{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts      #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances     #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes           #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies          #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}

-- | Types and functions for dealing with Kepler orbits.
module Physics.Orbit
  ( -- * The Orbit data type and dependencies
  , InclinationSpecifier(..)
  , PeriapsisSpecifier(..)
  , Classification(..)

    -- * Functions for dealing with orbits
    -- ** Utilities
  , isValid
  , classify
    -- ** Orbital elements
  , apoapsis
  , meanMotion
  , period
  , arealVelocity
    -- *** Geometry
  , semiMajorAxis
  , semiMinorAxis
  , semiLatusRectum
  , hyperbolicApproachAngle
  , hyperbolicDepartureAngle
    -- ** Conversions

    -- *** To time since periapse
  , timeAtMeanAnomaly
  , timeAtEccentricAnomaly
  , timeAtTrueAnomaly

    -- *** To mean anomaly
  , meanAnomalyAtTime
  , meanAnomalyAtEccentricAnomaly
  , meanAnomalyAtTrueAnomaly

    -- *** To eccentric anomaly
  , eccentricAnomalyAtTime
  , eccentricAnomalyAtMeanAnomaly
  , eccentricAnomalyAtMeanAnomalyFloat
  , eccentricAnomalyAtTrueAnomaly

    -- *** To true anomaly
  , trueAnomalyAtTime
  , trueAnomalyAtMeanAnomaly
  , trueAnomalyAtEccentricAnomaly

    -- * Unit synonyms
  , Time
  , Distance
  , Speed
  , Mass
  , Angle
  , Unitless

    -- * Reexported from 'Data.CReal'
  , Converge
  ) where

import           Control.Monad                  ( (<=<) )
import           Data.Bifunctor                 ( bimap
                                                , second
import           Data.CReal.Converge            ( Converge
                                                , convergeErr
import           Data.Constants.Mechanics.Extra
import           Data.Metrology
import           Data.Metrology.Extra
import           Data.Metrology.Show            ( )
import           Data.Metrology.Unsafe          ( UnsafeQu(..) )
import           Data.Units.SI.Parser
import           Numeric.AD                     ( Mode
                                                , Scalar
                                                , auto
import           Numeric.AD.Halley              ( findZero
                                                , findZeroNoEq
import           Numeric.AD.Internal.Identity   ( Id(..) )

-- Types

type Quantity u = MkQu_ULN u 'DefaultLCSU
-- | A measure in seconds.
type Time     = Quantity [si|s|]
-- | A measure in meters.
type Distance = Quantity [si| m |]
-- | A measure in meters per second.
type Speed    = Quantity [si| m s^-1 |]
-- | A measure in kilograms.
type Mass     = Quantity [si| kg |]
-- | A measure in radians.
type Angle    = Quantity [si| rad |]
-- | A unitless measure.
type Unitless = Quantity [si||]

-- | Data type defining an orbit parameterized by the type used to
-- represent values
data Orbit a = Orbit { -- | The orbit's eccentricity, e.
                       -- 'eccentricity' must be non-negative.
                       -- An eccentricity of 0 describes a circular orbit.
                       -- An eccentricity of less than 1 describes an elliptic
                       -- orbit.
                       -- An eccentricity equal to 1 describes a parabolic orbit.
                       -- An eccentricity greater than 1 describes a hyperbolic
                       -- orbit.
                       eccentricity                  :: !(Unitless a)
                       -- | The orbit's periapsis, q.
                       -- 'periapsis' must be positive.
                       -- The periapsis is the distance between the bodies at
                       -- their closest approach.
                     , periapsis                     :: !(Distance a)
                       -- | The 'inclinationSpecifier' describes the angle
                       -- between the obtital plane and the reference plane.
                     , inclinationSpecifier          :: !(InclinationSpecifier a)
                       -- | 'periapsisSpecifier' is 'Circular' iff
                       -- 'eccentricity' is 0
                       -- The periapsis specifier describes any rotation of
                       -- the orbit relative to the reference direction in the
                       -- orbital plane.
                     , periapsisSpecifier            :: !(PeriapsisSpecifier a)
                       -- | The gravitational parameter of the system's
                       -- primary, μ.
                       -- μ is equal to the mass of the primary times
                       -- <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gravitational_constant
                       -- G>.
                       -- 'primaryGravitationalParameter' must be positive.
                     , primaryGravitationalParameter :: !(Quantity [si| m^3 s^-2 |] a)
  deriving (Show, Eq)

-- | Along with 'PeriapsisSpecifier' the 'InclinationSpecifier' describes
-- orbital elements extra to its geometry.
data InclinationSpecifier a = -- | The orbit does not lie exactly in the
                              -- reference plane
                              Inclined { -- | The longitude of the ascending
                                         -- node, Ω.
                                         -- The angle between the reference
                                         -- direction and the point where the
                                         -- orbiting body crosses the reference
                                         -- plane in the positive z direction.
                                         longitudeOfAscendingNode :: !(Angle a)
                                         -- | The orbit's inclination, i.
                                         -- The angle between the reference
                                         -- plane and the orbital plane
                                       , inclination              :: !(Angle a)
                              -- | The orbit lies in the reference plane
                            | NonInclined
  deriving (Show, Eq)

-- | Along with 'InclinationSpecifier' the 'PeriapsisSpecifier' describes
-- orbital elements extra to its geometry.
data PeriapsisSpecifier a = -- | The orbit is not circular
                            Eccentric { -- | The argument of periapsis, ω.
                                        -- The 'argumentOfPeriapsis' is the
                                        -- angle of the periapsis relative to
                                        -- the reference direction in the
                                        -- orbital plane.
                                        argumentOfPeriapsis :: !(Angle a) }
                            -- | The orbit has an eccentricity of 0 so the
                            -- 'argumentOfPeriapsis' is indeterminate.
                          | Circular
  deriving (Show, Eq)

-- | What for the orbit's geometry takes. This is dependant only on the
-- 'eccentricity', e >= 0, of the orbit.
data Classification = -- | 0 <= e < 1
                      -- This includes circular orbits.
                      -- | e == 1
                    | Parabolic
                      -- | e > 1
                    | Hyperbolic
  deriving (Show, Read, Eq)

-- TODO, use the neat "UnsafeQu" newtype for unsafe instances
unsafeMapUnit :: (a -> b) -> Qu u l a -> Qu u l b
unsafeMapUnit f = qu . fmap f . UnsafeQu

unsafeMapOrbit :: (a -> b) -> Orbit a -> Orbit b
unsafeMapOrbit f (Orbit e q i p μ) = Orbit (unsafeMapUnit f e)
                                           (unsafeMapUnit f q)
                                           (unsafeMapInclinationSpecifier f i)
                                           (unsafeMapPeriapsisSpecifier f p)
                                           (unsafeMapUnit f μ)

unsafeMapInclinationSpecifier :: (a -> b)
                              -> InclinationSpecifier a -> InclinationSpecifier b
unsafeMapInclinationSpecifier f s = case s of
  Inclined  i -> Inclined (unsafeMapUnit f ) (unsafeMapUnit f i)
  NonInclined   -> NonInclined

unsafeMapPeriapsisSpecifier :: (a -> b)
                            -> PeriapsisSpecifier a -> PeriapsisSpecifier b
unsafeMapPeriapsisSpecifier f p = case p of
  Circular    -> Circular
  Eccentric a -> Eccentric (unsafeMapUnit f a)

-- Functions

-- | Return true is the orbit is valid and false if it is invalid. The behavior
-- of all the other functions in this module is undefined when given an invalid
-- orbit.
isValid :: (Ord a, Num a) => Orbit a -> Bool
isValid o = e >= 0 &&
            ((e == 0) `iff` (periapsisSpecifier o == Circular)) &&
            q > zero &&
            μ > zero
    iff = (==) :: Bool -> Bool -> Bool
    e = eccentricity o
    q = periapsis o
    μ = primaryGravitationalParameter o

-- | 'classify' is a funciton which returns the orbit's class.
classify :: (Num a, Ord a) => Orbit a -> Classification
classify o
  | e < 1 = Elliptic
  | e == 1 = Parabolic
  | e > 1 = Hyperbolic
  | otherwise = error "classify"
    e = eccentricity o

-- | Calculate the semi-major axis, a, of the 'Orbit'. Returns 'Nothing' when
-- given a parabolic orbit for which there is no semi-major axis. Note that the
-- semi-major axis of a hyperbolic orbit is negative.
semiMajorAxis :: (Fractional a, Ord a) => Orbit a -> Maybe (Distance a)
semiMajorAxis o =
  case classify o of
    Parabolic -> Nothing
    _         -> Just $ q |/| (1 |-| e)
    q = periapsis o
    e = eccentricity o

-- | Calculate the semi-minor axis, b, of the 'Orbit'. Like 'semiMajorAxis'
-- @\'semiMinorAxis\' o@ is negative when @o@ is a hyperbolic orbit. In the
-- case of a parabolic orbit 'semiMinorAxis' returns 0m.
semiMinorAxis :: (Floating a, Ord a) => Orbit a -> Distance a
semiMinorAxis o =
  case classify o of
    Elliptic   -> a |*| qSqrt (1 |-| e ^ (2::Int))
    Parabolic  -> zero
    Hyperbolic -> a |*| qSqrt (e ^ (2::Int) |-| 1)
    e = eccentricity o
    Just a = semiMajorAxis o

-- | Calculate the semiLatusRectum, l, of the 'Orbit'
semiLatusRectum :: (Num a) => Orbit a -> Distance a
semiLatusRectum orbit = e |*| q |+| q
  where q = periapsis orbit
        e = eccentricity orbit

-- | Calculate the distance between the bodies when they are at their most
-- distant. 'apoapsis' returns 'Nothing' when given a parabolic or hyperbolic
-- orbit.
apoapsis :: (Fractional a, Ord a) => Orbit a -> Maybe (Distance a)
apoapsis o =
  case classify o of
    Elliptic -> Just $ a |*| (1 |+| e)
    _        -> Nothing
    Just a = semiMajorAxis o
    e = eccentricity o

-- | Calculate the mean motion, n, of an orbit
-- This is the rate of change of the mean anomaly with respect to time.
meanMotion :: (Floating a, Ord a) => Orbit a -> Quantity [si|rad/s|] a
meanMotion o =
  case classify o of
    Elliptic   -> addRad $ qSqrt (μ |/| qCube a)
    Hyperbolic -> addRad $ qSqrt (μ |/| qNegate (qCube a))
    Parabolic  -> addRad $ 2 |*| qSqrt (μ |/| qCube l)
    Just a = semiMajorAxis o
    μ = primaryGravitationalParameter o
    l = semiLatusRectum o

-- | Calculate the orbital period, p, of an elliptic orbit.
-- 'period' returns Nothing if given a parabolic or hyperbolic orbit.
period :: (Floating a, Ord a) => Orbit a -> Maybe (Time a)
period o =
  case classify o of
    Elliptic -> Just p
    _ -> Nothing
    n = meanMotion o
    p = turn |/| n

-- | Calculate the areal velocity, A, of the orbit.
-- The areal velocity is the area <https://xkcd.com/21/ swept out> by the line
-- between the orbiting body and the primary per second.
arealVelocity :: (Ord a, Floating a) => Orbit a -> Quantity [si|m^2/s|] a
arealVelocity o = qSqrt (l |*| μ) |/| 2
  where l = semiLatusRectum o
        μ = primaryGravitationalParameter o

-- | Calculate the angle at which a body leaves the system when on an escape
-- trajectory relative to the argument of periapsis. This is the limit of the
-- true anomaly as time tends towards infinity minus the argument of periapsis.
-- The departure angle is in the closed range (π/2..π).
-- This is the negation of the approach angle.
-- 'hyperbolicDepartureAngle' returns Nothing when given an elliptic orbit and
-- π when given a parabolic orbit.
hyperbolicDepartureAngle :: (Floating a, Ord a) => Orbit a -> Maybe (Angle a)
hyperbolicDepartureAngle o =
  case classify o of
    Hyperbolic ->
      let e = eccentricity o
          θ = addRad $ acos (-1 / e)
      in Just θ
    Parabolic -> Just (turn |/| 2)
    _ -> Nothing

-- | Calculate the angle at which a body leaves the system when on a hyperbolic
-- trajectory relative to the argument of periapsis. This is the limit of the
-- true anomaly as time tends towards -infinity minus the argument of
-- periapsis. The approach angle is in the closed range (-π..π/2).
-- This is the negation of the departure angle.
-- 'hyperbolicApproachAngle' returns Nothing when given a non-hyperbolic orbit
-- and -π when given a parabolic orbit.
hyperbolicApproachAngle :: (Floating a, Ord a) => Orbit a -> Maybe (Angle a)
hyperbolicApproachAngle = fmap qNegate . hyperbolicDepartureAngle

-- | Calculate the time since periapse, t, when the body has the given
-- <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mean_anomaly mean anomaly>, M. M may be
-- negative, indicating that the orbiting body has yet to reach periapse.
-- The sign of the time at mean anomaly M is the same as the sign of M.
-- The returned time is unbounded.
timeAtMeanAnomaly :: (Floating a, Ord a) => Orbit a -> Angle a -> Time a
timeAtMeanAnomaly o _M = _M |/| n
  where n = meanMotion o

-- | Calculate the time since periapse, t, of an elliptic orbit when at
-- eccentric anomaly E.
-- 'timeAtEccentricAnomaly' returns Nothing if given a parabolic or hyperbolic
-- orbit.
timeAtEccentricAnomaly :: (Floating a, Ord a) => Orbit a -> Angle a -> Maybe (Time a)
timeAtEccentricAnomaly o = fmap (timeAtMeanAnomaly o) . meanAnomalyAtEccentricAnomaly o

-- | Calculate the time since periapse given the true anomaly, ν, of an
-- orbiting body.
timeAtTrueAnomaly :: (Real a, Floating a) => Orbit a -> Angle a -> Maybe (Time a)
timeAtTrueAnomaly o = fmap (timeAtMeanAnomaly o) . meanAnomalyAtTrueAnomaly o

-- | Calculate the <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mean_anomaly mean anomaly>,
-- M, at the given time since periapse, t. t may be negative, indicating that
-- the orbiting body has yet to reach periapse.
-- The sign of the mean anomaly at time t is the same as the sign of t.
-- The returned mean anomaly is unbounded.
meanAnomalyAtTime :: (Floating a, Ord a) => Orbit a -> Time a -> Angle a
meanAnomalyAtTime o t = t |*| n
  where n = meanMotion o

-- | Calculate the mean anomaly, M, of an elliptic orbit when at eccentric
-- anomaly E
-- 'meanAnomalyAtEccentricAnomaly' returns Nothing if given a parabolic or
-- hyperbolic orbit.
-- The number of orbits represented by the anomalies is preserved;
-- i.e. M `div` 2π = E `div` 2π
meanAnomalyAtEccentricAnomaly :: (Floating a, Ord a) => Orbit a -> Angle a -> Maybe (Angle a)
meanAnomalyAtEccentricAnomaly o _E = case classify o of
                                       Elliptic -> Just _M
                                       _ -> Nothing
  where e = eccentricity o
        untypedE = delRad _E
        _M = addRad (untypedE |-| e |*| sin untypedE)

-- | Calculate the mean anomaly, M, of an orbiting body when at the given true
-- anomaly, ν.
-- The number of orbits represented by the anomalies is preserved;
-- i.e. M `div` 2π = ν `div` 2π
-- Currently only implemented for elliptic orbits.
meanAnomalyAtTrueAnomaly :: (Real a, Floating a)
                         => Orbit a -> Angle a -> Maybe (Angle a)
meanAnomalyAtTrueAnomaly o = case classify o of
  Elliptic -> meanAnomalyAtEccentricAnomaly o <=<
              eccentricAnomalyAtTrueAnomaly o
  _ -> error "TODO: meanAnomalyAtTrueAnomaly"

-- | Calculate the eccentric anomaly, E, of an elliptic orbit at time t.
-- 'eccentricAnomalyAtTime' returns Nothing when given a parabolic or
-- hyperbolic orbit.
-- The number of orbits represented by the time is preserved;
-- i.e. t `div` p = E `div` 2π
eccentricAnomalyAtTime :: (Converge [a], Floating a, Real a)
                       => Orbit a -> Time a -> Maybe (Angle a)
eccentricAnomalyAtTime o t = case classify o of
  Elliptic -> eccentricAnomalyAtMeanAnomaly o . meanAnomalyAtTime o $ t
  _ -> Nothing

-- | Calculate the eccentric anomaly, E, of an elliptic orbit when at mean
-- anomaly M. This function is considerably slower than most other conversion
-- functions as it uses an iterative method as no closed form solution exists.
-- The number of orbits represented by the anomalies is preserved;
-- i.e. M `div` 2π = E `div` 2π
-- 'eccentricAnomalyAtMeanAnomaly' returns Nothing when given a parabolic or
-- hyperbolic orbit.
eccentricAnomalyAtMeanAnomaly :: forall a. (Converge [a], Floating a, Real a)
                              => Orbit a -> Angle a -> Maybe (Angle a)
eccentricAnomalyAtMeanAnomaly o _M = case classify o of
                                       Elliptic -> _E
                                       _ -> Nothing
  where (n, wrappedM) = second (# [si|rad|]) (_M `divMod'` turn)
        e = eccentricity o # [si||]
        _MFloat = rad . realToFrac $ wrappedM
        oFloat = unsafeMapOrbit realToFrac o
        initialGuessFloat :: Angle Float
        Just initialGuessFloat = eccentricAnomalyAtMeanAnomalyFloat oFloat _MFloat
        initialGuess = realToFrac . (# [si|rad|]) $ initialGuessFloat
        err :: (Mode b, Floating b, Scalar b ~ a) => b -> b
        err _E = auto wrappedM - (_E - auto e * sin _E)
        wrappedE = fmap rad . convergeErr (runId . abs . err .  Id) $
                   findZeroNoEq err initialGuess
        _E = (|+| (unsafeMapUnit fromInteger n |*| turn)) <$> wrappedE

-- | 'eccentricAnomalyAtMeanAnomaly' specialized to 'Float'.
-- This function is used to calculate the initial guess for
-- 'eccentricAnomalyAtMeanAnomaly'.
eccentricAnomalyAtMeanAnomalyFloat :: Orbit Float -> Angle Float -> Maybe (Angle Float)
eccentricAnomalyAtMeanAnomalyFloat o _M = case classify o of
                                            Elliptic -> Just _E
                                            _ -> Nothing
  where wrappedM = (_M `mod'` turn) # [si|rad|]
        e = eccentricity o # [si||]
        sinM = sin wrappedM
        cosM = cos wrappedM
        -- Use a better initial guess
        -- http://alpheratz.net/dynamics/twobody/KeplerIterations_summary.pdf
        initialGuess = wrappedM +
                       e * sinM +
                       e * e * sinM * cosM +
                       0.5 * e * e * e * sinM * (3 * cosM * cosM - 1)
        _E :: Angle Float
        _E = rad . last . take 5 $
             findZero (\_E -> auto wrappedM - (_E - auto e * sin _E))

-- | Calculate the eccentric anomaly, E, of an orbiting body when it has true
-- anomaly, ν.
-- The number of orbits represented by the anomalies is preserved;
-- i.e. ν `div` 2π = E `div` 2π
-- Returns Nothing if given a parabolic or hyperbolic orbit.
eccentricAnomalyAtTrueAnomaly :: (Floating a, Real a)
                              => Orbit a -> Angle a -> Maybe (Angle a)
eccentricAnomalyAtTrueAnomaly o ν = case classify o of
                                       Elliptic -> Just _E
                                       _ -> Nothing
  where (n, wrappedν) = ν `divMod'` turn
        cosν = cos (ν # [si|rad|])
        -- sinν = sin (wrappedν # [si|rad|])
        e = eccentricity o # [si||]
        wrappedE = rad $ acos ((e + cosν) / (1 + e * cosν))
        -- wrappedE = rad $ atan2 (sqrt (1 - e*e) * sinν) (e + cosν)
        _E = if wrappedν < halfTurn
               then (unsafeMapUnit fromInteger n |*| turn) |+| wrappedE
               else (unsafeMapUnit fromInteger (n+1) |*| turn) |-| wrappedE

-- | Calculate the true anomaly, ν, of a body at time since periapse, t.
trueAnomalyAtTime :: (Converge [a], RealFloat a)
                  => Orbit a -> Time a -> Maybe (Angle a)
trueAnomalyAtTime o = trueAnomalyAtMeanAnomaly o . meanAnomalyAtTime o

-- | Calculate the true anomaly, ν, of an orbiting body when it has the given
-- mean anomaly, _M.
trueAnomalyAtMeanAnomaly :: (Converge [a], RealFloat a)
                         => Orbit a -> Angle a -> Maybe (Angle a)
trueAnomalyAtMeanAnomaly o = trueAnomalyAtEccentricAnomaly o <=<
                             eccentricAnomalyAtMeanAnomaly o

-- | Calculate the true anomaly, ν, of an orbiting body when it has the given
-- eccentric anomaly, _E.
-- The number of orbits represented by the anomalies is preserved;
-- i.e. ν `div` 2π = E `div` 2π
trueAnomalyAtEccentricAnomaly :: RealFloat a
                              => Orbit a -- ^ An elliptic orbit
                              -> Angle a -- ^ The eccentric anomaly _E
                              -> Maybe (Angle a) -- ^ The true anomaly, ν
trueAnomalyAtEccentricAnomaly o _E = case classify o of
                                       Elliptic -> Just ν
                                       _        -> Nothing
  where (n, wrappedE) = bimap (unsafeMapUnit fromInteger) (# [si|rad|]) $
                        _E `divMod'` turn
        e = eccentricity o # [si||]
        wrappedν = rad $ 2 * atan2 (sqrt (1 + e) * sin (wrappedE / 2))
                                        (sqrt (1 - e) * cos (wrappedE / 2))
        ν = turn |*| n |+| wrappedν

-- Utils

rad :: Fractional a => a -> Angle a
rad = (% [si|rad|])