{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DefaultSignatures #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedLists #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PackageImports #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-redundant-constraints #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-unticked-promoted-constructors #-}
module Data.OpenApi.Internal.Schema where
import Prelude ()
import Prelude.Compat
import Control.Lens hiding (allOf)
import Data.Data.Lens (template)
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Writer
import Data.Aeson (Object (..), SumEncoding (..), ToJSON (..), ToJSONKey (..),
ToJSONKeyFunction (..), Value (..))
import Data.Char
import Data.Data (Data)
import Data.Foldable (traverse_)
import Data.HashMap.Strict (HashMap)
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HashMap
import "unordered-containers" Data.HashSet (HashSet)
import qualified "unordered-containers" Data.HashSet as HashSet
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict.InsOrd as InsOrdHashMap
import Data.Int
import Data.IntSet (IntSet)
import Data.IntMap (IntMap)
import Data.List.NonEmpty.Compat (NonEmpty)
import Data.Map (Map)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import Data.Proxy
import Data.Scientific (Scientific)
import Data.Fixed (Fixed, HasResolution, Pico)
import Data.Set (Set)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as TL
import Data.Time
import qualified Data.Vector as V
import qualified Data.Vector.Primitive as VP
import qualified Data.Vector.Storable as VS
import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed as VU
import Data.Version (Version)
import Numeric.Natural.Compat (Natural)
import Data.Word
import GHC.Generics
import qualified Data.UUID.Types as UUID
import Data.OpenApi.Declare
import Data.OpenApi.Internal
import Data.OpenApi.Internal.ParamSchema (ToParamSchema(..))
import Data.OpenApi.Lens hiding (name, schema)
import qualified Data.OpenApi.Lens as Swagger
import Data.OpenApi.SchemaOptions
import Data.OpenApi.Internal.TypeShape
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as BSL
import GHC.TypeLits (TypeError, ErrorMessage(..))
unnamed :: Schema -> NamedSchema
unnamed schema = NamedSchema Nothing schema
named :: T.Text -> Schema -> NamedSchema
named name schema = NamedSchema (Just name) schema
plain :: Schema -> Declare (Definitions Schema) NamedSchema
plain = pure . unnamed
unname :: NamedSchema -> NamedSchema
unname (NamedSchema _ schema) = unnamed schema
rename :: Maybe T.Text -> NamedSchema -> NamedSchema
rename name (NamedSchema _ schema) = NamedSchema name schema
class ToSchema a where
declareNamedSchema :: Proxy a -> Declare (Definitions Schema) NamedSchema
default declareNamedSchema :: (Generic a, GToSchema (Rep a)) =>
Proxy a -> Declare (Definitions Schema) NamedSchema
declareNamedSchema = genericDeclareNamedSchema defaultSchemaOptions
instance ToSchema TimeOfDay where
declareNamedSchema _ = pure $ named "TimeOfDay" $ timeSchema "hh:MM:ss"
& example ?~ toJSON (TimeOfDay 12 33 15)
declareSchema :: ToSchema a => Proxy a -> Declare (Definitions Schema) Schema
declareSchema = fmap _namedSchemaSchema . declareNamedSchema
toNamedSchema :: ToSchema a => Proxy a -> NamedSchema
toNamedSchema = undeclare . declareNamedSchema
schemaName :: ToSchema a => Proxy a -> Maybe T.Text
schemaName = _namedSchemaName . toNamedSchema
toSchema :: ToSchema a => Proxy a -> Schema
toSchema = _namedSchemaSchema . toNamedSchema
toSchemaRef :: ToSchema a => Proxy a -> Referenced Schema
toSchemaRef = undeclare . declareSchemaRef
declareSchemaRef :: ToSchema a => Proxy a -> Declare (Definitions Schema) (Referenced Schema)
declareSchemaRef proxy = do
case toNamedSchema proxy of
NamedSchema (Just name) schema -> do
known <- looks (InsOrdHashMap.member name)
when (not known) $ do
declare [(name, schema)]
void $ declareNamedSchema proxy
return $ Ref (Reference name)
_ -> Inline <$> declareSchema proxy
inlineSchemasWhen :: Data s => (T.Text -> Bool) -> (Definitions Schema) -> s -> s
inlineSchemasWhen p defs = template %~ deref
deref r@(Ref (Reference name))
| p name =
case InsOrdHashMap.lookup name defs of
Just schema -> Inline (inlineSchemasWhen p defs schema)
Nothing -> r
| otherwise = r
deref (Inline schema) = Inline (inlineSchemasWhen p defs schema)
inlineSchemas :: Data s => [T.Text] -> (Definitions Schema) -> s -> s
inlineSchemas names = inlineSchemasWhen (`elem` names)
inlineAllSchemas :: Data s => (Definitions Schema) -> s -> s
inlineAllSchemas = inlineSchemasWhen (const True)
toInlinedSchema :: ToSchema a => Proxy a -> Schema
toInlinedSchema proxy = inlineAllSchemas defs schema
(defs, schema) = runDeclare (declareSchema proxy) mempty
inlineNonRecursiveSchemas :: Data s => (Definitions Schema) -> s -> s
inlineNonRecursiveSchemas defs = inlineSchemasWhen nonRecursive defs
nonRecursive name =
case InsOrdHashMap.lookup name defs of
Just schema -> name `notElem` execDeclare (usedNames schema) mempty
Nothing -> False
usedNames schema = traverse_ schemaRefNames (schema ^.. template)
schemaRefNames :: Referenced Schema -> Declare [T.Text] ()
schemaRefNames ref = case ref of
Ref (Reference name) -> do
seen <- looks (name `elem`)
when (not seen) $ do
declare [name]
traverse_ usedNames (InsOrdHashMap.lookup name defs)
Inline subschema -> usedNames subschema
sketchSchema :: ToJSON a => a -> Schema
sketchSchema = sketch . toJSON
sketch Null = go Null
sketch js@(Bool _) = go js
sketch js = go js & example ?~ js
go Null = mempty & type_ ?~ OpenApiNull
go (Bool _) = mempty & type_ ?~ OpenApiBoolean
go (String _) = mempty & type_ ?~ OpenApiString
go (Number _) = mempty & type_ ?~ OpenApiNumber
go (Array xs) = mempty
& type_ ?~ OpenApiArray
& items ?~ case ischema of
Just s -> OpenApiItemsObject (Inline s)
_ -> OpenApiItemsArray (map Inline ys)
ys = map go (V.toList xs)
allSame = and ((zipWith (==)) ys (tail ys))
ischema = case ys of
(z:_) | allSame -> Just z
_ -> Nothing
go (Object o) = mempty
& type_ ?~ OpenApiObject
& required .~ HashMap.keys o
& properties .~ fmap (Inline . go) (InsOrdHashMap.fromHashMap o)
sketchStrictSchema :: ToJSON a => a -> Schema
sketchStrictSchema = go . toJSON
go Null = mempty & type_ ?~ OpenApiNull
go js@(Bool _) = mempty
& type_ ?~ OpenApiBoolean
& enum_ ?~ [js]
go js@(String s) = mempty
& type_ ?~ OpenApiString
& maxLength ?~ fromIntegral (T.length s)
& minLength ?~ fromIntegral (T.length s)
& pattern ?~ s
& enum_ ?~ [js]
go js@(Number n) = mempty
& type_ ?~ OpenApiNumber
& maximum_ ?~ n
& minimum_ ?~ n
& multipleOf ?~ n
& enum_ ?~ [js]
go js@(Array xs) = mempty
& type_ ?~ OpenApiArray
& maxItems ?~ fromIntegral sz
& minItems ?~ fromIntegral sz
& items ?~ OpenApiItemsArray (map (Inline . go) (V.toList xs))
& uniqueItems ?~ allUnique
& enum_ ?~ [js]
sz = length xs
allUnique = sz == HashSet.size (HashSet.fromList (V.toList xs))
go js@(Object o) = mempty
& type_ ?~ OpenApiObject
& required .~ names
& properties .~ fmap (Inline . go) (InsOrdHashMap.fromHashMap o)
& maxProperties ?~ fromIntegral (length names)
& minProperties ?~ fromIntegral (length names)
& enum_ ?~ [js]
names = HashMap.keys o
class GToSchema (f :: * -> *) where
gdeclareNamedSchema :: SchemaOptions -> Proxy f -> Schema -> Declare (Definitions Schema) NamedSchema
instance {-# OVERLAPPABLE #-} ToSchema a => ToSchema [a] where
declareNamedSchema _ = do
ref <- declareSchemaRef (Proxy :: Proxy a)
return $ unnamed $ mempty
& type_ ?~ OpenApiArray
& items ?~ OpenApiItemsObject ref
instance {-# OVERLAPPING #-} ToSchema String where declareNamedSchema = plain . paramSchemaToSchema
instance ToSchema Bool where declareNamedSchema = plain . paramSchemaToSchema
instance ToSchema Integer where declareNamedSchema = plain . paramSchemaToSchema
instance ToSchema Natural where declareNamedSchema = plain . paramSchemaToSchema
instance ToSchema Int where declareNamedSchema = plain . paramSchemaToSchema
instance ToSchema Int8 where declareNamedSchema = plain . paramSchemaToSchema
instance ToSchema Int16 where declareNamedSchema = plain . paramSchemaToSchema
instance ToSchema Int32 where declareNamedSchema = plain . paramSchemaToSchema
instance ToSchema Int64 where declareNamedSchema = plain . paramSchemaToSchema
instance ToSchema Word where declareNamedSchema = plain . paramSchemaToSchema
instance ToSchema Word8 where declareNamedSchema = plain . paramSchemaToSchema
instance ToSchema Word16 where declareNamedSchema = plain . paramSchemaToSchema
instance ToSchema Word32 where declareNamedSchema = plain . paramSchemaToSchema
instance ToSchema Word64 where declareNamedSchema = plain . paramSchemaToSchema
instance ToSchema Char where
declareNamedSchema proxy = plain (paramSchemaToSchema proxy)
& mapped.Swagger.schema.example ?~ toJSON '?'
instance ToSchema Scientific where declareNamedSchema = plain . paramSchemaToSchema
instance ToSchema Double where declareNamedSchema = plain . paramSchemaToSchema
instance ToSchema Float where declareNamedSchema = plain . paramSchemaToSchema
instance HasResolution a => ToSchema (Fixed a) where declareNamedSchema = plain . paramSchemaToSchema
instance ToSchema a => ToSchema (Maybe a) where
declareNamedSchema _ = declareNamedSchema (Proxy :: Proxy a)
instance (ToSchema a, ToSchema b) => ToSchema (Either a b) where
declareNamedSchema = genericDeclareNamedSchema defaultSchemaOptions { sumEncoding = ObjectWithSingleField }
instance ToSchema () where
declareNamedSchema _ = pure (NamedSchema Nothing nullarySchema)
instance ToSchema UUID.UUID where
declareNamedSchema p = pure $ named "UUID" $ paramSchemaToSchema p
& example ?~ toJSON (UUID.toText UUID.nil)
instance (ToSchema a, ToSchema b) => ToSchema (a, b)
instance (ToSchema a, ToSchema b, ToSchema c) => ToSchema (a, b, c)
instance (ToSchema a, ToSchema b, ToSchema c, ToSchema d) => ToSchema (a, b, c, d)
instance (ToSchema a, ToSchema b, ToSchema c, ToSchema d, ToSchema e) => ToSchema (a, b, c, d, e)
instance (ToSchema a, ToSchema b, ToSchema c, ToSchema d, ToSchema e, ToSchema f) => ToSchema (a, b, c, d, e, f)
instance (ToSchema a, ToSchema b, ToSchema c, ToSchema d, ToSchema e, ToSchema f, ToSchema g) => ToSchema (a, b, c, d, e, f, g)
timeSchema :: T.Text -> Schema
timeSchema fmt = mempty
& type_ ?~ OpenApiString
& format ?~ fmt
instance ToSchema Day where
declareNamedSchema _ = pure $ named "Day" $ timeSchema "date"
& example ?~ toJSON (fromGregorian 2016 7 22)
instance ToSchema LocalTime where
declareNamedSchema _ = pure $ named "LocalTime" $ timeSchema "yyyy-mm-ddThh:MM:ss"
& example ?~ toJSON (LocalTime (fromGregorian 2016 7 22) (TimeOfDay 7 40 0))
instance ToSchema ZonedTime where
declareNamedSchema _ = pure $ named "ZonedTime" $ timeSchema "date-time"
& example ?~ toJSON (ZonedTime (LocalTime (fromGregorian 2016 7 22) (TimeOfDay 7 40 0)) (hoursToTimeZone 3))
instance ToSchema NominalDiffTime where
declareNamedSchema _ = declareNamedSchema (Proxy :: Proxy Pico)
instance ToSchema UTCTime where
declareNamedSchema _ = pure $ named "UTCTime" $ timeSchema "yyyy-mm-ddThh:MM:ssZ"
& example ?~ toJSON (UTCTime (fromGregorian 2016 7 22) 0)
instance ToSchema T.Text where declareNamedSchema = plain . paramSchemaToSchema
instance ToSchema TL.Text where declareNamedSchema = plain . paramSchemaToSchema
instance ToSchema Version where declareNamedSchema = plain . paramSchemaToSchema
type family ToSchemaByteStringError bs where
ToSchemaByteStringError bs = TypeError
( Text "Impossible to have an instance " :<>: ShowType (ToSchema bs) :<>: Text "."
:$$: Text "Please, use a newtype wrapper around " :<>: ShowType bs :<>: Text " instead."
:$$: Text "Consider using byteSchema or binarySchema templates." )
instance ToSchemaByteStringError BS.ByteString => ToSchema BS.ByteString where declareNamedSchema = error "impossible"
instance ToSchemaByteStringError BSL.ByteString => ToSchema BSL.ByteString where declareNamedSchema = error "impossible"
instance ToSchema IntSet where declareNamedSchema _ = declareNamedSchema (Proxy :: Proxy (Set Int))
instance ToSchema a => ToSchema (IntMap a) where
declareNamedSchema _ = declareNamedSchema (Proxy :: Proxy [(Int, a)])
instance (ToJSONKey k, ToSchema k, ToSchema v) => ToSchema (Map k v) where
declareNamedSchema _ = case toJSONKey :: ToJSONKeyFunction k of
ToJSONKeyText _ _ -> declareObjectMapSchema
ToJSONKeyValue _ _ -> declareNamedSchema (Proxy :: Proxy [(k, v)])
declareObjectMapSchema = do
schema <- declareSchemaRef (Proxy :: Proxy v)
return $ unnamed $ mempty
& type_ ?~ OpenApiObject
& additionalProperties ?~ AdditionalPropertiesSchema schema
instance (ToJSONKey k, ToSchema k, ToSchema v) => ToSchema (HashMap k v) where
declareNamedSchema _ = declareNamedSchema (Proxy :: Proxy (Map k v))
instance {-# OVERLAPPING #-} ToSchema Object where
declareNamedSchema _ = pure $ NamedSchema (Just "Object") $ mempty
& type_ ?~ OpenApiObject
& description ?~ "Arbitrary JSON object."
& additionalProperties ?~ AdditionalPropertiesAllowed True
instance ToSchema a => ToSchema (V.Vector a) where declareNamedSchema _ = declareNamedSchema (Proxy :: Proxy [a])
instance ToSchema a => ToSchema (VU.Vector a) where declareNamedSchema _ = declareNamedSchema (Proxy :: Proxy [a])
instance ToSchema a => ToSchema (VS.Vector a) where declareNamedSchema _ = declareNamedSchema (Proxy :: Proxy [a])
instance ToSchema a => ToSchema (VP.Vector a) where declareNamedSchema _ = declareNamedSchema (Proxy :: Proxy [a])
instance ToSchema a => ToSchema (Set a) where
declareNamedSchema _ = do
schema <- declareSchema (Proxy :: Proxy [a])
return $ unnamed $ schema
& uniqueItems ?~ True
instance ToSchema a => ToSchema (HashSet a) where declareNamedSchema _ = declareNamedSchema (Proxy :: Proxy (Set a))
instance ToSchema a => ToSchema (NonEmpty a) where
declareNamedSchema _ = do
schema <- declareSchema (Proxy :: Proxy [a])
return $ unnamed $ schema
& minItems .~ Just 1
instance ToSchema All where declareNamedSchema = plain . paramSchemaToSchema
instance ToSchema Any where declareNamedSchema = plain . paramSchemaToSchema
instance ToSchema a => ToSchema (Sum a) where declareNamedSchema _ = unname <$> declareNamedSchema (Proxy :: Proxy a)
instance ToSchema a => ToSchema (Product a) where declareNamedSchema _ = unname <$> declareNamedSchema (Proxy :: Proxy a)
instance ToSchema a => ToSchema (First a) where declareNamedSchema _ = unname <$> declareNamedSchema (Proxy :: Proxy a)
instance ToSchema a => ToSchema (Last a) where declareNamedSchema _ = unname <$> declareNamedSchema (Proxy :: Proxy a)
instance ToSchema a => ToSchema (Dual a) where declareNamedSchema _ = unname <$> declareNamedSchema (Proxy :: Proxy a)
instance ToSchema a => ToSchema (Identity a) where declareNamedSchema _ = declareNamedSchema (Proxy :: Proxy a)
toSchemaBoundedIntegral :: forall a. (Bounded a, Integral a) => Proxy a -> Schema
toSchemaBoundedIntegral _ = mempty
& type_ ?~ OpenApiInteger
& minimum_ ?~ fromInteger (toInteger (minBound :: a))
& maximum_ ?~ fromInteger (toInteger (maxBound :: a))
genericToNamedSchemaBoundedIntegral :: forall a d f.
( Bounded a, Integral a
, Generic a, Rep a ~ D1 d f, Datatype d)
=> SchemaOptions -> Proxy a -> NamedSchema
genericToNamedSchemaBoundedIntegral opts proxy
= genericNameSchema opts proxy (toSchemaBoundedIntegral proxy)
genericDeclareNamedSchemaNewtype :: forall a d c s i inner.
(Generic a, Datatype d, Rep a ~ D1 d (C1 c (S1 s (K1 i inner))))
=> SchemaOptions
-> (Proxy inner -> Declare (Definitions Schema) Schema)
-> Proxy a
-> Declare (Definitions Schema) NamedSchema
genericDeclareNamedSchemaNewtype opts f proxy = genericNameSchema opts proxy <$> f (Proxy :: Proxy inner)
declareSchemaBoundedEnumKeyMapping :: forall map key value.
(Bounded key, Enum key, ToJSONKey key, ToSchema key, ToSchema value)
=> Proxy (map key value) -> Declare (Definitions Schema) Schema
declareSchemaBoundedEnumKeyMapping _ = case toJSONKey :: ToJSONKeyFunction key of
ToJSONKeyText keyToText _ -> objectSchema keyToText
ToJSONKeyValue _ _ -> declareSchema (Proxy :: Proxy [(key, value)])
objectSchema keyToText = do
valueRef <- declareSchemaRef (Proxy :: Proxy value)
let allKeys = [minBound..maxBound :: key]
mkPair k = (keyToText k, valueRef)
return $ mempty
& type_ ?~ OpenApiObject
& properties .~ InsOrdHashMap.fromList (map mkPair allKeys)
toSchemaBoundedEnumKeyMapping :: forall map key value.
(Bounded key, Enum key, ToJSONKey key, ToSchema key, ToSchema value)
=> Proxy (map key value) -> Schema
toSchemaBoundedEnumKeyMapping = flip evalDeclare mempty . declareSchemaBoundedEnumKeyMapping
genericDeclareSchema :: (Generic a, GToSchema (Rep a)) =>
SchemaOptions -> Proxy a -> Declare (Definitions Schema) Schema
genericDeclareSchema opts proxy = _namedSchemaSchema <$> genericDeclareNamedSchema opts proxy
genericDeclareNamedSchema :: forall a. (Generic a, GToSchema (Rep a)) =>
SchemaOptions -> Proxy a -> Declare (Definitions Schema) NamedSchema
genericDeclareNamedSchema opts _ = gdeclareNamedSchema opts (Proxy :: Proxy (Rep a)) mempty
genericNameSchema :: forall a d f.
(Generic a, Rep a ~ D1 d f, Datatype d)
=> SchemaOptions -> Proxy a -> Schema -> NamedSchema
genericNameSchema opts _ = NamedSchema (gdatatypeSchemaName opts (Proxy :: Proxy d))
gdatatypeSchemaName :: forall d. Datatype d => SchemaOptions -> Proxy d -> Maybe T.Text
gdatatypeSchemaName opts _ = case orig of
(c:_) | isAlpha c && isUpper c -> Just (T.pack name)
_ -> Nothing
orig = datatypeName (Proxy3 :: Proxy3 d f a)
name = datatypeNameModifier opts orig
paramSchemaToNamedSchema :: (ToParamSchema a, Generic a, Rep a ~ D1 d f, Datatype d) =>
SchemaOptions -> Proxy a -> NamedSchema
paramSchemaToNamedSchema opts proxy = genericNameSchema opts proxy (paramSchemaToSchema proxy)
paramSchemaToSchema :: ToParamSchema a => Proxy a -> Schema
paramSchemaToSchema = toParamSchema
nullarySchema :: Schema
nullarySchema = mempty
& type_ ?~ OpenApiArray
& items ?~ OpenApiItemsArray []
gtoNamedSchema :: GToSchema f => SchemaOptions -> Proxy f -> NamedSchema
gtoNamedSchema opts proxy = undeclare $ gdeclareNamedSchema opts proxy mempty
gdeclareSchema :: GToSchema f => SchemaOptions -> Proxy f -> Declare (Definitions Schema) Schema
gdeclareSchema opts proxy = _namedSchemaSchema <$> gdeclareNamedSchema opts proxy mempty
instance (GToSchema f, GToSchema g) => GToSchema (f :*: g) where
gdeclareNamedSchema opts _ schema = do
NamedSchema _ gschema <- gdeclareNamedSchema opts (Proxy :: Proxy f) schema
gdeclareNamedSchema opts (Proxy :: Proxy g) gschema
instance (Datatype d, GToSchema f) => GToSchema (D1 d f) where
gdeclareNamedSchema opts _ s = rename name <$> gdeclareNamedSchema opts (Proxy :: Proxy f) s
name = gdatatypeSchemaName opts (Proxy :: Proxy d)
instance {-# OVERLAPPABLE #-} GToSchema f => GToSchema (C1 c f) where
gdeclareNamedSchema opts _ = gdeclareNamedSchema opts (Proxy :: Proxy f)
instance {-# OVERLAPPING #-} Constructor c => GToSchema (C1 c U1) where
gdeclareNamedSchema = gdeclareNamedSumSchema
instance (Selector s, GToSchema f, GToSchema (S1 s f)) => GToSchema (C1 c (S1 s f)) where
gdeclareNamedSchema opts _ s
| unwrapUnaryRecords opts = fieldSchema
| otherwise =
case schema ^. items of
Just (OpenApiItemsArray [_]) -> fieldSchema
_ -> do
declare defs
return (unnamed schema)
(defs, NamedSchema _ schema) = runDeclare recordSchema mempty
recordSchema = gdeclareNamedSchema opts (Proxy :: Proxy (S1 s f)) s
fieldSchema = gdeclareNamedSchema opts (Proxy :: Proxy f) s
gdeclareSchemaRef :: GToSchema a => SchemaOptions -> Proxy a -> Declare (Definitions Schema) (Referenced Schema)
gdeclareSchemaRef opts proxy = do
case gtoNamedSchema opts proxy of
NamedSchema (Just name) schema -> do
known <- looks (InsOrdHashMap.member name)
when (not known) $ do
declare [(name, schema)]
void $ gdeclareNamedSchema opts proxy mempty
return $ Ref (Reference name)
_ -> Inline <$> gdeclareSchema opts proxy
appendItem :: Referenced Schema -> Maybe OpenApiItems -> Maybe OpenApiItems
appendItem x Nothing = Just (OpenApiItemsArray [x])
appendItem x (Just (OpenApiItemsArray xs)) = Just (OpenApiItemsArray (xs ++ [x]))
appendItem _ _ = error "GToSchema.appendItem: cannot append to OpenApiItemsObject"
withFieldSchema :: forall proxy s f. (Selector s, GToSchema f) =>
SchemaOptions -> proxy s f -> Bool -> Schema -> Declare (Definitions Schema) Schema
withFieldSchema opts _ isRequiredField schema = do
ref <- gdeclareSchemaRef opts (Proxy :: Proxy f)
return $
if T.null fname
then schema
& type_ ?~ OpenApiArray
& items %~ appendItem ref
& maxItems %~ Just . maybe 1 (+1)
& minItems %~ Just . maybe 1 (+1)
else schema
& type_ ?~ OpenApiObject
& properties . at fname ?~ ref
& if isRequiredField
then required %~ (++ [fname])
else id
fname = T.pack (fieldLabelModifier opts (selName (Proxy3 :: Proxy3 s f p)))
instance {-# OVERLAPPING #-} (Selector s, ToSchema c) => GToSchema (S1 s (K1 i (Maybe c))) where
gdeclareNamedSchema opts _ = fmap unnamed . withFieldSchema opts (Proxy2 :: Proxy2 s (K1 i (Maybe c))) False
instance {-# OVERLAPPABLE #-} (Selector s, GToSchema f) => GToSchema (S1 s f) where
gdeclareNamedSchema opts _ = fmap unnamed . withFieldSchema opts (Proxy2 :: Proxy2 s f) True
instance {-# OVERLAPPING #-} ToSchema c => GToSchema (K1 i (Maybe c)) where
gdeclareNamedSchema _ _ _ = declareNamedSchema (Proxy :: Proxy c)
instance {-# OVERLAPPABLE #-} ToSchema c => GToSchema (K1 i c) where
gdeclareNamedSchema _ _ _ = declareNamedSchema (Proxy :: Proxy c)
instance ( GSumToSchema f
, GSumToSchema g
) => GToSchema (f :+: g)
gdeclareNamedSchema opts p s = gdeclareNamedSumSchema (opts { unwrapUnaryRecords = False } )p s
gdeclareNamedSumSchema :: GSumToSchema f => SchemaOptions -> Proxy f -> Schema -> Declare (Definitions Schema) NamedSchema
gdeclareNamedSumSchema opts proxy _
| allNullaryToStringTag opts && allNullary = pure $ unnamed (toStringTag sumSchemas)
| otherwise = do
(schemas, _) <- runWriterT declareSumSchema
return $ unnamed $ mempty
& type_ ?~ OpenApiObject
& oneOf ?~ (snd <$> schemas)
declareSumSchema = gsumToSchema opts proxy
(sumSchemas, All allNullary) = undeclare (runWriterT declareSumSchema)
toStringTag schemas = mempty
& type_ ?~ OpenApiString
& enum_ ?~ map (String . fst) sumSchemas
type AllNullary = All
class GSumToSchema (f :: * -> *) where
gsumToSchema :: SchemaOptions -> Proxy f -> WriterT AllNullary (Declare (Definitions Schema)) [(T.Text, Referenced Schema)]
instance (GSumToSchema f, GSumToSchema g) => GSumToSchema (f :+: g) where
gsumToSchema opts _ =
(<>) <$> gsumToSchema opts (Proxy :: Proxy f) <*> gsumToSchema opts (Proxy :: Proxy g)
gsumConToSchemaWith :: forall c f. (GToSchema (C1 c f), Constructor c) =>
Maybe (Referenced Schema) -> SchemaOptions -> Proxy (C1 c f) -> (T.Text, Referenced Schema)
gsumConToSchemaWith ref opts _ = (tag, schema)
schema = case sumEncoding opts of
TaggedObject tagField contentsField ->
case ref of
Just (Inline sub) | sub ^. type_ == Just OpenApiObject && isRecord -> Inline $ sub
& required <>~ [T.pack tagField]
& properties . at (T.pack tagField) ?~ (Inline $ mempty & type_ ?~ OpenApiString & enum_ ?~ [String tag])
_ | not isRecord -> Inline $ mempty
& type_ ?~ OpenApiObject
& required .~ [T.pack tagField]
& properties . at (T.pack tagField) ?~ (Inline $ mempty & type_ ?~ OpenApiString & enum_ ?~ [String tag])
& case ref of
Just r -> (properties . at (T.pack contentsField) ?~ r) . (required <>~ [T.pack contentsField])
Nothing -> id
_ -> Inline $ mempty
& type_ ?~ OpenApiObject
& allOf ?~ [Inline $ mempty
& type_ ?~ OpenApiObject
& required .~ (T.pack tagField : if isRecord then [] else [T.pack contentsField])
& properties . at (T.pack tagField) ?~ (Inline $ mempty & type_ ?~ OpenApiString & enum_ ?~ [String tag])]
& if isRecord
then allOf . _Just <>~ [refOrNullary]
else allOf . _Just <>~ [Inline $ mempty & type_ ?~ OpenApiObject & properties . at (T.pack contentsField) ?~ refOrNullary]
UntaggedValue -> refOrEnum
ObjectWithSingleField -> Inline $ mempty
& type_ ?~ OpenApiObject
& required .~ [tag]
& properties . at tag ?~ refOrNullary
TwoElemArray -> error "unrepresentable in OpenAPI 3"
tag = T.pack (constructorTagModifier opts (conName (Proxy3 :: Proxy3 c f p)))
isRecord = conIsRecord (Proxy3 :: Proxy3 c f p)
refOrNullary = fromMaybe (Inline nullarySchema) ref
refOrEnum = fromMaybe (Inline $ mempty & type_ ?~ OpenApiString & enum_ ?~ [String tag]) ref
gsumConToSchema :: (GToSchema (C1 c f), Constructor c) =>
SchemaOptions -> Proxy (C1 c f) -> Declare (Definitions Schema) [(T.Text, Referenced Schema)]
gsumConToSchema opts proxy = do
ref <- gdeclareSchemaRef opts proxy
return [gsumConToSchemaWith (Just ref) opts proxy]
instance {-# OVERLAPPABLE #-} (Constructor c, GToSchema f) => GSumToSchema (C1 c f) where
gsumToSchema opts proxy = do
tell (All False)
lift $ gsumConToSchema opts proxy
instance (Constructor c, Selector s, GToSchema f) => GSumToSchema (C1 c (S1 s f)) where
gsumToSchema opts proxy = do
tell (All False)
lift $ gsumConToSchema opts proxy
instance Constructor c => GSumToSchema (C1 c U1) where
gsumToSchema opts proxy = pure $ (:[]) $ gsumConToSchemaWith Nothing opts proxy
data Proxy2 a b = Proxy2
data Proxy3 a b c = Proxy3