fromIntegral <$> g32
ty <- fromIntegral <$> g16
flags <- fromIntegral <$> g16
seqnum <- g32
pid <- g32
return (len - 16, Header ty flags seqnum pid)
:: Int
-> Header
-> Put
putHeader len (Header ty flags seqnum pid) = do
p32 (fromIntegral len)
p16 (fromIntegral ty)
p16 (fromIntegral flags)
p32 seqnum
p32 pid
putAttributes :: Attributes -> Put
putAttributes = mapM_ putAttr . toList
putAttr (ty, value) = do
p16 (fromIntegral $BS.length value + 4)
p16 (fromIntegral ty)
putByteString value
when (BS.length value `mod` 4 /= 0) $replicateM_ (4 - (BS.length value `mod` 4)) (p8 0)
putPacket :: (Convertable a, Eq a, Show a) => Packet a -> [ByteString]
putPacket (Packet header custom attributes) =
let attrs = runPut $putAttributes attributes
cus = runPut $getPut custom
hdr = runPut $putHeader (BS.length attrs + BS.length cus + 16) header
in [hdr, cus, attrs]
putPacket _ = error "Cannot convert this for transmission"
getError :: (Convertable a, Eq a, Show a) => Header -> Get (Packet a)
getError hdr = do
code <- fromIntegral <$> getWord32host
packet <- getGenPacket
return $ErrorMsg hdr code packet
getGenPacketContent :: (Convertable a, Eq a, Show a) => Header -> Get (Packet a)
getGenPacketContent hdr
| messageType hdr == eNLMSG_DONE = skip 4 >> return (DoneMsg hdr)
| messageType hdr == eNLMSG_ERROR = getError hdr
| otherwise = do
msg <- getGet (messageType hdr)
attrs <- getAttributes
return $ Packet hdr msg attrs
getGenPacket :: (Convertable a, Eq a, Show a) => Get (Packet a)
getGenPacket = do
(len, header) <- getHeader
isolate len $ getGenPacketContent header
getPackets :: (Convertable a, Eq a, Show a) => ByteString -> Either String [Packet a]
getPackets bytes = flip runGet bytes $ do
pkts <- whileM (not <$> isEmpty) getGenPacket
isEmpty >>= \e -> unless e $ fail "Incomplete message parse"
return pkts
newtype NetlinkSocket = NS CInt
makeSocket :: IO NetlinkSocket
makeSocket = NS <$> C.makeSocket
:: Int
-> IO NetlinkSocket
makeSocketGeneric = fmap NS . C.makeSocketGeneric
getNetlinkFd :: NetlinkSocket -> Fd
getNetlinkFd (NS f) = Fd f
sendmsg :: NetlinkSocket -> [ByteString] -> IO ()
sendmsg (NS fd) = C.sendmsg fd
recvmsg :: NetlinkSocket -> Int -> IO ByteString
recvmsg (NS fd) = C.recvmsg fd
closeSocket :: NetlinkSocket -> IO ()
closeSocket (NS fd) = C.closeSocket fd
:: NetlinkSocket
-> Word32
-> IO ()
joinMulticastGroup (NS fd) = C.joinMulticastGroup fd
:: NetlinkSocket
-> Word32
-> IO ()
leaveMulticastGroup (NS fd) = C.leaveMulticastGroup fd
query :: (Convertable a, Eq a, Show a) => NetlinkSocket -> Packet a -> IO [Packet a]
query sock req = do
sendmsg sock (putPacket req)
recvMulti sock
queryOne :: (Convertable a, Eq a, Show a) => NetlinkSocket -> Packet a -> IO (Packet a)
queryOne sock req = do
sendmsg sock (putPacket req)
pkts <- recvMulti sock
case pkts of
[x] -> return x
_ -> fail ("Expected one packet, received " ++ (show . length $pkts))
recvMulti :: (Convertable a, Eq a, Show a) => NetlinkSocket -> IO [Packet a]
recvMulti sock = do
pkts <- recvOne sock
if isMulti (first pkts)
then if isDone (last pkts)
then return $ init pkts
else (pkts ++) <$> recvMulti sock
else return pkts
isMulti = isFlagSet fNLM_F_MULTI . messageFlags . packetHeader
isDone = (== eNLMSG_DONE) . messageType . packetHeader
first (x:_) = x
first [] = error "Got empty list from recvOne in recvMulti, this shouldn't happen"
recvOne :: (Convertable a, Eq a, Show a) => NetlinkSocket -> IO [Packet a]
recvOne sock = recvmsg sock bufferSize >>= \b -> case getPackets b of
Left err -> fail err
Right pkts -> return pkts
isFlagSet :: Bits a => a -> a -> Bool
isFlagSet f v = (f .&. v) == f
bufferSize :: Num a => a
bufferSize = 4096