Safe Haskell | Safe |
Language | Haskell2010 |
This module provides a generalized implementation of data types à la carte [1]. It supports (higher-order) functors with 0 or more functorial parameters and additional non-functorial parameters, all with a uniform interface.
\[1\] W. Swierstra. Data Types à la Carte. Journal of Functional Programming, 18(4):423-436, 2008,
(This module is preferably used with the GHC extensions DataKinds
Compared to traditional data types à la carte, an extra poly-kinded parameter
has been added to :+:
and to the parameters of :<:
. Standard data types à
la carte is obtained by setting this parameter to ()
. That gives us the
following type for Inl
:: h1 () a -> (h1:+:
h2) () a
Here, h1 ()
and (h1
are functors.:+:
h2) ()
By setting the extra parameter to a functor f :: * -> *
, we obtain this
:: h1 f a -> (h1:+:
h2) f a
This makes h1
and (h1
higher-order functors.:+:
Finally, by setting the parameter to a type-level pair of functors
'(f,g) :: (* -> *, * -> *)
, we obtain this type:
:: h1 '(f,g) a -> (h1:+:
h2) '(f,g) a
This makes h1
and (h1
higher-order bi-functors.:+:
Alternatively, we can represent all three cases above using heterogeneous
lists of functors constructed using '(,)
and terminated by ()
:: h1 () a -> (h1:+:
h2) () a -- functorInl
:: h1 '(f,()) a -> (h1:+:
h2) '(f,()) a -- higher-order functorInl
:: h1 '(f,'(g,())) a -> (h1:+:
h2) '(f,'(g,())) a -- higher-order bi-functor
This view is taken by the classes HFunctor
and HBifunctor
. An HFunctor
takes a parameter of kind (* -> *, k)
; i.e. it has at least one
functorial parameter. A HBiFunctor
takes a parameter of kind
(* -> *, (* -> *, k))
; i.e. it has at least two functorial parameters.
Aliases for parameter lists
To avoid ugly types such as '(f,'(g,()))
, this module exports the synonyms
, Param1
, Param2
, etc. for parameter lists up to size 4. These
synonyms allow the module to be used without the DataKinds
Extra type parameters
Recall that an HFunctor
takes a parameter of kind (* -> *, k)
, and an
takes a parameter of kind (* -> *, (* -> *, k))
. Since k
polymorphic, it means that it is possible to add extra parameters in place of
For example, a user can define the following type representing addition in some language:
data Add fs a where Add :: (Num
a, pred a) => f a -> f a -> Add (Param2
f pred) a instanceHFunctor
Add wherehfmap
f (Add a b) = Add (f a) (f b)
Here, Add
has a functorial parameter f
, and an extra non-functorial
parameter pred
that provides a constraint for the type a
An obvious alternative would have been to just make pred
a separate
parameter to Add
data Add pred fs a where Add :: (Num
a, pred a) => f a -> f a -> Add pred (Param1
f) a instanceHFunctor
(Add pred) wherehfmap
f (Add a b) = Add (f a) (f b)
However, this has the disadvantage of being hard to use together with the
class. For example, we might want to define the following "smart
constructor" for Add
mkAdd :: (Num
a, pred a, Add pred:<:
h) => f a -> f a -> h (Param1
f) a mkAdd a b =inj
(Add a b)
Unfortunately, the above type is ambiguous, because pred
is completely
free. Assuming that h
is a type of the form (...
we would like to infer :+:
Add Show
...)(pred ~
, but this would require extra
machinery, such as a type family that computes Show
from h
By putting pred
in the parameter list, we avoid the above problem. We also
get the advantage that the same pred
parameter is distributed to all types
in a sum constructed using :+:
. This makes it easier to, for example,
change the pred
parameter uniformly throughout an expression.
data (h1 :+: h2) fs a infixr 9 Source #
(HBifunctor k k1 k2 h1, HBifunctor k k1 k2 h2) => HBifunctor k k1 k2 ((:+:) k (* -> *, (k1 -> *, k2)) h1 h2) Source # | |
(HFunctor k k1 k2 h1, HFunctor k k1 k2 h2) => HFunctor k k1 k2 ((:+:) k (k1 -> *, k2) h1 h2) Source # | |
(:<:) k k1 f h => (:<:) k k1 f ((:+:) k k1 g h) Source # | |
(:<:) k k1 f ((:+:) k k1 f g) Source # | |
(Reexpressible k k1 i1 instr env, Reexpressible k k1 i2 instr env) => Reexpressible k k1 ((:+:) * (* -> *, (k -> *, k1)) i1 i2) instr env Source # | |
(InterpBi k k1 i1 m fs, InterpBi k k1 i2 m fs) => InterpBi k k1 ((:+:) k (k -> *, (k -> *, k1)) i1 i2) m fs Source # | |
(Interp k k1 i1 m fs, Interp k k1 i2 m fs) => Interp k k1 ((:+:) k (k -> *, k1) i1 i2) m fs Source # | |
(Functor (h2 fs), Functor (h1 fs)) => Functor ((:+:) * k h1 h2 fs) Source # | |
class sub :<: sup where Source #
A constraint f
expresses that the signature :<:
is subsumed by
, i.e. f
can be used to construct elements in g
class HFunctor h => HBifunctor h where Source #
Higher-order bi-functors
Minimal complete definition
hbimap :: (Functor f, Functor g) => (forall b. f b -> g b) -> (forall b. i b -> j b) -> h '(f, '(i, fs)) a -> h '(g, '(j, fs)) a Source #
Higher-order "bimap"
(HBifunctor k k1 k2 h1, HBifunctor k k1 k2 h2) => HBifunctor k k1 k2 ((:+:) k (* -> *, (k1 -> *, k2)) h1 h2) Source # | |