{-# LANGUAGE RebindableSyntax #-}

-- | Mathematics does not rigorously define a [space](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Space_(mathematics\)), leaving library devs free to explore.
-- “But who can quantify
--  the algebra of space,
--  or weigh those worlds that swim
--  each in its place?
--  Who can outdo the dark?
--  And what computer knows
--  how beauty comes to birth -
--  shell star and rose?
-- ~ Technicians by Jean Kenward”
-- ~ John Foster
module NumHask.Space
  ( -- * Usage
    -- $setup

    -- * Space
    -- $space
    module NumHask.Space.Types,

    -- * Instances
    module NumHask.Space.Point,
    module NumHask.Space.Range,
    module NumHask.Space.Rect,
    module NumHask.Space.Time,
    module NumHask.Space.Histogram,

import NumHask.Space.Histogram hiding ()
import NumHask.Space.Point hiding ()
import NumHask.Space.Range hiding ()
import NumHask.Space.Rect hiding ()
import NumHask.Space.Time hiding ()
import NumHask.Space.Types hiding ()

-- $setup
-- >>> :set -XRebindableSyntax
-- >>> import NumHask.Prelude
-- >>> import NumHask.Space
-- >>> Point 1 1
-- Point 1 1
-- >>> one :: Range Double
-- Range -0.5 0.5
-- >>> grid OuterPos (Range 0 50 :: Range Double) 5
-- [0.0,10.0,20.0,30.0,40.0,50.0]

-- $space
-- Space is an interesting cross-section of many programming domains.
-- - A 'Range' is a 'Space' of numbers.
-- - A 'Rect' is a 'Space' of 'Point's. It can also be a 'Space' of 'Rect's (but this is not yet coded up here).
-- - A time span is a 'Space' containing moments of time.
-- - A 'Histogram' is a divided 'Range' with a count of elements within each division.