{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UnliftedFFITypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskellQuotes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}  -- needed to quote a view pattern

module System.OsString.Internal where

import System.OsString.Internal.Types

import Control.Monad.Catch
    ( MonadThrow )
import Data.ByteString
    ( ByteString )
import Data.Char
import Language.Haskell.TH.Quote
    ( QuasiQuoter (..) )
import Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax
    ( Lift (..), lift )
import System.IO
    ( TextEncoding )

import System.OsString.Encoding ( EncodingException(..) )
import GHC.IO.Encoding.Failure ( CodingFailureMode(..) )
#if defined(mingw32_HOST_OS) || defined(__MINGW32__)
import GHC.IO.Encoding.UTF16 ( mkUTF16le )
import qualified System.OsString.Windows as PF
import GHC.IO.Encoding.UTF8 ( mkUTF8 )
import qualified System.OsString.Posix as PF
import GHC.Stack (HasCallStack)
import Data.Coerce (coerce)
import Data.Type.Coercion (coerceWith)

-- | Partial unicode friendly encoding.
-- On windows this encodes as UTF16-LE (strictly), which is a pretty good guess.
-- On unix this encodes as UTF8 (strictly), which is a good guess.
-- Throws an 'EncodingException' if encoding fails. If the input does not
-- contain surrogate chars, you can use 'unsafeEncodeUtf'.
encodeUtf :: MonadThrow m => String -> m OsString
encodeUtf :: forall (m :: * -> *). MonadThrow m => String -> m OsString
encodeUtf = (PosixString -> OsString) -> m PosixString -> m OsString
forall a b. (a -> b) -> m a -> m b
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
fmap PosixString -> OsString
OsString (m PosixString -> m OsString)
-> (String -> m PosixString) -> String -> m OsString
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. String -> m PosixString
forall (m :: * -> *). MonadThrow m => String -> m PosixString

-- | Unsafe unicode friendly encoding.
-- Like 'encodeUtf', except it crashes when the input contains
-- surrogate chars. For sanitized input, this can be useful.
unsafeEncodeUtf :: HasCallStack => String -> OsString
unsafeEncodeUtf :: HasCallStack => String -> OsString
unsafeEncodeUtf = PosixString -> OsString
OsString (PosixString -> OsString)
-> (String -> PosixString) -> String -> OsString
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. HasCallStack => String -> PosixString
String -> PosixString

-- | Encode a 'FilePath' with the specified encoding.
-- Note: on windows, we expect a "wide char" encoding (e.g. UCS-2 or UTF-16). Anything
-- that works with @Word16@ boundaries. Picking an incompatible encoding may crash
-- filepath operations.
encodeWith :: TextEncoding  -- ^ unix text encoding
           -> TextEncoding  -- ^ windows text encoding (wide char)
           -> String
           -> Either EncodingException OsString
#if defined(mingw32_HOST_OS) || defined(__MINGW32__)
encodeWith _ winEnc str = OsString <$> PF.encodeWith winEnc str
encodeWith :: TextEncoding
-> TextEncoding -> String -> Either EncodingException OsString
encodeWith TextEncoding
unixEnc TextEncoding
_ String
str = PosixString -> OsString
OsString (PosixString -> OsString)
-> Either EncodingException PosixString
-> Either EncodingException OsString
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
<$> TextEncoding -> String -> Either EncodingException PosixString
PF.encodeWith TextEncoding
unixEnc String

-- | Like 'encodeUtf', except this mimics the behavior of the base library when doing filesystem
-- operations, which is:
-- 1. on unix, uses shady PEP 383 style encoding (based on the current locale,
--    but PEP 383 only works properly on UTF-8 encodings, so good luck)
-- 2. on windows does permissive UTF-16 encoding, where coding errors generate
--    Chars in the surrogate range
-- Looking up the locale requires IO. If you're not worried about calls
-- to 'setFileSystemEncoding', then 'unsafePerformIO' may be feasible (make sure
-- to deeply evaluate the result to catch exceptions).
encodeFS :: String -> IO OsString
encodeFS :: String -> IO OsString
encodeFS = (PosixString -> OsString) -> IO PosixString -> IO OsString
forall a b. (a -> b) -> IO a -> IO b
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
fmap PosixString -> OsString
OsString (IO PosixString -> IO OsString)
-> (String -> IO PosixString) -> String -> IO OsString
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. String -> IO PosixString

-- | Partial unicode friendly decoding.
-- On windows this decodes as UTF16-LE (strictly), which is a pretty good guess.
-- On unix this decodes as UTF8 (strictly), which is a good guess. Note that
-- filenames on unix are encoding agnostic char arrays.
-- Throws a 'EncodingException' if decoding fails.
decodeUtf :: MonadThrow m => OsString -> m String
decodeUtf :: forall (m :: * -> *). MonadThrow m => OsString -> m String
decodeUtf (OsString PosixString
x) = PosixString -> m String
forall (m :: * -> *). MonadThrow m => PosixString -> m String
PF.decodeUtf PosixString

-- | Decode an 'OsString' with the specified encoding.
-- The String is forced into memory to catch all exceptions.
decodeWith :: TextEncoding  -- ^ unix text encoding
           -> TextEncoding  -- ^ windows text encoding
           -> OsString
           -> Either EncodingException String
#if defined(mingw32_HOST_OS) || defined(__MINGW32__)
decodeWith _ winEnc (OsString x) = PF.decodeWith winEnc x
decodeWith :: TextEncoding
-> TextEncoding -> OsString -> Either EncodingException String
decodeWith TextEncoding
unixEnc TextEncoding
_ (OsString PosixString
x) = TextEncoding -> PosixString -> Either EncodingException String
PF.decodeWith TextEncoding
unixEnc PosixString

-- | Like 'decodeUtf', except this mimics the behavior of the base library when doing filesystem
-- operations, which is:
-- 1. on unix, uses shady PEP 383 style encoding (based on the current locale,
--    but PEP 383 only works properly on UTF-8 encodings, so good luck)
-- 2. on windows does permissive UTF-16 encoding, where coding errors generate
--    Chars in the surrogate range
-- Looking up the locale requires IO. If you're not worried about calls
-- to 'setFileSystemEncoding', then 'unsafePerformIO' may be feasible (make sure
-- to deeply evaluate the result to catch exceptions).
decodeFS :: OsString -> IO String
decodeFS :: OsString -> IO String
decodeFS (OsString PosixString
x) = PosixString -> IO String
PF.decodeFS PosixString

-- | Constructs an @OsString@ from a ByteString.
-- On windows, this ensures valid UCS-2LE, on unix it is passed unchanged/unchecked.
-- Throws 'EncodingException' on invalid UCS-2LE on windows (although unlikely).
fromBytes :: MonadThrow m
          => ByteString
          -> m OsString
fromBytes :: forall (m :: * -> *). MonadThrow m => ByteString -> m OsString
fromBytes = (PosixString -> OsString) -> m PosixString -> m OsString
forall a b. (a -> b) -> m a -> m b
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
fmap PosixString -> OsString
OsString (m PosixString -> m OsString)
-> (ByteString -> m PosixString) -> ByteString -> m OsString
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. ByteString -> m PosixString
forall (m :: * -> *). MonadThrow m => ByteString -> m PosixString

-- | QuasiQuote an 'OsString'. This accepts Unicode characters
-- and encodes as UTF-8 on unix and UTF-16 on windows.
-- If used as pattern, requires turning on the @ViewPatterns@ extension.
osstr :: QuasiQuoter
osstr :: QuasiQuoter
osstr =
#if defined(mingw32_HOST_OS) || defined(__MINGW32__)
  { quoteExp = \s -> do
      osp <- either (fail . show) (pure . OsString) . PF.encodeWith (mkUTF16le ErrorOnCodingFailure) $ s
      lift osp
  , quotePat = \s -> do
      osp' <- either (fail . show) (pure . OsString) . PF.encodeWith (mkUTF16le ErrorOnCodingFailure) $ s
      [p|((==) osp' -> True)|]
  , quoteType = \_ ->
      fail "illegal QuasiQuote (allowed as expression or pattern only, used as a type)"
  , quoteDec  = \_ ->
      fail "illegal QuasiQuote (allowed as expression or pattern only, used as a declaration)"
  { quoteExp :: String -> Q Exp
quoteExp = \String
s -> do
osp <- (EncodingException -> Q OsString)
-> (PosixString -> Q OsString)
-> Either EncodingException PosixString
-> Q OsString
forall a c b. (a -> c) -> (b -> c) -> Either a b -> c
either (String -> Q OsString
forall a. String -> Q a
forall (m :: * -> *) a. MonadFail m => String -> m a
fail (String -> Q OsString)
-> (EncodingException -> String) -> EncodingException -> Q OsString
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. EncodingException -> String
forall a. Show a => a -> String
show) (OsString -> Q OsString
forall a. a -> Q a
forall (f :: * -> *) a. Applicative f => a -> f a
pure (OsString -> Q OsString)
-> (PosixString -> OsString) -> PosixString -> Q OsString
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. PosixString -> OsString
OsString) (Either EncodingException PosixString -> Q OsString)
-> (String -> Either EncodingException PosixString)
-> String
-> Q OsString
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. TextEncoding -> String -> Either EncodingException PosixString
PF.encodeWith (CodingFailureMode -> TextEncoding
mkUTF8 CodingFailureMode
ErrorOnCodingFailure) (String -> Q OsString) -> String -> Q OsString
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ String
      OsString -> Q Exp
forall t (m :: * -> *). (Lift t, Quote m) => t -> m Exp
forall (m :: * -> *). Quote m => OsString -> m Exp
lift OsString
  , quotePat :: String -> Q Pat
quotePat = \String
s -> do
osp' <- (EncodingException -> Q OsString)
-> (PosixString -> Q OsString)
-> Either EncodingException PosixString
-> Q OsString
forall a c b. (a -> c) -> (b -> c) -> Either a b -> c
either (String -> Q OsString
forall a. String -> Q a
forall (m :: * -> *) a. MonadFail m => String -> m a
fail (String -> Q OsString)
-> (EncodingException -> String) -> EncodingException -> Q OsString
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. EncodingException -> String
forall a. Show a => a -> String
show) (OsString -> Q OsString
forall a. a -> Q a
forall (f :: * -> *) a. Applicative f => a -> f a
pure (OsString -> Q OsString)
-> (PosixString -> OsString) -> PosixString -> Q OsString
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. PosixString -> OsString
OsString) (Either EncodingException PosixString -> Q OsString)
-> (String -> Either EncodingException PosixString)
-> String
-> Q OsString
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. TextEncoding -> String -> Either EncodingException PosixString
PF.encodeWith (CodingFailureMode -> TextEncoding
mkUTF8 CodingFailureMode
ErrorOnCodingFailure) (String -> Q OsString) -> String -> Q OsString
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ String
      [p|((==) osp' -> True)|]
  , quoteType :: String -> Q Type
quoteType = \String
_ ->
      String -> Q Type
forall a. String -> Q a
forall (m :: * -> *) a. MonadFail m => String -> m a
fail String
"illegal QuasiQuote (allowed as expression or pattern only, used as a type)"
  , quoteDec :: String -> Q [Dec]
quoteDec  = \String
_ ->
      String -> Q [Dec]
forall a. String -> Q a
forall (m :: * -> *) a. MonadFail m => String -> m a
fail String
"illegal QuasiQuote (allowed as expression or pattern only, used as a declaration)"

-- | Unpack an 'OsString' to a list of 'OsChar'.
unpack :: OsString -> [OsChar]
unpack :: OsString -> [OsChar]
unpack = (PosixString -> [PosixChar]) -> OsString -> [OsChar]
forall a b. Coercible a b => a -> b
coerce PosixString -> [PosixChar]

-- | Pack a list of 'OsChar' to an 'OsString'
-- Note that using this in conjunction with 'unsafeFromChar' to
-- convert from @[Char]@ to 'OsString' is probably not what
-- you want, because it will truncate unicode code points.
pack :: [OsChar] -> OsString
pack :: [OsChar] -> OsString
pack = ([PosixChar] -> PosixString) -> [OsChar] -> OsString
forall a b. Coercible a b => a -> b
coerce [PosixChar] -> PosixString

empty :: OsString
empty :: OsString
empty = OsString
forall a. Monoid a => a

singleton :: OsChar -> OsString
singleton :: OsChar -> OsString
singleton = (PosixChar -> PosixString) -> OsChar -> OsString
forall a b. Coercible a b => a -> b
coerce PosixChar -> PosixString

-- | Truncates on unix to 1 and on Windows to 2 octets.
unsafeFromChar :: Char -> OsChar
unsafeFromChar :: Char -> OsChar
unsafeFromChar = (Char -> PosixChar) -> Char -> OsChar
forall a b. Coercible a b => a -> b
coerce Char -> PosixChar

-- | Converts back to a unicode codepoint (total).
toChar :: OsChar -> Char
toChar :: OsChar -> Char
toChar = case Either
  (Coercion OsChar WindowsChar, Coercion OsString WindowsString)
  (Coercion OsChar PosixChar, Coercion OsString PosixString)
coercionToPlatformTypes of
  Left (Coercion OsChar WindowsChar
co, Coercion OsString WindowsString
_) -> Int -> Char
chr (Int -> Char) -> (OsChar -> Int) -> OsChar -> Char
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. Word16 -> Int
forall a b. (Integral a, Num b) => a -> b
fromIntegral (Word16 -> Int) -> (OsChar -> Word16) -> OsChar -> Int
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. WindowsChar -> Word16
getWindowsChar (WindowsChar -> Word16)
-> (OsChar -> WindowsChar) -> OsChar -> Word16
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. Coercion OsChar WindowsChar -> OsChar -> WindowsChar
forall a b. Coercion a b -> a -> b
coerceWith Coercion OsChar WindowsChar
  Right (Coercion OsChar PosixChar
co, Coercion OsString PosixString
_) -> Int -> Char
chr (Int -> Char) -> (OsChar -> Int) -> OsChar -> Char
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. Word8 -> Int
forall a b. (Integral a, Num b) => a -> b
fromIntegral (Word8 -> Int) -> (OsChar -> Word8) -> OsChar -> Int
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. PosixChar -> Word8
getPosixChar (PosixChar -> Word8) -> (OsChar -> PosixChar) -> OsChar -> Word8
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. Coercion OsChar PosixChar -> OsChar -> PosixChar
forall a b. Coercion a b -> a -> b
coerceWith Coercion OsChar PosixChar

-- | /O(n)/ Append a byte to the end of a 'OsString'
-- @since
snoc :: OsString -> OsChar -> OsString
snoc :: OsString -> OsChar -> OsString
snoc = (PosixString -> PosixChar -> PosixString)
-> OsString -> OsChar -> OsString
forall a b. Coercible a b => a -> b
coerce PosixString -> PosixChar -> PosixString

-- | /O(n)/ 'cons' is analogous to (:) for lists.
-- @since
cons :: OsChar -> OsString -> OsString
cons :: OsChar -> OsString -> OsString
cons = (PosixChar -> PosixString -> PosixString)
-> OsChar -> OsString -> OsString
forall a b. Coercible a b => a -> b
coerce PosixChar -> PosixString -> PosixString

-- | /O(1)/ Extract the last element of a OsString, which must be finite and non-empty.
-- An exception will be thrown in the case of an empty OsString.
-- This is a partial function, consider using 'unsnoc' instead.
-- @since
last :: HasCallStack => OsString -> OsChar
last :: HasCallStack => OsString -> OsChar
last = (PosixString -> PosixChar) -> OsString -> OsChar
forall a b. Coercible a b => a -> b
coerce HasCallStack => PosixString -> PosixChar
PosixString -> PosixChar

-- | /O(n)/ Extract the elements after the head of a OsString, which must be non-empty.
-- An exception will be thrown in the case of an empty OsString.
-- This is a partial function, consider using 'uncons' instead.
-- @since
tail :: HasCallStack => OsString -> OsString
tail :: HasCallStack => OsString -> OsString
tail = (PosixString -> PosixString) -> OsString -> OsString
forall a b. Coercible a b => a -> b
coerce HasCallStack => PosixString -> PosixString
PosixString -> PosixString

-- | /O(n)/ Extract the 'head' and 'tail' of a OsString, returning 'Nothing'
-- if it is empty.
-- @since
uncons :: OsString -> Maybe (OsChar, OsString)
uncons :: OsString -> Maybe (OsChar, OsString)
uncons = (PosixString -> Maybe (PosixChar, PosixString))
-> OsString -> Maybe (OsChar, OsString)
forall a b. Coercible a b => a -> b
coerce PosixString -> Maybe (PosixChar, PosixString)

-- | /O(1)/ Extract the first element of a OsString, which must be non-empty.
-- An exception will be thrown in the case of an empty OsString.
-- This is a partial function, consider using 'uncons' instead.
-- @since
head :: HasCallStack => OsString -> OsChar
head :: HasCallStack => OsString -> OsChar
head = (PosixString -> PosixChar) -> OsString -> OsChar
forall a b. Coercible a b => a -> b
coerce HasCallStack => PosixString -> PosixChar
PosixString -> PosixChar

-- | /O(n)/ Return all the elements of a 'OsString' except the last one.
-- An exception will be thrown in the case of an empty OsString.
-- This is a partial function, consider using 'unsnoc' instead.
-- @since
init :: HasCallStack => OsString -> OsString
init :: HasCallStack => OsString -> OsString
init = (PosixString -> PosixString) -> OsString -> OsString
forall a b. Coercible a b => a -> b
coerce HasCallStack => PosixString -> PosixString
PosixString -> PosixString

-- | /O(n)/ Extract the 'init' and 'last' of a OsString, returning 'Nothing'
-- if it is empty.
-- @since
unsnoc :: OsString -> Maybe (OsString, OsChar)
unsnoc :: OsString -> Maybe (OsString, OsChar)
unsnoc = (PosixString -> Maybe (PosixString, PosixChar))
-> OsString -> Maybe (OsString, OsChar)
forall a b. Coercible a b => a -> b
coerce PosixString -> Maybe (PosixString, PosixChar)

-- | /O(1)/ Test whether a 'OsString' is empty.
-- @since
null :: OsString -> Bool
null :: OsString -> Bool
null = (PosixString -> Bool) -> OsString -> Bool
forall a b. Coercible a b => a -> b
coerce PosixString -> Bool

-- | /O(1)/ The length of a 'OsString'.
-- @since
length :: OsString -> Int
length :: OsString -> Int
length = (PosixString -> Int) -> OsString -> Int
forall a b. Coercible a b => a -> b
coerce PosixString -> Int

-- | /O(n)/ 'map' @f xs@ is the OsString obtained by applying @f@ to each
-- element of @xs@.
-- @since
map :: (OsChar -> OsChar) -> OsString -> OsString
map :: (OsChar -> OsChar) -> OsString -> OsString
map = ((PosixChar -> PosixChar) -> PosixString -> PosixString)
-> (OsChar -> OsChar) -> OsString -> OsString
forall a b. Coercible a b => a -> b
coerce (PosixChar -> PosixChar) -> PosixString -> PosixString

-- | /O(n)/ 'reverse' @xs@ efficiently returns the elements of @xs@ in reverse order.
-- @since
reverse :: OsString -> OsString
reverse :: OsString -> OsString
reverse = (PosixString -> PosixString) -> OsString -> OsString
forall a b. Coercible a b => a -> b
coerce PosixString -> PosixString

-- | /O(n)/ The 'intercalate' function takes a 'OsString' and a list of
-- 'OsString's and concatenates the list after interspersing the first
-- argument between each element of the list.
-- @since
intercalate :: OsString -> [OsString] -> OsString
intercalate :: OsString -> [OsString] -> OsString
intercalate = (PosixString -> [PosixString] -> PosixString)
-> OsString -> [OsString] -> OsString
forall a b. Coercible a b => a -> b
coerce PosixString -> [PosixString] -> PosixString

-- | 'foldl', applied to a binary operator, a starting value (typically
-- the left-identity of the operator), and a OsString, reduces the
-- OsString using the binary operator, from left to right.
-- @since
foldl :: forall a. (a -> OsChar -> a) -> a -> OsString -> a
foldl :: forall a. (a -> OsChar -> a) -> a -> OsString -> a
foldl = ((a -> PosixChar -> a) -> a -> PosixString -> a)
-> (a -> OsChar -> a) -> a -> OsString -> a
forall a b. Coercible a b => a -> b
coerce (forall a. (a -> PosixChar -> a) -> a -> PosixString -> a
PF.foldl @a)

-- | 'foldl'' is like 'foldl', but strict in the accumulator.
-- @since
foldl' :: forall a. (a -> OsChar -> a) -> a -> OsString -> a
foldl' :: forall a. (a -> OsChar -> a) -> a -> OsString -> a
foldl' = ((a -> PosixChar -> a) -> a -> PosixString -> a)
-> (a -> OsChar -> a) -> a -> OsString -> a
forall a b. Coercible a b => a -> b
coerce (forall a. (a -> PosixChar -> a) -> a -> PosixString -> a
PF.foldl' @a)

-- | 'foldl1' is a variant of 'foldl' that has no starting value
-- argument, and thus must be applied to non-empty 'OsString's.
-- An exception will be thrown in the case of an empty OsString.
-- @since
foldl1 :: (OsChar -> OsChar -> OsChar) -> OsString -> OsChar
foldl1 :: (OsChar -> OsChar -> OsChar) -> OsString -> OsChar
foldl1 = ((PosixChar -> PosixChar -> PosixChar) -> PosixString -> PosixChar)
-> (OsChar -> OsChar -> OsChar) -> OsString -> OsChar
forall a b. Coercible a b => a -> b
coerce (PosixChar -> PosixChar -> PosixChar) -> PosixString -> PosixChar

-- | 'foldl1'' is like 'foldl1', but strict in the accumulator.
-- An exception will be thrown in the case of an empty OsString.
-- @since
foldl1' :: (OsChar -> OsChar -> OsChar) -> OsString -> OsChar
foldl1' :: (OsChar -> OsChar -> OsChar) -> OsString -> OsChar
foldl1' = ((PosixChar -> PosixChar -> PosixChar) -> PosixString -> PosixChar)
-> (OsChar -> OsChar -> OsChar) -> OsString -> OsChar
forall a b. Coercible a b => a -> b
coerce (PosixChar -> PosixChar -> PosixChar) -> PosixString -> PosixChar

-- | 'foldr', applied to a binary operator, a starting value
-- (typically the right-identity of the operator), and a OsString,
-- reduces the OsString using the binary operator, from right to left.
-- @since
foldr :: forall a. (OsChar -> a -> a) -> a -> OsString -> a
foldr :: forall a. (OsChar -> a -> a) -> a -> OsString -> a
foldr = ((PosixChar -> a -> a) -> a -> PosixString -> a)
-> (OsChar -> a -> a) -> a -> OsString -> a
forall a b. Coercible a b => a -> b
coerce (forall a. (PosixChar -> a -> a) -> a -> PosixString -> a
PF.foldr @a)

-- | 'foldr'' is like 'foldr', but strict in the accumulator.
-- @since
foldr' :: forall a. (OsChar -> a -> a) -> a -> OsString -> a
foldr' :: forall a. (OsChar -> a -> a) -> a -> OsString -> a
foldr' = ((PosixChar -> a -> a) -> a -> PosixString -> a)
-> (OsChar -> a -> a) -> a -> OsString -> a
forall a b. Coercible a b => a -> b
coerce (forall a. (PosixChar -> a -> a) -> a -> PosixString -> a
PF.foldr' @a)

-- | 'foldr1' is a variant of 'foldr' that has no starting value argument,
-- and thus must be applied to non-empty 'OsString's
-- An exception will be thrown in the case of an empty OsString.
-- @since
foldr1 :: (OsChar -> OsChar -> OsChar) -> OsString -> OsChar
foldr1 :: (OsChar -> OsChar -> OsChar) -> OsString -> OsChar
foldr1 = ((PosixChar -> PosixChar -> PosixChar) -> PosixString -> PosixChar)
-> (OsChar -> OsChar -> OsChar) -> OsString -> OsChar
forall a b. Coercible a b => a -> b
coerce (PosixChar -> PosixChar -> PosixChar) -> PosixString -> PosixChar

-- | 'foldr1'' is a variant of 'foldr1', but is strict in the
-- accumulator.
-- @since
foldr1' :: (OsChar -> OsChar -> OsChar) -> OsString -> OsChar
foldr1' :: (OsChar -> OsChar -> OsChar) -> OsString -> OsChar
foldr1' = ((PosixChar -> PosixChar -> PosixChar) -> PosixString -> PosixChar)
-> (OsChar -> OsChar -> OsChar) -> OsString -> OsChar
forall a b. Coercible a b => a -> b
coerce (PosixChar -> PosixChar -> PosixChar) -> PosixString -> PosixChar

-- | /O(n)/ Applied to a predicate and a 'OsString', 'all' determines
-- if all elements of the 'OsString' satisfy the predicate.
-- @since
all :: (OsChar -> Bool) -> OsString -> Bool
all :: (OsChar -> Bool) -> OsString -> Bool
all = ((PosixChar -> Bool) -> PosixString -> Bool)
-> (OsChar -> Bool) -> OsString -> Bool
forall a b. Coercible a b => a -> b
coerce (PosixChar -> Bool) -> PosixString -> Bool

-- | /O(n)/ Applied to a predicate and a 'OsString', 'any' determines if
-- any element of the 'OsString' satisfies the predicate.
-- @since
any :: (OsChar -> Bool) -> OsString -> Bool
any :: (OsChar -> Bool) -> OsString -> Bool
any = ((PosixChar -> Bool) -> PosixString -> Bool)
-> (OsChar -> Bool) -> OsString -> Bool
forall a b. Coercible a b => a -> b
coerce (PosixChar -> Bool) -> PosixString -> Bool

-- /O(n)/ Concatenate a list of OsStrings.
-- @since
concat :: [OsString] -> OsString
concat :: [OsString] -> OsString
concat = [OsString] -> OsString
forall a. Monoid a => [a] -> a

-- | /O(n)/ 'replicate' @n x@ is a OsString of length @n@ with @x@
-- the value of every element. The following holds:
-- > replicate w c = unfoldr w (\u -> Just (u,u)) c
-- @since
replicate :: Int -> OsChar -> OsString
replicate :: Int -> OsChar -> OsString
replicate = (Int -> PosixChar -> PosixString) -> Int -> OsChar -> OsString
forall a b. Coercible a b => a -> b
coerce Int -> PosixChar -> PosixString

-- | /O(n)/, where /n/ is the length of the result.  The 'unfoldr'
-- function is analogous to the List \'unfoldr\'.  'unfoldr' builds a
-- OsString from a seed value.  The function takes the element and
-- returns 'Nothing' if it is done producing the OsString or returns
-- 'Just' @(a,b)@, in which case, @a@ is the next byte in the string,
-- and @b@ is the seed value for further production.
-- This function is not efficient/safe. It will build a list of @[Word8]@
-- and run the generator until it returns `Nothing`, otherwise recurse infinitely,
-- then finally create a 'OsString'.
-- If you know the maximum length, consider using 'unfoldrN'.
-- Examples:
-- >    unfoldr (\x -> if x <= 5 then Just (x, x + 1) else Nothing) 0
-- > == pack [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
-- @since
unfoldr :: forall a. (a -> Maybe (OsChar, a)) -> a -> OsString
unfoldr :: forall a. (a -> Maybe (OsChar, a)) -> a -> OsString
unfoldr = ((a -> Maybe (PosixChar, a)) -> a -> PosixString)
-> (a -> Maybe (OsChar, a)) -> a -> OsString
forall a b. Coercible a b => a -> b
coerce (forall a. (a -> Maybe (PosixChar, a)) -> a -> PosixString
PF.unfoldr @a)

-- | /O(n)/ Like 'unfoldr', 'unfoldrN' builds a OsString from a seed
-- value.  However, the length of the result is limited by the first
-- argument to 'unfoldrN'.  This function is more efficient than 'unfoldr'
-- when the maximum length of the result is known.
-- The following equation relates 'unfoldrN' and 'unfoldr':
-- > fst (unfoldrN n f s) == take n (unfoldr f s)
-- @since
unfoldrN :: forall a. Int -> (a -> Maybe (OsChar, a)) -> a -> (OsString, Maybe a)
unfoldrN :: forall a.
Int -> (a -> Maybe (OsChar, a)) -> a -> (OsString, Maybe a)
unfoldrN = (Int -> (a -> Maybe (PosixChar, a)) -> a -> (PosixString, Maybe a))
-> Int -> (a -> Maybe (OsChar, a)) -> a -> (OsString, Maybe a)
forall a b. Coercible a b => a -> b
coerce (forall a.
Int -> (a -> Maybe (PosixChar, a)) -> a -> (PosixString, Maybe a)
PF.unfoldrN @a)

-- | /O(n)/ 'take' @n@, applied to a OsString @xs@, returns the prefix
-- of @xs@ of length @n@, or @xs@ itself if @n > 'length' xs@.
-- @since
take :: Int -> OsString -> OsString
take :: Int -> OsString -> OsString
take = (Int -> PosixString -> PosixString) -> Int -> OsString -> OsString
forall a b. Coercible a b => a -> b
coerce Int -> PosixString -> PosixString

-- | /O(n)/ @'takeEnd' n xs@ is equivalent to @'drop' ('length' xs - n) xs@.
-- Takes @n@ elements from end of bytestring.
-- >>> takeEnd 3 "abcdefg"
-- "efg"
-- >>> takeEnd 0 "abcdefg"
-- ""
-- >>> takeEnd 4 "abc"
-- "abc"
-- @since
takeEnd :: Int -> OsString -> OsString
takeEnd :: Int -> OsString -> OsString
takeEnd = (Int -> PosixString -> PosixString) -> Int -> OsString -> OsString
forall a b. Coercible a b => a -> b
coerce Int -> PosixString -> PosixString

-- | Returns the longest (possibly empty) suffix of elements
-- satisfying the predicate.
-- @'takeWhileEnd' p@ is equivalent to @'reverse' . 'takeWhile' p . 'reverse'@.
-- @since
takeWhileEnd :: (OsChar -> Bool) -> OsString -> OsString
takeWhileEnd :: (OsChar -> Bool) -> OsString -> OsString
takeWhileEnd = ((PosixChar -> Bool) -> PosixString -> PosixString)
-> (OsChar -> Bool) -> OsString -> OsString
forall a b. Coercible a b => a -> b
coerce (PosixChar -> Bool) -> PosixString -> PosixString

-- | Similar to 'Prelude.takeWhile',
-- returns the longest (possibly empty) prefix of elements
-- satisfying the predicate.
-- @since
takeWhile :: (OsChar -> Bool) -> OsString -> OsString
takeWhile :: (OsChar -> Bool) -> OsString -> OsString
takeWhile = ((PosixChar -> Bool) -> PosixString -> PosixString)
-> (OsChar -> Bool) -> OsString -> OsString
forall a b. Coercible a b => a -> b
coerce (PosixChar -> Bool) -> PosixString -> PosixString

-- | /O(n)/ 'drop' @n@ @xs@ returns the suffix of @xs@ after the first n elements, or 'empty' if @n > 'length' xs@.
-- @since
drop :: Int -> OsString -> OsString
drop :: Int -> OsString -> OsString
drop = (Int -> PosixString -> PosixString) -> Int -> OsString -> OsString
forall a b. Coercible a b => a -> b
coerce Int -> PosixString -> PosixString

-- | /O(n)/ @'dropEnd' n xs@ is equivalent to @'take' ('length' xs - n) xs@.
-- Drops @n@ elements from end of bytestring.
-- >>> dropEnd 3 "abcdefg"
-- "abcd"
-- >>> dropEnd 0 "abcdefg"
-- "abcdefg"
-- >>> dropEnd 4 "abc"
-- ""
-- @since
dropEnd :: Int -> OsString -> OsString
dropEnd :: Int -> OsString -> OsString
dropEnd = (Int -> PosixString -> PosixString) -> Int -> OsString -> OsString
forall a b. Coercible a b => a -> b
coerce Int -> PosixString -> PosixString

-- | Similar to 'Prelude.dropWhile',
-- drops the longest (possibly empty) prefix of elements
-- satisfying the predicate and returns the remainder.
-- @since
dropWhile :: (OsChar -> Bool) -> OsString -> OsString
dropWhile :: (OsChar -> Bool) -> OsString -> OsString
dropWhile = ((PosixChar -> Bool) -> PosixString -> PosixString)
-> (OsChar -> Bool) -> OsString -> OsString
forall a b. Coercible a b => a -> b
coerce (PosixChar -> Bool) -> PosixString -> PosixString

-- | Similar to 'Prelude.dropWhileEnd',
-- drops the longest (possibly empty) suffix of elements
-- satisfying the predicate and returns the remainder.
-- @'dropWhileEnd' p@ is equivalent to @'reverse' . 'dropWhile' p . 'reverse'@.
-- @since
dropWhileEnd :: (OsChar -> Bool) -> OsString -> OsString
dropWhileEnd :: (OsChar -> Bool) -> OsString -> OsString
dropWhileEnd = ((PosixChar -> Bool) -> PosixString -> PosixString)
-> (OsChar -> Bool) -> OsString -> OsString
forall a b. Coercible a b => a -> b
coerce (PosixChar -> Bool) -> PosixString -> PosixString

-- | Returns the longest (possibly empty) suffix of elements which __do not__
-- satisfy the predicate and the remainder of the string.
-- 'breakEnd' @p@ is equivalent to @'spanEnd' (not . p)@ and to @('takeWhileEnd' (not . p) &&& 'dropWhileEnd' (not . p))@.
-- @since
breakEnd :: (OsChar -> Bool) -> OsString -> (OsString, OsString)
breakEnd :: (OsChar -> Bool) -> OsString -> (OsString, OsString)
breakEnd = ((PosixChar -> Bool) -> PosixString -> (PosixString, PosixString))
-> (OsChar -> Bool) -> OsString -> (OsString, OsString)
forall a b. Coercible a b => a -> b
coerce (PosixChar -> Bool) -> PosixString -> (PosixString, PosixString)

-- | Similar to 'Prelude.break',
-- returns the longest (possibly empty) prefix of elements which __do not__
-- satisfy the predicate and the remainder of the string.
-- 'break' @p@ is equivalent to @'span' (not . p)@ and to @('takeWhile' (not . p) &&& 'dropWhile' (not . p))@.
-- @since
break :: (OsChar -> Bool) -> OsString -> (OsString, OsString)
break :: (OsChar -> Bool) -> OsString -> (OsString, OsString)
break = ((PosixChar -> Bool) -> PosixString -> (PosixString, PosixString))
-> (OsChar -> Bool) -> OsString -> (OsString, OsString)
forall a b. Coercible a b => a -> b
coerce (PosixChar -> Bool) -> PosixString -> (PosixString, PosixString)

-- | Similar to 'Prelude.span',
-- returns the longest (possibly empty) prefix of elements
-- satisfying the predicate and the remainder of the string.
-- 'span' @p@ is equivalent to @'break' (not . p)@ and to @('takeWhile' p &&& 'dropWhile' p)@.
-- @since
span :: (OsChar -> Bool) -> OsString -> (OsString, OsString)
span :: (OsChar -> Bool) -> OsString -> (OsString, OsString)
span = ((PosixChar -> Bool) -> PosixString -> (PosixString, PosixString))
-> (OsChar -> Bool) -> OsString -> (OsString, OsString)
forall a b. Coercible a b => a -> b
coerce (PosixChar -> Bool) -> PosixString -> (PosixString, PosixString)

-- | Returns the longest (possibly empty) suffix of elements
-- satisfying the predicate and the remainder of the string.
-- 'spanEnd' @p@ is equivalent to @'breakEnd' (not . p)@ and to @('takeWhileEnd' p &&& 'dropWhileEnd' p)@.
-- We have
-- > spanEnd (not . isSpace) "x y z" == ("x y ", "z")
-- and
-- > spanEnd (not . isSpace) sbs
-- >    ==
-- > let (x, y) = span (not . isSpace) (reverse sbs) in (reverse y, reverse x)
-- @since
spanEnd :: (OsChar -> Bool) -> OsString -> (OsString, OsString)
spanEnd :: (OsChar -> Bool) -> OsString -> (OsString, OsString)
spanEnd = ((PosixChar -> Bool) -> PosixString -> (PosixString, PosixString))
-> (OsChar -> Bool) -> OsString -> (OsString, OsString)
forall a b. Coercible a b => a -> b
coerce (PosixChar -> Bool) -> PosixString -> (PosixString, PosixString)

-- | /O(n)/ 'splitAt' @n sbs@ is equivalent to @('take' n sbs, 'drop' n sbs)@.
-- @since
splitAt :: Int -> OsString -> (OsString, OsString)
splitAt :: Int -> OsString -> (OsString, OsString)
splitAt = (Int -> PosixString -> (PosixString, PosixString))
-> Int -> OsString -> (OsString, OsString)
forall a b. Coercible a b => a -> b
coerce Int -> PosixString -> (PosixString, PosixString)

-- | /O(n)/ Break a 'OsString' into pieces separated by the byte
-- argument, consuming the delimiter. I.e.
-- > split 10  "a\nb\nd\ne" == ["a","b","d","e"]   -- fromEnum '\n' == 10
-- > split 97  "aXaXaXa"    == ["","X","X","X",""] -- fromEnum 'a' == 97
-- > split 120 "x"          == ["",""]             -- fromEnum 'x' == 120
-- > split undefined ""     == []                  -- and not [""]
-- and
-- > intercalate [c] . split c == id
-- > split == splitWith . (==)
-- @since
split :: OsChar -> OsString -> [OsString]
split :: OsChar -> OsString -> [OsString]
split = (PosixChar -> PosixString -> [PosixString])
-> OsChar -> OsString -> [OsString]
forall a b. Coercible a b => a -> b
coerce PosixChar -> PosixString -> [PosixString]

-- | /O(n)/ Splits a 'OsString' into components delimited by
-- separators, where the predicate returns True for a separator element.
-- The resulting components do not contain the separators.  Two adjacent
-- separators result in an empty component in the output.  eg.
-- > splitWith (==97) "aabbaca" == ["","","bb","c",""] -- fromEnum 'a' == 97
-- > splitWith undefined ""     == []                  -- and not [""]
-- @since
splitWith :: (OsChar -> Bool) -> OsString -> [OsString]
splitWith :: (OsChar -> Bool) -> OsString -> [OsString]
splitWith = ((PosixChar -> Bool) -> PosixString -> [PosixString])
-> (OsChar -> Bool) -> OsString -> [OsString]
forall a b. Coercible a b => a -> b
coerce (PosixChar -> Bool) -> PosixString -> [PosixString]

-- | /O(n)/ The 'stripSuffix' function takes two OsStrings and returns 'Just'
-- the remainder of the second iff the first is its suffix, and otherwise
-- 'Nothing'.
-- @since
stripSuffix :: OsString -> OsString -> Maybe OsString
stripSuffix :: OsString -> OsString -> Maybe OsString
stripSuffix = (PosixString -> PosixString -> Maybe PosixString)
-> OsString -> OsString -> Maybe OsString
forall a b. Coercible a b => a -> b
coerce PosixString -> PosixString -> Maybe PosixString

-- | /O(n)/ The 'stripPrefix' function takes two OsStrings and returns 'Just'
-- the remainder of the second iff the first is its prefix, and otherwise
-- 'Nothing'.
-- @since
stripPrefix :: OsString -> OsString -> Maybe OsString
stripPrefix :: OsString -> OsString -> Maybe OsString
stripPrefix = (PosixString -> PosixString -> Maybe PosixString)
-> OsString -> OsString -> Maybe OsString
forall a b. Coercible a b => a -> b
coerce PosixString -> PosixString -> Maybe PosixString

-- | Check whether one string is a substring of another.
-- @since
isInfixOf :: OsString -> OsString -> Bool
isInfixOf :: OsString -> OsString -> Bool
isInfixOf = (PosixString -> PosixString -> Bool)
-> OsString -> OsString -> Bool
forall a b. Coercible a b => a -> b
coerce PosixString -> PosixString -> Bool

-- |/O(n)/ The 'isPrefixOf' function takes two OsStrings and returns 'True'
-- @since
isPrefixOf :: OsString -> OsString -> Bool
isPrefixOf :: OsString -> OsString -> Bool
isPrefixOf = (PosixString -> PosixString -> Bool)
-> OsString -> OsString -> Bool
forall a b. Coercible a b => a -> b
coerce PosixString -> PosixString -> Bool

-- | /O(n)/ The 'isSuffixOf' function takes two OsStrings and returns 'True'
-- iff the first is a suffix of the second.
-- The following holds:
-- > isSuffixOf x y == reverse x `isPrefixOf` reverse y
-- @since
isSuffixOf :: OsString -> OsString -> Bool
isSuffixOf :: OsString -> OsString -> Bool
isSuffixOf = (PosixString -> PosixString -> Bool)
-> OsString -> OsString -> Bool
forall a b. Coercible a b => a -> b
coerce PosixString -> PosixString -> Bool

-- | Break a string on a substring, returning a pair of the part of the
-- string prior to the match, and the rest of the string.
-- The following relationships hold:
-- > break (== c) l == breakSubstring (singleton c) l
-- For example, to tokenise a string, dropping delimiters:
-- > tokenise x y = h : if null t then [] else tokenise x (drop (length x) t)
-- >     where (h,t) = breakSubstring x y
-- To skip to the first occurrence of a string:
-- > snd (breakSubstring x y)
-- To take the parts of a string before a delimiter:
-- > fst (breakSubstring x y)
-- Note that calling `breakSubstring x` does some preprocessing work, so
-- you should avoid unnecessarily duplicating breakSubstring calls with the same
-- pattern.
-- @since
breakSubstring :: OsString -> OsString -> (OsString, OsString)
breakSubstring :: OsString -> OsString -> (OsString, OsString)
breakSubstring = (PosixString -> PosixString -> (PosixString, PosixString))
-> OsString -> OsString -> (OsString, OsString)
forall a b. Coercible a b => a -> b
coerce PosixString -> PosixString -> (PosixString, PosixString)

-- | /O(n)/ 'elem' is the 'OsString' membership predicate.
-- @since
elem :: OsChar -> OsString -> Bool
elem :: OsChar -> OsString -> Bool
elem = (PosixChar -> PosixString -> Bool) -> OsChar -> OsString -> Bool
forall a b. Coercible a b => a -> b
coerce PosixChar -> PosixString -> Bool

-- | /O(n)/ The 'find' function takes a predicate and a OsString,
-- and returns the first element in matching the predicate, or 'Nothing'
-- if there is no such element.
-- > find f p = case findIndex f p of Just n -> Just (p ! n) ; _ -> Nothing
-- @since
find :: (OsChar -> Bool) -> OsString -> Maybe OsChar
find :: (OsChar -> Bool) -> OsString -> Maybe OsChar
find = ((PosixChar -> Bool) -> PosixString -> Maybe PosixChar)
-> (OsChar -> Bool) -> OsString -> Maybe OsChar
forall a b. Coercible a b => a -> b
coerce (PosixChar -> Bool) -> PosixString -> Maybe PosixChar

-- | /O(n)/ 'filter', applied to a predicate and a OsString,
-- returns a OsString containing those characters that satisfy the
-- predicate.
-- @since
filter :: (OsChar -> Bool) -> OsString -> OsString
filter :: (OsChar -> Bool) -> OsString -> OsString
filter = ((PosixChar -> Bool) -> PosixString -> PosixString)
-> (OsChar -> Bool) -> OsString -> OsString
forall a b. Coercible a b => a -> b
coerce (PosixChar -> Bool) -> PosixString -> PosixString

-- | /O(n)/ The 'partition' function takes a predicate a OsString and returns
-- the pair of OsStrings with elements which do and do not satisfy the
-- predicate, respectively; i.e.,
-- > partition p bs == (filter p sbs, filter (not . p) sbs)
-- @since
partition :: (OsChar -> Bool) -> OsString -> (OsString, OsString)
partition :: (OsChar -> Bool) -> OsString -> (OsString, OsString)
partition = ((PosixChar -> Bool) -> PosixString -> (PosixString, PosixString))
-> (OsChar -> Bool) -> OsString -> (OsString, OsString)
forall a b. Coercible a b => a -> b
coerce (PosixChar -> Bool) -> PosixString -> (PosixString, PosixString)

-- | /O(1)/ 'OsString' index (subscript) operator, starting from 0.
-- @since
index :: HasCallStack => OsString -> Int -> OsChar
index :: HasCallStack => OsString -> Int -> OsChar
index = (PosixString -> Int -> PosixChar) -> OsString -> Int -> OsChar
forall a b. Coercible a b => a -> b
coerce HasCallStack => PosixString -> Int -> PosixChar
PosixString -> Int -> PosixChar

-- | /O(1)/ 'OsString' index, starting from 0, that returns 'Just' if:
-- > 0 <= n < length bs
-- @since
indexMaybe :: OsString -> Int -> Maybe OsChar
indexMaybe :: OsString -> Int -> Maybe OsChar
indexMaybe = (PosixString -> Int -> Maybe PosixChar)
-> OsString -> Int -> Maybe OsChar
forall a b. Coercible a b => a -> b
coerce PosixString -> Int -> Maybe PosixChar

-- | /O(1)/ 'OsString' index, starting from 0, that returns 'Just' if:
-- > 0 <= n < length bs
-- @since
(!?) :: OsString -> Int -> Maybe OsChar
!? :: OsString -> Int -> Maybe OsChar
(!?) = OsString -> Int -> Maybe OsChar

-- | /O(n)/ The 'elemIndex' function returns the index of the first
-- element in the given 'OsString' which is equal to the query
-- element, or 'Nothing' if there is no such element.
-- @since
elemIndex :: OsChar -> OsString -> Maybe Int
elemIndex :: OsChar -> OsString -> Maybe Int
elemIndex = (PosixChar -> PosixString -> Maybe Int)
-> OsChar -> OsString -> Maybe Int
forall a b. Coercible a b => a -> b
coerce PosixChar -> PosixString -> Maybe Int

-- | /O(n)/ The 'elemIndices' function extends 'elemIndex', by returning
-- the indices of all elements equal to the query element, in ascending order.
-- @since
elemIndices :: OsChar -> OsString -> [Int]
elemIndices :: OsChar -> OsString -> [Int]
elemIndices = (PosixChar -> PosixString -> [Int]) -> OsChar -> OsString -> [Int]
forall a b. Coercible a b => a -> b
coerce PosixChar -> PosixString -> [Int]

-- | count returns the number of times its argument appears in the OsString
-- @since
count :: OsChar -> OsString -> Int
count :: OsChar -> OsString -> Int
count = (PosixChar -> PosixString -> Int) -> OsChar -> OsString -> Int
forall a b. Coercible a b => a -> b
coerce PosixChar -> PosixString -> Int

-- | /O(n)/ The 'findIndex' function takes a predicate and a 'OsString' and
-- returns the index of the first element in the OsString
-- satisfying the predicate.
-- @since
findIndex :: (OsChar -> Bool) -> OsString -> Maybe Int
findIndex :: (OsChar -> Bool) -> OsString -> Maybe Int
findIndex = ((PosixChar -> Bool) -> PosixString -> Maybe Int)
-> (OsChar -> Bool) -> OsString -> Maybe Int
forall a b. Coercible a b => a -> b
coerce (PosixChar -> Bool) -> PosixString -> Maybe Int

-- | /O(n)/ The 'findIndices' function extends 'findIndex', by returning the
-- indices of all elements satisfying the predicate, in ascending order.
-- @since
findIndices :: (OsChar -> Bool) -> OsString -> [Int]
findIndices :: (OsChar -> Bool) -> OsString -> [Int]
findIndices = ((PosixChar -> Bool) -> PosixString -> [Int])
-> (OsChar -> Bool) -> OsString -> [Int]
forall a b. Coercible a b => a -> b
coerce (PosixChar -> Bool) -> PosixString -> [Int]