{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
module Data.Set.Ordered
( OSet
, empty, singleton
, (<|), (|<), (>|), (|>)
, (<>|), (|<>)
, Bias(Bias, unbiased), L, R
, null, size, member, notMember
, delete, filter, (\\), (|/\), (/\|)
, Index, findIndex, elemAt
, fromList, toAscList
, toSet
) where
import Control.Monad (guard)
import Data.Data
import Data.Foldable (Foldable, foldl', foldMap, foldr, toList)
import Data.Function (on)
import Data.Map (Map)
import Data.Map.Util
import Data.Monoid (Monoid(..))
#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,9,0)
import Data.Semigroup (Semigroup(..))
import Data.Set (Set)
import Prelude hiding (filter, foldr, lookup, null)
import qualified Data.Map as M
data OSet a = OSet !(Map a Tag) !(Map Tag a)
deriving Typeable
instance Foldable OSet where foldMap f (OSet _ vs) = foldMap f vs
instance Eq a => Eq (OSet a) where (==) = (==) `on` toList
instance Ord a => Ord (OSet a) where compare = compare `on` toList
instance Show a => Show (OSet a) where showsPrec = showsPrecList toList
instance (Ord a, Read a) => Read (OSet a) where readsPrec = readsPrecList fromList
instance (Data a, Ord a) => Data (OSet a) where
gfoldl f z set = z fromList `f` toList set
toConstr _ = fromListConstr
gunfold k z c = case constrIndex c of
1 -> k (z fromList)
_ -> error "gunfold"
dataTypeOf _ = oSetDataType
dataCast1 f = gcast1 f
fromListConstr :: Constr
fromListConstr = mkConstr oSetDataType "fromList" [] Prefix
oSetDataType :: DataType
oSetDataType = mkDataType "Data.Set.Ordered.Set" [fromListConstr]
#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,9,0)
instance Ord a => Semigroup (Bias L (OSet a)) where Bias o <> Bias o' = Bias (o |<> o')
instance Ord a => Semigroup (Bias R (OSet a)) where Bias o <> Bias o' = Bias (o <>| o')
instance Ord a => Monoid (Bias L (OSet a)) where
mempty = Bias empty
mappend (Bias o) (Bias o') = Bias (o |<> o')
instance Ord a => Monoid (Bias R (OSet a)) where
mempty = Bias empty
mappend (Bias o) (Bias o') = Bias (o <>| o')
infixr 5 <|, |<
infixl 5 >|, |>
infixr 6 <>|, |<>
(<|) , (|<) :: Ord a => a -> OSet a -> OSet a
(>|) , (|>) :: Ord a => OSet a -> a -> OSet a
(<>|) :: Ord a => OSet a -> OSet a -> OSet a
(|<>) :: Ord a => OSet a -> OSet a -> OSet a
v <| o@(OSet ts vs)
| v `member` o = o
| otherwise = OSet (M.insert v t ts) (M.insert t v vs) where
t = nextLowerTag vs
v |< o = OSet (M.insert v t ts) (M.insert t v vs) where
t = nextLowerTag vs
OSet ts vs = delete v o
o@(OSet ts vs) |> v
| v `member` o = o
| otherwise = OSet (M.insert v t ts) (M.insert t v vs) where
t = nextHigherTag vs
o >| v = OSet (M.insert v t ts) (M.insert t v vs) where
t = nextHigherTag vs
OSet ts vs = delete v o
o <>| o' = unsafeMappend (o \\ o') o'
o |<> o' = unsafeMappend o (o' \\ o)
unsafeMappend (OSet ts vs) (OSet ts' vs')
= OSet (M.union tsBumped tsBumped')
(M.union vsBumped vsBumped')
bump = case maxTag vs of
Nothing -> 0
Just k -> -k-1
bump' = case minTag vs' of
Nothing -> 0
Just k -> -k
tsBumped = fmap (bump +) ts
tsBumped' = fmap (bump'+) ts'
vsBumped = (bump +) `M.mapKeysMonotonic` vs
vsBumped' = (bump'+) `M.mapKeysMonotonic` vs'
(\\) :: Ord a => OSet a -> OSet a -> OSet a
o@(OSet ts vs) \\ o'@(OSet ts' vs') = if size o < size o'
then filter (`notMember` o') o
else foldr delete o vs'
(|/\) :: Ord a => OSet a -> OSet a -> OSet a
OSet ts vs |/\ OSet ts' vs' = OSet ts'' vs'' where
ts'' = M.intersection ts ts'
vs'' = M.fromList [(t, v) | (v, t) <- M.toList ts]
(/\|) :: Ord a => OSet a -> OSet a -> OSet a
(/\|) = flip (/\|)
empty :: OSet a
empty = OSet M.empty M.empty
member, notMember :: Ord a => a -> OSet a -> Bool
member v (OSet ts _) = M.member v ts
notMember v (OSet ts _) = M.notMember v ts
size :: OSet a -> Int
size (OSet ts _) = M.size ts
filter :: Ord a => (a -> Bool) -> OSet a -> OSet a
filter f (OSet ts vs) = OSet (M.filterWithKey (\v t -> f v) ts)
(M.filterWithKey (\t v -> f v) vs)
delete :: Ord a => a -> OSet a -> OSet a
delete v o@(OSet ts vs) = case M.lookup v ts of
Nothing -> o
Just t -> OSet (M.delete v ts) (M.delete t vs)
singleton :: a -> OSet a
singleton v = OSet (M.singleton v 0) (M.singleton 0 v)
fromList :: Ord a => [a] -> OSet a
fromList = foldl' (|>) empty
null :: OSet a -> Bool
null (OSet ts _) = M.null ts
findIndex :: Ord a => a -> OSet a -> Maybe Index
findIndex v o@(OSet ts vs) = do
t <- M.lookup v ts
M.lookupIndex t vs
elemAt :: OSet a -> Index -> Maybe a
elemAt o@(OSet ts vs) i = do
guard (0 <= i && i < M.size vs)
return . snd $ M.elemAt i vs
toAscList :: OSet a -> [a]
toAscList o@(OSet ts _) = fmap fst (M.toAscList ts)
toSet :: OSet a -> Set a
toSet (OSet ts _) = M.keysSet ts