Safe Haskell | None |
Language | Haskell2010 |
- type PGRange = SqlRange
- type PGJsonb = SqlJsonb
- type PGJson = SqlJson
- type PGBytea = SqlBytea
- type PGArray = SqlArray
- type PGCitext = SqlCitext
- type PGUuid = SqlUuid
- type PGTimestamptz = SqlTimestamptz
- type PGTimestamp = SqlTimestamp
- type PGTime = SqlTime
- type PGText = SqlText
- type PGNumeric = SqlNumeric
- type PGInt2 = SqlInt2
- type PGInt4 = SqlInt4
- type PGInt8 = SqlInt8
- type PGFloat8 = SqlFloat8
- type PGFloat4 = SqlFloat4
- type PGDate = SqlDate
- type PGBool = SqlBool
- data SqlRange a
- data SqlJsonb
- data SqlJson
- data SqlBytea
- data SqlArray a
- data SqlCitext
- data SqlUuid
- data SqlTimestamptz
- data SqlTimestamp
- data SqlTime
- data SqlText
- data SqlNumeric
- data SqlInt2
- data SqlInt4
- data SqlInt8
- data SqlFloat8
- data SqlFloat4
- data SqlDate
- data SqlBool
- class IsSqlType pgType => IsRangeType pgType where
- showRangeType :: proxy pgType -> String
- pgString :: String -> Column PGText
- pgLazyByteString :: ByteString -> Column PGBytea
- pgStrictByteString :: ByteString -> Column PGBytea
- pgStrictText :: Text -> Column PGText
- pgLazyText :: Text -> Column PGText
- pgNumeric :: Scientific -> Column PGNumeric
- pgInt4 :: Int -> Column PGInt4
- pgInt8 :: Int64 -> Column PGInt8
- pgDouble :: Double -> Column PGFloat8
- pgBool :: Bool -> Column PGBool
- pgUUID :: UUID -> Column PGUuid
- pgDay :: Day -> Column PGDate
- pgUTCTime :: UTCTime -> Column PGTimestamptz
- pgLocalTime :: LocalTime -> Column PGTimestamp
- pgZonedTime :: ZonedTime -> Column PGTimestamptz
- pgTimeOfDay :: TimeOfDay -> Column PGTime
- pgCiStrictText :: CI Text -> Column PGCitext
- pgCiLazyText :: CI Text -> Column PGCitext
- pgJSON :: String -> Column PGJson
- pgStrictJSON :: ByteString -> Column PGJson
- pgLazyJSON :: ByteString -> Column PGJson
- pgValueJSON :: ToJSON a => a -> Column PGJson
- pgJSONB :: String -> Column PGJsonb
- pgStrictJSONB :: ByteString -> Column PGJsonb
- pgLazyJSONB :: ByteString -> Column PGJsonb
- pgValueJSONB :: ToJSON a => a -> Column PGJsonb
- pgArray :: forall a b. IsSqlType b => (a -> Column b) -> [a] -> Column (PGArray b)
- pgRange :: forall a b. IsRangeType b => (a -> Column b) -> RangeBound a -> RangeBound a -> Column (PGRange b)
- class IsSqlType sqlType where
- showSqlType :: proxy sqlType -> String
type PGTimestamptz = SqlTimestamptz Source #
type PGTimestamp = SqlTimestamp Source #
type PGNumeric = SqlNumeric Source #
Default ToFields (PGRange Int) (Column (SqlRange SqlInt4)) Source # | |
Default ToFields (PGRange Int64) (Column (SqlRange SqlInt8)) Source # | |
Default ToFields (PGRange Scientific) (Column (SqlRange SqlNumeric)) Source # | |
Defined in Opaleye.Internal.Constant Methods def :: ToFields (PGRange Scientific) (Column (SqlRange SqlNumeric)) # | |
Default ToFields (PGRange UTCTime) (Column (SqlRange SqlTimestamptz)) Source # | |
Defined in Opaleye.Internal.Constant | |
Default ToFields (PGRange LocalTime) (Column (SqlRange SqlTimestamp)) Source # | |
Defined in Opaleye.Internal.Constant | |
Default ToFields (PGRange Day) (Column (SqlRange SqlDate)) Source # | |
IsRangeType a => IsSqlType (SqlRange a) Source # | |
Defined in Opaleye.Internal.PGTypesExternal Methods showSqlType :: proxy (SqlRange a) -> String Source # | |
(Typeable b, DefaultFromField a b) => DefaultFromField (PGRange a) (PGRange b) Source # | |
Defined in Opaleye.Internal.RunQuery |
IsSqlType SqlJsonb Source # | |
Defined in Opaleye.Internal.PGTypesExternal Methods showSqlType :: proxy SqlJsonb -> String Source # | |
SqlIsJson SqlJsonb Source # | |
Defined in Opaleye.Operators | |
DefaultFromField SqlJsonb ByteString Source # | |
Defined in Opaleye.Internal.RunQuery | |
DefaultFromField SqlJsonb ByteString Source # | |
Defined in Opaleye.Internal.RunQuery | |
DefaultFromField SqlJsonb String Source # | |
Defined in Opaleye.Internal.RunQuery | |
DefaultFromField SqlJsonb Text Source # | |
Defined in Opaleye.Internal.RunQuery | |
DefaultFromField SqlJsonb Value Source # | |
Defined in Opaleye.Internal.RunQuery | |
DefaultFromField SqlJsonb Text Source # | |
Defined in Opaleye.Internal.RunQuery | |
Default ToFields ByteString (Column SqlJsonb) Source # | |
Defined in Opaleye.Internal.Constant | |
Default ToFields ByteString (Column SqlJsonb) Source # | |
Defined in Opaleye.Internal.Constant | |
Default ToFields Value (Column SqlJsonb) Source # | |
type Map Nulled (Column PGJsonb) Source # | |
IsSqlType SqlJson Source # | |
Defined in Opaleye.Internal.PGTypesExternal Methods showSqlType :: proxy SqlJson -> String Source # | |
SqlIsJson SqlJson Source # | |
Defined in Opaleye.Operators | |
DefaultFromField SqlJson ByteString Source # | |
Defined in Opaleye.Internal.RunQuery | |
DefaultFromField SqlJson ByteString Source # | |
Defined in Opaleye.Internal.RunQuery | |
DefaultFromField SqlJson String Source # | |
Defined in Opaleye.Internal.RunQuery | |
DefaultFromField SqlJson Text Source # | |
Defined in Opaleye.Internal.RunQuery | |
DefaultFromField SqlJson Value Source # | |
Defined in Opaleye.Internal.RunQuery | |
DefaultFromField SqlJson Text Source # | |
Defined in Opaleye.Internal.RunQuery | |
Default ToFields ByteString (Column SqlJson) Source # | |
Defined in Opaleye.Internal.Constant | |
Default ToFields ByteString (Column SqlJson) Source # | |
Defined in Opaleye.Internal.Constant | |
Default ToFields Value (Column SqlJson) Source # | |
type Map Nulled (Column PGJson) Source # | |
IsSqlType SqlBytea Source # | |
Defined in Opaleye.Internal.PGTypesExternal Methods showSqlType :: proxy SqlBytea -> String Source # | |
DefaultFromField SqlBytea ByteString Source # | |
Defined in Opaleye.Internal.RunQuery | |
DefaultFromField SqlBytea ByteString Source # | |
Defined in Opaleye.Internal.RunQuery | |
Default ToFields ByteString (Column SqlBytea) Source # | |
Defined in Opaleye.Internal.Constant | |
Default ToFields ByteString (Column SqlBytea) Source # | |
Defined in Opaleye.Internal.Constant | |
bytestring ~ ByteString => Default (Inferrable FromField) SqlBytea bytestring Source # | |
Defined in Opaleye.Internal.Inferrable Methods def :: Inferrable FromField SqlBytea bytestring # | |
type Map Nulled (Column PGBytea) Source # | |
(Default ToFields a (Column b), IsSqlType b) => Default ToFields [a] (Column (SqlArray b)) Source # | |
IsSqlType a => IsSqlType (SqlArray a) Source # | |
Defined in Opaleye.Internal.PGTypesExternal Methods showSqlType :: proxy (SqlArray a) -> String Source # | |
(Typeable b, DefaultFromField a b) => DefaultFromField (SqlArray a) [b] Source # | |
Defined in Opaleye.Internal.RunQuery Methods queryRunnerColumnDefault :: FromField (SqlArray a) [b] Source # defaultFromField :: FromField (SqlArray a) [b] Source # | |
(Typeable h, Default (Inferrable FromField) f h, hs ~ [h]) => Default (Inferrable FromField) (SqlArray f) hs Source # | |
Defined in Opaleye.Internal.Inferrable Methods def :: Inferrable FromField (SqlArray f) hs # |
SqlString SqlCitext Source # | |
Defined in Opaleye.Internal.PGTypesExternal | |
IsSqlType SqlCitext Source # | |
Defined in Opaleye.Internal.PGTypesExternal Methods showSqlType :: proxy SqlCitext -> String Source # | |
SqlOrd SqlCitext Source # | |
Defined in Opaleye.Order | |
DefaultFromField SqlCitext (CI Text) Source # | |
Defined in Opaleye.Internal.RunQuery | |
DefaultFromField SqlCitext (CI Text) Source # | |
Defined in Opaleye.Internal.RunQuery | |
Default ToFields (CI Text) (Column SqlCitext) Source # | |
Default ToFields (CI Text) (Column SqlCitext) Source # | |
cttext ~ CI Text => Default (Inferrable FromField) SqlCitext cttext Source # | |
Defined in Opaleye.Internal.Inferrable Methods def :: Inferrable FromField SqlCitext cttext # | |
type Map Nulled (Column PGCitext) Source # | |
IsSqlType SqlUuid Source # | |
Defined in Opaleye.Internal.PGTypesExternal Methods showSqlType :: proxy SqlUuid -> String Source # | |
SqlOrd SqlUuid Source # | |
Defined in Opaleye.Order | |
DefaultFromField SqlUuid UUID Source # | |
Defined in Opaleye.Internal.RunQuery | |
Default ToFields UUID (Column SqlUuid) Source # | |
uuid ~ UUID => Default (Inferrable FromField) SqlUuid uuid Source # | |
Defined in Opaleye.Internal.Inferrable Methods def :: Inferrable FromField SqlUuid uuid # | |
type Map Nulled (Column PGUuid) Source # | |
data SqlTimestamptz Source #
Be careful if you use Haskell's ZonedTime
. A Postgres timestamptz
does not actually
contain any time zone. It is just a UTC time that is automatically
converted to or from local time on certain occasions, according to
the timezone setting of the
Therefore, although when you roundtrip an input ZonedTime
obtain an output ZonedTime
they each refer to the same
instant in time, the time zone attached to the output will not
necessarily the same as the time zone attached to the input.
IsSqlType SqlTimestamptz Source # | |
Defined in Opaleye.Internal.PGTypesExternal Methods showSqlType :: proxy SqlTimestamptz -> String Source # | |
IsRangeType SqlTimestamptz Source # | |
Defined in Opaleye.Internal.PGTypesExternal Methods showRangeType :: proxy SqlTimestamptz -> String Source # | |
SqlOrd SqlTimestamptz Source # | |
Defined in Opaleye.Order | |
DefaultFromField SqlTimestamptz UTCTime Source # | |
Defined in Opaleye.Internal.RunQuery | |
DefaultFromField SqlTimestamptz ZonedTime Source # | |
Default ToFields UTCTime (Column SqlTimestamptz) Source # | |
Defined in Opaleye.Internal.Constant | |
Default ToFields ZonedTime (Column SqlTimestamptz) Source # | |
Defined in Opaleye.Internal.Constant | |
Default ToFields (PGRange UTCTime) (Column (SqlRange SqlTimestamptz)) Source # | |
Defined in Opaleye.Internal.Constant | |
type Map Nulled (Column PGTimestamptz) Source # | |
Defined in Opaleye.Internal.Join |
data SqlTimestamp Source #
IsSqlType SqlTimestamp Source # | |
Defined in Opaleye.Internal.PGTypesExternal Methods showSqlType :: proxy SqlTimestamp -> String Source # | |
IsRangeType SqlTimestamp Source # | |
Defined in Opaleye.Internal.PGTypesExternal Methods showRangeType :: proxy SqlTimestamp -> String Source # | |
SqlOrd SqlTimestamp Source # | |
Defined in Opaleye.Order | |
DefaultFromField SqlTimestamp LocalTime Source # | |
Defined in Opaleye.Internal.RunQuery | |
Default ToFields LocalTime (Column SqlTimestamp) Source # | |
Defined in Opaleye.Internal.Constant | |
Default ToFields (PGRange LocalTime) (Column (SqlRange SqlTimestamp)) Source # | |
Defined in Opaleye.Internal.Constant | |
localtime ~ LocalTime => Default (Inferrable FromField) SqlTimestamp localtime Source # | |
Defined in Opaleye.Internal.Inferrable Methods def :: Inferrable FromField SqlTimestamp localtime # | |
type Map Nulled (Column PGTimestamp) Source # | |
Defined in Opaleye.Internal.Join |
IsSqlType SqlTime Source # | |
Defined in Opaleye.Internal.PGTypesExternal Methods showSqlType :: proxy SqlTime -> String Source # | |
SqlOrd SqlTime Source # | |
Defined in Opaleye.Order | |
DefaultFromField SqlTime TimeOfDay Source # | |
Defined in Opaleye.Internal.RunQuery | |
Default ToFields TimeOfDay (Column SqlTime) Source # | |
timeofday ~ TimeOfDay => Default (Inferrable FromField) SqlTime timeofday Source # | |
Defined in Opaleye.Internal.Inferrable Methods def :: Inferrable FromField SqlTime timeofday # | |
type Map Nulled (Column PGTime) Source # | |
SqlString SqlText Source # | |
Defined in Opaleye.Internal.PGTypesExternal | |
IsSqlType SqlText Source # | |
Defined in Opaleye.Internal.PGTypesExternal Methods showSqlType :: proxy SqlText -> String Source # | |
SqlOrd SqlText Source # | |
Defined in Opaleye.Order | |
SqlJsonIndex SqlText Source # | |
Defined in Opaleye.Operators | |
DefaultFromField SqlText String Source # | |
Defined in Opaleye.Internal.RunQuery | |
DefaultFromField SqlText Text Source # | |
Defined in Opaleye.Internal.RunQuery | |
DefaultFromField SqlText Text Source # | |
Defined in Opaleye.Internal.RunQuery | |
Default ToFields String (Column SqlText) Source # | |
Default ToFields Text (Column SqlText) Source # | |
Default ToFields Text (Column SqlText) Source # | |
text ~ Text => Default (Inferrable FromField) SqlText text Source # | |
Defined in Opaleye.Internal.Inferrable Methods def :: Inferrable FromField SqlText text # | |
type Map Nulled (Column PGText) Source # | |
type Map Nulled (Column PGText) Source # | |
data SqlNumeric Source #
SqlIntegral SqlInt2 Source # | |
Defined in Opaleye.Internal.PGTypesExternal | |
IsSqlType SqlInt2 Source # | |
Defined in Opaleye.Internal.PGTypesExternal Methods showSqlType :: proxy SqlInt2 -> String Source # | |
SqlOrd SqlInt2 Source # | |
Defined in Opaleye.Order |
SqlIntegral SqlInt8 Source # | |
Defined in Opaleye.Internal.PGTypesExternal | |
SqlNum SqlInt8 Source # | |
Defined in Opaleye.Internal.PGTypesExternal | |
IsSqlType SqlInt8 Source # | |
Defined in Opaleye.Internal.PGTypesExternal Methods showSqlType :: proxy SqlInt8 -> String Source # | |
IsRangeType SqlInt8 Source # | |
Defined in Opaleye.Internal.PGTypesExternal Methods showRangeType :: proxy SqlInt8 -> String Source # | |
SqlOrd SqlInt8 Source # | |
Defined in Opaleye.Order | |
SqlJsonIndex SqlInt8 Source # | |
Defined in Opaleye.Operators | |
DefaultFromField SqlInt8 Int64 Source # | |
Defined in Opaleye.Internal.RunQuery | |
Default ToFields Int64 (Column SqlInt8) Source # | |
Default ToFields (PGRange Int64) (Column (SqlRange SqlInt8)) Source # | |
int64 ~ Int64 => Default (Inferrable FromField) SqlInt8 int64 Source # | |
Defined in Opaleye.Internal.Inferrable Methods def :: Inferrable FromField SqlInt8 int64 # | |
type Map Nulled (Column PGInt8) Source # | |
SqlFractional SqlFloat8 Source # | |
Defined in Opaleye.Internal.PGTypesExternal | |
SqlNum SqlFloat8 Source # | |
Defined in Opaleye.Internal.PGTypesExternal | |
IsSqlType SqlFloat8 Source # | |
Defined in Opaleye.Internal.PGTypesExternal Methods showSqlType :: proxy SqlFloat8 -> String Source # | |
SqlOrd SqlFloat8 Source # | |
Defined in Opaleye.Order | |
DefaultFromField SqlFloat8 Double Source # | |
Defined in Opaleye.Internal.RunQuery | |
Default ToFields Double (Column SqlFloat8) Source # | |
double ~ Double => Default (Inferrable FromField) SqlFloat8 double Source # | |
Defined in Opaleye.Internal.Inferrable Methods def :: Inferrable FromField SqlFloat8 double # | |
type Map Nulled (Column PGFloat8) Source # | |
IsSqlType SqlFloat4 Source # | |
Defined in Opaleye.Internal.PGTypesExternal Methods showSqlType :: proxy SqlFloat4 -> String Source # | |
SqlOrd SqlFloat4 Source # | |
Defined in Opaleye.Order |
IsSqlType SqlDate Source # | |
Defined in Opaleye.Internal.PGTypesExternal Methods showSqlType :: proxy SqlDate -> String Source # | |
IsRangeType SqlDate Source # | |
Defined in Opaleye.Internal.PGTypesExternal Methods showRangeType :: proxy SqlDate -> String Source # | |
SqlOrd SqlDate Source # | |
Defined in Opaleye.Order | |
DefaultFromField SqlDate Day Source # | |
Defined in Opaleye.Internal.RunQuery | |
Default ToFields Day (Column SqlDate) Source # | |
Default ToFields (PGRange Day) (Column (SqlRange SqlDate)) Source # | |
day ~ Day => Default (Inferrable FromField) SqlDate day Source # | |
Defined in Opaleye.Internal.Inferrable Methods def :: Inferrable FromField SqlDate day # | |
type Map Nulled (Column PGDate) Source # | |
IsSqlType SqlBool Source # | |
Defined in Opaleye.Internal.PGTypesExternal Methods showSqlType :: proxy SqlBool -> String Source # | |
SqlOrd SqlBool Source # | |
Defined in Opaleye.Order | |
DefaultFromField SqlBool Bool Source # | |
Defined in Opaleye.Internal.RunQuery | |
Default ToFields Bool (Column SqlBool) Source # | |
bool ~ Bool => Default (Inferrable FromField) SqlBool bool Source # | |
Defined in Opaleye.Internal.Inferrable Methods def :: Inferrable FromField SqlBool bool # | |
type Map Nulled (Column PGBool) Source # | |
class IsSqlType pgType => IsRangeType pgType where Source #
showRangeType :: proxy pgType -> String Source #
IsRangeType SqlTimestamptz Source # | |
Defined in Opaleye.Internal.PGTypesExternal Methods showRangeType :: proxy SqlTimestamptz -> String Source # | |
IsRangeType SqlTimestamp Source # | |
Defined in Opaleye.Internal.PGTypesExternal Methods showRangeType :: proxy SqlTimestamp -> String Source # | |
IsRangeType SqlNumeric Source # | |
Defined in Opaleye.Internal.PGTypesExternal Methods showRangeType :: proxy SqlNumeric -> String Source # | |
IsRangeType SqlInt4 Source # | |
Defined in Opaleye.Internal.PGTypesExternal Methods showRangeType :: proxy SqlInt4 -> String Source # | |
IsRangeType SqlInt8 Source # | |
Defined in Opaleye.Internal.PGTypesExternal Methods showRangeType :: proxy SqlInt8 -> String Source # | |
IsRangeType SqlDate Source # | |
Defined in Opaleye.Internal.PGTypesExternal Methods showRangeType :: proxy SqlDate -> String Source # |
pgLocalTime :: LocalTime -> Column PGTimestamp Source #
pgStrictJSON :: ByteString -> Column PGJson Source #
pgLazyJSON :: ByteString -> Column PGJson Source #
pgStrictJSONB :: ByteString -> Column PGJsonb Source #
pgLazyJSONB :: ByteString -> Column PGJsonb Source #
pgRange :: forall a b. IsRangeType b => (a -> Column b) -> RangeBound a -> RangeBound a -> Column (PGRange b) Source #
class IsSqlType sqlType where Source #
showSqlType :: proxy sqlType -> String Source #