Safe Haskell | None |
Language | Haskell2010 |
- class (Nominal a, NominalSupport a, Eq a, Ord a, Show a, Bindable a) => Atomic a where
- atomic_show :: Atomic a => a -> String
- with_fresh :: Atomic a => (a -> t) -> t
- with_fresh_named :: Atomic a => String -> (a -> t) -> t
- with_fresh_namelist :: Atomic a => NameSuggestion -> (a -> t) -> t
- fresh :: Atomic a => IO a
- fresh_named :: Atomic a => String -> IO a
- fresh_namelist :: Atomic a => NameSuggestion -> IO a
- bind :: (Atomic a, Nominal t) => (a -> t) -> Bind a t
- bind_named :: (Atomic a, Nominal t) => String -> (a -> t) -> Bind a t
- bind_namelist :: (Atomic a, Nominal t) => NameSuggestion -> (a -> t) -> Bind a t
- to_bindatom :: (Atomic a, Nominal t) => Bind a t -> BindAtom t
- from_bindatom :: (Atomic a, Nominal t) => BindAtom t -> Bind a t
- merge :: (Atomic a, Nominal t, Nominal s) => Bind a t -> Bind a s -> Bind a (t, s)
- class AtomKind a where
- newtype AtomOfKind a = AtomOfKind Atom
- atomofkind_names :: AtomKind a => AtomOfKind a -> NameGen
The Atomic
class (Nominal a, NominalSupport a, Eq a, Ord a, Show a, Bindable a) => Atomic a where Source #
A type class for atom types.
The suggested way to define a type of atoms is to define a new
empty type t that is an instance of AtomKind
. Optionally, a
list of suggested names for the new atoms can be provided. (These
will be used as the names of bound variables unless otherwise
specified). Then AtomOfKind
t is a new type of atoms.
data VarName instance AtomKind VarName where suggested_names = ["x", "y", "z"] newtype Variable = AtomOfKind VarName
Basic operations
atomic_show :: Atomic a => a -> String Source #
Return the name of an atom.
Creation of fresh atoms in a scope
with_fresh :: Atomic a => (a -> t) -> t Source #
Perform a computation in the presence of a fresh atom. For
soundness, the programmer must ensure that the atom created does
not escape the body of the with_fresh
block. Thus, the following
uses are permitted:
with_fresh (\a -> f a == g a) with_fresh (\a -> a . f a b c)
Here is an example of what is not permitted:
with_fresh (\a -> a)
Technically, the correctness condition is that in an application
with_fresh (\a -> body),
we must have a # body (see [Pitts 2002] for more details on what this means). Haskell does not enforce this restriction, but if a program violates it, referential transparency may not hold, which may, in the worst case, lead to unsound compiler optimizations and undefined behavior.
with_fresh_named :: Atomic a => String -> (a -> t) -> t Source #
A version of with_fresh
that permits a suggested name to be
given to the atom. The name is only a suggestion, and will be
changed, if necessary, to avoid clashes.
This function is subject to the same correctness condition as
with_fresh_namelist :: Atomic a => NameSuggestion -> (a -> t) -> t Source #
A version of with_fresh
that permits a list of suggested names
to be specified. The first suitable name in the list will be used
if possible.
This function is subject to the same correctness condition as
Creation of fresh atoms globally
fresh_named :: Atomic a => String -> IO a Source #
A version of fresh
that that permits a suggested name to be
given to the atom. The name is only a suggestion, and will be
changed, if necessary, when the atom is bound.
fresh_namelist :: Atomic a => NameSuggestion -> IO a Source #
A version of with_fresh
that permits a list of suggested names
to be specified. The first suitable name in the list will be used
if possible.
Implementation note: the implementation of fresh_namelist
differs slightly from that of with_fresh_namelist
. The function
generates a concrete name for the atom
immediately, whereas with_fresh_namelist
only does so on demand.
The idea is that most atoms generated by with_fresh_namelist
be bound immediately and their concrete name never displayed.
Convenience functions for abstraction
bind :: (Atomic a, Nominal t) => (a -> t) -> Bind a t Source #
A convenience function for constructing binders. We can write
bind (\x -> t)
to denote the atom abstraction (x.t), where x is a fresh atom.
bind_named :: (Atomic a, Nominal t) => String -> (a -> t) -> Bind a t Source #
A version of bind
that also takes a suggested name for the bound atom.
bind_namelist :: (Atomic a, Nominal t) => NameSuggestion -> (a -> t) -> Bind a t Source #
A version of bind
that also take a list of suggested names for
the bound atom.
to_bindatom :: (Atomic a, Nominal t) => Bind a t -> BindAtom t Source #
Convert an atomic binding to an atom binding.
from_bindatom :: (Atomic a, Nominal t) => BindAtom t -> Bind a t Source #
Convert an atom binding to an atomic binding.
merge :: (Atomic a, Nominal t, Nominal s) => Bind a t -> Bind a s -> Bind a (t, s) Source #
Sometimes, it is necessary to open two abstractions, using the same fresh name for both of them. An example of this is the typing rule for lambda abstraction in dependent type theory:
Gamma, x:t |- e : s ------------------------------------ Gamma |- Lam (x.e) : Pi t (x.s)
In the bottom-up reading of this rule, we are given the terms Lam
body and Pi
t body', and we require a fresh name x and
terms e, s such that body = (x.e) and body' =
(x.s). Crucially, the same atom x should be used in both e
and s, because we subsequently need to check that e has type
s in some scope that is common to e and s.
The merge
primitive permits us to deal with such situations. Its
defining property is
merge (x.e) (x.s) = (x.(e,s)).
We can therefore solve the above problem:
open (merge body body') (\x (e,s) -> .....)
Moreover, the merge
primitive can be used to define other
merge-like functionality. For example, it is easy to define a
merge_list :: (Atomic a, Nominal t) => [Bind a t] -> Bind a [t]
in terms of it.
Semantically, the merge
operation implements the isomorphism of
nominal sets [A]T x [A]S = [A](T x S).
If x and y are atoms with user-suggested concrete names and
(z.(t',s')) = merge (x.t) (y.s),
then z will be preferably given the concrete name of x, but the concrete name of y will be used if the name of x would cause a clash.
Multiple atom types
class AtomKind a where Source #
An atom kind is a type-level constant (typically an empty type)
that is an instance of the AtomKind
class. An atom kind is
optionally equipped with a list of suggested names for this kind of
atom. For example:
data VarName instance AtomKind VarName where suggested_names _ = ["x", "y", "z"]
data TypeName instance AtomKind TypeName where suggested_names _ = ["a", "b", "c"]
It is possible to have infinitely many atom kinds, for example:
data Zero data Succ a instance AtomKind Zero instance AtomKind (Succ a)
Then Zero, Succ Zero, Succ (Succ Zero), etc., will all be atom kinds.
suggested_names :: a -> NameSuggestion Source #
An optional list of default names for this kind of atom.
expand_names :: a -> NameSuggestion -> [String] Source #
An optional function for generating infinitely many distinct
names from a finite list of suggestions. The default behavior is
to append numerical subscripts. For example, the names [x, y,
are by default expanded to [x, y, z, x₁, y₁, z₁, x₂, y₂,
, using Unicode for the subscripts. To use a a different
naming convention, redefine expand_names
It is not strictly necessary for all of the returned names to be distinct; it is sufficient that there are infinitely many distinct ones.
Example: the following generates new variable names by appending primes instead of subscripts:
expand_names _ xs = ys where ys = xs ++ map (++ "'") ys
newtype AtomOfKind a Source #
The type of atoms of a given kind. For example:
type Variable = AtomOfKind VarName type Type = AtomOfKind TypeName
AtomOfKind Atom |
Eq (AtomOfKind a) Source # | |
Ord (AtomOfKind a) Source # | |
AtomKind a => Show (AtomOfKind a) Source # | |
Generic (AtomOfKind a) Source # | |
AtomKind a => Nominal (AtomOfKind a) Source # | |
AtomKind a => NominalSupport (AtomOfKind a) Source # | |
AtomKind a => Bindable (AtomOfKind a) Source # | |
AtomKind a => Atomic (AtomOfKind a) Source # | |
AtomKind a => NominalShow (AtomOfKind a) Source # | |
type Rep (AtomOfKind a) Source # | |
atomofkind_names :: AtomKind a => AtomOfKind a -> NameGen Source #
Return the list of default names associated with the kind of the given atom (not the name(s) of the atom itself).