{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
module Options.Applicative.Extra (
  -- * Extra parser utilities
  -- | This module contains high-level functions to run parsers.
  ) where

import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad (void)
import Data.Monoid
import Data.Foldable (traverse_)
import Prelude
import System.Environment (getArgs, getProgName)
import System.Exit (exitSuccess, exitWith, ExitCode(..))
import System.IO (hPutStrLn, stderr)

import Options.Applicative.BashCompletion
import Options.Applicative.Builder
import Options.Applicative.Builder.Internal
import Options.Applicative.Common
import Options.Applicative.Help

import Options.Applicative.Internal
import Options.Applicative.Types

-- | A hidden \"helper\" option which always fails.
-- A common usage pattern is to apply this applicatively when
-- creating a 'ParserInfo'
-- > opts :: ParserInfo Sample
-- > opts = info (sample <**> helper) mempty

helper :: Parser (a -> a)
helper =
  option helpReader $
      [ long "help",
        short 'h',
        help "Show this help text",
        value id,
        metavar "",
        noArgError (ShowHelpText Nothing),
    helpReader = do
      potentialCommand <- readerAsk
      readerAbort $
        ShowHelpText (Just potentialCommand)

-- | Builder for a command parser with a \"helper\" option attached.
-- Used in the same way as `subparser`, but includes a \"--help|-h\" inside
-- the subcommand.
hsubparser :: Mod CommandFields a -> Parser a
hsubparser m = mkParser d g rdr
    Mod _ d g = metavar "COMMAND" `mappend` m
    (groupName, cmds, subs) = mkCommand m
    rdr = CmdReader groupName cmds (fmap add_helper . subs)
    add_helper pinfo = pinfo
      { infoParser = infoParser pinfo <**> helper }

-- | Run a program description.
-- Parse command line arguments. Display help text and exit if any parse error
-- occurs.
execParser :: ParserInfo a -> IO a
execParser = customExecParser defaultPrefs

-- | Run a program description with custom preferences.
customExecParser :: ParserPrefs -> ParserInfo a -> IO a
customExecParser pprefs pinfo
  = execParserPure pprefs pinfo <$> getArgs
  >>= handleParseResult

-- | Handle `ParserResult`.
handleParseResult :: ParserResult a -> IO a
handleParseResult (Success a) = return a
handleParseResult (Failure failure) = do
      progn <- getProgName
      let (msg, exit) = renderFailure failure progn
      case exit of
        ExitSuccess -> putStrLn msg
        _           -> hPutStrLn stderr msg
      exitWith exit
handleParseResult (CompletionInvoked compl) = do
      progn <- getProgName
      msg <- execCompletion compl progn
      putStr msg

-- | Extract the actual result from a `ParserResult` value.
-- This function returns 'Nothing' in case of errors.  Possible error messages
-- or completion actions are simply discarded.
-- If you want to display error messages and invoke completion actions
-- appropriately, use 'handleParseResult' instead.
getParseResult :: ParserResult a -> Maybe a
getParseResult (Success a) = Just a
getParseResult _ = Nothing

-- | The most general way to run a program description in pure code.
execParserPure :: ParserPrefs       -- ^ Global preferences for this parser
               -> ParserInfo a      -- ^ Description of the program to run
               -> [String]          -- ^ Program arguments
               -> ParserResult a
execParserPure pprefs pinfo args =
  case runP p pprefs of
    (Right (Right r), _) -> Success r
    (Right (Left c), _) -> CompletionInvoked c
    (Left err, ctx) -> Failure $ parserFailure pprefs pinfo err ctx
    pinfo' = pinfo
      { infoParser = (Left <$> bashCompletionParser pinfo pprefs)
                 <|> (Right <$> infoParser pinfo) }
    p = runParserInfo pinfo' args

-- | Generate a `ParserFailure` from a `ParseError` in a given `Context`.
-- This function can be used, for example, to show the help text for a parser:
-- @handleParseResult . Failure $ parserFailure pprefs pinfo ShowHelpText mempty@
parserFailure :: ParserPrefs -> ParserInfo a
              -> ParseError -> [Context]
              -> ParserFailure ParserHelp
parserFailure pprefs pinfo msg ctx0 = ParserFailure $ \progn ->
  let h = with_context ctx pinfo $ \names pinfo' -> mconcat
            [ base_help pinfo'
            , usage_help progn names pinfo'
            , suggestion_help
            , globals ctx
            , error_help ]
  in (h, exit_code, prefColumns pprefs)
    -- Add another context layer if the argument to --help is
    -- a valid command.
    ctx = case msg of
      ShowHelpText (Just potentialCommand) ->
        let ctx1 = with_context ctx0 pinfo $ \_ pinfo' ->
                $ flip runP defaultPrefs { prefBacktrack = SubparserInline }
                $ runParserStep (infoPolicy pinfo') (infoParser pinfo') potentialCommand []
        in ctx1 `mappend` ctx0
      _ ->

    exit_code = case msg of
      ErrorMsg {}        -> ExitFailure (infoFailureCode pinfo)
      UnknownError       -> ExitFailure (infoFailureCode pinfo)
      MissingError {}    -> ExitFailure (infoFailureCode pinfo)
      ExpectsArgError {} -> ExitFailure (infoFailureCode pinfo)
      UnexpectedError {} -> ExitFailure (infoFailureCode pinfo)
      ShowHelpText {}    -> ExitSuccess
      InfoMsg {}         -> ExitSuccess

    with_context :: [Context]
                 -> ParserInfo a
                 -> (forall b . [String] -> ParserInfo b -> c)
                 -> c
    with_context [] i f = f [] i
    with_context c@(Context _ i:_) _ f = f (contextNames c) i

    globals :: [Context] -> ParserHelp
    globals cs =
        voided =
          fmap (\(Context _ p) -> void p) cs `mappend` pure (void pinfo)

        globalParsers =
          traverse_ infoParser $
            drop 1 voided
        if prefHelpShowGlobal pprefs then
          parserGlobals pprefs globalParsers

    usage_help progn names i = case msg of
      InfoMsg _
        -> mempty
        -> usageHelp $ vcatChunks
          [ pure . parserUsage pprefs (infoParser i) . unwords $ progn : names
          , fmap (indent 2) . infoProgDesc $ i ]

    error_help = errorHelp $ case msg of
      ShowHelpText {}
        -> mempty

      ErrorMsg m
        -> stringChunk m

      InfoMsg  m
        -> stringChunk m

      MissingError CmdStart _
        | prefShowHelpOnEmpty pprefs
        -> mempty

      MissingError _ (SomeParser x)
        -> stringChunk "Missing:" <<+>> missingDesc pprefs x

      ExpectsArgError x
        -> stringChunk $ "The option `" ++ x ++ "` expects an argument."

      UnexpectedError arg _
        -> stringChunk msg'
            -- This gives us the same error we have always
            -- reported
            msg' = case arg of
              ('-':_) -> "Invalid option `" ++ arg ++ "'"
              _       -> "Invalid argument `" ++ arg ++ "'"

        -> mempty

    suggestion_help = suggestionsHelp $ case msg of
      UnexpectedError arg (SomeParser x)
        -- We have an unexpected argument and the parser which
        -- it's running over.
        -- We can make a good help suggestion here if we do
        -- a levenstein distance between all possible suggestions
        -- and the supplied option or argument.
        -> suggestions
            -- Not using chunked here, as we don't want to
            -- show "Did you mean" if there's nothing there
            -- to show
            suggestions = (.$.) <$> prose
                                <*> (indent 4 <$> (vcatChunks . fmap stringChunk $ good ))

            -- We won't worry about the 0 case, it won't be
            -- shown anyway.
            prose       = if length good < 2 then
                            stringChunk "Did you mean this?"
                            stringChunk "Did you mean one of these?"
            -- Suggestions we will show, they're close enough
            -- to what the user wrote
            good        = filter isClose possibles

            -- Bit of an arbitrary decision here.
            -- Edit distances of 1 or 2 will give hints
            isClose a   = editDistance a arg < 3

            -- Similar to how bash completion works.
            -- We map over the parser and get the names
            -- ( no IO here though, unlike for completers )
            possibles   = concat $ mapParser opt_completions x

            -- Look at the option and give back the possible
            -- things the user could type. If it's a command
            -- reader also ensure that it can be immediately
            -- reachable from where the error was given.
            opt_completions reachability opt = case optMain opt of
              OptReader ns _ _ -> fmap showOption ns
              FlagReader ns _  -> fmap showOption ns
              ArgReader _      -> []
              CmdReader _ ns _  | argumentIsUnreachable reachability
                               -> []
                                | otherwise
                               -> ns
        -> mempty

    base_help :: ParserInfo a -> ParserHelp
    base_help i
      | show_full_help
      = mconcat [h, f, parserHelp pprefs (infoParser i)]
      | otherwise
      = mempty
        h = headerHelp (infoHeader i)
        f = footerHelp (infoFooter i)

    show_full_help = case msg of
      ShowHelpText {}          -> True
      MissingError CmdStart  _  | prefShowHelpOnEmpty pprefs
                               -> True
      InfoMsg _                -> False
      _                        -> prefShowHelpOnError pprefs

renderFailure :: ParserFailure ParserHelp -> String -> (String, ExitCode)
renderFailure failure progn =
  let (h, exit, cols) = execFailure failure progn
  in (renderHelp cols h, exit)