Module      : Untyped Lambda-Calculus 
Description : Syntax and reductions of the untyped lambda-calculus using the Nominal package
Copyright   : (c) Murdoch J. Gabbay, 2020
License     : GPL-3
Maintainer  : murdoch.gabbay@gmail.com
Stability   : experimental
Portability : POSIX

Untyped lambda-calculus: syntax, substitution, nominal-style recursion, weak head normal form function, and a couple of examples.

Compare with an example in <https://hackage.haskell.org/package/bound the Bound package>. 


{-# LANGUAGE InstanceSigs          
           , DeriveGeneric         
           , LambdaCase 
           , MultiParamTypeClasses 
           , DeriveAnyClass       -- to derive 'Swappable' 
           , DeriveDataTypeable   -- to derive 'Data' 
           , FlexibleInstances     

module Language.Nominal.Examples.UntypedLambda
     Var, Exp (..), whnf, lam, example1, example1whnf, example2, example2whnf

import GHC.Generics
import Data.Generics     hiding (Generic, typeOf)

import Language.Nominal.Utilities
import Language.Nominal.Name
import Language.Nominal.Nom
import Language.Nominal.Binder
import Language.Nominal.Abs
import Language.Nominal.Sub

-- | Variables are string-labelled names
type Var = Name String

infixl 9 :@
-- | Terms of the untyped lambda-calculus 
data Exp = V Var              -- ^ Variable 
         | Exp :@ Exp         -- ^ Application 
         | Lam (KAbs Var Exp) -- ^ Lambda, using abstraction-type 
 deriving (Eq, Generic, Data, Swappable) -- , Show)

-- | helper for building lambda-abstractions 
lam :: Var -> Exp -> Exp
lam x a = Lam (x @> a)

-- | Substitution.  Capture-avoidance is automatic.
instance KSub Var Exp Exp where
   sub :: Var -> Exp -> Exp -> Exp
   sub v t = rewrite $ \case -- 'rewrite' comes from Scrap-Your-Boilerplate generics.  It recurses properly under the binder. 
      V v' | v' == v -> Just t   -- If @V v'@, replace with @t@ ... 
      _              -> Nothing  -- ... otherwise recurse.

{- The substitution instance above is equivalent to the following:
-- | Explicit recursion.     
expRec :: (Var -> a) -> (Exp -> Exp -> a) -> (Var -> Exp -> a) -> Exp -> a 
expRec f0 _ _ (V n)      = f1 n
expRec _ f1 _ (s1 :@ s2) = f2 s1 s2
expRec _ _ f2 (Lam x')   = f3 `genApp` x' 

instance KSub Var Exp Exp where
   sub :: Var -> Exp -> Exp -> Exp 
   sub v t = expRec (\v'   -> if v' == v then t else V v') 
                    (\a b  -> sub v t a :@ sub v t b) 
                    (\v' a -> lam v' $ sub v t a)

-- | weak head normal form of a lambda-term.
whnf :: Exp -> Exp
whnf (Lam b' :@ a) = whnf $ b' `conc` a
whnf             e = e

-- | (\x x) y
example1 :: Exp
example1 = (\[x, y] -> lam x (V x) :@ V y) `genAppC` freshNames ["x", "y"]
-- | y
example1whnf :: Exp
example1whnf = whnf example1

-- | (\x xy) x
example2 :: Exp
example2 = (\[x, y] -> lam x (V x :@ V y) :@ V x) `genAppC` freshNames ["x", "y"]
-- | xy
example2whnf :: Exp
example2whnf = whnf example2

instance Show Exp where
   show     (V v) = show v
   show   (Lam e) = "(λ" ++ (show e) ++ ")"
   show (e :@ e') = (show e) ++ " " ++ (show e')