{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-} {-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE DefaultSignatures #-} {-# LANGUAGE DerivingVia #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures #-} {-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} {-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-} {-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-} module NoThunks.Class ( -- * Check a value for unexpected thunks NoThunks(..) , ThunkInfo(..) , Context , unsafeNoThunks -- * Helpers for defining instances , allNoThunks , noThunksInValues , noThunksInKeysAndValues -- * Deriving-via wrappers , OnlyCheckWhnf(..) , OnlyCheckWhnfNamed(..) , InspectHeap(..) , InspectHeapNamed(..) , AllowThunk(..) , AllowThunksIn(..) -- * Generic class , GWNoThunks(..) ) where import Data.Proxy import Data.Typeable import System.IO.Unsafe (unsafePerformIO) import GHC.Exts.Heap import GHC.Generics import GHC.Records import GHC.TypeLits -- For instances import Data.ByteString.Short (ShortByteString) import Data.Foldable (toList) import Data.Int import Data.IntMap (IntMap) import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty (..)) import Data.Map (Map) import Data.Ratio import Data.Sequence (Seq) import Data.Set (Set) import Data.Time import Data.Word import GHC.Stack import Numeric.Natural import qualified Data.ByteString as BS.Strict import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BS.Lazy import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Internal as BS.Lazy.Internal import qualified Data.IntMap as IntMap import qualified Data.Map as Map import qualified Data.Set as Set import qualified Data.Text as Text.Strict import qualified Data.Text.Internal.Lazy as Text.Lazy.Internal import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as Text.Lazy import qualified Data.Vector as Vector.Boxed import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed as Vector.Unboxed {------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Check a value for unexpected thunks -------------------------------------------------------------------------------} -- | Check a value for unexpected thunks class NoThunks a where -- | Check if the argument does not contain any unexpected thunks -- -- For most datatypes, we should have that -- -- > noThunks ctxt x == Nothing -- -- if and only if -- -- > checkContainsThunks x -- -- For some datatypes however, some thunks are expected. For example, the -- internal fingertree 'Data.Sequence.Sequence' might contain thunks (this is -- important for the asymptotic complexity of this data structure). However, -- we should still check that the /values/ in the sequence don't contain any -- unexpected thunks. -- -- This means that we need to traverse the sequence, which might force some of -- the thunks in the tree. In general, it is acceptable for -- 'noThunks' to force such "expected thunks", as long as it always -- reports the /unexpected/ thunks. -- -- The default implementation of 'noThunks' checks that the argument is in -- WHNF, and if so, adds the type into the context (using 'showTypeOf'), and -- calls 'wNoThunks'. See 'ThunkInfo' for a detailed discussion of the type -- context. -- -- See also discussion of caveats listed for 'checkContainsThunks'. noThunks :: Context -> a -> IO (Maybe ThunkInfo) noThunks ctxt x = do isThunk <- checkIsThunk x if isThunk then return $ Just ThunkInfo { thunkContext = ctxt' } else wNoThunks ctxt' x where ctxt' :: Context ctxt' = showTypeOf (Proxy @a) : ctxt -- | Check that the argument is in normal form, assuming it is in WHNF. -- -- The context will already have been extended with the type we're looking at, -- so all that's left is to look at the thunks /inside/ the type. The default -- implementation uses GHC Generics to do this. wNoThunks :: Context -> a -> IO (Maybe ThunkInfo) default wNoThunks :: (Generic a, GWNoThunks '[] (Rep a)) => Context -> a -> IO (Maybe ThunkInfo) wNoThunks ctxt x = gwNoThunks (Proxy @'[]) ctxt fp where -- Force the result of @from@ to WHNF: we are not interested in thunks -- that arise from the translation to the generic representation. fp :: Rep a x !fp = from x -- | Show type @a@ (to add to the context) -- -- We try hard to avoid 'Typeable' constraints in this module: there are types -- with no 'Typeable' instance but with a 'NoThunks' instance (most -- important example are types such as @ST s@ which rely on parametric -- polymorphism). By default we should therefore only show the "outer layer"; -- for example, if we have a type -- -- > Seq (ST s ()) -- -- then 'showTypeOf' should just give @Seq@, leaving it up to the instance for -- @ST@ to decide how to implement 'showTypeOf'; this keeps things -- compositional. The default implementation does precisely this using the -- metadata that GHC Generics provides. -- -- For convenience, however, some of the @deriving via@ newtype wrappers we -- provide /do/ depend on @Typeable@; see below. showTypeOf :: Proxy a -> String default showTypeOf :: (Generic a, GShowTypeOf (Rep a)) => Proxy a -> String showTypeOf _ = gShowTypeOf (from x) where x :: a x = x -- | Context where a thunk was found -- -- This is intended to give a hint about which thunk was found. For example, -- a thunk might be reported with context -- -- > ["Int", "(,)", "Map", "AppState"] -- -- telling you that you have an @AppState@ containing a @Map@ containing a pair, -- all of which weren't thunks (were in WHNF), but that pair contained an -- @Int@ which was a thunk. type Context = [String] {------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Results of the check -------------------------------------------------------------------------------} -- | Information about unexpected thunks -- -- TODO: The ghc-debug work by Matthew Pickering includes some work that allows -- to get source spans from closures. If we could take advantage of that, we -- could not only show the type of the unexpected thunk, but also where it got -- allocated. data ThunkInfo = ThunkInfo { -- The @Context@ argument is intended to give a clue to add debugging. -- For example, suppose we have something of type @(Int, [Int])@. The -- various contexts we might get are -- -- > Context The thunk is.. -- > --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- > ["(,)"] the pair itself -- > ["Int","(,)"] the Int in the pair -- > ["[]","(,)"] the [Int] in the pair -- > ["Int","[]","(,)"] an Int in the [Int] in the pair thunkContext :: Context } deriving (Show) {-# NOINLINE unsafeNoThunks #-} -- | Call 'noThunks' in a pure context (relies on 'unsafePerformIO'). unsafeNoThunks :: NoThunks a => a -> Maybe ThunkInfo unsafeNoThunks a = unsafePerformIO $ noThunks [] a {------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Helpers for defining NoThunks instances -------------------------------------------------------------------------------} -- | Short-circuit a list of checks allNoThunks :: [IO (Maybe ThunkInfo)] -> IO (Maybe ThunkInfo) allNoThunks = go where go :: [IO (Maybe ThunkInfo)] -> IO (Maybe ThunkInfo) go [] = return Nothing go (a:as) = do nf <- a case nf of Nothing -> go as Just thunk -> return $ Just thunk -- | Check that all elements in the list are thunk-free -- -- Does not check the list itself. Useful for checking the elements of a -- container. -- -- See also 'noThunksInKeysAndValues' noThunksInValues :: NoThunks a => Context -> [a] -> IO (Maybe ThunkInfo) noThunksInValues ctxt = allNoThunks . map (noThunks ctxt) -- | Variant on 'noThunksInValues' for keyed containers. -- -- Neither the list nor the tuples are checked for thunks. noThunksInKeysAndValues :: (NoThunks k, NoThunks v) => Context -> [(k, v)] -> IO (Maybe ThunkInfo) noThunksInKeysAndValues ctxt = allNoThunks . concatMap (\(k, v) -> [ noThunks ctxt k , noThunks ctxt v ]) {------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Newtype wrappers for deriving via -------------------------------------------------------------------------------} -- | Newtype wrapper for use with @deriving via@ to check for WHNF only -- -- For some types we don't want to check for nested thunks, and we only want -- check if the argument is in WHNF, not in NF. A typical example are functions; -- see the instance of @(a -> b)@ for detailed discussion. This should be used -- sparingly. -- -- Example: -- -- > deriving via OnlyCheckWhnf T instance NoThunks T newtype OnlyCheckWhnf a = OnlyCheckWhnf a -- | Variant on 'OnlyCheckWhnf' that does not depend on 'Generic' -- -- Example: -- -- > deriving via OnlyCheckWhnfNamed "T" T instance NoThunks T newtype OnlyCheckWhnfNamed (name :: Symbol) a = OnlyCheckWhnfNamed a -- | Newtype wrapper for values that should be allowed to be a thunk -- -- This should be used /VERY/ sparingly, and should /ONLY/ be used on values -- (or, even rarer, types) which you are /SURE/ cannot retain any data that they -- shouldn't. Bear in mind allowing a value of type @T@ to be a thunk might -- cause a value of type @S@ to be retained if @T@ was computed from @S@. newtype AllowThunk a = AllowThunk a -- | Newtype wrapper for records where some of the fields are allowed to be -- thunks. -- -- Example: -- -- > deriving via AllowThunksIn '["foo","bar"] T instance NoThunks T -- -- This will create an instance that skips the thunk checks for the "foo" and -- "bar" fields. newtype AllowThunksIn (fields :: [Symbol]) a = AllowThunksIn a -- | Newtype wrapper for use with @deriving via@ to inspect the heap directly -- -- This bypasses the class instances altogether, and inspects the GHC heap -- directly, checking that the value does not contain any thunks /anywhere/. -- Since we can do this without any type classes instances, this is useful for -- types that contain fields for which 'NoThunks' instances are not available. -- -- Since the primary use case for 'InspectHeap' then is to give instances -- for 'NoThunks' from third party libraries, we also don't want to -- rely on a 'Generic' instance, which may likewise not be available. Instead, -- we will rely on 'Typeable', which is available for /all/ types. However, as -- 'showTypeOf' explains, requiring 'Typeable' may not always be suitable; if -- it isn't, 'InspectHeapNamed' can be used. -- -- Example: -- -- > deriving via InspectHeap T instance NoThunks T newtype InspectHeap a = InspectHeap a -- | Variant on 'InspectHeap' that does not depend on 'Typeable'. -- -- > deriving via InspectHeapNamed "T" T instance NoUnexpecedThunks T newtype InspectHeapNamed (name :: Symbol) a = InspectHeapNamed a {------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Internal: instances for the deriving-via wrappers -------------------------------------------------------------------------------} instance Typeable a => NoThunks (OnlyCheckWhnf a) where showTypeOf _ = show $ typeRep (Proxy @a) wNoThunks _ _ = return Nothing instance KnownSymbol name => NoThunks (OnlyCheckWhnfNamed name a) where showTypeOf _ = symbolVal (Proxy @name) wNoThunks _ _ = return Nothing instance NoThunks (AllowThunk a) where showTypeOf _ = "<never used since never fails>" noThunks _ _ = return Nothing wNoThunks = noThunks instance (HasFields s a, Generic a, Typeable a, GWNoThunks s (Rep a)) => NoThunks (AllowThunksIn s a) where showTypeOf _ = show $ typeRep (Proxy @a) wNoThunks ctxt (AllowThunksIn x) = gwNoThunks (Proxy @s) ctxt fp where fp :: Rep a x !fp = from x instance Typeable a => NoThunks (InspectHeap a) where showTypeOf _ = show $ typeRep (Proxy @a) wNoThunks = inspectHeap instance KnownSymbol name => NoThunks (InspectHeapNamed name a) where showTypeOf _ = symbolVal (Proxy @name) wNoThunks = inspectHeap -- | Internal: implementation of 'wNoThunks' for 'InspectHeap' -- and 'InspectHeapNamed' inspectHeap :: Context -> a -> IO (Maybe ThunkInfo) inspectHeap ctxt x = do containsThunks <- checkContainsThunks x return $ if containsThunks then Just $ ThunkInfo { thunkContext = "..." : ctxt } else Nothing {------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Internal: generic infrastructure -------------------------------------------------------------------------------} -- | Generic infrastructure for checking for unexpected thunks -- -- The @a@ argument records which record fields are allowed to contain thunks; -- see 'AllowThunksIn' and 'GWRecordField', below. class GWNoThunks (a :: [Symbol]) f where -- | Check that the argument does not contain any unexpected thunks -- -- Precondition: the argument is in WHNF. gwNoThunks :: proxy a -> Context -> f x -> IO (Maybe ThunkInfo) instance GWNoThunks a f => GWNoThunks a (D1 c f) where gwNoThunks a ctxt (M1 fp) = gwNoThunks a ctxt fp instance GWNoThunks a f => GWNoThunks a (C1 c f) where gwNoThunks a ctxt (M1 fp) = gwNoThunks a ctxt fp instance GWNoThunks a f => GWNoThunks a (S1 ('MetaSel ('Nothing) su ss ds) f) where gwNoThunks a ctxt (M1 fp) = gwNoThunks a ctxt fp instance (GWNoThunks a f, GWNoThunks a g) => GWNoThunks a (f :*: g) where gwNoThunks a ctxt (fp :*: gp) = allNoThunks [ gwNoThunks a ctxt fp , gwNoThunks a ctxt gp ] instance (GWNoThunks a f, GWNoThunks a g) => GWNoThunks a (f :+: g) where gwNoThunks a ctxt (L1 fp) = gwNoThunks a ctxt fp gwNoThunks a ctxt (R1 gp) = gwNoThunks a ctxt gp instance NoThunks c => GWNoThunks a (K1 i c) where gwNoThunks _a ctxt (K1 c) = noThunks ctxt' c where -- If @c@ is a recursive occurrence of the type itself, we want to avoid -- accumulating context. For example, suppose we are dealing with @[Int]@, -- and we have an unexpected thunk as the third @Int@ in the list. If -- we use the generic instance, then without this correction, the final -- context will look something like -- -- > ["Int", "[]", "[]", "[]"] -- -- While that is more informative (it's the /third/ element that is a -- thunk), it's not that helpful (typically we just want /all/ elements -- to be in NF). We strip the context here so that we just get -- -- > ["Int", "[]"] -- -- which is a bit easier to interpret. ctxt' = case ctxt of hd : tl | hd == showTypeOf (Proxy @c) -> tl _otherwise -> ctxt instance GWNoThunks a U1 where gwNoThunks _a _ctxt U1 = return Nothing instance GWNoThunks a V1 where -- By assumption, the argument is already in WHNF. Since every inhabitant of -- this type is bottom, this code is therefore unreachable. gwNoThunks _a _ctxt _ = error "unreachable gwNoThunks @V1" {------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Skip fields with allowed thunks -------------------------------------------------------------------------------} -- | If @fieldName@ is allowed to contain thunks, skip it. instance GWRecordField f (Elem fieldName a) => GWNoThunks a (S1 ('MetaSel ('Just fieldName) su ss ds) f) where gwNoThunks _ ctxt (M1 fp) = gwRecordField (Proxy @(Elem fieldName a)) ctxt fp class GWRecordField f (b :: Bool) where gwRecordField :: proxy b -> Context -> f x -> IO (Maybe ThunkInfo) -- | If the field is allowed to contain thunks, don't check anything. instance GWRecordField f 'True where gwRecordField _ _ _ = return Nothing instance GWNoThunks '[] f => GWRecordField f 'False where gwRecordField _ ctxt f = gwNoThunks (Proxy @'[]) ctxt f {------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Internal: generic function to get name of a type -------------------------------------------------------------------------------} class GShowTypeOf f where gShowTypeOf :: f x -> String instance Datatype c => GShowTypeOf (D1 c f) where gShowTypeOf = datatypeName {------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Instances for primitive types -------------------------------------------------------------------------------} deriving via OnlyCheckWhnf Bool instance NoThunks Bool deriving via OnlyCheckWhnf Natural instance NoThunks Natural deriving via OnlyCheckWhnf Integer instance NoThunks Integer deriving via OnlyCheckWhnf Float instance NoThunks Float deriving via OnlyCheckWhnf Double instance NoThunks Double deriving via OnlyCheckWhnf Char instance NoThunks Char deriving via OnlyCheckWhnf Int instance NoThunks Int deriving via OnlyCheckWhnf Int8 instance NoThunks Int8 deriving via OnlyCheckWhnf Int16 instance NoThunks Int16 deriving via OnlyCheckWhnf Int32 instance NoThunks Int32 deriving via OnlyCheckWhnf Int64 instance NoThunks Int64 deriving via OnlyCheckWhnf Word instance NoThunks Word deriving via OnlyCheckWhnf Word8 instance NoThunks Word8 deriving via OnlyCheckWhnf Word16 instance NoThunks Word16 deriving via OnlyCheckWhnf Word32 instance NoThunks Word32 deriving via OnlyCheckWhnf Word64 instance NoThunks Word64 {------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Time -------------------------------------------------------------------------------} deriving via InspectHeap Day instance NoThunks Day deriving via InspectHeap DiffTime instance NoThunks DiffTime deriving via InspectHeap LocalTime instance NoThunks LocalTime deriving via InspectHeap NominalDiffTime instance NoThunks NominalDiffTime deriving via InspectHeap TimeLocale instance NoThunks TimeLocale deriving via InspectHeap TimeOfDay instance NoThunks TimeOfDay deriving via InspectHeap TimeZone instance NoThunks TimeZone deriving via InspectHeap UniversalTime instance NoThunks UniversalTime deriving via InspectHeap UTCTime instance NoThunks UTCTime deriving via InspectHeap ZonedTime instance NoThunks ZonedTime {------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ByteString -------------------------------------------------------------------------------} -- | Instance for string bytestrings -- -- Strict bytestrings /shouldn't/ contain any thunks, but could, due to -- <https://gitlab.haskell.org/ghc/ghc/issues/17290>. However, such thunks can't -- retain any data that they shouldn't, and so it's safe to ignore such thunks. deriving via OnlyCheckWhnfNamed "Strict.ByteString" BS.Strict.ByteString instance NoThunks BS.Strict.ByteString -- | Instance for short bytestrings -- -- We have -- -- > data ShortByteString = SBS ByteArray# -- -- Values of this type consist of a tag followed by an _unboxed_ byte array, -- which can't contain thunks. Therefore we only check WHNF. deriving via OnlyCheckWhnfNamed "ShortByteString" ShortByteString instance NoThunks ShortByteString -- | Instance for lazy bytestrings -- -- Defined manually so that it piggy-backs on the one for strict bytestrings. instance NoThunks BS.Lazy.ByteString where showTypeOf _ = "Lazy.ByteString" wNoThunks ctxt bs = case bs of BS.Lazy.Internal.Empty -> return Nothing BS.Lazy.Internal.Chunk chunk bs' -> allNoThunks [ noThunks ctxt chunk , noThunks ctxt bs' ] {------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Instances for text types For consistency, we follow the same pattern as for @ByteString@. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------} deriving via OnlyCheckWhnfNamed "Strict.Text" Text.Strict.Text instance NoThunks Text.Strict.Text instance NoThunks Text.Lazy.Text where showTypeOf _ = "Lazy.Text" wNoThunks ctxt bs = case bs of Text.Lazy.Internal.Empty -> return Nothing Text.Lazy.Internal.Chunk chunk bs' -> allNoThunks [ noThunks ctxt chunk , noThunks ctxt bs' ] {------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tuples -------------------------------------------------------------------------------} instance ( NoThunks a , NoThunks b ) => NoThunks (a, b) instance ( NoThunks a , NoThunks b , NoThunks c ) => NoThunks (a, b, c) instance ( NoThunks a , NoThunks b , NoThunks c , NoThunks d ) => NoThunks (a, b, c, d) instance ( NoThunks a , NoThunks b , NoThunks c , NoThunks d , NoThunks e ) => NoThunks (a, b, c, d, e) instance ( NoThunks a , NoThunks b , NoThunks c , NoThunks d , NoThunks e , NoThunks f ) => NoThunks (a, b, c, d, e, f) instance ( NoThunks a , NoThunks b , NoThunks c , NoThunks d , NoThunks e , NoThunks f , NoThunks g ) => NoThunks (a, b, c, d, e, f, g) {------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Base types (other than tuples) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------} instance NoThunks () instance NoThunks a => NoThunks [a] instance NoThunks a => NoThunks (Maybe a) instance NoThunks a => NoThunks (NonEmpty a) instance (NoThunks a, NoThunks b) => NoThunks (Either a b) {------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Spine-strict container types Such types can /only/ contain thunks in the values, so that's all we check. Note that containers using keys are typically strict in those keys, but that forces them to WHNF only, not NF; in /most/ cases the @Ord@ instance on those keys will force them to NF, but not /always/ (for example, when using lists as keys); this means we must check keys for thunks to be sure. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------} instance (NoThunks k, NoThunks v) => NoThunks (Map k v) where showTypeOf _ = "Map" wNoThunks ctxt = noThunksInKeysAndValues ctxt . Map.toList instance NoThunks a => NoThunks (Set a) where showTypeOf _ = "Set" wNoThunks ctxt = noThunksInValues ctxt . Set.toList instance NoThunks a => NoThunks (IntMap a) where showTypeOf _ = "IntMap" wNoThunks ctxt = noThunksInValues ctxt . IntMap.toList {------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Vector -------------------------------------------------------------------------------} instance NoThunks a => NoThunks (Vector.Boxed.Vector a) where showTypeOf _ = "Boxed.Vector" wNoThunks ctxt = noThunksInValues ctxt . Vector.Boxed.toList -- | Unboxed vectors can't contain thunks -- -- Implementation note: defined manually rather than using 'OnlyCheckWhnf' -- due to ghc limitation in deriving via, making it impossible to use with it -- with data families. instance NoThunks (Vector.Unboxed.Vector a) where showTypeOf _ = "Unboxed.Vector" wNoThunks _ _ = return Nothing {------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function types -------------------------------------------------------------------------------} -- | We do NOT check function closures for captured thunks by default -- -- Since we have no type information about the values captured in a thunk, the -- only check we could possibly do is 'checkContainsThunks': we can't -- recursively call 'noThunks' on those captured values, which is problematic if -- any of those captured values /requires/ a custom instance (for example, data -- types that depend on laziness, such as 'Seq'). -- -- By default we therefore /only/ check if the function is in WHNF, and don't -- check the captured values at all. If you want a stronger check, you can -- use @'InspectHeap' (a -> b)@ instead. deriving via OnlyCheckWhnfNamed "->" (a -> b) instance NoThunks (a -> b) -- | We do not check IO actions for captured thunks by default -- -- See instance for @(a -> b)@ for detailed discussion. deriving via OnlyCheckWhnfNamed "IO" (IO a) instance NoThunks (IO a) {------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Special cases -------------------------------------------------------------------------------} -- | Since CallStacks can't retain application data, we don't want to check -- them for thunks /at all/ deriving via AllowThunk CallStack instance NoThunks CallStack -- | Instance for 'Seq' checks elements only -- -- The internal fingertree in 'Seq' might have thunks, which is essential for -- its asymptotic complexity. instance NoThunks a => NoThunks (Seq a) where showTypeOf _ = "Seq" wNoThunks ctxt = noThunksInValues ctxt . toList instance NoThunks a => NoThunks (Ratio a) where showTypeOf _ = "Ratio" wNoThunks ctxt r = noThunksInValues ctxt [n, d] where -- The 'Ratio' constructor is not exported: we only have two accessor -- functions. However, @numerator r@ is obviously trivially a trunk -- (due to the unevaluated call to @numerator@). By forcing the values of -- @n@ and @d@ where we get rid of these function calls, leaving only the -- values inside the @Ratio@. Note that @Ratio@ is strict in both of these -- fields, so forcing them to WHNF won't change them. !n = numerator r !d = denominator r {------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Type level symbol comparison logic -------------------------------------------------------------------------------} type family Same s t where Same s t = IsSame (CmpSymbol s t) type family IsSame (o :: Ordering) where IsSame 'EQ = 'True IsSame _x = 'False type family Or (a :: Bool) (b :: Bool) where Or 'False 'False = 'False Or _a _b = 'True type family Elem (s :: Symbol) (xs :: [Symbol]) where Elem s (x ': xs) = Or (Same s x) (Elem s xs) Elem _s '[] = 'False {------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Check that all mentioned record fields are known fields -------------------------------------------------------------------------------} -- | Check that type @a@ has all record fields listed in @s@ -- -- This exists to catch mismatches between the arguments to `AllowThunksIn` and -- the fields of a record. If any of the symbols is not the name of a field then -- this constraint won't be satisfied. class HasFields (s :: [Symbol]) (a :: *) instance HasFields '[] a instance (HasField x a t, HasFields xs a) => HasFields (x ': xs) a {------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Internal: low level magic -------------------------------------------------------------------------------} -- | Is the argument a (top-level thunk)? checkIsThunk :: a -> IO Bool checkIsThunk x = closureIsThunk <$> getBoxedClosureData (asBox x) -- | Is the argument a thunk, or does it (recursively) contain any? checkContainsThunks :: a -> IO Bool checkContainsThunks x = go (asBox x) where go :: Box -> IO Bool go b = do c <- getBoxedClosureData b if closureIsThunk c then return True else do c' <- getBoxedClosureData b anyM go (allClosures c') -- | Check if the given 'Closure' is a thunk. -- -- Indirections are not considered to be thunks. closureIsThunk :: Closure -> Bool closureIsThunk ThunkClosure{} = True closureIsThunk APClosure{} = True closureIsThunk SelectorClosure{} = True closureIsThunk BCOClosure{} = True closureIsThunk _ = False anyM :: Monad m => (a -> m Bool) -> [a] -> m Bool anyM _ [] = return False anyM p (x : xs) = do q <- p x if q then return True else anyM p xs